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~ Character Bios! Empty ~ Character Bios!

Post  Auramune Mon Apr 28, 2008 12:20 pm

Name: Sulia Chloe De`Romanus
Age: Although, in Erinn, she's barely over ten years old Sulia is actually nearly 70. This may explain the girl's maturity.
Birth Race: This is a bit difficult to explain. Sulia's mother was a human turned vampire just a few weeks before she gave birth. Sulia's father, on the other hand, is a race from another planet. Aside from the slight burning of her eyes whenever she steps out in to the sun, Sulia takes all of the characteristics of a human. Physical strength taken from her father's side of the family.
Game Race: Human possessed by a Phoenix
Family: The De`Romanus family is quite large, spanning from her blood siblings to half-brothers and sister, and even those her dad adopted. Sulia is the eldest of the bunch(despite her recent body flaw.) For some time she's been 'adopted' in to the Julien family. Aneous, Kayeori, Jullian, and their kin, accepting Sulia as one of their own, have successfully doubled the size of those she's come to know as 'family.' On top of leaving behind her family for adventures in Erinn, Sulia left behind a son. His name is Gael.
Hobbies: Fishing, blacksmithing, and fighting.She also enjoys treasure hunting, as well as hunting for fomor scrolls.
Weapon of Choice: Well, if it were her choice she'd be using her fists.. but since it's not(^.^) she wields a variety of weapons. From two-handed swords to long bows.
Hair Color: Blond
Eye Color: Orange
Height: In adult(text rp) form she stands 6'4".
Weight: In adult(text rp) form she's very thin and gangly. Although her muscles seem to be quite toned, she doesn't look over 110lbs.
Favorite Food: Strawberries, bread, fruit salad, and baked potatos... but she'll eat everything she can get her hands on.
Theme Song: Reach for the Moon, Immortal Smoke
How she came to be in Erinn:
There was an accident. DeathWolf (Sulia's greatest enemy) caught wind of Sulia walking around in the woods near the wolf's pack. She attacked her, as she usually does, but had the upper hand this time. One too many bumps to the head caused Sulia's mind to repress memories of her home and of her family. In a coma-like state Nao came to her, promising that she'd soon have all of her memory returned, in exchange Nao swore her to protect the people in her world as she would her own kin.
"I will give you a body unlike your own. One that isn't tired. One that you can mold to it's full potential. I know that's what you've always wanted. The one thing that you regret... not being as strong as you feel you should be." The only thing she could remember as she woke up, finding herself in the outskirts of Tir, with a child's body. Only recently, after stumling upon the Juliens, bits and pieces of her memory returned to her. Her friendship with them has never been closer.

Character history through the player:
I've been playing Sulia, in text rp, a few years shy of a decade. She's, by far, my most interesting character, so it only seemed right that I bring her to Erinn to be with Kayeori. However, since I'd have to be able to influence the entire world I left Sulia's appearance purely up to Nao.

Last edited by Kitsune on Sun Apr 11, 2010 9:48 pm; edited 1 time in total

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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Kalypstra Tue Apr 29, 2008 4:43 am

Name: Kalypstra Faye Asher - "Kaly"

Age: She arrived in Erinn at the ripe age of 13, though she is closer to her 20's now

Birth Race: Human

Family: Young Kaly knew little of her family, but what she was told was that she had loving parents that were murdered by a rogue band of outlaws, which she witnessed. Kaly was found hiding in a cabinet in her house by the local authorities which gave her to the orphanage.

Hobbies: Fishing, Herb gathering, Potion making, hunting, spending time with Trisfal, tackling dungeons along side of her friends, and -anything- that has to do with the outdoors.

Weapon of Choice: Long bow. Her passion and skill for the art of Archery has -never- been questioned.

Hair Color: Redish Blonde

Eye Color: Her eyes are rather complex actually. They are Green, but it's almost like a Solar eclipse effect (Where the shadow covers up the sun and all you can see are the rays) in gold around her pupil.

Height: If Mabi would let us customize height, she'd be relatively short. 5'4"

Weight: 125lbs

Favorite Food: Meat, cheese, potatoes, berries

Theme Song: Gerudo Valley over theme from Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

How she came to be in Erinn:
After she was taken to the orphanage in her town, it wasn't long that she began to take an active role. She helped everyone as best she could in any way possible. But found her love of the outdoors and nature was evident. If she was not helping with chores or cheering someone up she would often be found in the garden, tending the plants. She also at this time met a young traveler.
At the age of 10, she met a young man with silver hair and blue eyes, he was quiet and kind. He wore a black robe and had a gigantic weapon and longbow on his back. He looked down at her and smiled as she tended the garden, noting her remarkable skill at keeping the plants alive. He beckoned her over and began to teach her the skill of herbalism and of crafting potions, but such a difficult art to teach without the herbs to show her. He then decided to take her into the woods, to the herbs. He handed her his bow and a Quiver full of arrows and showed her the basics of archery, which she took to very well. And then they ventured into the forest.
They spent only a few hours there before she had to return to the orphanage, but she had learned much. He begged her to keep the bow for they will return the next day. The Traveler held to his promise and he continued to show her how to identify the plants that could be used, how to gather them without ruining the medicine inside, and then crushing it without tainting the potion. Each day she got better at both this and with her bow. But one day, changed her world completely around.
Entering the forest like they always did, slaying a few beasts that strayed a little too close and then stopping at an herb to gather it. All she can remember was the shadow engulfing them, turning only to see the largest bear she had ever seen. Frozen with fear, she watched the traveler take his sword and swing at the beast and hesitantly she reached for her bow and notched an arrow. Taking careful aim, she shoots at the bear, only to watch the arrow fly off this tough skin of the paw. It roared ferocity that is shook her young body, and then it lunged towards her. The traveler screamed as everything went black.
When she awoke, she found herself in the soul stream, with Miss Nao standing over her. Nao told her that she had been unconscious for 3 years and that she will be going to a place that needed her skills. Kaly had so many questions, but none were answered as she was whisked away to Tir.

That Special Someone: Little Kaly spend about a year in Erinn before seeing a young lad by the name of Trisfal. His looks resembled the traveler so much, that she almost thought it was him, but upon approaching him she didn't see the same kindness in his eyes, only loneliness. This intrigued her and encouraged her to help him in his endevours with the Giant Spider in the Alby Dungeon. Ever since then her and Tris have been near inseparable. They are just dating now, but what will become of this love affair?

Characters Friends: Kaly is friends with just about -every one- but there are a couple of people that stick out during her life here in Erinn. The three most notable are: Trisfal (Her boyfriend), Darke (A young mysterious mage that accompanies Tris and Kaly on their adventures), and Raoul (Kaly's 'older brother'). Like I said, she has many friends, but these are the closest to her heart.

Character history through the player:
Kalypstra is a name I have been using for quite some time, though this character is a new idea of mine. This character is embedded with my own personality and I'm having the time of my life playing her. Little Kaly is exactly how I am with a few quirks here and there to fit her into the world better, and I hope you all enjoy her as much as I do.
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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Nowaki Tue Apr 29, 2008 5:32 pm

Name: Genichi
Age: 10
Family: Unknown
Hobbies: Running, gathering
Weapon of Choice: Gathering Knife
Hair Color:Golden-Blond
Eye Color: Brown
Height: Short
Weight: Average
Favorite Food: Fruit Salad
Theme Song:
How He Came To Be In Erinn: Genichi is a mysterious, shy boy, who doesn't care much for talking about himself. Genichi's primary focus is to help others in any way he can. However, he is also not the violent sort, so Genichi turns his helpful hands to gathering and running deliveries.

Character History Through Player: 'Genichi' is named after an antagonist from my upcoming book, The Yukari... But this Genichi's personality is very different from the proud and confident General Sekiyou Genichi.
Kandy Korn Ogre
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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Raoul Tue Apr 29, 2008 8:57 pm

~ Character Bios! F_Raoulm_ff6f827

You see a tall, well-built boy, with dark brown hair layered in a messy yet stylish haircut. He has serious brown eyes, and his lips are shut. Despite his serious appearance, he gives you a warm smile showing the white teeth arranged in perfect harmony inside his mouth. He is wielding a blue fluted sword and a brown wooden shield, and he has a red Claymore attached to his back. He seems a little uncomfortable with the swords, altough he can handle them with the proper manner to be considered a professional, making obvious he makes a living out of this. Not that he seems unhappy, of course, but he could be much happier doing something else.

