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~ Character Bios!

Minerva (Jaena)
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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Aydub Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:42 pm

Name: Dekoro Genga
Race: half elf half giant...he ended up taking on the giant side though.
Friends: Aydub.
Family: Chisuey Genga and Kanatala Genga

*a semi tall boy comes running in and trips over air* "H-hi there!" He chirps, "I'm Dekoro Genga, son of Kanatala and Chisuey!" Bowing he has a huge grin on his face. He rambles on about his parents some then stops, "You want to know my history right?" You nod somewhat and shrug. He sticks his tounge out, "I'll tell you anyway. Sit tight its kinda long."
I was raised in a place called Britain before I came to errinn, my name was Jack Smith pretty generic back then. I had a regular child hood, two parents a sister and a dog named Scottie. Good times actually. Unfortunately I was killing in an accident regarding a bus and a drunk hobo. Scottie came with me too. I guess best friends die together sometimes. So there I was sitting in the middle of a white area surrounded by floating owls. A lady came with silvery long hair and...quite large *ahem*...Anyway. I sat there and learned her name was Nao and she granted me a new life in a place called erinn, I told her that'd be great! But I didn't remember why I was here and why I was talking to her at the time. As soon as her figure dissipated I was reborn to a couple who were a Giant and an Elf. Kanatala and Chisuey. They named me Dekoro and raised me teaching me how to fight and everything but my father shortly went a lil bonkers and had to leave for a while to collect himself. My mother, Kanatala, was a giant so she couldn't raise me up in Vales where she could take care of me. So she left me in the care of the elven leader, Castanea. She raised me until I was old enough to take care of myself so now I am off on my own looking for my bizarre father and my loving mother.
"Well what do you think?" Dekoro smiles over at you warmly. You blink and nod" It was uhh...pretty long I guess." You nod and take your leave. Dekoro stands and waves kiddishly at you as you walk down the pathway. You think to yourself, eh he's a nice kid but kinda annoying.
Hair color: Blonde
Eye color: Pink.
Gear: Swordsmanship outfit, gold and pink or gold and white.
Build: He's more muscular than most elves but he was mostly raised by Kanatala who's a giant.

Side notes~ He's still newbie =)

Last edited by Aydub on Mon Aug 31, 2009 8:47 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : I fail at spelling :D)
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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Minerva (Jaena) Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:19 pm

Name: Nannao Kiba Elinnis

Age: 15

Race: High Elf

Birthdate: (exact DOB unbeknownst to her)

Family: The Elinnis family was very small. 12 members were alive when Nannao was born. Her direct family consisted of Ryo, her twin sister, Kian, her older brother, Arinniss, her stoic father and the family's Sorcerer, and Tehtlana, her mother, and head enchantress of her village.

Hobbies: Taichi, along with meditation. She also enjoys reading and writing.

Weapons: A changing mace, which always takes on a new color/form. (No, really. It does. i'm serious.) And her bow.

Special Someone: None, she's a virgin, and is convinced she cant be loved. (Ryoko teased her in her head about this.)

Eyecolor: Light blue, slight tint of Grey.

Haircolor: Caramelized Red, Hints of blonde.

Weight: 105 lbs

Height: 5'4'' (adult)

Theme Song: cRaZe, By DJ Michael 465

Biography: Nannao has a gift, which is also a curse. She has a demonic spirit which possessed her at birth, intertwined with her own soul, giving her strange abilities, but can sometimes cause her to act strictly on impulse. Nannao is already naturally impulsive, but when a bloodthirsty, lusting, powerful demon takes over part of her soul, she becomes almost entirely so. (Hand-drawn pictures will follow of what the Demon spirit looks like when manifested within her) In certain situations when Nannao's life is in peril, the Demon takes full control, unleashing it's firey wrath upon the aggressor. As symbiotes, Nannao and her Demon (which she's named Ryoko) defend one another. Ryoko oversteps her ground often, however, manifesting herself around Nannao in physical form, changing the way Nannao looks entirely. Nannao's natural temperment is pretty good all around, she's kind, loving, humorous, and supportive. She also doesnt believe in the Giants and Elves Struggle. She believes that everyone has the ability to coexist, even predators and prey. Ryoko, on the other hand, is a temptress in true form. She seduces men constantly, even women, and is demanding and selfish. To make matters worse, she believes STRONGLY that elves are superior to giants, and that in order to maintain the balance between the races, the giants must perish. Nannao's body is merely a vessel for Ryoko, but they need eachother to survive. Nannao doesnt know this, but there is a seal somewhere on her body that, if damaged in combat, will release Ryoko's spirit, killing them both. Only one person knows this, but Nannao doesnt know who. (it's her brother. He went bad, killed her family, and erased her memory of him. Omg. Owned.)
Minerva (Jaena)
Minerva (Jaena)
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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Associate, the ex-elf with a deep void

Post  Jakelvin Sun Oct 04, 2009 9:25 pm

Associate (Nahailyn)


Gender & Race:
Female Disturber (Elf)

Birth Parents:


Technique Preference:

Appearance Description:
Long and wide hair of damp sand, and smooth as damp sand when gliding the finger slightly above.
Eyes empty and seemed to illuminate light violet only by the moonlight.
Her skin fair and elegant as fresh milk with a tint of flush.
The way her eyes pierced through you and her lips shown bitter experience, it is a silent plea for comfort.

After Jinnhin, Jakelvin and Foxxy left Jonathan and Shibayama in the middle of the desert. Jonathan and Shibayama looked at the elf sitting on the sand and approached the elf with the intention of taking her to filia. Quickly, the elf stood up and backs off, intimidated by the two strangers wanting to capture her. She ran north to escape her captors. Jonathan and Shibayama, however, pursued the elf until they were intercepted by desert ghosts.

Escaped and alone, the elf sought a shelter somewhere. She came across a band of humans, but the moment she approached to speak to them, they grabbed her and dragged her to Filia. In the darkness of the night, the men infiltrated the elven village and entered into a cellar of a house. The elf's cries are in vain to alert the guards when her mouth was gagged while throat collared tightly. The elf started to struggled harder, but one of the humans tugged on her rip-leash, tightening the collar. It was not long till the elf gone limped from the suffocation.

