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Aldermond's application

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Aldermond's application Empty Aldermond's application

Post  dweramond Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:27 am

nothing here, ignore it.

Last edited by dweramond on Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:28 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : i knew i had forgot to erase something before leaving...(yes i did just came on the forum even tough i said i wouldn't anymore o.o))
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Aldermond's application Empty Re: Aldermond's application

Post  Temo Thu Sep 10, 2009 11:56 am

This is an alt and you're posting it in the wrong section. =P
Burrito Bison

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Aldermond's application Empty Verdict

Post  Jinnhin Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:18 pm

You're in, but I'm recommending you a mentor.

It is better that way to improve the relevance and consistency because from what I've known about the Winged Elves, if the god doesn't like you (including from betraying the god), you'll not get to have wings at the start, so you're forced to go on foot until you're able to get a mount to fly. Sadly, betraying the god (which the elves are highly appreciated of) can make the elves a bit harsh (if not threatening) to your character. How does "dweramond" fit into the mix anyhow? He doesn't just come out of the blue as an angel and claimed to be your character's brother. Judging from your approach, you have not done some research about Perfect World.

So, I do highly suggest starting out small and normal instead of jumping at the huge platform. Angels are indeed high platform characters to play and have a complicated history regarding being good and battling the conflicting side of themselves. Later on, you can transcend your character into a higher platform. There are multiple types of angels, even those who are wingless (perfect for Untamed and Humans).

Added: An alt? Maybe I should hold that invitation until the confusion is dealt with.

Last edited by Jinnhin on Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:21 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Noticed Gate's post just recently)

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Aldermond's application Empty Re: Aldermond's application

Post  Temo Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:25 pm

My mistake, I was thinking this was something for Mabi. Like that companion character thingy or something. I just remember seeing the template used somewhere else on the forum. So not an alt, just in the wrong section. XD; (Well not anymore. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!)
Burrito Bison

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Aldermond's application Empty Final Call

Post  Jinnhin Thu Sep 10, 2009 12:26 pm

Alright. That is understandable. Aldermond is in, but still under the recommendation of a mentor to understand more about Perfect World.

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Aldermond's application Empty Re: Aldermond's application

Post  dweramond Thu Sep 10, 2009 6:27 pm


Last edited by dweramond on Mon Feb 15, 2010 4:54 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : erasin idiot things and startin all over again)
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Aldermond's application Empty Correction.

Post  Jakelvin Thu Sep 10, 2009 8:56 pm

I'm sorry about your declination of the free invitation, but I think you have a problem there that you overlooked. One, having a level 80 untamed barbarian is not a badge of understanding the back story. Two, you have grammar and spelling issues left and right, including your response a bit above the title, "Correction." Oh wait...third problem! There are reasons for rules to be applied. Without it, how many overpowered demi-gods with aim-bots and iddqd's we'll have? Just by breaking a little bit of the rules will leave some people who DID followed the rules at a disadvantage and that is usually unfair to anyone who followed the rules. I dealt with a lot of mythology and demonology and got creative with the holes in it, but from my pregnant imagination, Angels are mainly the hermes/mercury of the ranks, only giving messages and visions to certain folks. Archangels are the generals of the army or a leader of a nation by passion. Seraphims are the closest bunch to a patron deity. So given to the fact that you are an ANGEL, you refrained from fighting and play messenger boy forever while under the control from a patron deity. Since you are a fallen, a contradiction of a patron deity's angels, a lot who worshiped that deity will be quite hostile to you (meaning that you'll be extremely lucky if they actually only shunned you). The belief that when an angel had fallen, it will be on a path of killing the deity once it gained enough power from his/her sponsoring deity who happened to opposed that fallen angel's former patron deity. So obviously, those who worships that deity you betrayed will demonize you and eventually try to kill you while you're still 3 years old.


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Aldermond's application Empty Re: Aldermond's application

Post  Jaeden Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:43 pm



To begin with, English isn't Dwer's first language... correct? ^^ So it's my understanding that we're a bit more forgiving of his grammar for that reason. But I still see holes in his story as well... it might make the RP more fun, but what you're proposing would simply not make sense. Dwer don't be stubborn =( Just edit it a little and join us! Besides, you won't find another RP faction as awesome as us so easily :3.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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Aldermond's application Empty Re: Aldermond's application

Post  dweramond Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:53 pm


Last edited by dweramond on Mon Feb 15, 2010 4:55 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : once again im restarting and erasing my stupidities >>)
Kosher Dill Troll
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Aldermond's application Empty Re: Aldermond's application

Post  Kenelm Fri Sep 11, 2009 7:43 pm

Now, now... Don't start a flame war.

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Aldermond's application Empty Re: Aldermond's application

Post  Captincrunch Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:32 pm

My initial reply I am going to post publicly.