Raoul Ildenwaltzen Varion


Birth Date
Alban Eiler 9th

Astrological Sign
~ Character Bios! Morthwylbc0
Morthwyl, the hammer of the blacksmith

Family bonds are things that get somehow twisted in the realm of Erinn. Since he arrived there, he developed close bonds to a few people, even before joining the Society. But the thing that gets closer to the concept of family is his relationship with Kalypstra, whom he calls his little sister.

There's nothing he enjoys more than hanging around with friends. Raoul wouldn't define music as a hobbie. It's a carreer for him, and he pursues it with the grip and the guts it demands.

Weapon of Choice
He's much of a mercenary, since he doesn't fight for pleasure, but for money. So, he chose the swords to aid him with what he named as a "dirty work, despite its noble purpose".

His hair color is a tone between dark reddish brown and black. The haircut is a bit overgrown, and he likes to keep his hair messy sometimes, but more stylish than careless.

Eye Color
He has dark brown eyes. Simple, straightforward and blunt as he is.



Favorite Food
Fruit Salad, Cheese Bread and Apple Juice.

How he came to be in Erinn
He can't remember exactly, like many of the adventurers which came to Erinn. He arrived with the First Wave, on Alban Heruin of the first year. He has a few memory flashes about a ship with really poor conditions and a huge storm in the middle of the sea, but he is not sure if this has any connection with his past.

That Special Someone
He has a hidden crush, and virtually no one knows about that. But as it seems to be a stracrossed love, he is trying to move on, despite of his heart's efforts on convincing him of the opposite. He seems to be developing a special kind of affection over Fiery, but he is still unable to overcome his feelings about that other person.

Characters Friends
Aisusera is his childhood friend, but they have not been in touch for a few years. His best friend so far is his little sister, Kalypstra, but he also found much comfort in the company of Darke, Sulia, Nowaki, Haze and Fiery.

Character history through the player
Raoul carries the basic traits of all my characters I've been playing through all these years in MMORPG's who were all called Yradier. Thirst for knowledge, loyalty, partnership, awalys willing to help the others, and other traits that I carry myself behind the character. I was forced to change the name since I made a new account and couldn't afford to wait until Yradier was deleted, and now I'm even attached to the name Raoul. He was born of my desire to have a normal roleplaying character. In other words, I never could roleplay that characters with royal bloodlines, princes and princesses everywhere, everybody trying to be the last coke on the desert and I'm not very fond of that. I'm much more into a character that could blend totally into the world I'm in, and that's Raoul. He wasn't born in Erinn, but he fits perfectly, living an average life as a musician who cannot afford to go further with his studies since the road to the capital is blocked and he has a humble origin and even then he wants to become a famed maestro, having to work as a mercenary to pay the tuitions. No nemesis, no demons chasing him across dimensions, just a guy and his life goal. The beauty lies in simplicity, in my opinion.
Kosher Dill Troll
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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Razielle Wed Apr 30, 2008 7:20 am

Razielle (?)


Birth Date

Astrological Sign

Knowing of no one initially, she has come to regard Ruronin, a mysterious stranger who's come to befriend and protect her, as a guardian of sorts.

She loves to explore, finding various treasures and keepsakes, as well as harrassing the local merchants for green merchandise. Cooking is her main love, though she tries to be careful of her weight, being self-conscious and shy to those she meets.

Weapon of Choice
Although she'd prefer to smack things around with her pot and ladle, she's found the hand-me-down sword from Ruronin most effective when stumbling onto, and accidentally impaling random monsters.

Dark, even in the sunlight, she's wanted to dye it green for so long, but still can't figure out how. She would prefer high pigtails, but she's terrible at grooming and therefore keeps them low, seeing as it's the quickest and simplest she can do to keep them from dangling into the cooking fire.

Eye Color
She has dark black/blue eyes that are curious, if not staring randomly in thought out into space. She is also almost blind without her glasses, but because she's afraid of its fragility (and the fact she can't afford to replace them), she'd rather risk walking into dungeons blindly than have them break.

5' but the world makes her appear taller as she ages and it baffles her...

Fluctuates, but she tries to stay slim

Favorite Food
She loves all foods and tries to discover more tastes and recipes, though she has a bit of a sweet tooth most times...

How she came to be in Erinn
Like many others, she can neither remember nor recall her life before meeting Nao, but only gets the feeling that she was a quiet and lonely girl and is much better off here than if she were to return back from where she came.

That Special Someone
She's oblivious to the heart except when it comes to food, cute things, and anything green, mostly because she is a shy and self-conscious girl who thinks noone would find her particularly interesting, let alone attractive. Although her gaze wanders off towards many a masculine eye, she can neither see the return gaze, or becomes too embarrassed and misses them, if they exist.

Characters Friends
Her guardian is Ruronin, though she finds that the person who speaks to her most is a curious fellow named Haze. Although she knows many people through the guild, she often finds herself wondering if any are her friends due to her constant hibernation and weakness that often finds herself asleep while everyone else is awake.

Character history through the player
Razielle is the quiet girl in the corner that tries to be friendly but is terrible at speaking up. She gets lost in her own thoughts, and believes herself weak, though in some cases, it proves quite true. She knows no combat skills, but prefers to pour her heart into cooking to try and make up for her lack of abilities. This weakness and constant hibernation is a recent sickness that she has kept hidden fairly well, and through her cooking, which helps to sustain her and keep her awake, she tries to maintain the look of a normal person. Razielle often feels like an outsider, even amongst a group, and though she puts on a smile, she is quite sad and lonely on the inside, not quite knowing how to talk to people, though she does try. Her goal is to try and be useful through foods, though even she doubts her cooking at times and simply sits underneath the trees watching all others and contemplating her place in such an adventurous world. She is easily swayed by green objects...

Last edited by Melody Kitn on Fri May 02, 2008 4:51 am; edited 2 times in total

Gummy Bear
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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  .haze. Wed Apr 30, 2008 4:38 pm

Haze Alain

perpetually young

Birth Date

((haha, ouch.. thursday.. thats all i know XD))

Astrological Sign

What family?.. He has a few close acquaintances, but has never gotten close enough to anyone for "Family" to be a term that could even slightly be used under the circumstances

The magical arts, music, and most recently He can be seen slaving over the loom or spinning wheel, muttering curses as the threads rip, he smashes hs hands in the loom, or just overall is not having a good day

Weapon of Choice
Fire or Icebolt, whichever he happens to have ready for action. He carries a Large claymore, but this is more for aesthetics / intimidation

whatever style he happens to have after sleeping against a tree all evening XD

Eye Color
blue with a tinge of black to them.. confused, curious, full of life, yet hiding some dark secret.

Kid sized.

sticks and stones really WILL break my bones...

Favorite Food
f.oo.d?.. Haze usually only eats whatever foods are offered to him, nothing more. He honestly has no desire to eat under most circumstances.

How he came to be in Erinn
How did anyone get here?.. I mean, christ.. If i can't remember then its not a personal flaw.

That Special Someone
Haha... Haze has eyes for one specific lady, but because its practically unrequited he runs about with a very Don Quixote-esque attitude "Love the world, and everyone in it, for tomorrow you may not have the chance." though this way of life gets him laughed at more than swooned over, at least he is making an attempt.

Characters Friends
Haha, anyone willing to put up with his childish nonsense. yelling at trees, or just being strange on occasion...

Character history through the player
Haze is just another lost and confused traveler. He happens to don plenty of light blue, which he says the ladies are drawn to like moths to flame even though its painfully obvious they aren't. He doesn't have a past that he can remember, nor a future that seems bright. Though it doesn't seem like anyone else has noticed, subtle changes have been going on in haze's appearance.. giving him a darker (even if girls still say its cute) appearance. Not much has really been developed beyond the fact that he likes magic, hunting, weaving, and just being a brat XD

Kandy Korn Ogre
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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Trisfal Thu May 01, 2008 12:48 am

Name: Trisfal Alphonse Delacroix

Age: 17 upon being brough to Erinn. Now, about 22.

Brith Race: Telrassian (Very much like Human, but capable of far greater physical feats)

Family: Trisfal and his mother and the only two survivors of the Delacroix clan - having been wiped out during a massive clan war. It's unknown to Tris whether or not his mother still lives.

