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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Glaceon Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:02 am

"It works for me, Sissy." It was probably going to take some getting used to, being called sis. But it wasn't anything that bad. Glacia looked towards Akira and Diren. "If you two want tea, you are more than welcome to come over and get some and chat a bit." She fixed her gaze on Diren. "I also want to take a look at your wings later, as well as the rest of your scars and burns. I might have some helpful remedies for them." Glacia closed her eyes. "Let's go sit down, sissy," Glacia murmurred to Soifa, in an almost sleepy voice, still quite high pitched though. "I need some tea, hopefully it should wake me up a bit more."
Glas Ghoblehht
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:04 am

She placed a hand over her mouth, looking down as she spoke once more to the cat. "I'd rather it if they didn't join, now...they're not too nice.." Soifa turned towards the blanket, a calm stride taking her towards the basket and tea. "...I don't think he wants his wing fixed. Just don't bother.."


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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Lynn17 Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:05 am

"I-I'm alright now..." Diren scoot off Akira's lap, his face still pink. He heard Glacia, and turned to Akira, still trying to hide himself with his wings. "...Why don't we join them...I would like some relief for my wing...I-It really hurts like heck...B-But um...." He stopped, looking down at himself. "...I need a change of clothing too...."
Gummy Sandworm
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Solegunther Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:10 am

Sole slowly looks from a distance to see if Val is anywhere nearby, he then slowly starts walking to the group, he stops at the two figures having a pic nic, looking down at them with a smile on his face, he gives a nice warm, "Hello," "How are you two doing today?"

Gummy Bear
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Silverakira Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:12 am

Akira looked to the shy incubus. She smiled at him as she stood up. "Sure we can join them, but don't be so shy about the scars, I already seen them all."
She chuckled to herself looking down at Diren as he blushed.
"I do hope you heal up quickly."
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:15 am

Soifa glances up slightly at Sole as she sits on the blanket. A few moments of staring, and she fishes out a stitched mask from her basket, placing it around the bottom half of her face, completely obscuring her mouth and nose. "..Hi. Can I help you?..."


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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Solegunther Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:18 am

"Just saying hi, is that so strange"? Sole pauses a bit thinking on what he should say next. "May I join you?" His cheerful smile could make anyone who didn't know him believe he is a nice and loving human being.
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Lynn17 Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:18 am

Diren nodded slightly, and tried to stand. "Ugh...Ow..." He remained seated, looking down at his right foot. "...G-Go ahead, I-I'll join you three....When I.....Figure out how to stand...." He mumbled that last bit, still seeming embarrassed, or shy as Akira put it. He glanced up, noticing Sole sitting on the blanket with Soifa and Glacia. "O-On second thought...."
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:20 am

The girl picks up a small teacup and lifts it under her mask, taking a long sip before lowering the cup and blinking at Sole with childish eyes. "..I was watching, you know. What happened..." Soifa leans over to pour herself some more tea, the teapot only fills the cup halfway, and the mara frowns under her mask. "..out of tea..I'll make more later..."


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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Solegunther Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:22 am

Mhm, Sole continued to smile, yup you watched me and Valerie fight, but I left because I didn't want to kill anybody, or hurt them too badly. Sole was now bent over with his hands on his knees, he seemed very happy, very calm, and not threatening at all.
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Silverakira Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:23 am

Akira kneeled down beside Diren giving him a hand to help him up.
"I'll stay with you." She looks to where they were sitting realizing Sole was there. She sighed to herself knowing that it wasn't good if Diren were to sit near him.
"What do you want to do then? Since It seems Sole is there." She turned back to face Diren.
Gummy Bear
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Solegunther Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:26 am

Sole looked up to realize Akira and Diren, "I will be right back, when I come back can I join you?" He looked to the little girl with soft eyes. "I would greatly appreciate it" He stood with his legs straight and walked over to Akira and Diren smoothly, without worry. He keeled down towards them and looked at Akira first, "Nice to see you again, how are you?"
Gummy Bear
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Glaceon Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:27 am

Glacia frowned at the no more tea. "I could make some more if you want...but it might...put them in alert." She pointed a paw towards the Incubus. "Bad experiences with them over there in the past. And I don't think making tea as a kitten would be easy." She turned her gaze to Sole, not believing him that much. "I really don't believe him that much. I think he tried to kill him quite the bit. He sure was giving his all out there." Glacia looked up a bit. "Then again, I guess that statement is only true if you've fought a lot as it is." She plopped down again, wrapping her tail around her wand as before.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Lynn17 Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:30 am

"Thanks....." Diren looked up at her, taking her hand and standing, slightly leaning on her. He winced, feeling his burns press against her when he leaned. "Ngh...And well...I would like to clean these burns, get some ointment, gets some bandages and...well...dressed*cough*...I have all that in my bag, and an extra tent so it won't bother Vally while he rests..." He said, his body trembling slightly from the pain in his wing. Before Sole walked over. "What are you doing here...?"

