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Application - Soon

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Application - Soon Empty Application - Soon

Post  Teanae Wed Aug 21, 2013 7:15 pm

Character Name: Soon

How You Heard About The RP Society: From a member of your guild, called Minamiko. She kinda helped me and then, she told me about this guild. I found out that it was a RP guild and I got excited, so I was like. "Why not joining?"

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? 2 years

Is English Your First Language? No, but I can speak english well.

A Short Biography Of Your Character: Soon was almost a teenager when he came to know that his parents were not really paying too much attention to him, until they dissapeared some days ago. A few days after they dissapeared, he got teleported to another dimension randomly and that one was called Erinn. He got confused and very worried about what happened, his first thought was that he was dead and he wasn't able to do anything now to survive, until some girl called Nao met him on a place, with a bunch of clouds above their feet, looking like we were inside the sky or something. She asked Soon if he really wanted to go to Erinn or if he wanted to go back to his dimension. Obviously, he would first think about her question, so, since his parents are not there and all his family is gone, he said to Noa that he wanted to go to Erinn and so, the request was granted and nowadays, he's living on Erinn, searching for any relationship that he could create.

What type of character do you play? A mighty and brave archer, currently training a lot more, to become stronger. He has a lot of willpower, as well.

What is your Mabinogi schedule? I can stay on the PC whenever I want, until my school starts, that is on the second week of September. So, until then, I can always be on. I'm gonna try to warn you when my school starts, so you can know my schedule during school time.

Last edited by Soon on Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:50 am; edited 1 time in total
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Application - Soon Empty Re: Application - Soon

Post  Soifa Wed Aug 21, 2013 10:31 pm

Alright..from the story it sounds like Soon is Erinn-born, which means he only has one life. So if he dies(like actual death, not "oh no a goblin knocked me out"), then that would be the end of that.

Milletians are the ones that rebirth and whatnot.

Either way, I approve, but if you want to rework to story a bit and make him a Milletian, that would also be fine.

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Application - Soon Empty Re: Application - Soon

Post  Teanae Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:45 am

Mhm. It would be nice if I rework my story a little bit. Being a Milletian sounds nice. I'll be warning you when I finish reworking on it.

EDIT: Ok, I changed the story now.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Application - Soon Empty Re: Application - Soon

Post  Soifa Thu Aug 22, 2013 8:17 am

Mmk. I still approve, just make sure you know that you cannot leave Erinn and come back ever.

(Like, Soon can't choose to go to his home dimension/world and then come back to Erinn after. Erinn forever!)

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Application - Soon Empty Re: Application - Soon

Post  Teanae Thu Aug 22, 2013 2:20 pm

Alright Very Happy
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Application - Soon Empty Re: Application - Soon

Post  Xeek Thu Aug 22, 2013 6:59 pm

Hello! I approve as well, hope to see you...Soon =D

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Application - Soon Empty Re: Application - Soon

Post  Teanae Thu Aug 22, 2013 9:24 pm

Xeek wrote:Hello! I approve as well, hope to see you...Soon =D
Ahahahaha! Hope to see you "soon" as well XD
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Application - Soon Empty Re: Application - Soon

Post  Soifa Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:48 pm

Oh god. >_>

You two and your puns. This member only has 4 posts, Xeek! Stop causing puns!

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Application - Soon Empty Re: Application - Soon

Post  Khunvyel Mon Aug 26, 2013 11:26 pm

Hello Soon!

I see you still log in to check for your application since last friday, in hopes to see a third approval that has long been due. I commend your persistence, and here I am granting you the remaining approval needed! Smile

Please be aware though, that we currently have to deal with some shifts in the management, as you've certainly read *here*, so some things might and will look out of order for the next few days until everything runs silky-smooth again. Still, I hope you read up what you can and if you have a question, you'll find the relevant category to post in Smile

Until then, stick to Minamiko if all else fails Very Happy at least you are in good hands. Please apply at the guild stone if you haven't already!

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Join date : 2013-02-11

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Application - Soon Empty Re: Application - Soon

Post  Teanae Wed Sep 04, 2013 11:38 pm

My apologize for being a little away from this forum, for some reasons. I've been focusing on another char I have and a few personal issues as well. Since I don't play too much on my "Soon" char, I would like to make a new bio for my new char, that could join this guild, instead of the other one. I'm sorry for doing this, but as I am focusing on this new char I have a lot more than the "Soon" one, I would like to ask your permission to make a new bio for that new char, so I could finally apply for this guild.

Is there any problem? Please tell me, if so.

I'm still determined to join this guild, seriously Very Happy
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Application - Soon Empty Re: Application - Soon

Post  Khunvyel Thu Sep 05, 2013 1:53 am

That is totally fine, as long as you understand that the new application for the new character will have to receive 3 individual approvals as well despite you already have been given green light Smile We will move this topic only after you wrote the other one to avoid confusion.

There is one thing for you to consider though; since we are in the thick of reorganizing and getting new guidelines out, it is entirely up to your preference if you want to wait until we are done, including forum move etc., or if you still want to re-apply and dodge around the mess a little. That means; what you have currently read through the rules and other sticky topics is likely subject to change in varying degrees.
The reason why we originally wanted to close applications is, that we thought the guild stone would disappear on the 29th of August, but it turned out we still have it available, thus removing the hard-counter to get new registrations up.
From there, the Staff put their heads together and said "we let them decide if they want in or wait."

So here you are Smile If you want to keep with us, then please have a little patience if we are not that frequently online as we work tirelessly on the new transition. We will try to get your mentoring done, which still requires you to roleplay with a mentor in the game. All we ask you is to cut us some slack for the moment, should you still want to hop on Smile

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Application - Soon Empty Re: Application - Soon

Post  Teanae Thu Sep 05, 2013 4:39 pm

Alright, I understand your situation and Minamiko already told me about it, that the guild is getting a few problems with the roleplay and stuff. Anyways... Waiting is not really my speciality, if you know what I mean, so I would really like to re-apply and see what happens next, if I will be able to get 3 approvals once again, before the staff changes the guild forum, etc, as you mentioned. I'll create a new topic right now, of the re-application, so you can finally move this topic. My apologize again for making you work a little bit more, checking out my new application, just because of me. I made this, because I'm not really focused on the other char and on this one, I'm 100% focused.

Thank you for the comprehension and again, I'm really sorry for making this, I just want to do this quickly, so I can be relieved and maybe you all as well.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Application - Soon Empty Re: Application - Soon

Post  Khunvyel Thu Sep 05, 2013 4:54 pm

No problem, take you time for making a good new application, as moving this topic is the least of issues Smile You are not causing any troubles or inconveniences. The approvals for your new application should come in just fine as well.
The only thing that could likely take a bit longer than expected is getting the mentoring done, because everyone of the staff is heavily involved with the rebuild, since we want to make haste to not let people wait too long!

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Application - Soon Empty Re: Application - Soon

Post  Kenelm Fri Sep 06, 2013 12:10 pm

Off topic: I'd move this if I had the permissions...

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Application - Soon Empty Re: Application - Soon

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