Hobbies: Trisfal is dedicated to the Art of the Sword. The sharper his skills, the better he can protect the one he loves.

Weapon of Choice: Claymore, but has taken to using a one-handed sword and shield

Hair Color: Jet black (formerly silver)

Eye Color: Red (formerly blue)

Height: In his full adult form, he stands at about 5"8

Weight: 140 pounds

Favorite Food: Meat and bread

Theme Song: Fake Wings, from .hack//SIGN

How he came to be in Erinn:
Trisfal hails from a land called Telrassi, a place ruled by various warrior clans - all of them in constant strife with each other for control of the land. The Delacroix clan was one of the most powerful in all of Telrassi, producing members with a very "special" trait. At every full moon, a certin number of the Delacroix would go through the "Lunamaria". The Lunamaira is a physical transformation where the hair changes to black, the eyes to red, and their physical prowess increases 10 fold. Even though he was from a warrior clan, young Trisfal was never much for combat - he was the shy, thoughtful type, the little kid who never wanted to leave his mother's side.

Unfortunatly, a life of peace was not ment for young Trisfal. As powerful as the Delacroix were...they were not untouchable. Tris was only 10 years old at the height of the Telrassi Clan Wars, and the Delacroix were under contant attack. After many months of constant attack, the Delacroix defenses finally fell...and their settlement was sacked by a ravenous band known as the Drakenstijl. They killed men, women, children, burned crops and houses, pillaged and sacked everything they could.

The entired village had been slain...execpt for two - Trisfal, and his mother - who wasn't much of a warrior, but had the foresight to take her son and run as far as they could. Unfortunatly, they couldn't run far or fast enough...and were eventually caught by the Drakenstijl leader himself. Ripping Trisfal from his mothers arms, he raised his blade to slay the child. Tris' mother threw herself at the Warlords' feet, begging and pleading in tears to spare her child...and he did, on one condition: "Become my woman...and we'll spare the brat!"

She agreed to become the Drakenstijl Warlords' wife. As for Tris...he wasn't much of a warrior at all...but the Warlord had plans for that. Trisfal was a Delacroix - not a very useful one - but a Delacroix none the less. For the next 7 years Trisfal was trained in the Art of War, quickly rising in the ranks of the Drakenstijl...gaining a reputation for his blade skill, quickness, and of course - ruthlessness. Killing was the last thing Tris had ever wanted to do...but he need to do it to survive. All this time Tris has been conflicted by his former caring nature, and the cold-blooded killer he now had become. Trisfal eventually became almost mute, never talking...never showing any emotion at all. The only thing that consumed his mind was blood...and vengeance.

Through those 7 years, the Clan Wars had only grown...becoming more frequent and violent every day. For Tris, the nightmare began again...the Drakenstijl camp was attack, taking multiple clans working together to break through. This time though - he was prepared. With silent resolve, Trisfal cut down many warriors...enemies, and even Drakenstijl members if they got in his way. The battle raged on for a full 12 hours...until only one remained. Beaten, cut up, and losing blood quickly, Trisfal staggered from the Drakenstijl camp - dragging his bloody body for a mile or two before he finally collapsed...he was finally free...

Much to Tris' surprise - he opened his eyes. Checking himself, he found that his nearly decimated body was now fully healed. Nao had picked him from the edge of oblivion...and has given him a second chance in Erinn.

That special Someone: Trisfal had spent a few months in Erinn. Doing odd jobs, slaying small monsters...but spending most of him time isolated and in a dreamlike state. Sitting outside of Alby Dungeon, a young girl approched her. With a bubbly personality, bright green eyes, and a radiant smile...she offered to help Tris slay the Giant Spider deep in Alby. That girl's name is Kalypstra, and ever since that day they've been together constantly. The two have grown very close. Trisfal has worked tireless to perfect his swordskill, so he can protect the one he loves most of all...

Characters Friends: Trisfal has a very small, but close group of friends: Kalypstra (his girlfriend) and Darke (A humorous young mage).

Character History Through the Player:
This concept of Trisfal is fairly new. Trisfal is your "Strong and Silent" type with a little twist - he's not hesitant to run someone through with a big ass sword if you cross him. He's basicly the "Silent Guardian" (If you've ever seen Blood+...think Haji, and that about the basic of Tris)

Last edited by Trisfal on Sun Jul 13, 2008 4:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Alis Thu May 01, 2008 10:38 pm

Name: Brigid Nóinin ó Ceallacháin
Age: She arrived at the age of 13, but is now in her early 20s.
Birth Race: Human
Hair Color: Orange-red
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Height: 5’7”
Weight: Fluctuates, but is usually on the thin side.
Favorite Food: Strawberry milk, fruit salad, barley tea, and Brifne rocks
Theme Song: After the Fall by October Project

Family: Brigid was one of sixteen children in her homeland. She spent the early years of her life on a farm with her family until her father's untimely death. After her father’s passing, hard times befell the ó Ceallacháin family. Brigid was sold into slavery when her mother could no longer afford to care for her children. It was after that Brigid lost all contact with her family and became extremely bitter towards her mother.

Hobbies: Brigid dabbles in music, but her true passion is cooking. It gives her a sense of accomplishment and relaxes her. She also enjoys practicing magic in her spare time.

Weapon of Choice: Bastard Sword and spells

How she came to be in Erinn: Like many others, Brigid isn’t entirely sure how or why she was transported to the world of Erinn. She was relieved when Kahlen was transported with her, assuring her that she wouldn't be alone in this strange new world. Despite her confusion, she does like the idea of having a new start in the world of Erinn. Yet, at the same time, she continues to wait for something to go horribly wrong.

That Special Someone: Currently, Brigid does not have a special someone. She finds it extremely difficult to allow herself to become close to people. She tries to avoid becoming too attached to people.

Characters Friends: Due to her rather cold and reserved personality, Brigid has few friends. She does have one, however. Brigid’s dearest friend in this world is Kahlen, which was a bond that was formed when she became her personal hand maiden. She may not admit it, but she does consider Kahlen to be almost like a sister to her. She also appreciates the fact that Kahlen was one of the first people to treat her like a human being in a very long time.

Character history through the player: My story is so boring compared to everyone else’s. I enjoy the name Brigid and created the character specifically for this game. I had no intention of RPing with her at first. It wasn’t until later I thought she’d be perfect for it.

Voice: Elaine Cassidy
(Yeah, ignore me. This is a dorky thing I do with all my characters.)

Last edited by Kagutaba on Fri Jul 04, 2008 4:03 am; edited 1 time in total
Wolf in Designer Clothing
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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Kahlen Fri May 02, 2008 3:46 am

Name: Kahlen Ealish Crovan

Age: technically in her 20s like Brigid, but rebirths a lot. Now she's edging closer to being old.

Birth Race: Human

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark brown

Height: currently about 5'4", but she's still trying to grow

Weight: average

Favorite Food: cheese, strawberries, baked potatoes

Theme Song: Anthem 2, by Jakalope

Family: Kahlen comes from noble stock. Her father Duff is a duke, her mother Ainsley is, obviously, a duchess. She is an only child, much to her father's disappointment and not for lack of trying. She considers Brigid to be her sister.

Hobbies: killing things, harassing Galin, being on her own

Weapon of Choice: leather longbow

How she came to be in Erinn: She has no idea. Perhaps through a wardrobe...? All she knows is that she went from living in a rather cushy palace to...well...not. Which scares her a bit, but she's rather enjoying making decisions for herself. And it doesn't hurt that Brigid's around.

That Special Someone: Special...someone? No! Good heavens, no! *ahem* Kahlen has a boy-crazy streak, but funnily enough, she's too shy to make a move on anyone and too oblivious to notice any passes at her. Mostly she just likes looking at pretty boys, though she might have a crush or two.

Well. This has changed quite a bit. In her long, long time in Erinn, Kahlen's loved and lost many, many times. The love of her live will always be her first love, Irochozo, even with all their issues, breaking up, making up, and all that mess. Now that he's gone, she's pretty much wandering through the world without thinking or feeling much. She's not holding out hope of finding yet another special someone, as she's convinced that that special someone really doesn't exist for her anymore. She prefers to love 'em and leave 'em, so to speak.

