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Prospector team required

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Prospector team required Empty Prospector team required

Post  Khunvyel Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:06 am

This message is tacked on every city board in Uladh by a courier who started in his home town Bangor, proceeded second to Tara through the Moongate and then went through the other towns in a random order. The header of the message bears a neat monochrome drawing of the city-seal of Bangor, above it is printed in thick letters "Prospector Team required", and below stands the following text in tidy handwriting with some minor but emphasising curves on some letters:

Dear citizens,

On behalf of Bangor, which I have the privilege to administer, I ask for professional assistance to evaluate the well-being of the livelihood the city is depending on. I would need these prospectors to test the mineral richness of the mine in Bangor itself as well as probing the surrounding areas for possible deposits. I ask any interested individuals or teams to send me a notification so I can schedule appointments for an interview, which will be held in my office in Bangor. Further details including your payment will be given at this meeting.

Bringing along official gratifications, recorded successes or otherwise documented qualifications of your ability as prospector will be much appreciated.

I want to know if the city I watch over will continue to have enough resources to make a living, of if we have to search for alternatives in time. Despite the Fomor attacks in times past, Bangor still held steady, and I would be saddened to see it wither and die under my watch.

For the continuity of this beloved city I remain,

      Dhinesbeth Valnuuhr
      Head of Bangor Administration

The following is a letter delivered to the Tara council:


Last edited by Khunvyel on Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:50 am; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 467
Join date : 2013-02-11

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Prospector team required Empty Re: Prospector team required

Post  Kenelm Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:52 am

A response is sent via owl regarding the public bulletin

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Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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Prospector team required Empty Re: Prospector team required

Post  Khunvyel Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:45 am

The notes continue to stick on the boards.
Kenelm receives an owl;


Posts : 467
Join date : 2013-02-11

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Prospector team required Empty Re: Prospector team required

Post  Kenelm Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:32 pm

After reading the reply, Kenelm pens a response and sends it off.


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Join date : 2008-06-24
Age : 36
Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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Prospector team required Empty Re: Prospector team required

Post  Khunvyel Mon Jul 01, 2013 1:36 pm

She nods slowly after reading the letter, and grabs a paper for another response.


The owl flaps away through the open window, doing her magic job, as the courier steps in. The young male speaks with a hint of excitement in his voice;
"Is it about the ore survey? Do we get a team that quick?"
She nods and gives him half a smile while she is sifting through other documents.
"Should I remove the notes from the bulletins?", the courier asks. Dhinesbeth leans back in her chair and slowly shakes her head.
"No, keep them there. This is only one team fore hire so far. I want to fetch more opinions and data. Relying on a single source of information alone is not sufficient."
"Alright, Miss..." mumbles the young man, dampened in his enthusiasm, and trots out.

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Join date : 2013-02-11

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Prospector team required Empty Re: Prospector team required

Post  Kenelm Mon Jul 01, 2013 7:57 pm

Once having read the latest response, Kenelm goes about furthering the correspondence.


Three hours prior to receiving the reply, the promised report copies detailing the resources and relative safety of Barri mine arrive via a CTG courier, who had been seen exiting the aforementioned mine.

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Age : 36
Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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Prospector team required Empty Re: Prospector team required

Post  Khunvyel Tue Jul 02, 2013 10:23 am

(( Lughnasadh is thursday, I think I can make time there for an ingame meeting.
What about the show though? Sounds like that is an established IC thing that was around since before my time? Very Happy))

As the reports come in, she reads them first in solitude, and then calls for a few of the experienced workers in Bangor to go over the reports with her again. She tells them that there will be at least another survey conducted, so despite how good and accurate the report is, better be safe than sorry. She also asks them to be quiet about this for now. Once people know about "competition" they might falsify the data or be sloppy in their tests because they think "first response is best response". This is also what she tells the courier who resides close to her office due to his duty, who made an educated guess about the file that was coming in by person, not by owl.
As the owl comes by, she is still talking to the workers, so she reads it a bit belated, before sitting down to write an answer after the workers left her office.


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Prospector team required Empty Re: Prospector team required

Post  Glaceon Wed Jul 03, 2013 8:11 pm

A robed woman leaves two giant hammers and a pouch full of ore, with detailed ore-quality information attached to the pouch. Attached to one of the hammers is a note.

Mines look fine, ore looks good. Few monsters, nothing too bad.

The note was signed with a sword and rose in an X-shaped cross. No name was given. The woman had left as quickly as she had delivered the items.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Prospector team required Empty Re: Prospector team required

Post  Kenelm Thu Jul 04, 2013 3:44 pm

// I should have replied earlier to this with an available window. Sorry about not doing that. I'm usually on between 15:00 and 06:00 UTC.

// The shows haven't really been given any public mention, since there are no actual characters to run them. They're simply "events" to provide entertainment and raise funds which go directly to charities, like the Erinn Cross.

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Age : 36
Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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Prospector team required Empty Re: Prospector team required

Post  Kenelm Sun Sep 15, 2013 10:00 pm


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Age : 36
Location : Dallas-Fort Worth metro, Texas, United States, GMT-6

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