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Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Xeek Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:44 am

I felt I should request this character due to his unique characteristics. Dante is a tuathan ghost, while it is possible it's a very iffy subject. While I don't mind ghost characters I do see a problem with bringing back already played charactered. (Ex. A character that died during an RP) Dante is a completely different character. Before I post his powers (If I do), I figured he should be approved first. This approval also includes his two ghost horses, represented by my two black flamemares, and that his leg always turns into a peg leg when he is fighting while merching.

Name: Dante
Age: Looks 24
Appeareance: Dante has no specific features, his body is glowing white but he does have a human shape.
Likes: Trading.
Dislikes: Bandits.
Method of transportation: Wagon pulled by two black flame mares.
Body: Dante, like other ghost, is solid. He is not see through
Eating: While Dante doesn't need to eat, he oftens does take a few bites of something to keep his humanity, the food is absorbed into energy after being eated for a long time.

"Wow! Mom, Dad, I want to travel!" the young Dante said to his parents.
His parents were merchants, they were almost never home, but when they were they brought him all sort of strange items. "Oh?" They smiles kindly, they were poor, it's the only reason they picked such a job. "Are you sure you don't want to do anything better? I mean the teacher says you are a pretty good swordsman." The dad continued, knowing it was a lie.
"No no... fighting with swords is boring, the other kids let me win.. I want to see different cities!"
"How about you come with us on our next expedition?" The mom offered. The dad clearly didn't like the idea, but how can he say no to the child, his face was beaming with joy.
"I would love to!" He shouted with joy. Dante was a particular happy child considering he was missing a leg. That never seemed to stop him.
His parents smiled sadly, but briefly. "Well, pack your stuff?"
He ran up to his room. After a brief discussion, his father later joined him. "This sword.. it was passed down from generations of our family. One day, it'll be yours." He showed Dante the sword. Dante's face light up with joy, as he hopped to his father. He normally wore crutches or a fake wooden leg, which was really more of a peg leg, but he claimed they slowed him down.
Dante couldn't sleep that night, excited that tomorrow he could go with his parents. In the morning, he noticed his mom didn't get any luggage beside small amount of food. "Mom, where is my backpack?"
"Oh honey, you don't have to carry anything." She smiled.
"And yours? what will you carry? You usually have a lot more."
"I have to carry you silly."
He shook his head. "No no no, I want to carry something as well! Even if it's just a little."
His mom smiled sadly and sighed. She was too tired to argue. At the trading post they got him a small backpack, his mom getting one of her own. At the start, he wore his wooden leg. He noticed he was slowing down his parents, he removed his wooden leg. He hopped along to his parents with his small luggage.
"Honey, you shouldn't strain yourself that much..." the mom said. The dad didn't like it, but they had to deliver before the prices dropped if not they would lose their already small house.
"I got I got I got." He kept saying, even after ever fall. Evantually he took his mothers hand and hopped along side her. The route was from Dunbarton to bangor, the sandy area of bangor was a challenge for him, but he still managed.
After a harsh day, he got home. They had made a little extra money due to his luggage, so they were able to hire a ride back. He smiled, he loved traveling.
The next day, when his parents left he put on his wooden leg, determined to be able to walk faster with it. He didn't go to school, he spend all day training with his leg, learning how to walk faster. Finally, one month later the teached passed by his house when his parents were there, luckily since they were never there. She explained to the parents he missed school for a month, and she was concern. When his parents confronted him about it, he showed them why. He could nearly run with a peg leg. "I want to quit school and be a merchant!"
His parents sighed. They needed the money, and he wouldn't slow them down. They hands were tied in this situation, he was growing he needed more food, and they were getting old. "Alright..." the dad said. "I am sorry for the trouble Miss Bucalirn." The dad said when he returned to the teacher.
"Oh.. it's fine... we can enform him to go if you want?" She smiles.
"No no no... he'll be coming with us."
"Oh.... alright. Tell him I said goodbye then." She smiled and thought nothing of it, she didn't really care, less hassle for her. She was just ordered to go check on him. She left the house. The next day he was up in the morning, though, both his parents were ill. The stress was finally getting to them. They would have to be hungry for that day.
"Mom! Dad! I got an idea, let me go alone."
"Honey no... it's too dangerous.." Said the mom followed by a cough.
"You are only'll be fine, we can go tomorrow." Continued the dad.
"No no no no! I can do it, I can run! Let me retry." He insited.
"No mean no Dante, now go to school for today..."
He nodded his head, on the way back to get ready to school, he noticed a small bag of ducats and of gold. He grabbed them and headed outside, he had money now.. he can do it alone. He had to do alone. While walking around Dunbarton looking for the outpost, he took a wrong turn and found the tunnel. He found it curious and approached it, as he touched it, he teleported to Tir.
"Woah!" He looked around shocked, but saw the outpost. He ran happily with his peg leg. He looked up at the goblin all shocked and surprised. "I would like to buy stuff!"
The goblin looked at him, showing him the charts. As he glanced it over, the goblin went and changed the prices in one of the things. He didn't know math so he just handed the goblin the money. "I'll take everything I can."
"Here you go." Figuring he was a millitean, since many had a complex he didn't bother trying to scam him.