Character's Friends: To be perfectly honest, Kahlen would talk to a tree if it looked pleased to see her. She's willing to befriend anyone and anything and is always glad to make conversation with people. Much to her disappointment, though, she has very few close friends in Erinn, save the one person she arrived with, her best friend Brigid. The two have been close for quite some time and Kahlen can't imagine navigating this new world alone, even with her recent bouts of exploring without Brig. However, she's starting to become rather close with Irochozo, and she has a couple of dungeon pals in Balto and Serihon.

Also changed! Kahlen's keeping the majority of the world at a distance now, thanks to the aforementioned heartbreak. The once outgoing and happy-go-lucky girl is now a lot more reserved. She's matured a lot, but the downside is that she's not entirely trusting of anyone or anything anymore. She's certain she has a friend in Galin, as they've known each other forever. She also hangs around Alis, another old friend. Other than that, Kahlen is mostly alone. She has several acquaintances but isn't particularly close to any of them.

Character history through the player: Kahlen is a name that I stole from my favorite model on America's Next Top Model (shut your mouth, I don't much watch anymore). I took that name and made Kaylin, who is...nothing like Kahlen. And as Pre-Open Beta was around, I decided to go with the original spelling, since it fit better with the whole Gaelic thing. Of course, that meant a new personality, so...I just decided she'll be the happy little elf that I almost never RP as. And it is hard work being constantly cheery.

Last edited by Kahlen on Wed Mar 24, 2010 2:27 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Updating in a major way.)
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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Azza Fri May 09, 2008 12:59 am

Name: Azza something something…

Age: Azza wishes to be around her later teens but due to special circumstances that she doesn’t quite understand, she usually floats in ages that are under 15 but always above 10.

Birth Race:
Human or at least she thinks she is. Some think she’s an angel, others think she’s a pain in the rear.

Family: The family that Azza can recall was the brothers and sisters of a monastery somewhere in a secluded mountain range, with snow. Lots and lots of snow.

Restraining herself from choking Fergus, Crawling through a dungeon, testing the effectiveness of new weapons.

Weapon of Choice:
Anything that can kill.

Hair Color: Silver-violet or some variant of white

Eye Color: Red

Height: Short enough to be tripped over but tall enough to be somewhat noticed. (5’6”? Maybe…)

Weight: Somewhere between 100lb to around 150, depending on how active she feels like being.

Favorite Food: Anything that’s she can catch and kill (golems taste gritty…)

Theme Song: DJ Sharpnel – Flower Forever

How she came to be in Erinn (you mean I wasn’t always here?): Azza cannot remember anything about her past. Whether or not she truly can’t remember or is just too lazy to remember can never quite be teased out due to her lack of interest in herself. She does however recollect something about a monastery, people, feathers, wings, fur, shimmering shapes and snow. Much of what she remembers therefore is practically useless, at least so she tells herself. Azza does remember clearly that it was Nao who had pulled her into this world. For what purpose she had no idea but there is always a quiet whispering in her mind as a reminder that she is on her own in this strange and alien world.

That Special Someone: Currently, she has no special someone and shows no real interest in trying to find “that special someone.” She does however enjoy the feeling of having a comrade guarding her back from the biting blades of an enemy. In truth, Azza would like to have a special person in her life but fear and a general hatred of herself prevents such a bond.

Character's Friends:
Friend are a rare thing and though she has made a few she isn’t sure of their intentions.

General Personality: At times, she is loud, violent and destructive with a rather crude, sarcastic and mean streak in her. Other times, she is a quiet and withdrawn person who if spoken to, responds in kind, and nothing more. Lack of sleep brought on by her insomnia teases her paranoia while her own sense of worthlessness draws herself into a deeper pit of depression. Fortunately, her violent behavior is usually directed towards the fomors and seem to be the only thing keeping her mind stable.

Character history through the player:
Azza is a name I’ve used for a while in games and in stories. Her persona usually takes on the form of a knight or warrior of some type, but always one that fills the role of a generic soldier without a name. I didn’t have role play in mind when starting Mabinogi, but I thought it was a nice opportunity to develop her more.
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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Balto Fri May 09, 2008 2:27 pm

Name: Balto

Age: The young boy came to Erinn at the age of ten, and has grown to an age of 15.

Birth Race: Human

Family: Balto's only known family member is his brother Genya, who he speaks of often.

Hobbies: Music and casting magic, he once was purely into the music arts, but because of his weaknesses on the battlefield decided to dedicate himself to a art of combat. Although he wouldn't be called a master, his Ice skills are better then average and he has grown quite attached to the spell.

Weapon of Choice:
A large sword, or perhaps his Lute.

Hair Color: Purple

Eye Color: A dark blue, his eyes fit perfectly with his hair color.

Height: Once referred to the small one, he has actually grown quite well. And is around the height of 5'6

Weight: 130lbs

Favorite Food: Milk and Berries

Theme Song: Final Fantasy Five theme.

How he came to be in Erinn: Not much is known about how Balto came to this world. But he believes Genya, his brother was the first to venture here. He became obsessed with the music arts, but unfortunately was killed. Balto's only memory before he was taken to this world was his brothers voice calling him, telling him to follow in his foot steps and become a famous musician in the world of Erinn. That is all Balto has ever known, somewhere deep in his heart he also believes that Genya is still alive out there.

That Special Someone: Balto.. What to say about Balto. One of his dreams besides being a famous musician is to get a wife. First setting his eyes on Kaye he was disappointed to find out that there was no chance of marrying the beauty, he set his eyes on just about any other female he could find. In his older age he flirts with just about everyone and looks at his dream as somewhat of a joke now. He often tells Sulia that the two should run off together, somewhat hinting he has had some underlined feelings for her.

Characters Friends: Balto has become friends with just about most of the crew, but has taken liking to Sulia most likely the most. Haze was the first to help out Balto, so he is always seen as a close friend and someone Balto can respect. Other people he considers friends are Darke, Raoul. Just before his dissapearance he befriended Kahlen and Seri, often calling the three the, "Corner Friends" due to their tactics when fighting inside dungeons.

Character history through the player: Genya, Balto's older brother was actually my first character. And I had previously roleplayed with that character often, after realizing my mistakes I decided I would dwell into another member of the Genya's family and decided to make Balto. Who in reality has a more interesting personality.

Current Status: Balto has appeared back in Erinn after two years. As of now he taking a break from the dungeon runs and mostly catching up with some of the old gang.

Last edited by Balto on Mon May 12, 2008 12:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Ruronin Fri May 09, 2008 4:50 pm

Name: The Ruronin

Age: found at age 10 has lived in errin for almost another 9 years

Birth Race: Human

Family: no known family but ferociously guards a female human called Razielle.

Hobbies: mainly protecting his charge and when not doing that exploring errin and honing his skills.

Weapon of Choice: very versatile but his favored weapon stands to be large swords.

Hair Color: black

Eye Color: a deep brown.

Height: currently people say hes around 5'9

Weight: 150lbs

Favorite Food: before razielle his pallet enjoyed only meat but now hes diverse in his tastes

Theme Song: when calm, Elfen leids "lillium", when angered or in battle Yousei Teikoku-"Valkyrja"or"last moment"

How he came to be in Erinn: while out investigating reports of odd deaths amongst the ferocious animals around tir Duncan discovered him to be the cause.this is some text of a letter written to trefor,ranald and lassar." I have found the disturbance in the case of the odd deaths of some of the savage animals around tir. upon hearing roars in the logging area i rushed to discover a small boy,covered in blood and with eyes filled with a wild unfettered hatred.what i witnessed next was the slaughter of several bears a wisp and 2 wolfs by this boys mere bare hands in a fashion i would describe as near demonic.after he was finished preying upon the poor beasts he was weak enough for me to capture.i currently am raising him and teaching him to be a competent warrior, i hope you train him well when he comes to you with my letter of recommendation.oh his name comes from the native language of warriors on an isle far to the east which means wanderer which seems to be a fitting name for him".

That Special Someone: his heart belongs to no one but cares for razielle very deeply.knowing she has her heart set on another he has dedicated his life to protecting her so she may continue loving her special someone.

Characters Friends:friends are an odd terminology to this person.the only friend he has is razielle because he trusts her above anyone else and respects her which is hard for him to do for anyone else.

