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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Frodo Tue Apr 28, 2009 6:59 pm

~Frodo Application~

Character Name: My character's name is Frodo. (I chose the name because when I started playing mabinogi I was obsessed with Lord of the rings.)
How You Heard About The RP Society: I heard of this guild by a friend, he told me it was a fantastic guild that is active and exciting. Once I heard that I got hooked on joining the guild.
How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? I have been playing role playing games for ages, as for mabinogi I would have to say since the beginning of Tarlach.
Is English Your First Language? Yes, I can also speak other languages but, yes english is my native language.
A Short Biography Of Your Character: Frodo... well he arrived at Tir Chonail by a convoy of farmers and mabinogians searching for a better living envoirment and new challenges. Frodo however, doesnt remember the trip because he had and accident with another kid and was pushed of the wagon. He was passed out for three days and when he woke up he was in the Inn of Tir Chonail. There he met Duncan and learned about the new town he had awoken in.
What type of character do you play? I usually like to have strong melee with some magic thrown in just to be able to use Ice counter and strategies like that. Mainly I would have to say it would be melee.
What is your Mabinogi schedule? My Mabinogi schedule is usually everyday, sometimes I cannot get on during Sundays because that is when I usualy take a break from the computer.

Last edited by Dan on Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:26 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Problems)

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Thomas22 Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:28 pm

Ok...I got a few problems with is.

1. We arn't a dungeoning/pvp guild...we're a "Have fun or will kill you" guild (Jokeing about the "Kill you" part)
2. Umm...yeah...we uhh...don't think Mabi as a game in the RP...we think of life...
3. *Enter random problem that is made up*
4. [Enter me yelling about something completly off topic]
5. (Yelling about some test he's gotta take)

So...yeah. I would like it if you redid your history of your character.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Question about the reply to my application

Post  Frodo Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:42 pm

Ok I understand now I was told that you guys were a dungeoning Pvp guild but its all good I would just like a guild to join that is fun, due to the fact that my last guild I was in died.....

Ok ummm sorta confused me on the last three things you said?
3. *Enter random problem that is made up*
4. [Enter me yelling about something completly off topic]
5. (Yelling about some test he's gotta take)

And finally you said re do my history? For example tell a tale? or story?
Please clarify that with me thank you!

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Thomas22 Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:45 pm

A story of how he got here, if he remember, and what's he done since getting here, and don't make it too one wants to read a novel here...that I know of.

Those three things? Just random thing I did. Because I felt like it.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Frodo Tue Apr 28, 2009 7:50 pm

O ok because I was looking at some other peoples applications and it looked like they just told a story on what there characters done. Ok so pretty much my history is just how my character came to mabinogi and got to where he is now? because like here is the thing I am restarting and my old guild died, but i have like 50 AP from aging and I already have Rank 9 combat mastery from just starting today... so yea what would I really tell?


Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Thomas22 Tue Apr 28, 2009 8:45 pm

I like it now. I say yes! You can defenatly join! But I beleive more people need to agree. *cough cough HUGE HINT cough*
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Captincrunch Tue Apr 28, 2009 10:57 pm

Suspect *looks around* and who have we here? Thomas!!! Have you been intimidating the applicants again? Suspect
*pulls out Anime sized Needle and is dressed like you local, slightly wacky doctor and ever helpful, cutey nurse nearby*
By the sound of that cough it looks like you need a flue shot Thomas.
NURSE!!! Prepare the patient for the injection!
*while smiling brightly at him the nurse scoots in front of Thomas and pants him*affraid
Twisted Evil
I missed the original post but the rewrite looks good.

Just one little thing that is mentioned at the top of the READ THIS FIRST section and that is your name on this list should be your characters name.
This is so that nobody gets confused who posted what about whom or whose story.

Hopefully you have had a chance to read through the => Read This First <= section and followed some of the links, like rules and such. study

Since its only Tuesday I'll give the rest of the guild a chance to review your application before Friday night.
Oh, and don't feel intimidated by any of the RP story lines going on.
Just introduce yourself and get to know your fellow guild members. (all in character though if you can)

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Frodo Wed Apr 29, 2009 2:09 pm

Yea I accidently made the account before going into the forums..... so yea... sorry about that.