The elf reawakened into a stuff of nightmares. Manacled, belted and shackled to the cold table surrounded by shadow covered people wielding tools that was meant for surgeries. As the people starts experimenting her, altering her and thought to improve her, the elf only find agony without any relief. Each day gone by, she was shoved into a storage room with corpses of failed experimented elves, only to be dragged out and experimented again. Endurance testing, agility testing, control testing, all these are abusive to her as she could only wept in unbearable agony within the confines of the corpse-littered store room.

More being stored like a spare equipment, more being cut up and altered, more testing, the tormented elf obeyed the commands from her owners without questions because she began to considered them more like closest people to a family than her tormentors. Confused about the real meaning of family, the elf tried to win their affection by obeying them, allowing them to alter her and test her. Alas, the elf's optimism was her reversed true edge of a scalpel. Each night, she was tossed into the storeroom, severely beaten.

One night, one of the elf's owners entered the storeroom and surprised the elf by forcing her against the earthen wall. The elf tried to screamed for help, but no one came. She panicked and suddenly heard bones snapping as the owner's neck was twisted awkwardly with the owner's face blank. The owner fell limped and released the dazed elf. Seeing death before her, she tried to reset the owner's neck back to normal, but it did not bring back the owner's life.

Fearing that they'll punished her, the scared elf stumbled out of the storeroom and navigated her way out. She got out of the cellar, but she met her remaining owners as one of them kicked her back down the ladder. Trapped in her prison with the dead owner as a reminder of the punishments are done to her. The living/dying elf watched the same bloodstained ground below her, observing her bodily damages, which sustained substantial amount of damage.

After a long day of alterations, the agonizing elf finally lost her reasons to stay. As the door of her prison opened, she walked out and the owners got caught by an ominous force as it strangled them like nooses. She dropped them and navigated her way out of the cellar and out of the village of Filia. Fulfilled her wishes of freedom, but hurt by her lost emotions, the freed elf navigated her way out of Cronnus and soon, out of Iria. No one knew exactly how she took out the four humans at once, but it seemed that she is no longer an elf at all. She is just a elven husk inhabited by a malevolent force of wound-deep grudge and unnatural insanity.

Note: Italicized means what Nah thought and I'll be sharing Jinn's account while Jinn's allowed to share my account.


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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty New Character - Olimar Syiano

Post  Dellinger Mon Oct 19, 2009 6:01 pm

Name: Olimar Syiano [gamertag Syiano]

Age: 27

Birth Race: Human, Planet Unknown.

Family: His profession required that he left his family behind.

Brief Synopsis of Syiano:

Syiano was born somewhere. He's not quite sure where. At a young age, psyker powers manifested in his body and he found that he had the ability to mend flesh through his powers. Shortly after this discovery, the Imperium of Man found him and forced him through sanctioning, tearing him away from his homeworld and family. Thus began the life of the radical Interrogator Olimar Syiano.

Olimar was a friendly, if not flirtatious, Interrogator. Needless to say with his sharp wit and silver tongue he could get anything he wanted from women to the location of the local heretical cult. Inquisitor Hellman would have made Syiano an Inquisitor in his own right, had Syiano stuck around long enough. Apparently Nao had other plans.

Syiano is human. He is not sure what the 'elves' and 'giants' are, but he is pretty sure them and all of their fomor friends are Xenos. And by Imperial Creed, Xenos aren't worth his time. However, Syiano is a radical. Either he will help them, or they'll help him, or he'll find some way to kill them all. That is, if he still had his equipment.

It seems Syiano may have to do some adjusting to make his way in Erinn.

He is a reader. Lots of classics. 'Classics' being relative to him.

Weapon of Choice:
He's a healer and a defender by nature.

Hair Colour:

Eye Colour:[/b]
Light brown.

Thin and elegant.

Favourite Food:

Theme Song:
N/a atm.

Player reasoning
Olimar Syiano is a bastardized version of Olimar Scion, a character in my Dark Heresy game. Mainly, I just wanted to make a psyker in the Mabinogi world because it would be a lot of 'wtf' moments.

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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Acanthus' next form.

Post  Eranor Tue Oct 20, 2009 6:06 pm



Gender & Race:
Male Vampire

Birth Parents:


Technique Preference:
Stealth and Combat

Appearance Description:
He sports silky gray hair, normal among vampires and has crimson red eyes, used for paralysation of prey, his fangs are of average size and his voice is like that of a God.

Military File #325:
24th:So we have made our experiments on the male vampire "Acanthus" after discharging him from the Army and getting him while he was weak and alone, however I fear we may have opened a agteway to the Underworld sometime during our experiments, as Acanthus appearance has changed slightly, I dispelled these fears.

30th: He has killed us all, he was much much much too fast for our Paladins. I fear this is the end of our organization as we know it. I only pray to the Gods he shows us mercy.

Acanthus ver3.

Ill be back.

The mistakes and bad writing and stuff was meant to be like that.
Kosher Dill Troll
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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty New Alt - J.A.A. Rouge

Post  Jinnhin Fri Nov 06, 2009 8:20 am

Reason: I retired Jinnhin for some time since she is in a strict roleplay situation and it would be nice to play a renegade who got herself into the middle of things. So I'm pulling out my old roleplay character, J.A. Rouge. But due to the name taken, I have to use J.A.A. Rouge.

Full Name: Jacquelyn Adele Alice

Nickname: Rouge

Gender: Female

Race: Human

Hair: Jet Black long mane that seemed to be maintained by a dagger.

Eyes: Passively narrowed due to seriousness and a hint of emerald shined through by the light.

Expression: Either annoyed by her predicaments or just highly experienced.

Alignment: True Neutral

Home World: Arath (Earth), Adriljun, Lore and Tyria.

Previous Occupation(s) Before Erinn: Knight, Spymaster, Rogue, and Leader of a mass band of outlaws.