Character history through the player: the ruronin is and old old old character whose names have changed as many times as the worlds hes visited.over 20 worlds have he crossed looking for a home

Current Status: hiding amongst the lands of errin waiting for razielles call.

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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Temo Mon May 12, 2008 4:59 pm

Name: Gatemo, AKA Wolf of Eweca

Age: Unknown, appears to be in his late teens

Birth Race: Incubus - Fomor/Formor. (Whichever spelling of the word you prefer.)

Family: Kurohi, Silverno, and Katsuna, whom he considers a sister

Hobbies: Fishing, training, hunting, cooking, and especially herbalism. Right now he’s working on ways to give potions a better, sweeter taste. Recent success in making stamina potions taste like lemonade.

Weapon of Choice: Maces, double-edged blades

Hair Color: Ash/white

Eye Color: Red

Build: Usually thin, lithe, and light, but a healthy weight at the same time.

Favorite Food: APPLES, berries, strawberries...just about anything else with the color red...

Theme Song: Immortal - Adema

How he came to be in Erinn:

At first he couldn't remember; and now he wishes he never did. Gatemo turned out to be one of the very beings he hunted for the sake of Erinn long before he made his deal with a succubus - a Fomor. Parts of his memory are still fuzzy, but for some reason or another, he willingly came to Erinn. For the moment, he bides his time, waiting for the rest of his memories to return. All the while, he is learning more about the dispute between humans and Fomors, more about the nature of both sides, and being left with a difficult choice to make - which one to choose.

Gatemo still keeps under his usual guise as a human. Aside from a select few who know him for what he is, he tries to keep his true self as secret as possible. He nearly succeeded in this by secluding himself from the world by disappearing into Connous with his new family; but the peace found there was short-lived. Having been driven out of hiding by Fomor hunters, he and his wife were forced into drifting again, and knowing their son wouldn't survive the journey, forced to leave him behind to give the boy a chance in leading a more peaceful life.

That Special Someone

A rogue succubus named Kurohi

Character’s Friends…

…are something he’ll always treasure and would do whatever’s in his power to protect, no matter how withdrawn. Friends of his tend to get really lucky in life, or so he says.

Character history through the player:

At first, Gatemo was just going to be a random, happy-go-lucky kind of guy I threw out of my imagination; but for some reason on rebirth, I decided to reincarnate an old samurai character of mine. Their personalities are pretty much the same, aside from the former person being possessed by his deceased and psychotic friend. I felt he deserved a new start - one where his ideals wouldn’t leave him so isolated from society, he didn’t wind up going mad at random due to a bloodlusting spirit, and he wasn't a wanted man for killing over 500 people... c.c; He was a nice guy that just got caught in a series of unfortunate events. Unfortunately, he'd gotten caught up in another mess here...

Last edited by Gatemo on Tue May 26, 2009 10:35 am; edited 9 times in total
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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Brionnda Thu May 15, 2008 6:56 am

Name: Brionnda Sgaith Kirkpatrick
Birth Race: Human, but from a clan linked to Irish werewolves
Family: Many of Bri's cousins and older relatives were born werewolves, her branch of the family, though, hadn't inherited the 'curse'. Seven generations before, there was a brief marriage with one of the Fae, resulting in one child touched with the Fae traits, while her siblings were all pure human. Brionnda's ancestry runs in a direct line back to that half-fae daughter.
Hobbies: Pottery, poetry, painting, and gathering stories.
Weapon of Choice: She can't resist shiny things, so she carries a sword. But her real weapon of choice is song.
Hair Color: Silver
Eye Color: Turquoise
Height: 5'4"
Weight: Wants it to be 124, really hovers around 145
Favorite Food: Chocolate!
Theme Song: Ye Banks And Breas Of Bonnie Doone, traditional Scottish song.
How she came to be in Erinn:
Brionnda was living a scholarly life, working in a large library, when she encountered in the stacks a most curious tome. Layered in dust, it appeared at first to be simply light brown, but a swipe through the dust showed it to be rather deep wine, or perhaps blood. As the library was already closing for the night, she closeted herself in a storage area and settled in to read this mysterious book embossed with a lovely Celtic knotwork insignia on the cover.
Poring over the pages, she found words like Eweca and Gairech, but they were curiosities and nothing more. A third of the way through the book, the name of Nao appeared. Perplexed, she sounded it out, thinking that this word didn't sound Gaelic like the others she'd read. As she said it aloud, a brilliant white light erupted from the pages and a powerful wind blew back her silver hair -- whipping her glasses from her face in the process. The pages rippled and crackled in the gale, and the white light overwhelmed her senses, until she found herself standing in a mysterious limbo-like place that seemed suspended in midair.

Character history through the player: Brionnda's first rp incarnation was as a White Wolf Games Vampire; her name was a Gaelic translation of Whisperwing,a separate character. Brionnda Sgaith. Her persona has always been something of a misfit, a solitary personality that craves company. As the character concept of Whisperwing was a winged race, and having wings is not to my knowledge a part of the game for any foreseeable future, it seemed time to reinvent Brionnda.
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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Kagaea Thu May 22, 2008 9:58 pm


Varies... prefers to be young.

Astrological Sign:
Eweca, the magical moon


Adventuring, magic

Weapon of Choice:
Magic... otherwise, Daggers


Eye Color

Favorite Food

How she came to be in Erinn:
She isn't quite sure, the last clear thing she remembers before waking up in Erinn was camping in the wilderness... she also has a vague idea she was older than she is now, but she's enjoying being young.

Kagaea can be summed up with three words: precocious, vivacious, and cute. Also, she is obsessed with the color purple. She is very smart and because of that takes naturally to magic. She is also very frank, always speaking exactly what is on her mind, as well as having a tenancy to nickname people if they don't introduce themselves quickly enough or if she's forgotten their name. She is highly protective of those she likes, though her standards for liking things are if they are cute and/or nice. Fundamentally for her good = cute and nice, while evil = uncute and mean. If she considers something to be uncute and mean she will go out of her way to try and kill it, if it is merely one or the other, she tends to be more hesitant about things.

Character history through the player:
The name "Kagaea" originally was from character in a novel I am/was writing, something called a Skiamancer. For those of you who don't know Greek a Skiamancer is to shadow what a Pyromancer is to fire. The name itself is a corruption of the Japanese word for shadow: "kage." Anyway, the character in the novel actually has little similarities with the character, the novel Kagaea is more reserved and mature, though she often wants to speak her mind. In some ways the Kagaea of Mabinogi is the other Kagaea's shadow, she's what she is not, but what she wants to be.
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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  JagdtMirage Mon Jun 02, 2008 11:38 am

Jagd tr'knailmnhae Dhur'dann (Mirage was/is a callsign)

Before coming to Erinn, Jagd was in his 50's

Birth Race:

A vetran son of a vetran son, Jagd's family before Erinn, was the Cherokee Nation, with a long history of warriors stretching back thousands of years.

Writing, especially 'Illustrated Manuscripts' journaling and expeditionary documentation. Also anything that's hands-on hard work, that benefits someone who couldn't manage on their own. Be it fending off wolves from sheep to ringing a pretty priestess' bells.

Weapon of Choice:
From ancient times, his Landsknecht fencing practice he undertook while stationed in Europe has led to him favoring zweihanders & claymores. This also affects his fashion statements, the bright goldenrod / black is easily identifyable on the battlefield. Upon arrival in Erinn and succesful learning of the arts of Magic, he has been expiramenting with combinations of spell & sword.

Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Hazel bordering on black depending on the lighting.
Height: In adult(text rp) form he stands 6'10"
Weight: In adult(text rp) form he is very solid and maintains a lean soldier's build. He is around 265lbs.

Favorite Food: Pemmican Iron Rations. A good soldier can march for 36 hours on 4 a four ounce bar.

Theme Song: "Creature of the Wood" - Heather Allexander

How he came to be in Erinn: Unfortunate accidents seem to be the way of things, but some are less fortunate than others. Jagd feels he was fortunate to be pulled from the life stream. The old world, there was no place for heroes.

