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Hanoko, Goblin merchant Leader

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Hanoko, Goblin merchant Leader Empty Hanoko, Goblin merchant Leader

Post  TWWolfe Fri Jan 27, 2012 7:42 pm

((So, I still have two dungeon RP's to get out of the way, But I've got this nice Bio all ready and everything, So...))

PC: TWWolfe
Name: Hanoko
Age: 29
Birth Race: Fomor - Goblin
Game Race: Goblin
Family: Parents work with the merchant caravans
Hobbies: Politics, planning and organizing, mercantile work,
Weapon of Choice: Hire people to use their weapons for him
Hair Color: Greenish-gold, with gray strands starting to come through.
Eye Color: gray
Height: 4'8
Weight: 135 lbs

Personality: Cold, stand-offish, calculating. Slow to speak, prefering to weigh his words before voicing them, and wary of most people not associated with Belvast or the trading caravans. A staunch

Born in Belvast during the middle of the time when it was under Pirate Control, Hanoko was the child of two goblins who had served in position of accountants and record-keepers for the pirates. Like many of the residents, they had stated that they were only doing work for the pirates to make money off of them, much like Mont. Thus, they came to serve much the same purpose in the New Belvast, who carried over from the old owners.

Growing up in Belvast, Hanoko inevitably took after the merchant trade, Increasing his own power and influence by taking money and spending it wisely on investments, buying caravans and hiring down on thier luck merchants as his own, until he eventually had a rather substantial number of people working under him, either as guards, money-lenders or wagon drivers. Using this substantial base as a springboard, Hanoko began to move around the upper circles of Belvast, garnering favors and support from other influential people, finding things he could assist them with until he was chosen as the representative of Belvast to sit on the Leaders Council.

Hanoko affects many of the mannerism's of human nobility, powdering and primping, their dress and speech. He finds that some times, this causes people unfamiliar with him to underestimate him, treating him as one would a child playing at being king rather than a fomor most of them might have reason to fear. Otherwise, he tends to wear concealing clothes that hide his features when he is not with the trading caravans, since a goblin not with the caravans is still an uncommon sight in almost all of Errin.

Hanoko is concerned first and foremost with two things. First, the advancement of the causes of his native Belvast. He feels that since he represents her, he should do what he thinks is best for his city as a whole. The markets and ships of Belvast cater to everyone, so if he advances the cause of Belvast, he advances the cause of everyone.

Secondly, he will advance his own agenda. He has substantial influence, and is perfectly willing to hire others to do work for him rather than do things himself. However, he balances a desire for more power and influence with the knowledge that a man(or goblin) with too much power will be viewed with suspicion and carefully watched, so he does his best to obtain power by having people give it to him out of trust or gratitude, rather than taking it or buying it. He will be slow to give his word, wary of making too many promises and breaking some, but if he makes a promise he will do his utmost to keep it.

Last edited by TWWolfe on Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:34 am; edited 1 time in total
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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Age : 34
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Hanoko, Goblin merchant Leader Empty Re: Hanoko, Goblin merchant Leader

Post  Temo Sat Jan 28, 2012 6:24 am

I swear, I keep reading his name as Honeko and doing a double take...

Anyway, from what I can tell, the only problem I have with this is the age his age. For someone being born in Belvast not long after the pirate exodus, I personally feel he's way too old. Tuathans don't age as fast as Milletians, and especially not within weeks. On top of that, I'm not sure, but even for a Milletian, it hasn't been 41 weeks since Belvast was liberated, has it? I mean, I don't know the exact date Owens captured it, or the date that G15 hit to express that, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't 41 weeks. O_o

That single kink makes the rest of the bio chronologically illogical to me, but if that can be fixed, I'd say this is a good candidate - just take caution that his history/bio doesn't bring him into the field as a major character, seeing as he's supposed to stay an NPC. Because seems like he has the ambition n' drive to do so, as well as the ability if accepted as a City Leader. As for being accepted as a CL though...I have no idea how that works, I'm new in the department, and still trying to figure out the status of Cobh. Pretty sure Hanoko will be up for discussion today though. xD
Burrito Bison

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Hanoko, Goblin merchant Leader Empty Re: Hanoko, Goblin merchant Leader

Post  TWWolfe Sat Jan 28, 2012 7:29 am

Temo wrote:I swear, I keep reading his name as Honeko and doing a double take...

Anyway, from what I can tell, the only problem I have with this is the age his age. For someone being born in Belvast not long after the pirate exodus, I personally feel he's way too old. Tuathans don't age as fast as Milletians, and especially not within weeks. On top of that, I'm not sure, but even for a Milletian, it hasn't been 41 weeks since Belvast was liberated, has it? I mean, I don't know the exact date Owens captured it, or the date that G15 hit to express that, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't 41 weeks. O_o

That single kink makes the rest of the bio chronologically illogical to me, but if that can be fixed, I'd say this is a good candidate - just take caution that his history/bio doesn't bring him into the field as a major character, seeing as he's supposed to stay an NPC. Because seems like he has the ambition n' drive to do so, as well as the ability if accepted as a City Leader. As for being accepted as a CL though...I have no idea how that works, I'm new in the department, and still trying to figure out the status of Cobh. Pretty sure Hanoko will be up for discussion today though. xD

Blargh, misread the wiki.

"Fifty years ago, Belvast Island was populated by a band of pirates, who kidnapped children and enslaved them.

Thought it meant it was taken 50 years ago, not that that was simply how it was 50 years ago. age changing time!

Edit: did some checking, its been about 12 years since Belvast was liberated, So i changed it so he was born during the time when it was occupied,
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

Posts : 430
Join date : 2009-09-08
Age : 34
Location : Martinsburg, W.V.

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