New Occupation(s) in Erinn: Spy, Assassin and Rogue.

Style Orientation: Combat and Tactics.

Weapon Preference(s): Dagger/Dagger, Bastard Sword/Round Shield, Two-Handed Sword and Long Bow.

Special Ability: Creation/Usage of Gadgets.

Skills: Stealth, Ambush, Spying, Poison Usage, Gadgetry, Combat Prowess, Instructing and more.

Feats: Acrobatic, Athletic, Escape Artist, Begrudged Businesswoman, Keen, and Experienced Outlaw.

Familiar Quote: "I know that I'm an outlaw. I know that I deserve to be imprisoned. It is sad that it is easy said than done."

Short Story: Rushing through the forest of the Autumn Territory of Adriljun, the lone bandit had the table turned unfavorable to her as she escaped an ambush from the soldiers working for a tyrant clan lady of the Autumn Clan. Arrows whistled by as if there are many after her. The intention was to make a deal with information for profit, but it turned out that it was a well-made ambush. The bandit pulled out a flash bead (flash bang in a marble) and was about to throw it as an arrow struck her back neck, a lucky shot. Her body froze as she fell. The oldest known bandit leader was slain and was dragged away. The final escape committed was her disappearance in front of many soldiers before her.

At the soul stream, the bandit found herself in new clothes, a small dress and leather shoes. Her blindfold that would cover her right eye is gone as well, along with the scar she had on her right eye since she was young. She looked around and narrowed her eyes, "This reminds me of Jakelvin's Frozen Arena."

Nao appeared before her and the bandit sunk her mouth, annoyed about the breasts while keeping two comments in thought, "What is with the bimbo in small dress? She better make the introduction quick because I'm already sick of this place."

Nao made her introduction and teleported the bandit into Erinn. In Erinn, a small kid with a dragon helmet looked at the bandit and said, "Jackie I assumed? Nao told me about you."

"Rouge, Tin head." Rouge responded bluntly.

"How did you know my name? Oh yeah, Nao told you, didn't she?" Tin asked.

After a moment of silence from Rouge, "Nao did not tell me of your name and Tin, just tell me where to go."

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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Zeea, the Little Sister of Xeek (approved by Xeek)

Post  Jakelvin Sun Nov 22, 2009 10:35 am

Female Multi-Racial (Dragon/Human/Elf)
Face Shape:
Pointy Nose
Skin Color:
Hair Style/Color:
Idol Ponytail Red
Eyes Shape/Color:
Mischievous Eyes Ultramarine
Mouth Shape:
Happy Lips
Noticeable Feature:
She definitely looks related to Xeek.
Back Story: (Approved by Xeek)
Xeek came from a world that has its timeline screwing up. In one of those timelines, Xeek has a younger sister. In that timeline, Xeek’s parents did not die, but Xeek did instead. Missing her older brother, that girl was finding a way to see him again. Scrounging around her parent’s home, she discovered a scroll that takes the caster to the target. She thought of her older brother and to her surprise, she finds herself in front of Duncan in Tir Chornaill. What are more surprising to her is her new outfit and a sword. A nightgown with a short sword…


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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Civvy Mon Nov 23, 2009 4:15 pm

Name: Civ Giygas

Age: 13

Birth Race: Caladrius

( Spirit of a pure white bird that is able to tell if another is sick, and may attempt to rescue them from sin. Which is basically just a human with the ability to see coming sickness and one who tries to help others a lot. )

Family: Solace Giygas (Father), Sora Giygas (Mother), Slay Giygas (Brother)

Hobbies: Writing, Training Pets, Practicing Healing.

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Red

Height: 5"3
Weight: 100lb

Favorite Food: Fried Squash

Theme Song: Monster

Character history through the player: In a past life before you could say that the girl's soul was one of a healer's. It went back to the messenger of the healer, considered the spawning of a medical bird that could detect sickness and save others from sin. This healing gene ran in the girl's family, and she just happened to pick up the larger percent of it. However, she is still classified as mainly human with some extra merits in healing. She doesn't really obtain any power boosts since she is a pacifist.

For a while in her household she tended to the needs of her many pets around the house including her Dalmatian. Her mother was a very caring person but was often busy caring to the household. She taught her daughter the proper basics of healing and bandaging while using her sickness ability to detect further sickness around Tir. The girl used her mother's teachings to her advantages, and therefore spent most of her time in her room writing or studying up on the topic.

Life was indeed very uneventful. She occasionally watched her father practice combat with his students. She picked up some of her combat moves from there and grew slightly skillful in both categories of combat and healing. She witnessed much accidental bloodshed but merely discarded it out of her mind. It was just innocent practice in her mind. However, that wasn't exactly what she was expecting when she met her blood brother for the first time. It was then that all things she had come to know in her family twisted.

When she first set her crimson eyes on her brother Slay, she had been secretly observing her father's training and saw a student she had never seen her father teach before. The only thing that was odd was the look in her father's eyes... Usually Solace was a caring man. He never looked very angry even when a stressful event came to place. But this time, her father was murmuring angered words at Slay and Slay was spitting them hastily back. She overheard the wretched conversation and admittance out of her father's own jaws. Apparently, her family also had some kin mix with the Cerberus. However, she had been lucky enough not to inherit the trait at all. But her father, mother, and brother were what others would consider closet demons... And they had never told her this whole time.

It was then that after the huge argument that these two had; the black-haired boy lunged forward and dug his blade deep into her father's chest. Blood stained the ground, and after Civ's reality check and solved secrets she just couldn't bear to face her mother or her new found brother. Her father had just merely tossed this boy out because he contained more of the Cerberus trait than either of them and decided to keep her instead... Envy and anger clawed at the girl's chest, but she didn't want to be around for Slay to find out she had overheard their conversation. After all, by the way Slay had just relentlessly attacked her once father he was obviously interested in vengeance.