Character history through the player:
Jagd is a character I started in around 1988 or so, in a pen & paper RPG. Name's changed a bit, but the basics haven't. In the old setting, he was a fish out of water, a person caught in a tough, gritty world, where you get to know someone just in time to see them die in a hail of bullet fire. There were no nice guys. The nice guys were buried with neat white crosses in Arlington National Cemetary. You couldn't be a knight in shining armor, because the princess in distress would stab you in the back soon as she was done being 'rescued'. Nice guys finished last, if they finished. A chance to do some good in the world, and to set things right, is an openly greeted challenge.

Mabi Birthday:
26th of Lughansadh Yep, he's a moonie! Even though his rebirth day is sometime in the latter half of Samhain.
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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Veleth Sat Jun 07, 2008 6:31 am

Name: Galin (He was named by Elen when she was but a child.)
Age: Despite his looks, Galin seems to hold much wisdom that would prove his age was much greater then his physical appearance would suggest.
Birth Race: Human
Family: Galin has no family. One day he simply walked out of the mines in Bangor.
Hobbies: Creation. Being of unknown origin, Galin strives to find purpose in his life through the creation of objects.
Weapon of Choice: Longbow
Hair Color: Orange
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Food: Meat and potatoes.
How he came to be in Erinn/Character history:
Galin believes that he is somehow related to the gods of Erinn. He finds himself being frequently blessed by them with wealth and good luck.
His original appearance in the mines and the wisdom he holds, despite his age, has led many to believe that there may be some truth to the matter. Galin is a slave to his work and has only found joy through creation. He can be moody, but is generally good natured and honest. His work gives him much time to reflect on the world which he attributes to "an empty head", meaning that because he does not learn much by way of books he has much time for wisdom. Galin seeks understanding of his own presence in the world and is frequently troubled by visions that he does not understand. Galin is known to be a wiseman by those who know him.
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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Sakotai Mon Jun 09, 2008 11:43 am

Name: Sakotai Torianil
Age: Entered Erinn as a 20-year-old
Birth Race: Beyond everything she's ever been turned into for the sake of her "job", Sakotai is essentially dead. But before even that, she happened to be a member of a race inhabiting a little-known planet way on the other side of the Milky Way, called "Deltonia" by outside colonists. Deltonians are something of an oddity; human-like in appearance, but with skin and hair colors that run the entire visible spectrum plus black and white. They're also a very mystic people, which is nice in a world based on the four basic elements in forms that can be manipulated. This is where Sakotai's fixation with fire comes from, being she was something akin to a high priestess in charge of contacting the Side of Heaven in which Fire reigned(with gods that are total party animals; the other Sides really don't like them that much). Unfortunately, there was a remarkably stupid cataclysm that took the world, everyone that lived on it, and everyone who felt like poking around from outside with it. Well, almost everyone.
Family: Sakotai only has one direct family member she can keep in contact with, albeit very rarely: Mitsukan Torianil, the shining emerald to her, uh... eudialyte? He's dead too, but is living his afterlife merrily in Heavens United, sort of an apology from the Deltonian pantheon for having their physical plane swept out from under their feet.
Hobbies: Dancing, pyrotechnics, bonfires fueled by unfiled paperwork
Weapon of Choice: In Erinn, Sakotai has managed to hone her innate connection to Fire to come up with a mean Firebolt, but has also taken a liking to two-handed swords. Whether this is because of their great performance or the fact that it sends most civilians fleeing in terror when she runs around brandishing it is anyone's guess.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Muted Green
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: ~137 lbs.
Favorite Food: Whatever she can get her hands on at the time, but does rather like to rock the wagon every now and then.
Theme Song: N/A (I never really think about these, but for her it'd probably be something from Alanis Morissette)
Entry to Erinn: (it's a big one)
"They just keep coming," came the mutter under breath, drowned out by a shout of "Pulse Shockwave!" and the roar of tearing earth. For just a moment, the short-skirted warrior caught Sakotai's gaze. "Go back to base and tell Trance to get out the big guns!"

Grunting in effort, she freed one hand to tap a device at her ear, struggling to maintain the wall of flames that kept the battle from turning into a war. "Get me Division Three, and get me out of here!" She didn't bother keeping her voice level. She slowly advanced on the masses trying to throw themselves through her barrier, using every bit of will she could muster to keep those crucial few feet unoccupied. It wasn't clear why these two forces were so bent on annihilating each other to begin with, but she'd long since learned not to question such trivialities; accomplish the job at hand, then worry about clean-up. Not the most virtuous of philosophies.

Time passed, and Sakotai managed a sweeping glance around her. The throng of warriors on the other side had thinned out a bit, but were still too numerous to ignore. Her own part of crowd control was faring rather a lot better, seeing as most of them had actually grown a few brain cells and stopped throwing themselves into the fire. Business as usual, but where was that portal? She'd called for it at least ten minutes ago. Curses left her in native tongue -- useful, since people can't be offended by swearing in a dead language -- and she tapped at her headset again. A flash of light cut her off before she could swear in English, expanding into a neat, circular abnormality in the fabric of reality. Finally, she mused to herself. She gave the fire wall one more burst to deter the other side and quickly leapt through the portal.

On the other side, however, was not the Transport Office. In fact, there didn't seem to be anything. It was as if she were floating, drifting in a lazy stream. She wanted to touch her headset again, scream at the imbeciles on the other side who got the destination wrong, but it was a bit hard to do when she couldn't feel her arms. Or her legs. Or her anything, really. After a minute, she didn't even feel like complaining anymore. It was as if the stress simply melted away, leaving her consciousness calm, serene, empty...

"Hello," an angel called out. The word sent her reeling, spiraling down into a bright light. A white light, blanketing everything in quiet oblivion. Terror suddenly filled her heart, and she wanted to scream, beg for mercy that she might be spared to live and work another day. This wasn't the pleasant light of day, no, something had gone horribly wrong, horribly terribly wrong and she'd never come back never burn another report never see Mitsu again someone help me--

Black. White. A ceiling of purples and pinks, like that of sunset. Two sapphires stared into her very soul.

"Welcome to Erinn."

Character History with Player: This is about a millionth of what I've come up with for her in the eight years she's been with me. 90% of it is plotholed, fangirlish rubbish that I'm sure no one would want to hear about. She was even a giant robot for a while until I realized that was stupid and made no sense.

Last edited by Sakotai on Tue Jul 29, 2008 10:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
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~ Character Bios! Empty Seleas Yargaeta

Post  Seleas Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:17 pm

Age: I no longer remember. I vaguely remember my past life, what I remember makes me think it's better off forgotten.

Birth Race: Human, I think.

Family: I remember my brother dying . . . but I don't remember how. I remember bending over him as he lay dying.

Hobbies: I enjoy listening to bards play, helping those who truely need help (or my friends), and watching the stars for patterns.

Weapon of Choice: Magic. It's been a fascination of mine in every memory that I have.

Hair Color: Red.

Eye Color: Blue.

Height: 5'2" (fully grown)

Weight: 132 lbs.

Favorite Food: I wish I could afford to buy food on a regular basis!

Theme Song: Memories (from Cats)

How he came to be in Erinn: The last thing I remember is being surrounded by a painful white light. I think it was arcing from somewhere nearby. I woke up and I was on this white pedistal, where I met this young lady named Nao . . . It was all very confusing. I want to remember more of my past, but some days I wonder if I'm better off not knowing. What if I was a bad person? What if my memory of my brother was me killing him? It is a very frightning thought.

Character history through the player: I first created the name for Seleas in EQ for a ranger I played very little. It wasn't until later that I remembered the name, and truely realized how good it sounded to me. In every incarnation he has been a ranger or druid of some form, until here in Mabinogi, where I've turned him into a mage.