"Uhh... where is this city?" He pointed to Tara, the profit from Tir to Tara was large.
The Goblin didn't have for him, so he just ignored him.
"Hello there, are you heading to Tara?" A stranger spoke.
"Uhhh uh huh!" He nodded. "I need to go there."
"Well, I am heading there, want to come with?" The stranger was a kind woman with beautiful blond hair and blue eyes, "My group and I are heading there."
"Oh! Sure, how much do I have to pay? Because I have no money."
"Oh.. nothing" She smiled. "We can go as a group, it's safer, come on, or we'll miss the..." She noticed the wooden leg. "Ohh... we can go slower for you if you want."
He shakes his head. "No no. I can go quick."
She smiled at his determination. "Lets go then, the moon patterns indicate it'll be going to dunbarton next. If we make it to Tara quickly, we can take it back to Dunbarton and head back here."
"Oh oh oh! I live there!" He smiled. Everyone going along with the girl picked up their carts. "Ohh... those are neat."
They headed off, he was having a bit of trouble catching up, but they waited for him. After a while they stopped for a campfire, he wondered about his parents. It was getting dark, they evantually reached Tara. When he saw how much money he got, he almost fainted, granted it wasn't a lot, but it was more than he even seen before. Definantly more than his parents made.
"Hmm.... Hey, kid come over here." The kind woman called him over. "The group and I put a bit of gold together, we got you a cart ticket."
His eyes widen. "Oh! Thank you.. but.. I don't know if I can pay you back... I really need the money for my parents. I think they are really sick."
"It's a gift, and I am a healer, so I can with you to make sure they are okay." SHe smiled. He nodded, why were they so nice, was it because of his leg? They had arrived too slow, they missed the tunnel.
"Awwh... now we have to walk back right?" Dante said, he figured his parents would be worried.
"Ohh... hmm... you guys go ahead." She said to her group. She whistled, a very beautiful giant bird arrived. It was a thunder bird. "Come on..." She giggled and got on her thunder bird. "Get on." She held her hand out to help him out. THe bird took off, he held on to her tightly, being scared of heights.
"Hold on." She laughed as the bird flew through Tail, abb neagh, and evantually got to Dunbarton area, and landed. He was quiet the whole ride.
"Thank you..." he sniffled, he was crying.
"Hm?" She turned back at him. "what's wrong.."
"Thank you so much... I really owe you."
She smiled, she was glad to help a young boy, specially with his determination. "Think nothing of it, I just hope one day you do the same for someone else."
He nodded, when they finally got to his house, his parents were talking with a guard outside the house, giving his description. The mom saw him and ran at him, she seemed a bit ill, but not as bad as before.
"Dante! You are okay!" The mom hugged him tightly. "Don't you scare us like that."
The dad ran up to him as well. Before he could say anything Dante reached into his pocket. "Look Mommy...Daddy.. I made money."
They looked at him, and at each other. "Oh..."
"Excuse me, this was my fault, I didn't know he wasn't allowed to come, I just saw him in Tir." She apologies.
"She helped me make money, and got me this." He shows the cart ticket.
"Oh but honey... we can't afford that."
"No no.. it's free of charge, please also allow me to take care of you, I am a healer. It's all free." THe lady said.
"She is a nice lady." Dante smiled. The parents, speechless, agreed. After a while of her checking them she determined they were sick from malnutrition. They had to eat, luckily thanks to Dante, they now could eat better, in just one run. He felt very over joyed.
"Thank you so much! I will owe you forever!" he said to the lady as she left.
"Just remember, you should be nice to everyone who needs it." She waved as she left. He returned to his parents, who were in the kitchen, eating, they had a lot of food. "Dante... I am proud of you..." The dad said. He had the claymore in hand. "This is officially yours..." He handed him the claymore.
"It's no problem mommy, daddy. You always take good care of me, so it's now my turn to return the favor." He took the claymore.
The family became a family of merchants. As the years passed, Dante's parents evantually stopped trading, they were getting really sick, and evantually died. Dante kept the family tradition for years after. He now didn't have to run, he has his wagon with two strong horses. Dante now a grown man. One day, while trading between Bangor and Tara, while going through Sen Mag while passing through Peaca, he was ambushed. They were very strong bandits, he was strong as well, but his peg leg was a huge disadvantage. His wooden leg was hit, he was knocked down and killed. His horses along with him. The bandits gloated, all the money they took, they were going to be rich. Though, something strange happen, Peaca dungeon emitted a weird energy. Dante was back, but as a ghost. He examined his surroundings, next to him where his two horses in the form of flamemares.
He saw the bandits walking away with all his hard earned profits. Out of anger, the teleported to them, slashing them repeatedly, he had used final hit. The bandits where little match to him with both his legs, even if he was a spirit. He was more agile, stronger, and faster. When the bandits where defeated, he didn't know what to do. He saw his body, and those of the horses. "Ahhh..." He had changed a lot from when he was a kid, he was no calmer. He smiled, looking at his body. He removed the corse of his horses from the wagon, and went to tie his two flamemares. He reclaimed his earning and headed off.
He saw more bandits hiding, they feared him. He grinned and went to take advantage of his new leg, he was giving a second chance at life, he decided to take it. But as the bandits appeared, his horses vanished. And his leg was once again a peg leg, even as a ghost he had to deal with the handicap.
"Ahh... so I will die after all.." He figured he was only given a few more moments of life. He defeated the new batch of bandits, expecting to fade and finally die, his leg was restored, and his horses came back.
"What is this.. calling..." He went back on the wagon, and continued his journey trading between cities.

