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Survey number whatever: Race templates

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Survey number whatever: Race templates Empty Survey number whatever: Race templates

Post  Soifa Tue Apr 23, 2013 11:09 pm

It has been mentioned that people feel we have too many racial templates. We wanted to see where the guild as a whole stands on the issue.

Do you think we have too many race templates, and what changes, if any, would you make to the racial template 'system'?

And now to steal Dell's instruction list.
  • Each person is limited to one post until further notice. No quoting. You may edit as many times as you need. Your post must contain your argument. Not a simple "I agree with what X says."
  • If further instructions are posted, follow those instructions.
  • Basic rules of respect, but that shouldn't be an issue if you're posting your own opinion on the matter.


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Survey number whatever: Race templates Empty Re: Survey number whatever: Race templates

Post  Glaceon Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:04 am

I think we have a good amount of racial templates.

While there is a bunch, yes, a lot don't get used, and most people just play with standard races when they join already. Granted a few are crazy and could stand to be removed, the majority are just fine. It's personal choice whether a person makes a character that isn't a normal race.

I wouldn't really many any changes to the system.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Survey number whatever: Race templates Empty Re: Survey number whatever: Race templates

Post  Temo Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:52 am

Considering we haven't had the latter - a lot of people complaining about not being able to play or relate their character close enough to a race not listed (at least to MY knowledge), I'd say things are spot on. :I Even if stuff isn't used, it'll be there when the need arises. It's called "being prepared". So no, I don't think there's too many. Or too little.
Burrito Bison

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Survey number whatever: Race templates Empty Re: Survey number whatever: Race templates

Post  Auramune Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:15 am

I feel like the racial templates are serving their purpose, and we could even stand to have a few more. They were put up so approved races/powers could just apply without needing to apply for powers, and that takes a lot of work off of the colored names. A person doesn't have to wait several days-weeks to have sometime approved, that was easily approved of for another member. And all in all, having many racial templates doesn't hurt a single thing. Because it's not about the races themselves, it's about the powers thats tied to those races.

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Survey number whatever: Race templates Empty Re: Survey number whatever: Race templates

Post  Khunvyel Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:55 am

I actually like to ask those people who thought there are too many racial templates to step up and give a solid argument why they feel this way and why they think the templates should be trimmed down. I cannot fathom one reason that would be valid, and I tried hard, so I'm curious to be surprised.
The only thing I could see is the "Purists" stepping up and saying "We are meant to play Milletians because that is what the game dictates us to do, so we should do it". I disagree. Roleplaying in a video game usually requires tweaks to be handled because there is no video game MADE for roleplaying. As long as the templates are lore- and canon compatible, I see no harm done. And considering the Soulstream is attracting everything, even true Outsider races can be played to some extent as long as the players are responsible and mindful of what they are doing.

I see no reason why racial templates should be cut down when they do not harm anyone nor clutter up forum space, because they are in their own subforum. Perhaps there could be an argument when we have 10 pages worth of templates, but I counter this with; "put up a sticky with an alphabetically sorted index that links to these templates".
I don't see a reason why any racial template should be removed at all because someone once made the effort to create and balance it. Don't delete something that isn't broken just because it is unused. There is no such thing as "too much choice."

As I read weeks ago through all the racial templates, none of them struck me as "this is too odd for Erinn and should go away".
So I say keep them as they are and keep them coming. It depends on the player if they make something good or bad out of them. Cannot ban a template because of a bad player.

The ONLY thing I could think about why someone would want to put a hold to a possible flood of new race suggestions would be; the way it currently is, the council seems to work on them exclusively. So that sounds like putting forward a request for a race would mean to stuff it somewhere in their schedule. I'd say just look at the templates we have and how they are balanced. Make a good suggestion with pros and cons. The more work you as a player put in there, the less work the council has to do to approve it or completely create it from scratch. Help you help the council.

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Survey number whatever: Race templates Empty Re: Survey number whatever: Race templates

Post  Congregate Wed May 01, 2013 7:46 pm

I think the Race Templates section is already perfectly alright.

It's good to have lots of information, especially when it's neatly organized and easily readable like it already is. I don't think anything needs to change and it's already great the way it is.

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Survey number whatever: Race templates Empty Re: Survey number whatever: Race templates

Post  Soifa Wed May 01, 2013 8:34 pm

We sincerely appreciate the participation of the members.

Since there has been no major change in opinion, this survey will be closed.

Thanks, sweethearts. <3

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Survey number whatever: Race templates Empty Re: Survey number whatever: Race templates

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