Last edited by delthir on Thu Jun 12, 2008 1:43 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Typo.)
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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Irochozo Sun Jun 15, 2008 4:46 pm

Name: Irochozo Ur'gh'asha Belderiver
Age: Varies, like most visitors to Erinn. He prefers an adult's body.
Birth Race: Cambion(demonkin). Iro's father was an Incubus, and his mother was a human. The union of Human and Succubus/Incubus always results in a Cambion. The cambion is a still birth that shows no sign of life outside of being alive, meaning that the child has, for example, no pulse and no breath. This continues until the child is about seven years old, where it becomes increasingly difficult to differentiate one from a human. A cambion is usually devilishly cunning, and angelically beautiful, able to persuade even the most strong-hearted individual to do his or her bidding. Most cambions have evil tendencies due to their demon parent.
Family: His family is rather large. His mother, a human priestess named Sayuri, died giving birth to him. She had two sisters, who each had three children. Iro is not aware of his mother's family, for he has never met them. His father's family includes a slew of many different types of demons, too many to be named. His father's name is Balor, and the voice of Iro's father haunts his mind constantly.
Hobbies: He has recently taken to cooking, now that his thirst for battle has waned.
Personality: He has a very dark personality, and views most people with extreme contempt. He idolizes Kahlen, Kaly, Trisfal, Darke, and Jagdmirage.
Alignment: Neutral Evil
Weapon of Choice: Bare Hands.
Preferred Method of Combat: Iro has become a rather reckless combatant, wading heedlessly into battle and often forgetting that he can cast very potent spells.
Hair Color: Changes on a whim over his rebirths, but it's normally black or light purple.
Eye Color: Always Red
Height: In adult(text rp) form he stands at 5 foot 11.
Weight: In adult(text rp) form he is rather solid, but thin.
Clothing: He wears darker clothing, keeping in tone with his somber mood and expressions. His style of dress probably helped him earn the nickname that was given to him by Kagaea.
Favorite Food: Bread, Baked Potatoes, Apple Juice, and Strawberry Milk.
Theme Song: "Dead-Hearted" by Blood.
How he came to be in Erinn:
Iro encountered something called "The Halja", a messenger of death. The Netherworld, where Iro hails from, overlaps with Rabbie Dungeon. After a fierce battle, Iro evaded the Halja's clutches and suddenly appeared within it's musty halls. Rabbie's inhabitant, a Succubus, cared for him since she sensed kindred blood within the boy. After a red warrior broke the seal, Iro bid farewell to his "cousin" and made his way into society.

Character history through the player:
Irochozo's name is a combination of two rather different things. Iro, which is the character that I've used in D & D(as well as other table top rp's) for about 7 years, and the "Chozo" race from my favorite game series: Metroid. I simply combined the two.

Last edited by Irochozo on Tue Aug 19, 2008 10:48 am; edited 7 times in total (Reason for editing : As one of my most successful characters, Iro is constantly evolving like a real person.)
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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Captincrunch Sun Jun 15, 2008 7:47 pm

Name: Captincrunch. Why that name? It was the first thing that popped into his head. Most prefer to call him Cap.
Age: Not a clue .... may have been older but now is hovering between preteen and mid-teen
Birth Race: Human is what he has been called so he takes people at their word but then again, people have been wrong before.
Family: He seems to recall some form of parental presence and possibly a sibling or siblings.
Hobbies: Fishing, singing, fishing, cooking, fishing, guitar, fishing, handy crafts, fishing, camping, fishing.....
Weapon of Choice: In Erinn Cap much prefers to go fishing but after having Eiri evaporate on him he has discovered the joys of using a 2-handed sword. Bad things actually fall down when he hits them now.
Hair Color: Silver white
Eye Color: Piercing Deep Blue
Height: 5' 2" but has varied back and forth over the years
Weight: ~107 lbs. but yet again this varies as well.
Favorite Food: Mmmm Bait. Gummy worms silly. What were you thinking? He actually prefers his own cooking. Bemusedly he has discovered there is such a thing as being too good a cook after a few meetings with the goddess. Meeting up with some of his ingredients has put him off eating certain dishes as well. Giant chickens shudder
Theme Song: His tastes are eclectic when it comes to music. Others who know him would suggest anything by Stompin Tom Conners.
Entry to Erinn: His memory of how and what happened is all rather fuzzy. It is even more of a puzzle for him more than those around him since his amnesia is not specific but sporadic and ever changing. One day he may remember the name of his dad and the next where he lived at one tome but forgetting what he knew the day before. To make things even more challenging for those around him, his day to day memory seems to fade in and out.

According to Treffor, who as a good friend has been paying attention, the following is the story of who and what Cap was/is.

Cap was actually James Keegan. A single man of middling years who worked as a physics(a type of magic?) researcher in a telecommunications (a type of magical owl system) company. When not at work he would spend as much time either fishing, camping and cycling (a mechanical horse?) in the summer or as the acting captain of the local hockey team (a game played on a frozen pond wearing knives on the bottoms of your boots). He had earned acclaim, infamy and his nickname from his ability and skill with a game move called a check. He was able to overcome much larger and stronger opposing players due to his nimbleness on the ice.

All well and good, any listener would say, but what happened to him that he ended up here?

Do you remember that job of his where he worked with the owls? Well, it so happens that he was recently assigned to work on some new systems to make them usable on a day to day basis. Stronger faster more intelligent owls. Now the rest is just too magically complex for interpretation so bear with me as I use the terms he used when he remembered.

I was performing some of the last calibrations on three of the less than cooperative quantum computing modules and the multi-axis phase array when someone started up another piece of experimental equipment in another part of the lab. They had set up a resonant photon ring and were tuning it up for an experiment to be conducted tho following day. Somehow the unrelated pieces of equipment began to interact harmonically on the subatomic level. There was a flash of light and an ovoid (I think that means egg shaped) volume of space right next too me shimmered and opened, but not like a door, but more as a space. On the other side of this door however, was not the other side of the laboratory. In fact, as he peered closer, there didn't seem to be anything there. Just then I lost my balance, and its pretty hard to steady yourself grasping at literally nothing. The next thin I knew was as if I were floating, drifting in a lazy stream. After a minute of panic, I bemusedly didn't even feel like complaining. It was as if the stresses simply melted away, leaving a consciousness that was calm, serene, empty...

"Cap" a goddess called out to him.
"Welcome to Erinn."

Character History with Player: I was originally going to play up the idea of the bone breaker hockey enforcer from the Marlies but after playing him for a bit in his amnesiatic state I quickly decided to bring his hobbies to the fore as his reason for being. The skirt, kilt thing? He thinks he is Irish, so he must be Irish even though most know the kilt is a sottish form of garb. Like I said, the Cap is a might bit confused.

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~ Character Bios! Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Caliandra Mon Jun 23, 2008 9:09 pm

Name: Kishya

Age: 16

Race: Succubus, but she doesn't know.

Class: Mage.. and she also is something else but she does not know right now.

Family: Her family wasn't around to take care of her when she was an infant, so the people of Tir Chonaill watched after her.

Hobbies: Laying in the grass looking at the sky

Weapon of Choice: Wand

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Blue

Height: 5'6

Weight: average

Favorite Food:Bread Caiitin makes

Theme Song: Caramelldansen

How He Came To Be In Erinn: .She was born in Erinn

Character History: She was abandoned at the age of 5 by her parents, so she was watched by the people in Tir. She visited and helped Dilys the most because she loved the healing arts. One day Dilys took her with her to see Emain Macha. Thats when she first heard to sound of music. As she followed the sound she came up to the town square and she seen Nele. As she slowly walked up not to disturb him in his playing she enjoyed his music. When he was done he looked down at her and smiled. Kishya started to talk to Nele about music. Nele was interested in Kishya because Nele never seen a young child so interested in music. When she had to go back to Tir, Nele gave her a flute, she practices any time she gets now. Now she is eleven and is adventuring in Erinn and making new friends along the way, RPSociety. *5 years later* She is now 16. She has decided to turn the path of a mage instead of a healer. She has gained the famous spell "Thunder" and wishes to gain the other two famous spells. she still has no idea what she is, but she is eager to find out. People tell her she is human, some say she is a fomor.