With that last thought; Civ ran to her house and grabbed a decent supply of her healing objects along with her Dalmatian, demon. She then fled out of the back door; ignoring her mother's urgent questioning and took the road towards Dunbarton. She ran past the logging camp until she had finally arrived towards the last path leading to Dunbarton. Right when she thought she was safe- she heard the galloping of hooves behind her. The young girl turned to her despair to see her brother Slay, whom had trailed after her. His gaze was emotionless except with a tinge of anger.

"Stupid girl..." He murmured with a small sigh. The black-haired half human jumped off of his black shire horse and glared down at the short girl with a hunger for revenge and prosperity. The young girl tried to back away to avoid offense; however her blood brother picked her up by the neck like a useless rag doll and pulled her close to the point where she was able to view his deep, crimson eyes. "You..." He sneered; his voice turning into a rasp. "You thought you could get away? Apparently not... Be lucky I spared that mother of yours, even if she is worried sick. Now, perhaps you wouldn't mind telling me about your little kinship? You may still be human... I may still be human... But for some reason I was thrown out and you weren't!"

The young girl had no idea how to respond to that. She frantically shook her head and desperately tried to explain how she didn't know what the pale man was talking about. They were both human, but she had no idea what her father and/or mother's problems were. She had no doing in the act, so why was she supposed to be punished for their sins? It bothered her, but she had no idea what to say in reply. When Slay continued to demand answers, and Civ was unable to give them he finally grew to his insane boiling point.

Slay sent his Shire horse away to graze for the time being and hauled Civ away to a far off area away from the trail. He threw the girl on the ground and withdrew the tip of his blade; aiming it down at her shoulder. Slay then demanded answers once more, and this time alit them with a threat of pain. Even so, Civ still frantically promised that she did not know what she was talking about. And even then Slay did not believe her. Even if they were related, the two acted nothing alike. Civ was rather sweet and caring while Slay was as cold as cold could get. With the help of his magic; he heated the tip of his sharp blade and unfastened the strap showing the girl's shoulder. Just so she wouldn't forget his mark and his anger, Slay ruthlessly branded a 'S' for Slay Masters into the girl's shoulder.

After this, the girl obviously passed out. Branding is quite painful, actually, the second most painful thing in the world. She fainted, and then later found herself lying in the middle of dunbarton with unsure eyes watching her. The young girl shuddered and then found her way to the healers with her dog trailing behind her; got herself healed; and then head back to Dunbarton. Bangor would be her next destination, but first she'd require directions on how to get there. But then, something caught her eye. A black blur flew past her as if it were struggling and hit the ground with a sickening 'thud'.

It was then that the girl met a crow she would later call Koriel. The white-haired girl held a large fascination with animals, which is why she had brought her Dalmatian along. Despite the intense pain in her right shoulder; the girl took a step towards the blur that had hit the stoned ground and knelt down to examine a large tear on the bird's wing. She was unsure what had caused the pain in the small animal, but doing it into her care anyway. Using her haling and bandaging requirements she later brought back the crippled crow's flight ability, and when she had tried to get the crow to leave her it just wouldn't for some odd reason. It now remains perched on the girl's shoulder a decent percentage of the time and refuses to leave.

The very image of her brother hung around in the girl's light mind. She did not wish to see him again, and if she did see him again she would be frightened. She stuck keenly to her friendship with animals and despised many humans for their uncaring beliefs and efforts. When most of them saw her around dunbarton, they would often point fingers and laugh. She would just merely shake her head and continue living her life while studying up on knownledge to head to Bangor and other future places in an attempt to find out what she was to do with her life from there, and in an attempt to find out what had caused her old life to head to ruins.

The only excuse she could come up with was the one name that came to mind in her head - Slay. Slay had disrupted her peace, yet she wasn't even completely sure if it was for the worst. If her mother and father were truly part of that blasted Cerberus spirit... Then perhaps they were plotting something against her? She had noticed before how they never enjoyed speaking with her, and instead hooked her on training in an attempt to false care. She honestly didn't take it to considerate heart to much and just forced the simple structured negativity out of her docile mind. But now, it bothered her more than ever.

The possibility still lurked in her mind that her mother and father were training her to Slay the very person that had killed her father- the very name of Slay himself. Her brother, the one she was unfortunately related to by blood. Yet, the girl had no will to want to kill anyone. The very mention of killing a fox or rat of any sort hurt her delicate insides. It was for this reason that the girl stayed shut away in fear she would see Slay and he would expect her to try to fight. She wasn't much of a fighter, and she wasn't much of a defender. All she was able to do was attempt to help other with her opinions and delicate, un insulting nature. But even that rarely worked due to the monstrous society of insultitives.

It is because of this mishap that the girl's go lucky personality warped into something twisted. She is now rather shut off, quiet, bleak, and emotionless towards people she does not know. She will refuse to talk with strangers, and will merely talk to her animals instead like some sort of 'psychopath' as people call her. In reality, she is actually lonely and aspires to be an author. However, because of these experienced she cares about every person instead of just one. She doesn't believe in love, but will remain nice and happy to her friends if you aspire to get on her good side.

(Shall add more when I get more. )

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Jalina Mon Nov 23, 2009 6:28 pm

Name: Inari
Age: 888
Birth Race: Siren
Family: Mom stays in Rundal, and father is gone.
Hobbies: Shopping, flirting with Xeek, Dungeoning~
Weapon of Choice: Leather long bow and 1k arrows~
Hair Color: Ice Blue
Eye Color: Blue
Height: 5,6
Weight: 140
Favorite Food: Chicken Nuggets, Cookies, Cake, and Bacon.
How she came to be in Erinn: She was born in Rundal. :3 She's a formor~ They can't die forever....right? O3o
Wolf in Designer Clothing
Wolf in Designer Clothing

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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Honeko Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:59 am

Onikari or "Kari"

late teens

Birth Race:
Elf from Filia

Meles, adoptive mother, parents deceased

hunting, Veldik, exploring, Veldik, um... did I mention Veldik?

Weapon of Choice:
Elven Longbow

light red/blonde

Eye Color

Favorite Food
... [censored due to NC-27 rating]

How she came to be in Erinn:
She was born here.

