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My AU Bios \o/

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My AU Bios \o/ Empty My AU Bios o/

Post  Mari Eir Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:29 pm

High School AU

The Shehads
Family Structure:
Sartcharis, hard-working single father type
Vorelixen, institutionalized mother
Vorelanon, eldest daughter
Mariella+Tihkruvor, fraternal twins
Iraselle, slightly older foreign cousin.

Social Standings:
Vorelanon; seen as sort of an easy girl, she fits in with the popular girls but most of them are frenemies. She's pretty, not as dumb as most think she is (but not as smart as her younger sister), and KNOWS she's attractive. Senior student. Dragon.
Mariella; she's odd in the way she outcasts herself with her personality and attire alone. She acts and dresses like a gothic princess (or other fancy types of clothing) and is bright, but overly full of herself. She's her own best friend. Sophomore student. Dragon.
Tihkruvor; a quiet boy who typically hangs around his twin sister. He's seen as weird since she's his only friend and never really speaks up himself. Being gay doesn't really help. Sophomore. Dragon.
Iraselle; exotic foreign cousin who just moved to the same country as her extended family for school. She's used to living in Third World settings, so does a few things in an unorthodox manner. She was only able to afford her decent education through the assistance of her extended family. A total hippie. University Freshman. Dragon.

Various other characters:

Shinnichi; Charismatic Counselor. An Incubus who hides his race through a seal on his attire.
Valmont; French teacher. An Incubus who doesn't bother hiding his race, which probably doesn't help swooning high school girls. He's a single father to a young son.
Momo; Creepy little kid who tends to lurk around the campus. He's secretly a devil and acts thusly toward people he greatly disliked.
Bant; Popular kid, kind jock. He's openly gay though, so tends to catch a lot of flack (if not bits of blatant homophobia) from his team mates. Elf.
Werka; a self righteous vegan feminist (in the negative way) who is ALWAYS protesting SOMETHING. Human.
Aldora: An attractive young succubus who hangs out with the more popular students. She's much smarter than the company she keeps lets on.
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

Posts : 4397
Join date : 2010-03-04
Age : 35
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Post  Mari Eir Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:12 pm

Guardian AU

Mariella (Duo Ladyship)
- A young woman who appears younger than she truly is, Mariella is a girl who liked to surround herself with the cuter things in life. [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] Her Guardian is an Incubus, a rare pureblood no less, with the ability to turn into a cute, stuffed animal-looking creature. Together, they've won multiple competitions including the recent tournament, drawing the ire of the Guardian Liberation Front.

  • She lives with her sister and her Guardian as well.
  • The basis of the pact with her Guardian is for him to bring her glory. Her side of the pact is to always love him.

Vorelanon (Duo Songbird) - An attractive young woman who can't help but be blunt and, occasionally, downright mean to others. If the rarity of having one pure blooded Cubic Guardian in the family wasn't enough, Vorelanon has one as well making the pair not only a rarity in itself, but a champion duo. She is openly in love with her Guardian, only making him fight to pay the bills. She is vaguely aware of the existence and plight of the GLF and is sensitive about the use of Guardians in general.

  • The sisters and their Guardians live together in a 3 bedroom apartment in Tara.
  • The basis of the pact with her Guardian is for him to make her happy in anyway possible. She, in returns, provides companionship.

- What makes Tihkruvor unique is the fact that he is the only Guardian in a family of humans. Unlike his sisters, he is a dragon, capable of transforming. He has formed a pact already which keeps him away from his family. Unknown to him, they are trying to earn enough money to hopefully pay his Pactmaker off.

Garaden - Submissive by nature, Garaden is a mix of two different Guardians. Though being a Guardian isn't necessarily hereditary, the unfortunate pour soul turned out to be a demonic dragon. He lives to serve his Pactmaker, only fueling the flames of those who wish to continue using Guardians for sport. Ironically, he would fight for his Pactmaker even if he was human.
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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Join date : 2010-03-04
Age : 35
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Post  Mari Eir Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:51 pm

Steampunk AU

Mariella - Ringmaster and Jane-of-all-trades of Cirque d'Aile Rouge, Mariella can typically be seen wandering around exhibits or her fellow carnies and circus folk. She's a bit of a tinker, carrying a large, custom made cylinder on her back more often than not. To keep food in the bellies of her family in addition to her main job, she occasionally resorts to thievery. She doesn't like to talk about her past, so not much is known about her.