Last edited by Kishya on Sun Apr 05, 2009 9:28 am; edited 1 time in total


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~ Character Bios! Empty Kaye

Post  Kayeori Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:49 am

Name: Kayeori Miyakuro Julien a.k.a. Kaye
Age: Varies on rebirth (26 before Erinn)
Eyes: Green
Hair: Red
Race: Human
Height: 5’7” (text rp)
Weight: 150lbs (text rp)
Family: Sulia DeRomanus (Fiancé) Aneous Julien (Half brother) Julian (Half brother)
Adrianna Julien (Half sister) Janice Nocturnal (Foster brother) Angelique Julien (Niece)
Andre & Starr Julien (Nephew & Niece) (Twins)
Family history: Kaye’s history is an odd one as she doesn’t really have a blood family of her own so to speak. Yes she is related to Aneous and Julian, but it’s a rather odd relation. Aneous would be the oldest and even he doesn’t remember much of their family. His sister Adrianna knows more, but rarely speaks of it. Very little is known to any of them at this time.
Weapon of choice: Magic, plus any one handed weapon and kite shield
Theme song: Devil's Daughter by Silvertide
How she came to Erinn: Kaye would spend most of her days hanging around a pub known as Hermit’s Fire. She worked there part-time where she did a number of odd jobs. During her off-time she lay around with Sulia or went wandering around with her. A few days had past and she had not seen or heard from Sulia which of course began to worry her. Kaye checked with Sulia’s father and even he had not seen her for about a week. This wasn’t uncommon, but something just bugged Kaye about it. A regular visit to the Julien house turned up something. Aneous told her that he had found another world known as Erinn. It was there he mentioned a woman he had seen who resembled Sulia. Not as much physically but more the way she acted. Aneous had already made a deal with Nao so he could come and go as he pleased but warned Kaye that she probably would not have the same luxury. Regardless Kaye made up her mind instantly and begged Aneous to take her there. He said that it wasn’t up to him who could enter and/or leave the world of Erinn. Just seconds later a voice echoed through the halls “I could take her there if she wishes to go.” Aneous would only smile and nod his head “I think it would be best. Thank you Lady Nao.” Before Kaye could even ask she felt as if he spirit was being whisked away. Moments later Kaye would awaken at the feet of a boy wearing a helmet. “Welcome to Erinn… My name is Tin…”
Character history through the player: Kaye was made originally just because I was getting a bit bored with Aneous (Neo) and Julian. Adding a flirty, sexy, nympho was just what the doctor ordered to finish this trio of misfits. I realize there are a few holes, but I only did this to get you to read the other two bios! Bwahahahaha! Read up on the Jullian and Aneous char bios. Do it NOW!

Last edited by Kayeori on Mon Mar 14, 2011 9:48 am; edited 3 times in total
Dessert Dragon
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~ Character Bios! Empty Neo

Post  Kayeori Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:53 am

Name: Aneous Julien a.k.a. Neo
Age: unknown (looks early 30’s)
Race: Human/Dragon
Hair: Raven Black
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6 ft. (text rp)
Weight: 256 lbs. (text rp)
Family: Delyn Methuselah Julien (wife) Janus Nocturnal (Foster brother)
(Rest is in line with Kaye’s bio, except Aneous has a full blood relation with all Julien’s apart from Kaye and Julian as they are special cases. No pun intended.)
Family history: Neo is the oldest ‘sibling’ of the trio, next would be Julian and finally little baby Kaye. Neo’s sister Adrianna, or Adria as most refer to her, is older then Neo is. Aside from Adria, Neo has no strong memories of his family. He was sent to live with Janus’ parents when he was only a year and ½ old. His life was full of training once he turned 5 years of age. He didn’t mind it at all, and soon he grew to love it. To him training his body was like training his mind. Around the age of 11 Neo and Janus were placed into a safe spot of the house during some sort of raid. Hours seemed to go by and finally things got quiet. Nothing was left of the village and very little was left of the house. Both boys were scared but knew it would be best to leave and find shelter elsewhere. Life went on, and they parted to lead their lives. Neo later would be reunited with his sister and much later with Janus once more. He had loved, and lost. But most importantly he kept going. He met Delyn and for years they remained friends before an odd streak of Neo’s life and eventually she became his true love he had longed for. They married and had twins a boy and a girl. It was more then Neo could have ever asked for.
Hobbies: Martial arts, potion making, and traveling to different lands, worlds, and other dimensions.
Weapon of choice: Hand to hand (text rp). However in Mabi he refrains from fighting as much as possible as per a deal with Nao.
Theme Song: Kick Some Ass by Stroke 9.
How he came to Erinn: Neo has always been something of an explorer. Over time he developed an ability to travel across time and space. Even to different dimensions. He had always heard of a place that most could only describe as paradise. Never did he really yearn to find this seemingly elusive place, but the thought of such a place sounded nice. One day while out and about, like any other day, he decided to rest briefly. When he finally awoke he was somewhere completely new. White owls flew above his head and a sultry voice came from behind. He raised a brow to the woman in a lovely black dress and intoxicating blue eyes. Her figure was that of a dream. “I have been watching you for some time now. You’re different from just about everyone else I have seen. You neither want nor really need anything you already have. In a sense you are one of the most content people I have ever met. But forgive me, my name is Nao.” “Nice to meet you milady, how might I assist you?” Nao simply smiled “Such an eager and noble man. I know how you like to explore and thought you might want to see a world called Erinn. I feel that you would not want to remain there. So I will make you a deal. I will allow you to come and go as you please. In return during your time in Erinn you refrain from confrontations as much as possible. Of course there are exceptions, but I am sure you understand.” Neo smiles and nods “Sounds lovely Lady Nao. I am ready when you are…”
Character history through the player: Neo has been a character of mine for over 8 of the 9 or so years I have done text rp. I always wanted to bring rp into an actual online RPG. His story has evolved many times but the char hasn’t really changed since his creation. A good description of Neo would be to simply look at Vash from the Trigun anime. There is quite a bit more to his story and just how he is tied to Kaye and Julian. Ask me about sometime if you have a long time to listen or I can send out a much fuller bio to those who are interested. Neo is no longer apart of the world of Erinn. The life of a wanderer has called him to other lands.

Last edited by Kayeori on Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:08 am; edited 2 times in total
Dessert Dragon
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~ Character Bios! Empty Julian

Post  Kayeori Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:54 am

Name: Julian Miyakuro (ign Miyakuro)
Age: 34
Eyes: Brown but with hints of red
Hair: White
Race: Human
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 253 lbs.
Family: (Same as Kaye’s relations)
Family History: Julian discloses very little of his background apart from the people who already know of it. Apart from the things Kaye and Aneous already know, there is very little he could add, if he chose to do so. Just after his arrival in Erinn he began remembering times in Neo’s past of a boy and his younger sister. Given his relation to Neo it’s understandable that he would have these memories, but he could never recall them before. The only other thing he could recall of these kids was their last name, Miyakuro.
Hobbies: None to speak of, unless you consider shadowing people a hobby.
Weapon of choice: Fists and heavy weapons
Theme Song: I am all of me (Shadow the Hedgehog theme)
What I’ve Done by Linkin Park
How he came to Erinn: A typical day for Julian included kicking back on a tree branch somewhere. More times then not it was close to the pub Hermit’s Fire. As much as he wished to be left alone, he hung around the place quite often. His smart mouth and foul comments actually landed him a job by the proprietor. His job you might ask? To keep all the whiners weeded out. The owner was tired of getting stupid complaints and random suggestions. And given her good nature, she needed someone who wasn’t afraid to speak whatever they thought to these upstarts. Julian was perfect for the job and took it just so Hermit would quit pestering him. Taking a break from work he took a few days off and headed back to the Julien house. During his stay he walked in on the conversation between Kaye and Neo. More or less the back end of it as the mysterious voice whisked Kaye off. Neo looked to Julian for just a moment. He didn’t even speak, and it seemed he didn’t have to. Julian merely sighed a bit in an irritated manner. It was then Neo turned away and said “Lady Nao. I have another who should accompany Kaye. She hasn’t fully understood her abilities and even in Erinn she may need a little help.” The voice paused for a moment before speaking once again “I see. And perhaps even reasons he wishes not to voice…” Julian said nothing and just as Kaye had been he too was whisked away to the land of Erinn. He arrived just in time to see Kaye wander off. Tin said nothing to him, only nodded and handed him his own Eiry.
Character history through the player: Julian has technically been around just as long as Neo, even though I didn’t really think him up until years down the road. He started as an evil power that Neo expelled as a child. Years went by and he became a real person with the exact likeness of Neo. At the time Julian hated Neo with a passion and did everything in his power to destroy him and his life. During a time when Neo had to be brought back to life, Julian was nothing more then a condemned soul inside a stone. He was refused with Neo and later they began to coexist through the one body. Finally he was separated from Neo one last time with a body made to his likeness by Neo to give him a life of his own. To this day Julian still has distaste for Neo but in some very odd way respects him too. However, Julian would never admit it. Like Neo, Julian too has moved on to bigger and better things. He recalls little to nothing of his time in Erinn.

Last edited by Kayeori on Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:16 pm; edited 6 times in total
Dessert Dragon
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