That Someone Special:

Character's Friends:
Veldik... and maybe some others...

Character history through the player:
The name Onikari came from three characters Kagaea and myself play on the NWN2 server Dasaria 2, Irena, Galatea, and Miria Onikari. In that continuity they are border guards of the elven realm, trained "demon hunters" (Oni-kari). The character concept stems from my character there, Galatea, who is a follower of the goddess of love and battle (well mostly love, pleasure and luck... not as much battle). 'Kari' here has developed on her own to be very blunt and... erm... passionate.

Current Status:
contemplating the theory of starting G7.. maybe...
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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Auramune Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:12 am

Name: Auramune
Age: Unknown(currently body of a 13 year old)
Alignment: Evil
Birth Race: Nogitsune/Kitsune (Spirit Fox)
Family: None
Hobbies: Playing pranks, stalking Zeke
Weapon of Choice: Fire! is a weapon. Right? It is now!
Hair Color: Platinum-Blonde
Eye Color: Black
Height: (13)4'6
Weight: (13)96lbs
Favorite Food: Chocolate and mint
Favorite Drink: Green tea
Theme Songs: Bad Apple!
Lonely Umbrella
How she came to be in Erinn: (currently working on. Will update soon)

~ Character Bios! - Page 4 T7o3sx

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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Kayeori Mon Mar 22, 2010 3:22 pm

Name: Zeketas
Age: Unknown (For RP purposes he appears to be 18-20)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Birth Race: Fomor/Human
Family: ?? (He remembers having a mother and father, but nothing beyond that.)
Hobbies: Recruiting minions to help build his empire, and researching anything that helps further his ambitions of ruling the world of Erinn.
Weapon of Choice: Whatever gets the job done
Hair: Red
Eyes: Red
Height: 5'11" (RP Only)
Weight: 217 lbs (RP Only)
Favorite food: Whatever's lying around.
Theme music: Burn it to the Ground by Nickleback
How he came to Erinn: Zeketas didn’t come from anywhere prior to Erinn except directly from the soul stream. The soul stream guardian Nao happened across young Zeketas one day. It wasn’t completely odd that one so young found its way here, but at the same time she could tell he was Erinn born. Nao brought little Zeketas right to his mother who was a Milliation herself. She seemed to be shocked and relieved that her baby had survived a recent rebirth she gone through. Zek’s father is a fomor and still in his prime so naturally she wanted to be closer to his age. But of course this union made Zek’s life difficult as he was shunned by both fomors and the people of Erinn alike. Though both of his parents loved him dearly and tried many times to explain he wanted nothing to do with it. He ran away that very night and never went back to his parents. He lived life in solitude and wandered the vast world. It was during this time that his hate for everyone festered within him. Many years would go by, and so many that he lost track long ago. He came to the decision that no fomor, or anyone else born in this land was worthy of it. “These abominations are not worthy of such a paradise. I shall remake this world like it should have been.” Of course such a bold statement would be difficult to see through alone. He would need loyal followers to help him with his cause. One day during an exploration mission in Iria just outside of the Qilla Base Camp he came across an odd little girl named Auramune. It’s not clear just how Zek got stuck with Aura, but since their first encounter it has become quite clear she is no ordinary girl. This one seemed odd on the outside, but she was actually clever and rather devious in many ways. She would be the perfect pet to help him take back this unruly land…

Last edited by Kayeori on Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:03 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Finally worked out the kinks!)
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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Arblith Mon Jun 07, 2010 11:20 am

Character theme:
Name: Arblith

Age: 15 now

Race: Elf

Adopted by Artrata, the main healer in Filia

Drawing, collecting herbs and whatever is fun.

First weapon of Choice: Cylinder
Second weapon of choice: Sword + shield

Height: Not too much below avenger
Weight: Same easy to describe like height: not too much below avenger elf

He Like: Flowers, berries, humans, sweets, alchemy, white color, peace, everything that give light.

He Hate: (boring) sand, too hot (sand) weather, sleeping alone in darkness, meat, fishes, war, pain, math, and having something (sand) in the boots.

Diary (bio)

Day 98 after coming to Erin,
I still remember my first day here; Nao at the beginning told me that I just die and chose to forget past life…but why? I hate myself that I was trying without end to get this knowledge, and now, I can only cry, that I’m one of the peoples responsible for sin…
How I came to be in Erinn, The memories of culprit:
((First watch this: ))
- See? You’re the prince who died with his mother in the battle with humans who support the fomors.
- You really wouldn’t hide something like that behind me, right Nao? Even if I’m some kind of hero, and my name…is Leonidas, there’s something wrong, about this picture, that man…
- The one who kill you, Arblith?
- Yes, him…I know him well, don’t I?
- He was your lover…before he killed you, with betray, didn’t you feel it?
- Yes I feel. But then, if he betrays us, the fomor won right? That’s sad…
- N..No…your peoples won with the fomors, even if your kingdom was small, still, there where others…
- Uh, why are you sad is there something wrong? What did happened after end of the war?
- The era of rebuild and new prosper start, and this era was named…Mabinogi.
- The era of fight with fomors in Erinn? Did that mean we…brought Morrighan here…?
- Yes…
That was the all dialogue, about my past…

Day 100 after coming to Erin,
Now I’m thinking with no end about that, I can’t even sleep; I see those pictures all the time, when I turn off the light. Poor me.

Day 105 after coming to Erin,
I saw that Atrata is worried about me. I should get rest; even if elves are know for easy forgetting things, there are some, which will never leave.

Day 118 after coming to Erin,
Today I get easy on that story, anyway, that live gone, I’m here, in new body, in the new world; I can just kill a few fomors, right? And so…I was thinking about that guy who killed me, he was my lover how Nao said, but…I was a guy too, did that mean I was a gay?

Day 119 after coming to Erin,
I get look more on the people, everyone got friends in both gender, so why they can only have a love with one with different? I don’t get it, sure, I wasn’t a gay, I was bi, and so on, I think, I’m still. Or just memories works at me like that?