Dan= Frodo

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Captincrunch Wed Apr 29, 2009 2:22 pm

Well, since account navigation and setup is such a challenge I just went and updated things for you - The power is mine to wield Twisted Evil mwhahahahahahahahahahaaa heeee Rolling Eyes

Don't forget to read the rules and other links when you get a chance. Wink

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Frodo Wed Apr 29, 2009 3:30 pm

Ok cool I will once I get a chance homework is such a drag.....

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Question about the guild

Post  Frodo Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:12 pm

Im not sure if I was told the actual purpose of the guild when I chose to join but after reading the rules I have come across some questions.

First: This guild for instance acts as a giant team? not like normal guilds that just run around dungeoning and training and just use guild chat for communication?

Secound: I was reading the part of the different classes thing with the tanks, rangers and mages, I would like to know if there is a shortage of any specific class because if there is I am more than willing to use it because I have a mage that knows all of the spells ((mainly lighting user)) I have a human Ranger ((Rank A, with about 30+ Ap on him)) and I also have a melee but he isnt as strong but I am more seasoned with melee than the others. I would just like to know if there is a certain "role" I am needed to play? or if that will be told to me if and after I am able to join RPSociety.

Third: I would just like to confirm that what does the guild do? like do we all travel around? or is it just a more character based, and by character based I mean like we would act like people from a movie like Lord of the rings? or somthing?

Fourth: Or does the roleplaying only take part in PVP? or things like that? and is there like a requirment to be a elf or giant?

I would just like to know the basics of the guild after reading the rules and regulations of the guild I just had a few questions.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Temo Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:37 pm

Oh, me! Me! I can answer these going off what I know. I've been here long enough...I think? Is a year long enough? o-o

1. No, the guild doesn't act like a giant team (we're too dysfunctional for that. More in-character than out, but either way we still get along. Kinda sad, but true. XD). Rather, we're just a bunch of roleplayers in Mabinogi who were looking for other roleplayers and gathered up to do what all us nerdy goofs like to do - roleplay. While there are people outside the guild that like roleplay too, we're naturally a bit more easy to spot among the masses considering our guild name hovering over our heads....or our usual mumblings when gathered in groups and playing out a scene - might've seen some of us doing that once or twice. Dungeon crawling and PVP does get mixed into roleplays, but it's not a major thing. That's not to say we don't do such things outside of roleplaying though. :3

2. I honestly have no idea anymore what is needed or what there's an abundance of. Too many people coming and going lately and some things haven't been updated; but personally, I don't think it seriously matters. Can't stop people from wanting to develop their own character, right? Though if you're really interested, may wanna try asking around to see if there's a preferance needed among the guildies. There's honestly nothing wrong with whatever character you make so long as you can make it work, in my opinion.

3. As far as what the guild does, we do what everybody else in Mabinogi does - play the game. Just we add roleplaying and our own stories (if any) to the mix. For example, your character could be on a quest similar to what Tarlach, Ruari, and...that little brat whose name I forget were doing, but have his/her own reasons for it. Feel free to mingle with other people's stories or make up your own. Interaction with other people's always fun.

4. Roleplay can and has taken place in PVP with each other and those outside the guild who wish to roleplay, but like I said, it's not a required thing. Heck, feel free to do it whenever you want. And it's not a requirement to be one of the other races outside human either. There's plenty of those running about among us too.

Summary. Basically, when we say roleplay in the guild, I think it's more of acting the part of your character within the world of Erinn - be they just a normal, average, everyday civilian just working to get by, or a traveling minstrel/mercenary, or some evil warlord trying to carve his dynasty into the land. Creativity is always a fun thing. Just make sure to be curtious to other players. While roleplay and creativity of it is something encouraged, should never try to force your ideas on others.