Last edited by Xeek on Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:09 am; edited 2 times in total

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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Re: Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Xeek Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:56 am

Bump. New Bio and a quick version on the top.

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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Re: Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Auramune Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:10 am

That was really well written and enjoyable. :O!

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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Re: Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Adhamh Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:51 am

=_= Xeek, I don't think it requires a bump if it's only been up for about 8 hours or so, especially since those 8 hours were from 2am EST to 10am EST on a weekday. e_e
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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Re: Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Temo Fri Nov 04, 2011 8:58 am

Baw, he's excited. Let him have his fun. xD
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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Re: Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Mithos Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:25 am

As much as I would like to see this become a reality, I cannot approve. Simply because Tuathan ghosts have little to no power on physical things. And they cannot be seen. Take Shayla in Mores' RP for example : Mores cannot see her, and she can only heal the old man with really low level healings. She also can only hit for 1s to 5s on Kobolds. You could argue that's because she was just weak beforehand... But really... Even kid Andras or Ruwai were WAY stronger than that. She also can't survive much of a combo... So... If you want to be a floating bag of items that can be dismissed with a waving of the hand and that can poke people randomly... Then sure.

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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Re: Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Xeek Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:01 am

Adhamh wrote:=_= Xeek, I don't think it requires a bump if it's only been up for about 8 hours or so, especially since those 8 hours were from 2am EST to 10am EST on a weekday. e_e

Actually.. the bump was for the remake.