Day 178 after coming to Erin,
Yay, finally I found my diary, it must fall under the bed when I was trying to fire a cane at night. Yeah, I’m still sleeping only in light, but, no one knows, so, what’s the meter?
So long I wasn’t having this diary in hands, and still, I don’t know what to write in this thing, last time we’re interest only in the drought, how long it will take?

Day 182 after coming to Erin,
I never meet any giant, but the elves in Filia are saying, that the drought is a second problem after those guys, life when we got a drought is horrible, wonder’s like giants are?

Day 186 after coming to Erin,
I meet a human, he was nice to me, and show me information about the second continent, something called ‘alchemy’ is now popular. I wonder what is it? I send message to main tow of alchemist, Taillteann. I asked more about the part of “making water crystals from mana”

Day 196 after coming to Erin,
Finally, answer! Its look like the alchemy is not too developed right now, but it comes to begin usable for livings. I want to study it; it would be a chance, small but existing chance for us, elves.

Day 240 after coming to Erin,
So long…I traveled to Erinn two weeks ago, and now I’m in city called Bangor. For all those days I wasn’t have time to write anything in diary. But, I don’t know, why the man from Tir Chonnail sold me wrong map?

Day 243 after coming to Erin,
It’s look like the map wasn’t wrong, I just grab it upside-down.
Now I’m in Taillteann. Yeah, I’m studying alchemy here. It’s kind of hard on first look, but not in practice. And I got to sleep in tent with the elves warriors, some kind of army? Whatever, it’s nothing bad. One guy says to me, that the game begins. What does that means?
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Roze Fri Jul 09, 2010 10:07 pm

Name: Rozenetta
Age: Unknown
Family: Soifa (sister)
Hobbies: Eating Nightmares, Exploring new emotions
Weapon of Choice: Bow or Wand
Hair Color: Pale Pink
Eye Color: Light Teal
Height: Average
Weight: Average
Favorite Food: Nightmares
Theme Song: N/A
How She Came To Be In Erinn: Roze was reborn in Erinn after losing the will to live in her previous life after learning the death of her lover. Her powers as a Mara were reinstated and a mental connection between her sister was born. She currently walks the land with an apathetic attitude and a curiousness of human emotions.

Likes: Coffee, Nightmares, The search for love, Soifa.
Dislikes: Lemons, silver, and sunlight.
Kosher Dill Troll
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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Salvanas' Bio

Post  Salvanas Sat Sep 11, 2010 3:17 am

Name: Salvanas
Age: Currently from this post, 12 years old
Birth Race: Elf
Family: She doesn't remember if she has any relatives.
Hobbies: Milking cows, shearing sheep, and working part time jobs
Weapon of Choice: She isn't a fan to say the least of fighting... She pretty good with a bow and arrow.
Eye Color: Brown
Height: 4'8
Weight: 85lbs
Favorite Food: Bread and Cheese
Theme Song: ((Still working on that))
Entry to Erinn: Salvanas' memory into Erinn is clouded. Only remembering waking up near Filia...
Character History with Player: Kinda reminds of me when I was a child..

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Peldari Wed Jan 12, 2011 12:07 am

Name: Peldari Velsoren
Why he has a weird name: Blame his crazy hippie parents. They were on a near constant high. He cut ties with them as fast as possible and will not talk about them. At all. Considering how he was raised it's a near miracle he's relatively normal.
Age: Mentally he's in his mid/late 20s but physically he's usually somewhere in between 16 and 22.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Family: The aforementioned parents, although he hadn't talked to them for 8 years prior to his death. He also has a Great Uncle he's met once or twice who works as a tailor.
Hobbies: He really likes exploring this new world even if it's not so new to him anymore. There's always something new out there if your willing to look for it and he is.
Bio:He was a lawyer for the firm of Andrews,Lodge& Cooper working out of their Keystone City office. While he was officially a prosecutor he also worked many defense cases. He was considered a bright legal mind and at the time of his death his application was under review to become a 2nd circuit court judge. He was taking a vacation to Cost City when he was untimely killed by Black Lanterns (Read DC's "Blackest Night" for more information of Black Lanterns) after which he arrived in Erinn. Due to the nature of his death he's afraid of fighting undead and when confronting them will freeze up. He's come to accept the fact that this isn't his world, although he still harbors a faint hope of getting home. He no longer talks about his world in detail because he utterly confused the first few people he told about it and wishes to avoid any more misunderstanding. He will answer questions about it, but he is unlikely to volunteer any information more detailed than an offhand reference something from "home". He is amazed that in Erinn anyone can become a "meta-human" and is slightly terrified that he seems to be becoming one himself.
Goal: He wants to bring a system of law to Erinn instead of the violence it has now. He's confused how so many other systems of a civilization (Clergy, Libraries, Banks etc.) evolved without a set of laws, courts and government evolving alongside them but it's an oversight he's determined to fix. He's aware that it's a long term goal though but accepts that due to his new immortality. In the meantime he's content to be a wandering lawyer, solving disputes whenever and wherever he can.
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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Lynn17 Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:13 pm

IGN: lynn17

Name: Zain Hayate.
Age: True: 9. Erinn: Varies. Mentally: 13.
Race: Elf, Milletian
Gender: Male.
Family: He had a mother, father, and little brother. One day his parents went camping in the woods and later found dead in the jaws of a bear.
Hobbies: Music playing, Cooking, and watching medical techniques.
Weapon of Choice: Arbalest Crossbow.
Hair Color: Red
Eye Color: Red.
Height: Varies between 3'9-6'3
Weight: Between 75lbs-115lbs.
Favorite Food: Strawberries
Theme Song:
How He Came To Be In Erinn: After his parents died, he and his brother lived in their home alone, before a wolf came to their yard one day when they were playing outside. He protected his younger brother with his life, but got bit and dragged off into the woods, he found himself surrounded by a pack of wolves at that point, and tried to run away. He was tackled by one, and the others joined in, slowly tearing him apart bit by bit. The pain was unbearable, so he passed out, only to wake up in Erinn as a Milletian, with no family, or friends. He found out from nao he had almost died. After which he became timid, and lived alone behind the pub in Port Cobh for a whole year, until he turned 9 years old. He now travels by himself to other towns...
Other Info: Getting used to other people, yet still timid about other things......
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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Evannia Wed Nov 09, 2011 4:01 pm

Name: Evannia Jennette McEllsan (Evannia Elle is her self-chosen name)

Age: Varies, but she identifies as an 18-year-old mentally

Race: Human Milletian

Gender: Female

Family: None now, but she had a mother, father and a brother. She does have two horses and a fox that are close enough for her.