And just to clarify something I kinda noticed, we don't sit around roleplaying 24/7. Feel free to chat with us about whatever anytime. Or you can at least do so with me if nobody else. I'm always open for conversation when I'm on. Hope to see ya soon! :3
Burrito Bison

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Frodo Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:38 pm

Because like for instance I have the name Smeagle saved if I wanted to go elf? or I could use the name of Frodo.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Temo Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:49 pm

I think original characters are preferred to crossovers; and I don't think they've been done, though I doubt they're welcome. Would be weird if something like Goku dropping into Erinn and shooting off kamehamehas happened, wouldn't it?) , but nothing wrong with having the same name in my eyes. I mean, we once had somebody named Chuck Norris who was his own original thing rather than the karate legend. Names don't really have to be that original, but chances are you'll be most called by whatever name you have floating above your head in Mabi.

Summary examples of what I'm talking about:

A man named Frodo traveling to save the goddess - yes.

A hobbit named Frodo traveling to save the goddess so she can cleanse the Ring and save the LotR universe - no.

A rice-loving elf named Goku whose profession is an explorer - yes.

A Saiyinn (or however it's spelled) dropping into the outskirts of Dunbarton from a spacepod and searching for a way off the planet - no.
Burrito Bison

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Frodo Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:54 pm

Well im saying because I have a couple of LOTR names saved up because when I started mabinogi I was obsessed with the show because I love like war type stuff of it and the tactics they use in battle.


Bilbo(Im not sure what account)

There just some characters I made the save the names and since this is a roleplaying guild im thinking of maybe using some of them!

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Temo Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:56 pm

Let me put it this way:

The names themselves are fine, but acting as canon, spin-off, copyrighted, etc, etc. characters = BAD.
Burrito Bison

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Frodo Wed Apr 29, 2009 7:58 pm

so I should NOT use the names? I like the names ALOT but if its that much I wont use them. For instance Jasuga = Arabic name for Elf Arrows but I dont really like that kinda name.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Temo Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:01 pm

You're not getting what I'm saying:

The names are fine.

Acting like the characters from Lord of the Rings is NOT fine.

These will not be the same characters from LotR, but something that YOU make up from YOUR imagination. Original characters.
Burrito Bison

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Frodo Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:14 pm

O ok now I understand ya I got ya. Im not going to be like O my god watch out for the orc! Thank would be out right dumb. But ok... Just as a matter or intrest what name would you rather pick for an elf? Smeagle or Frodo?

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Temo Wed Apr 29, 2009 8:21 pm

Glad I could help.

As for one of those being an elven name...I guess maybe Frodo. Smeagle sounds more like a bug-person or... *shiver* ....gnome. Laughing
Burrito Bison

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  The Kerrins Thu Apr 30, 2009 1:36 am

Well, you should be fine as Frodo, although a few people will look sideways at you when they first see you.

Mind you, the guild isn't completely opposed to roleplaying as other-story characters, as evidenced by the case of Eugeal.

Eugeal was a mid-level antagonist in a well known, but rarely watched anime.

I thought of who she might have been before she was an antagonist, biased in the direction of knowing my own original characters somehow.

I then thought about what might had happened if she was given a second chance at life

Thus began my career as a RPSociety member
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Frodo Thu Apr 30, 2009 3:54 pm

hmm ok.... Ill think about it but my question wasnt answered really since you guys have that "group" like system with 1-3 tankers, archers, mages is there a class we deperatly need? and if you want me to have an exotic name I have a name me and my friend made up in like the eight grade. SO yea....

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Captincrunch Thu Apr 30, 2009 8:54 pm

To answer your question - suggested tactics for dungeon assaults are just that suggestions.

They were developed by some of the early member of the guild through experience as best way BUT those are not the only way.
Also as you may have noticed, the Iria addition has thrown a monkey wrench into the theory with the unique issues from the various dungeons now available. Suspect

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Frodo Fri May 01, 2009 1:37 pm

hmm.. ok well I know this isnt much roleplaying but... I can solo dungeons like rundal and stuff if im melee. But If I do get accepted into RPSociety will I have to dungeon with fellow guildies? Its not a problem if I have to its just I can figure out what I could be.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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Frodo's Aka Dan's Application Empty Re: Frodo's Aka Dan's Application

Post  Captincrunch Fri May 01, 2009 2:13 pm

Don't worry so much

There is no "Have To" anything is this guild outside of what is stated in the rules section and all that boils down to is PLAY NICE *** *** Suspect

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