  • Specializes in small, household gadgets and weapons.
  • Despite not being labeled as a puppeteer, some of Mariella's illusions include puppets.

Vorelanon - Older sister of the ringmaster, Vorelanon specializes in lots of little things. She and her sister are often on even ground in what they are capable of doing and will sometimes present to be one another for illusion acts. She hopes to marry a rich man someday, though she has no shortage of actual suitors due to her looks and.. flexibility. Like her sister, she has no problem resorting to less-than-savory methods to insure the happiness and health of their caravan.

  • One of the few things she doesn't have in common with Mariella is the invent bug.
  • Despite having suitors and wanting to eventually marry up, she chooses to stay with the circus. She's not actually ready to settle down.

Tihkruvor - The shy, sensitive sibling of the trio, Tihk remains behind the scenes, fixing anything that could possibly go wrong mechanically. Though he doesn't look like much, he's quite strong physically and adept at his job. His monotonous nature and lack of book smarts, however may be considered off-putting by strangers.

  • He somehow has no trouble keeping his long hair out of his work.
  • Like Mariella, he's good with small inventions. He's also surprisingly spry and flexible.
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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Join date : 2010-03-04
Age : 35
Location : Seattle

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Post  Mari Eir Thu Sep 06, 2012 3:41 am

Traditional Adventure/RPG

Mariella - A teenager who appears younger than she truly is, Mariella is typically off in her own world. She enjoys having tea parties with her plushies and using cutesy words. If you're unlucky, you may get a nickname. More than anything, Mari wants to be a princess. She's very envious of the luxurious life the princess of Belvast (where she was raised)has and seems very concerned over the King's controversial death. She attends Dunbarton Academy.
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  • Has an older sister she is annoyed by and feels the need to babysit.
  • She has an older brother, but doesn't know him.

Strawberry - The obvious wild child of her family, Strawberry has a bad tendency of shirking responsibilities. This often leaves Mariella to venture away from school and into various bars in search of the wayward young woman. She just wants to party and meet nice guys? What the hell is their family's problem!? Her nickname comes from Mariella, who called her that as a toddler.
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  • Their family is pretty well off.
  • Though she doesn't actually drink in those bars, Strawberry is quite the poker player.
  • While she is irresponsible and spacey, she seems smarter and better informed than she lets on.
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

Posts : 4397
Join date : 2010-03-04
Age : 35
Location : Seattle

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Post  Mari Eir Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:24 pm

Anime AU


Mariella Shehad - Mariella is a 10th grader who prefers keeping to herself. One day she discovered an odd plush toy which turned out to be an actual creature! Now she has gained the ability to transform into a Maaaaagical Giiiirll~ \o/
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  • She fights for love, justice, and fashion!
  • Her Magical Girl name is Lovely Mamahou

Vorelanon "Ichigo" Shehad - All Vorelanon ever wanted was straight hair! It's not fair that her younger sister gets to have such lovely straight hair when SHE doesn't! Mariella doesn't even care about fashion! Ok, the other girls think it looks fine, but not Vorelanon. One day, she buys a hair straightener whose effects are said to be much longer lasting than any other. When she begins straightening her hair however, the contraption transforms her into a completely different person.
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  • Her magical girl name is Lala Coquette
  • She fights for truancy, parties, and karaoke.

Tihkruvor Shehad - One of the cute (thought completely) oblivious boys of the school, Tihk simply minds his own business most times. He's not a great student like Mari and isn't one of the fashion mongers like Vorelanon. He has his own taste and goes with the flow.
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  • Tihk doesn't have a transformation
  • One of his main concerns is working with his punk rock band, Sloth.

Mari Eir
Mari Eir

Posts : 4397
Join date : 2010-03-04
Age : 35
Location : Seattle

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