Cooking, trade, drawing and preforming when she's not studying the art of swordplay

Weapon of Choice: Uriel Thantes, a sword spirit who lives inside her Gladius. In her offhand she uses many types of swords.

Hair Color:

Eye Color:

varies between 4' 6" and 5'6"

varies between 95lbs and 136lbs

Favorite food:
Popcorn and Apples

Arrival in Erinn: Evannia was born to a blacksmith and his wife in Scotland in the 1700s as Jennette McEllsan, she has few memories of them due to a fire that consumed their home when she was four. Her late brother Eli was thirteen when he and his sister were tossed into Erinn upon their deaths through use of the soul-stream. They arrived in Tara with only the clothes on their backs.

Post-arrival: Eli soon procured a gladius one morning soon after they arrived and named it Uriel. How Eli got it she never knew, but it never left his side after that. She chose this time to reinvent herself, remembering her imaginary friend "Evannia", Jennette started to use her name until even Eli called her by it.

Eli protected her while they lived on the streets, stealing, running and begging. After his death in a runaway carriage accident he just... didn't come back. She waited for hours by his body but finally she gave up. She left Tara as a lonely, poverty stricken nine-year-old. She has only Eli's sword to remember him by.

To live up to her family name now that she's the last of the Clan McEllsan as a fitting heir to them. Now if only she wasn't so afraid of spiders and boys... Rolling Eyes
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  ShoMarufuji Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:25 pm

Name: Sho Marufuji
Age: Fourteen
Birth Race: Average Human boy from the 21st century
Game Race: Average Human boy from the 21st century

Family: His mother and father doted on him often because of Sho’s preference to keep to himself rather than associate with the other kids in the neighborhood. Sho’s older brother, Ryo Marufuji, was and still is his role model in every shape and form. Ryo is kind, but never babied Sho like their parents did. He did try to coax his little brother to be a little more social whenever he didn’t have time to play, but drops the issue when he sees that it isn’t working. Ryo is the one who is responsible for Sho’s death, accidentally pinning him to a tree in an attempt to avoid hitting their beloved cat, Thundernyan.

Hobbies in Erinn: Once he got used to living in Erinn, Sho was great with commerce until he got a little too good at it, attracting hordes of bandits whenever he dozed off. When in the field, Sho usually only attacks fomors when they notice him and behave aggressively, or when they’re attacking animals, such as chicken or sheep. Whether in a dungeon or field, Sho cannot stand to pass by an herb patch untouched, he /must/ pick it all. Making potions is his thing, as he is more often than nor poor due to his need to constantly buy repairs, bandages and feathers seeing as how he's so accident prone.

Weapon of Choice: An ice wand that reminds him of the toy he used to play with back home, with a shield on the other arm to protect himself if he can’t load a spell fast enough. When the pressure is too much for him to take, he goes on an all out assault with dual blades, his heart racing.

Hair Color: A fluffy light blue
Eye Color: Gray, but bright and full of innocence as opposed to a dull stare.

Height: 4’9. He hates milk, so there’s not much to expect.
Weight: ~80-90 pounds. He tends to be thrown and knocked back very easily.

Favorite Food: Fried Shrimp, Fried Noodles, Grilled Fish
Least Favorite Food: Milk

Theme Song: K.K. Lullaby
K.K. Lullaby (Aircheck)

How he came to be in Erinn: (A.K.A My original bio for my application, copy and paste or zoom in to read, as I do not want to page stretch)
Dusk was approaching, the clouds reflecting a magnificent gradient of warm orange colors as the sun started its descent to light up the lives of people on the other side of the planet. The playful kitten jumped higher and higher, growing more determined to catch the glittering plastic snowflake on the end of short pole with each failed attempt. A small boy laughed and cheered as he taunted the animal, twisting the toy wand around in figures before finally letting the cat catch it with a pounce. He’d let the little furball relish in the joy of its captured prey for a moment, cooing, praising and petting her lovingly before inching the wand up in the air, and starting the game again.

A concerned mother watched longingly from within the house. Her son was fourteen, and yet he’d rather play those “Roleplaying game whatsits” with the stray cat and his brother than go venture out and play basketball or football with the other boys in the area. “Sho!” she called out from the window, her tone cross but worried. “Come inside before that thing scratches you!”

“But Momma!” said Sho stopping his game to pout at his doting mother. “Thundernyan’s nice!” At that moment, the cat looked up and meowed in whine, as if asking why the game had stopped. It weaved around his legs, rubbing its back against Sho in a loving gesture. The mother sighed.

“It’s late baby, come get some tuna for the kitty and then go wash up.” She said with a soft smile, nodding at her son before disappearing to get some food for the cat that they had semi-adopted.

Sho frowned sadly, kneeling down to kiss the cat goodbye on its tiny little head before tossing the wand aside into the driveway in resigned despair. The cat’s blue fur puffed up and it pounced madly onto the toy, gnawing and batting it about in fury. Sho trudged to the window and took the can of tuna from his mother allowing her to give him an almost painful hug. “Oh look-“she said with a smile, in an attempt to lift Sho’s spirits. “Your brother’s home.”

This prompted Sho to look up excitedly, all traces of sadness gone as the familiar dark blue car came zooming up the street. His joyful expression quickly turned into that of horror, mirroring the fright that had suddenly sparkled in his mother’s eyes. Thundernyan was still playing in the driveway, oblivious to the impending danger and invisible to the driver of the car.

