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Cen The Water Spirit - Cenny

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Cen The Water Spirit - Cenny Empty Cen The Water Spirit - Cenny

Post  Xenny Wed May 26, 2010 10:44 am

Name: Cen Cenny
Gender: Male
Race: Water Spirit
Hair color: Blue
Eye color: Blue
Likes: Water, The moon, Water Falls, and Tea
Dislikes: Swimming, Bathing, Being in Water.
Theme: Ocean Eyes

How he came to Erinn: Second Chance

In his home world, he was one of many children born that year. He was also one of many infants to pass away that year due to a plague that was spreading through the land. He was also given a second chance in the world of Erinn. He wasn't born as a human or a formor, but as a being of water. He wasn't raised by other beings, but by the gentle flowing of the river he followed. Being raised in such settings he rarely encountered humans, and when he did he never stayed long. He just followed the rivers flow out of town. Because of his lack of human or formor contact, he has no knowledge of how to speak. Now that isn't to say he isn't bright or even intelligent. He is, he just can't speak.

Type of Character: Silent Water Spirit

((I think this is the shortest profile I've ever put up. -reminds self to edit in a five paragraph part about his adventures in the different towns with all the different kids-))
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

Posts : 342
Join date : 2009-03-21
Age : 29

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