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Growth of RPS's Spirit Weapon

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Growth of RPS's Spirit Weapon - Page 4 Empty Re: Growth of RPS's Spirit Weapon

Post  Temo Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:30 am

New Journal

Entry 3

Haven't found Kurohi yet (nobody I asked knew her either), but see plenty of what she wanted to show, I think. I do not think I have ever sensed Gleipnir this happy before. Fomors and Humans live here in Belvast. Together. There is no war, no fighting, or reason for them to do so against each other. For a while, I couldn't understand it. Was strange - something I believed in for so long, and when finally seeing it, several people said I was going to break trying to understand.

Didn't get a chance, thankfully. Someone else did. When going to get tea with the people worried I would break, Bart did. He came with, least I thought it was Bart at first. His student named Adir said it was someone else. We spoke with him after others were scared away by seeing him poisoned by the tea. Tied him up, took him behind the bank. Gleipnir spoke up to tell me how to interrogate people. Seemed to be having fun with it. Don't understand why, but it got answers. Man did something to Bart and then disguised as him. When asking later, he said it was revenge. From another world they were in. Also said that Bart was in Sidhe somewhere. Left Adir to go find him, since there were other things I had to do too. Still needed to find Kurohi. Wrote Sister while in Belvast and learned she was staying there. Been a long time since seeing her and Brother, and I remembered things, so thought about talking.

Entry 4

Again met the people I met the first day in Belvast. A married couple - Allen and Loosey Darkstone Darksnow. Very nice, but Loosey is very clumsy. But nice. They helped me find the graveyard when I wanted to say thankyou for people who died for Belvast. Talked with them for a while. Learned that Allen liked history and wanted to hear things I knew about it. Things that weren't written in books.

Didn't remember everything, but told him a story about a Fomor. Or parts I still knew about him and the Twilight War. When finished, Allen asked if I knew somebody named Gatemo. Told him no - sounded like a name I heard from a sailor. Said I'd help him look. Already trying to find Bart, so could help with this too, yes.

Find a way to Sidhe to look for Bart.
Find Gatemo.

Learned that Brother and Sister divorced from Brother. And that he was marrying another dragon. Looked very familiar too. Learned later from Sister that it was a...relative. Won't break myself trying to understand again. Took much thinking from both of us and still was difficult. Children grew up again. Two girls - Eve and Anala. Remembered Anala - Sister says I met Eve when a she was baby too; but can't remember. Both look much like their mother.

Brother and Sister are...stranger lately. Stranger than I remember. Something is wrong. I want to help; but both think in ways that are hard for me to understand.

Staying with Sister, Eve, and Anala right now. Or when in Belvast until I can buy my own house. Like it here, and Gleipnir is happy. Asgarrd is no longer home, so this could work. But all houses are paid for with ducats...

Entry 5

Kurohi found me today. Strange woman. Asked me many questions I didn't know answers to, and then smiled when she stopped. It was an odd smile. Something like Brother sometimes gives me, but different somehow. Learned she was staying in Belvast too though - Fomor's district, so I think she was one too. Very strange - did not look like one. She told me much about Belvast though.

- Governed by a man named Admiral Owen.
- Fomors came after - outcasts from Fomors and Humans. (Said some were from something called Requiem too. Familiar name, need to research history more.)
- Fomors were accepted in Belvast. Given chance to live peacefully.
- Owen is working to help Fomors be accepted in other continents too. Trade routes in Uldah are open for it.

Kurohi also said she was aiming to start a trading guild, or at least a company. Told me I should join and help if I wanted to earn ducats fast. I do want to earn ducats fast. Sister was nice to let me stay with her and daughters, but I need my own home. Afraid the girls may touch Gleipnir, and he's still angry.

Met Brother at the harbor before buying things for trade. And the new Sister. And Mr. and Mrs. Darksnow, and...odd strangers that seemed to be friends. Brother asked to talk to me in private. About Sister Mariella and the girls. Explained things so I understood why things are so strange, but still unsure why I was told now. Something that was hidden for a long time. Still, many things are understood now; but there are still things I must know before knowing what to do.