@Temo: Yes I am *_*

@Mithos: I will argue because she is weak. If you see Ilsa, she is VERY weak, and she is alive.
Now, about Ghost, There is something weird about that RP, I think Mores is dead as well, but I am not sure. But she did affect the surroundings.
Now, lets look at every other ghost.
Partholon and Peaca ghost. They are both clearly solid and standing. And the family of ghost that lives in Emain.

Sooo, as you can see ghost ARE visible, and they can definantly damage high.

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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Re: Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Adhamh Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:08 am

Xeek, ghosts -aren't- solid. If they were, they'd be zombies with minds or something. Ghosts are translucent or sometimes not visible at all(like SheilaShaylaShakirawhateverhernameis).

Near the bottom of this page, we discussed ghosts:
Cromm Crunch
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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Re: Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Auramune Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:14 am

There are several types of ghosts in Mabi. The way I figure, friendly ghosts take on a more of an ethereal form(Shaylaorwhatever, family of ghosts in emain) and the fighting ones/one that died in battle/agressive type spirits seem to take on monster-more-solid-type-forms(peaca ghosts, library ghosts).

Both of these exist, and we've yet to discern why one is one way and the other is another. But who's to say that the spirits of the people who died in the war didn't also become peaca ghosts, which have a physical enough form to allow us to attack them.

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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Re: Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Xeek Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:20 am

Adhamh wrote:Xeek, ghosts -aren't- solid. If they were, they'd be zombies with minds or something. Ghosts are translucent or sometimes not visible at all(like SheilaShaylaShakirawhateverhernameis).

Near the bottom of this page, we discussed ghosts:

Not only do I not see any set conclusion, but the only FACT given was also stated above by Mithos. About Shiela.
Which can easily be countered by the Halloween event ghost.

Sen mag was a place of war between Fomors and Partholon, it's hard to tell which are the ghost. But I can argue that they are deformed due to all the negative energy, causing them to be the same. Or even the fact that they are just NPCs and nexon didn't feel like making a unique look for them.
As you can see imp NPCs and Imps have different looks.
Same for Goblins (with the exception of Goro and the other one.)

The only thing that states ghost are invisible is Shiela, nothing else.

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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Re: Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Adhamh Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:21 am

Well then if he was a fighting/agressive type dude, wouldn't he return as:
Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Ghost10

or even better, like this Very Happy :

Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Little10

Last edited by Adhamh on Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:24 am; edited 1 time in total
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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Re: Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Xeek Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:23 am

Adhamh wrote:Well then if he was a fighting/agressive type dude, wouldn't he return as:
Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Ghost10

We can't even say for sure these are Tuathan ghost.
Partholons died a violent death as well. And they look pretty humanoid. We aren't sure what happened back there.

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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Re: Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Xeek Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:31 am


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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Re: Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Adhamh Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:34 am

Xeek wrote:
Adhamh wrote:Xeek, ghosts -aren't- solid. If they were, they'd be zombies with minds or something. Ghosts are translucent or sometimes not visible at all(like SheilaShaylaShakirawhateverhernameis).

Near the bottom of this page, we discussed ghosts:

Not only do I not see any set conclusion, but the only FACT given was also stated above by Mithos. About Shiela.
Which can easily be countered by the Halloween event ghost.

Sen mag was a place of war between Fomors and Partholon, it's hard to tell which are the ghost. But I can argue that they are deformed due to all the negative energy, causing them to be the same. Or even the fact that they are just NPCs and nexon didn't feel like making a unique look for them.
As you can see imp NPCs and Imps have different looks.
Same for Goblins (with the exception of Goro and the other one.)

The only thing that states ghost are invisible is Shiela, nothing else.
Xeek, you need to stop being a hypocrite. :/ The other day I remember mentioning that we tend to base things on facts given to us by the game and whatnot, you argued against that to try to make yourself in the right. NOW, you're basing what you say off fact just because it's convenient to you? Really?

Most of the "facts" we have are mere speculation.