First off, I have no idea where this came from and why things have reached such a level before I get to hear anything but an "I am leaving" or even worse, the system message on log-in that so-and-so has left the guild and no explanation or message to me before then.

Now this is for everyone - I and my officers can be messaged in game and on this forum - we all check our PMs almost daily barring Real-Life(tm) issues.

I have no idea what happened and why you are wanting to have a vote by the forums active members ( a minority of the membership that plays )

As long as NEXON isn't Kicking you for ToS violations the only people who have a say in anyone getting out or leaving the Guild is Me, as the Guild Master and the person themselves.

Noir left earlier because he knew he had a Guild Rule violation after he had done so. I did not kick him and will give him a chance, when he feels he is ready, to return.

Dwer -
I have no idea about you or your personal situation outside of your home province being Quebec. I try and be fair with everyone. If you feel you are being bullied or unfairly accused of things then PLEASE talk to me or someone and tell us what is going wrong.

The details of any members personal lives is something that each individual has to decide on. How much to reveal about ourselves is a personal decision but should always be taken under advisement. There is an old thread in OOC for revealing the person behind the characters. Even back when it was created few members felt comfortable enough to post their pictures let alone details that whould allow contacting them in Real Life.

By what you have said in your post, I take it that some people are having issues with your RP style, but that is at best a guess on my part.

You are obviously upset (the use of Caps Loc is the equivalent of shouting) and feel betrayed by those who you think of as family or the Guild in general.

Unfortunately the medium of the internet and especially live text chat, is a very fallible medium. There is nothing outside of the text to let you know a speakers attitude and intent when they type something. They may mean to say something in jest or may try to be helpful but the words come across as hurtful.

There are some members that I have been sorely tempted to boot when my frustration with them rises, Xeek for example who just happens to be an officer I picked, but I don't since I know its just me being in a bad mood and not Xeek being a total [censored] (waves at Xeek)

So please send a PM to me or someone else you think would be better at hearing your frustrations with the guild.

As an aside - some points

This guild has a number of "Lone Wolf" members who do not actively join in the guilds freestyle RP play. I do not denigrate them and wont kick them unless their behavior reflects badly on the Guild. I am one of those players who was talked into joining the guild by a very persuasive person Named Kalypstra. When she had to leave, she passed the hat to Darke who in turn passed the hat to MRKeaton who in his turn passed it on to me, a person who loves the game and the dream of RPS and will do what he can to keep the dream alive despite his meager skills.

This is the internet and unless any of us is related by blood to anyone else, we are not family. Some of us may fill equivalent roles as family members in this circle of like minded people. At best we may be able to form friendships that go beyond the bounds of this one game and that may outlast the ethereal existence of Mabinogi. At the very least we are a club within a MMORPG that have similar interests and are looking for a bit of camaraderie in the game we enjoy.

At the very least we want to have fun. If it is not fun then why even bother playing? At its best, some of us may leave this game with long lasting friendships with people in other parts of the world that we may never have met otherwise.

If I could, I would give each and every member a hug to show them how much I care, well Xeek would get a bonus noogie first.

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Aldermond's application Empty Re: Aldermond's application

Post  Xeek Sat Sep 12, 2009 6:19 pm

Captincrunch wrote:

There are some members that I have been sorely tempted to boot when my frustration with them rises, Xeek for example who just happens to be an officer I picked, but I don't since I know its just me being in a bad mood and not Xeek being a total [censored] (waves at Xeek)

If I could, I would give each and every member a hug to show them how much I care, well Xeek would get a bonus noogie first.

You don't really feel like kicking me right DX *waving back*

Also what am I? The guild mascot o_o

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Aldermond's application Empty Re: Aldermond's application

Post  dweramond Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:34 am


Last edited by dweramond on Mon Feb 15, 2010 4:55 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : once again...renewal XP)
Kosher Dill Troll
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Aldermond's application Empty Re: Aldermond's application

Post  Xeek Mon Sep 14, 2009 2:11 pm

dweramond wrote:
Xeek:of course you are the mascot of the guild...and your slogan you is ''nippon banzai!!!!'' XP(yes im avenging myself for these times you said to tank the bosses i needed to do while you knew i couldnt even handle a normal golem whitout dieing 2-3 times XP)

I never said to tank them DX I said to stupidly go rushing them not wearing anything valueable knowing you will die XD

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Aldermond's application Empty Re: Aldermond's application

Post  dweramond Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:44 pm

this was all crappy junk here, deletin it since im leavin anyway *yawn*

Last edited by dweramond on Sat Jul 02, 2011 1:42 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : *yawn* leavin >>)
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Aldermond's application Empty Re: Aldermond's application

Post  dweramond Mon Feb 15, 2010 5:03 pm

Read up there please~~(one post up Very Happy)
Kosher Dill Troll
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