-Confirm Eve being used for alchemy.
-Learn more about Noitar Arat.
Learn what's changed.
Remember to speak with Brother when finished. He will know why.

(Or anyone else.)
Burrito Bison

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Growth of RPS's Spirit Weapon - Page 4 Empty Re: Growth of RPS's Spirit Weapon

Post  Auramune Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:34 am

< <Aura: *touches Gleipnir* Twisted Evil >>

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Growth of RPS's Spirit Weapon - Page 4 Empty Re: Growth of RPS's Spirit Weapon

Post  Temo Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:38 am

[[And then Aura was burned to ash. >: ]]

[[Gleipnir: *Cranky* =^= ]]
Burrito Bison

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Growth of RPS's Spirit Weapon - Page 4 Empty Re: Growth of RPS's Spirit Weapon

Post  Auramune Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:53 am

<<It's ok. She comes back =3! And then she'd throw him in to a volcano!>>

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Growth of RPS's Spirit Weapon - Page 4 Empty Re: Growth of RPS's Spirit Weapon

Post  Temo Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:58 am

[[Gleipnir: *Will TOTALLY burn that volcano to ash he is socrankyandpissedyouhavenoidea.* *^* ]]
Burrito Bison

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Growth of RPS's Spirit Weapon - Page 4 Empty Re: Growth of RPS's Spirit Weapon

Post  Auramune Thu Nov 03, 2011 7:59 am

<<Oh.. so he just needs a hug, right? =D>>

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Growth of RPS's Spirit Weapon - Page 4 Empty Re: Growth of RPS's Spirit Weapon

Post  Temo Mon Nov 07, 2011 6:07 am

New Journal

Entry 1


-Talk to Eve. Alone.
-Study about homunculi and alchemy. If nobody will tell, have to research myself. May find information in Tara or order books in Dunbarton.
-Find Dixie whenever passing Tara. Or clues.
-Keep looking for information on Noitar Arat.
-Speak with Adir and Bart about research. STAY AWAY FROM THE LAKE. (CHECK)
-If anything is learned about what I need, find what is needed. If nothing learned, speak with Sister again about her idea.
-Find Mithos. Speak with him. Should have asked Soifa where he was if family.
-Also speak with Roze. Soifa's sister.

(After looking of his list, then previous ones, Temo rubbed his eyes and groaned. So much done, yet still so little. So many people he was trying to help and yet he'd barely helped at all. And he was falling apart on top of it, quicker than he had been when he was younger. With that in mind, he started making another list underneath it. Small reminders of things he should perhaps look into after a conversation he'd had earlier that day.)

For me.
-Speak with Adir and Bart about research. (CHECK)
-Look into Ego contracts. Think of potential wielders.
...dangerous things to do. Be careful. Perhaps consider more after my memories and mind return.
-Remember what I look like.
-Seek other Spirit Weapons for advice. Maybe speak with Hoshi again.
...get Gleipnir to talk.
-Find my purpose.

(He was forgetting something in there...something important. He couldn't put his finger on it though. After a few more minutes of thought, Temo sighed, closed his journal, and put it away before curling up on the sofa for a light doze. Sleep still wasn't something he truly needed, but there were times when it was refreshing. He needed all the benefits he could get right now. Yes, small rest, then he'd get started again...)
Burrito Bison

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Age : 38
Location : WATCHING. O__O

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Growth of RPS's Spirit Weapon - Page 4 Empty Re: Growth of RPS's Spirit Weapon

Post  Temo Fri Nov 11, 2011 1:04 am

New Journal

Entry 2
Written to remember.
No words.
Kahden Yggdrasil.
Mithos Yggdrasil.
Not blood.
Name and responsibilities.
1 Merchant in Tara.
1 Pillar of Fomor economy.
7 in all.
Tuathans less than 100? From the other Tir Na Nog? Research.
Remember what else came from Tir Na Nog. Was something close. Old.


Burrito Bison

Posts : 4020
Join date : 2008-04-13
Age : 38
Location : WATCHING. O__O

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