Definition on speculation- "NOUN:
Contemplation or consideration of a subject; meditation.
A conclusion, opinion, or theory reached by conjecture.
Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition."

There's also a thing called "analysis", we here analyze what we're given and provide plausible conclusions(this is pretty much what science is, no?), from OUR analyses, we determined what was in that link I gave earlier.

As to the invisibility thing, I said translucent OR invisible. Ghost AREN'T solid, you may be able to see what they look like, but they'll be see-through.
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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Re: Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Xeek Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:51 am

Xeek, you need to stop being a hypocrite. :/ The other day I remember mentioning that we tend to base things on facts given to us by the game and whatnot, you argued against that to try to make yourself in the right. NOW, you're basing what you say off fact just because it's convenient to you? Really?

THe facts ARE given to us in-game. The only fact supporting ghost are invisible is Shiela. The other facts supporting ghost are visible is all the other ghost NPCs/Mobs we have. WHich are given off the game.\

Most of the "facts" we have are mere speculation.

Definition on speculation- "NOUN:
Contemplation or consideration of a subject; meditation.
A conclusion, opinion, or theory reached by conjecture.
Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition
Okay, I will change it for you. I have more reason to believe ghost are visible than you have reason saying they are not.

There's also a thing called "analysis", we here analyze what we're given and provide plausible conclusions(this is pretty much what science is, no?), from OUR analyses, we determined what was in that link I gave earlier.
Plausible is not what you or I consider plausible. If you go to Peaca the ghost punching you in the face are enough proof. Or in Ghost of Partholon. They are pretty solid to me.

Definition: Solid
Adj: having three dimensions (length,breadth,andthickness),as a geometrical body or figure.

As to the invisibility thing, I said translucent OR invisible. Ghost AREN'T solid, you may be able to see what they look like, but they'll be see-through.

"Appeareance: Dante has no specific features, his body is glowing white but he does have a human shape."
I am only speaking for the invisible part. Glass is solid.

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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Re: Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Teoxihuitl Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:54 am

I have to agree with Xeek for the most part.

We have had the Halloween event ghosts, and the peaca ghosts are strong.

Are you asking for a hybrid of the two?
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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Re: Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Xeek Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:58 am

Teoxihuitl wrote:I have to agree with Xeek for the most part.

We have had the Halloween event ghosts, and the peaca ghosts are strong.

Are you asking for a hybrid of the two?

Pretty much, he'll mainly feel like a partholon ghost. He can't hax teleport or anything like that, he just has melee skillz.

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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Re: Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Mithos Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:08 am

So... I'll ask you now. If he re-dies (Pretty much how we kill a Zombie and/or Peaca Ghost), will he come back? In most games I've played (And since I can't think and/or remember anything about it in Mabi), killing an undead is simply damaging the energy that keeps it together. Without that energy to sustain him, would he finally have his rest? I could understand if you say that if he was killed in Peaca, he could come back, but if it happened in say, Tir, where there isn't enough of that "Negative" energy to permit ghosts to be trapped in Erinn, what would happen?

Or do you propose something completely different?

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Approval required.  Dante The Ghost Merchant. Empty Re: Approval required. Dante The Ghost Merchant.

Post  Xeek Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:20 am

Mithos wrote:So... I'll ask you now. If he re-dies (Pretty much how we kill a Zombie and/or Peaca Ghost), will he come back? In most games I've played (And since I can't think and/or remember anything about it in Mabi), killing an undead is simply damaging the energy that keeps it together. Without that energy to sustain him, would he finally have his rest? I could understand if you say that if he was killed in Peaca, he could come back, but if it happened in say, Tir, where there isn't enough of that "Negative" energy to permit ghosts to be trapped in Erinn, what would happen?
Or do you propose something completely different?

I thought I put that. Well, ironic enough, he is the only character of mine that can "die". If he is killed he'll be gone. Note: I am not counting knock out as killed.