Last edited by Lynn17 on Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Silverakira Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:31 am

Akira gasps, looking to Sole. She wasn't expecting him to come near them.
"I'm fine... Um, how are you?.." She questioned looking back to Diren to make sure he was alright. She wasn't sure of what to do. Sole always seems to hurt Diren somehow, and she didn't want the incubus to get hurt more than he already was.
"I'll help you clean your burns if you need it?" She smiled to him.
Gummy Bear
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Guest Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:33 am

Soifa hums slightly as Sole goes to the other two. "How interesting...the disguise obviously works..maybe I'm good at this..Too good." She calmly sets up a small campfire and begins to boil some water, looking to the cat. The mara mumbles now, speaking low so only Glacia can hear. "I don't know his motives for being so..nice to us. Keep an eye out, hm? Can't be too careful...despite the fact I can and will wipe the floor with his human butt." A chuckle as the tea is close to finishing.


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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Solegunther Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:33 am

"I'm doing great actually, so what brings you here?" His smile was still on his face as if nothing had happened, as if he rewired his brain that he was such a caring person. Its a beautiful day. He looked to Diren "Just strolling, and how are you"
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Lynn17 Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:35 am

Diren stared at Sole, the look of hatred in his eyes. "Yeah it'll be nice to have help...Let's go Akira...I want to get away from this crazy idiot..." He whispered to her, actually attempting to put his arm around her protectively, glaring at Diren.

Last edited by Lynn17 on Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:38 am; edited 1 time in total
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Silverakira Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:37 am

"I was just wandering around boredly. I just found Val and Diren and decided to stop see what happend." She glared at Sole seeing through his "kind and caring" act. She turned back to Diren and smiled.
"Alright Diren, Where to?" She whispered back, letting him put his arm around her.
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Solegunther Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:39 am

Sole looked disappointing, "Wah..? Your leaving me like that? What did I ever do to you, I thought we were friends Akira...." Sole sighed and looked at the ground, a frown covered his happy face. He shook his head "Guess I should pick my friends better."
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Glaceon Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:42 am

The grip on the wand with Glacia's tail tightened a bit. She used a similar lower volume sound so only Soifa could hear. I'm one step ahead of you. Bolt Fusion shouldn't be too hard despite this form. Glacia had no experience using more advanced magics in her kitty form, but if she needed them, they were there. She proceeded to opening her bag, and pulled out some tea leaves, handing them to Soifa. "Use these." was all she said. "And remember to keep it unsweetened, please." Glacia smiled after this.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Silverakira Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:43 am

Akira looked to Sole, a sadden expression on her face. She felt bad about leaving him, but she felt she needed to help Diren first.
"Sorry Sole.." She mumbled quietly. "You just need to lay off hurting Diren.." She growled lowly.
Gummy Bear
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Lynn17 Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:45 am

"...C'mon..." Diren said, trying to lead Akira north east, away from everyone and towards an empty, far away spring that would give a bit of privacy. He limped a few inches each step. "Ugh...Ugh..." He'd breathe hard, trying to ignore the burn on his foot, and ankle. "Hnn..."
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Solegunther Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:46 am

"I felt that I needed to..." Sole's face became concerned on how this whole thing turned out. "He was going all demonic, you know when he wants to kill humans and stuff... and then he ran off, I couldn't catch him so I had to shoot a fire bolt at his feet.... The last time I talked to him he said that he had killed a whole village of people, when he started to fly I had to burn his wing... I couldn't let him get to the population...." "Then Val took it the wrong way, but that's why I left I didn't want to hurt anyone, not Val, not Diren."

Last edited by Solegunther on Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:47 am; edited 1 time in total
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Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))  - Page 5 Empty Re: Derpin' in Zardine (Archieve(?))

Post  Silverakira Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:47 am

She looked to Sole nodding before looking back to Diren and nodding, pulling Diren up a bit,so he didn't have to walk much. "I could try carrying you if you want?" She followed Diren, careful not to hurt him as she held onto him, gently allowing him to put most of his weight onto her.

Last edited by Silverakira on Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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