The bolded part made me really sad.
One day, while trading between Bangor and Tara, while going through Sen Mag while passing through Peaca, he was ambushed. They were very strong bandits, he was strong as well, but his peg leg was a huge disadvantage. His wooden leg was hit, he was knocked down and killed. His horses along with him.

And, you don't have to be in a high energy place to be a ghost. Ex. Dunbarton library.

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Post  Vayne Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:37 am

I have mixed feelings about this. Am I okay with a ghost? Heck yes. Am I okay with a ghost being able to be seen? Heck yes. I'm an avid believer in ghosts, and the 'normal' ghost like Shiela could very well be visible under some circumstances, or just in general.

However, do I think that the ghost would have the physical strength to tug along a cart, or carry a backpack of goods? No. A ghost is Matter, and not of a physical sort. Could a spirit interfere with the world around it? Cause trouble? Move things? Sure, with effort. Could it lift several hundred pounds in goods? No. I suppose I would be okay with it, if not for the degree that he can tote things around..just because it doesn't seem feasible to me. If he were a vengeful spirit like a Peaca ghost, then sure. But...he's a merchant. So for now, I'll withold my approval.

I'll give my approval if you can give me a feasible explanation of the driving force behind his -will- to have a physical existence.
IE: Vengeful, spiteful, angry and envious Peaca ghosts want to hurt others because of their state.

What is Dante's motivation, sans getting rich?

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Post  Auramune Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:42 am

Xeek wrote:This approval also includes his two ghost horses, represented by my two black flamemares. (lots of stuff) He removed the corse of his horses from the wagon, and went to tie his two flamemares.

He's not actually carrying it himself. He has a wagon, which requires no physical effort on the driver's part. Xeek has 2 flame horse pets, as well as being able to use a wagon on commerce system. The horses have representation for what he's asking for the wagon as well.

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Post  Mithos Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:45 am

Xeek, why must you often take what I say in the wrong way? I appologize if my wording wasn't clear enough, but normally, a single paragraph sustains the same idea all the way through (Ie. Re-dying). In the bolded part, I was still talking about re-dying. My question was : If he re-died near Peaca, would he be able to come back? But since you've answered he couldn't ; it's fine.

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Post  Veleth Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:55 am

The game is one realm of thinking. If we stick by what the game provides then many things that have been approved would have to be recalled. The question becomes where do you draw the line? If you want people to approve it solely on what the game has provided, Xeek, then you would deny them their own viewpoints. Personally I feel that you are trying to negate people's disapproval of it by using the game as evidence. If material outside the game can be used to approve a power, it can also be used to disallow it.

I see no reason why Xeek's character cannot be a ghost. If he wishes to be an aggressive/fighter ghost then he would be treated in the same manner as ghosts are of the same kind. If his character is to be a passive ghost then his interactions with others is severely hampered. A traveling companion, perhaps. A stout warrior, undoubtably no.

As far as the reasoning for ghosts in the game, there is no singular explanation. Mores was not dead during Sheila's RP. He died at the hands of Cichol in Another World. Those who did G1 witnessed his demise. Were he dead, given the information at the time, he would not have been able to interact with the player in the manner he did. I would deem that a conclusion would need to be drawn, first, on what the definition of a Mabinogian ghost is and in what forms they exist.
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Post  Vayne Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:10 pm

Ghost horses. As in, like him. Ethereal. So, still. What drive do they have? This is even worse, they are animals. A ghost pulling a cart doesn't circumnvent the issue of a ghost having trouble pulling and moving heavy objects! DX

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Post  Xeek Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:18 pm

@Vayne. Pretty much what Aura said. And the fact ghost are very powerful in Mabinogi.
As for the other part, you are involving too much real world/religion into this. Unless the ghost in Mabi only care about revenge, they have no reason.
And his reason would to do what he couldn't do before, to be rich and to return the favor to the blond girl.

@Mithos. I misread what you put. Since I figured since he is a ghost he would die like other ghost.
Yes, but if he re-dies he can not come back.

@Galin's first part. I am not completely sure what you mean by this, can you elaborate in a PM?

@Vayne part2: They are no different than your black flamemare. You know.. the ones you can mount and they fight for you....

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