Then, several things all happened at once. The mother held her hand high in the air to signal to her eldest son and screamed. Sho dropped the can of tuna and bolted forward quickly, yelling. The cat, scared to near death by all the sudden noise, bounced away in terrible fright. Seeing a flash of the bounding Russian Blue in his mirror, the driver swerved dangerously to avoid hitting it, tires screeching like a tortured banshee. A horrible CRASH later, the car collided with the tree hard, the windshield shattering when a heavy branch shaken loose fell into it.

There was silence. No one wanted to believe what had happened. The elder brother batted the airbag away and shook the glass away from his hair, many shades darker than Sho’s own teal locks, and looked up, his jaw dropped in horror. Sho looked back at him with bleary eyes, pinned against the tree by his midriff. “R-Ryo…” he coughed feebly, slumped against the hood of the car. Sho’s glasses dangled off his nose precariously, cracked. Ryo closed his mouth and shook his head, breathing heavily through his nose. He himself had no injuries sans a slight throbbing pain in his head from when he was thrown back against his seat. The last thing Sho heard was a soft, strangled sobbing noise that he had never heard escape from his brother, and the insane screaming of his mother, who held him in her arms until he left their world.
Sho woke up in a bright white area, his glasses missing and his clothes different. He wouldn’t have called it waking up; it was more like getting shaken out of a doze. There was no sleepiness that lingered, he simply opened his eyes and took notice. Everything was blurry, but he wondered idly if this was heaven. A burst of white light, and a woman with long white hair and a black dress appeared, shocking Sho for a moment, who blushed at the size of her bust, which was popping out from her top. She looked at him kindly and opened her mouth to speak, but then shook her head, smiling again. “Hello Sho Marufuji.” She said. “Welcome to the Soul Stream.”
Before Sho could ask the strange woman how she knew his name, she asked him to choose his destiny. Such a weird question, thought Sho. “Destiny-?” he asked. “Well- Magic is cool but- Oh!” He was toppling backward, and he fell, feeling his world swimming all around him. His stomach heaved and he gasped, stumbling when he stopped and falling into dirt. He shook his head and sighed, looking around. Where in the world was he? Dusting himself off and squinting, he found it useless to really try to see anything in his condition. Practically blind and clueless in a strange place, Sho knew that this was no heaven. No- This was some kind of. It had to be a coma induced dream. He only hoped that he’d be able to wake up soon.

Character history through the player:
I’ve recently started roleplaying as Sho, but I’m so obsessed with him I’m pretty sure I got him down pact, if not then slightly wimpier. *_*

Last edited by ShoMarufuji on Mon Feb 27, 2012 5:29 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Syntax mistakes.)
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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Kenelm Sun Apr 22, 2012 11:17 pm

Name: Kenelm Morgan
Age: 35
Birth Race: Human
Game Race: Human (Milletian)
Hair Color: Ashe Blonde
Eye Color: Steel gray
Height: 5 ft. 8 in.
Weight: 120 lbs.

Family: Kenelm has no one to call family in Erinn--Aside from his affiliation with the Corenites, which he doesn't advertise.

(I hope to add another paragraph or so here on Kenelm's family outside of Erinn.)

Hobbies in Erinn: Training, Playing the Lute, Composing

Weapon of Choice: Sword and shield

Arrival in Erinn: (I will eventually add a number of paragraphs here.) Long story short, Kenelm was stabbed by a colleague during the evening shift change.

History Through the Player: This particular character was created specifically for the game, and it should be known he despises corruption, and will act against it usually within reason.

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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Mistii Thu May 24, 2012 6:27 pm

Name: Mist Ridell (goes by Ria)
Age: 21
Family: Adair Ridell (father), Naomi Ridell (mother, deceased)
Hobbies: Running, cooking, music
Weapon of Choice: Throwing knives, or anything to be thrown
Hair Color: Blue (Fall/Winter), White (Late Spring/Summer), Red (Angry), Black (Pregnant)
Eye Color: Brown (Fall/Winter), Deep blue, violet, or green (Late Spring/Summer), Inset with flames (Angry), Silver (Breeding/Pregnant)
Height: 5'3", looks much younger than she is.
Weight: Very little.
Favorite Food: Can't eat much more than bread and water.
Theme Song: Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence
How She Came To Be In Erinn: She was born there o3o
Family Tree:

Character History Through Player: Born in Emain Macha to a wealthy family, her mother was ill when she gave birth, leading to some gastric and respiratory problems on Mist's part. She had a less than enjoyable childhood, with her abusive and manipulative father and her sickly mother. At the age of five, Mist witnessed her mother being slashed to death haphazardly with a sickle by her father, who then escaped. Horrified, Mist returned home and sobbed. She quickly learned what it took to survive, learning how to handle small weapons and becoming quite agile and acquiring acute hearing. Her eyes fluctuate frequently, when she is irritated, small candle-like flames appear from her pupils, when she is intimate, rings of silver gradually fill her irises, etc. She doesn't believe this is due to the 'curse' on her family, since her mother's eyes were always red. The Ridell Coat of Arms is a blue phoenix, symbolizing how the women of their family rise from the ashes, but in a cruel and twisted way. ((More to be added as I think of it. :/))

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Elleneth's profile

Post  Elleneth Fri Apr 12, 2013 3:41 pm

Name: Elleneth Blisterton ( IGN is Elleneth )
Age: Her mental age is 13. She is pretty mature for her age though.
Age appearance: It depends on her body, she currently has the form of a 14 year old.
Date of Birth: 22 October 1999
Family: Her family is in another world, she has no memories of them.
Gender: Clearly female.
Sexual Orientation: Elleneth is still rather young and hasn't really put to much thought into it. She has felt strong feelings towards others though, but it was more of a group instead of a individual person. She could be considered Bisexual as she doesn't have a preference yet.
Race: She is a milletian brought into Erinn by Nao.
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Hobbies: Making friends, wandering and spinning wool.
Weapon of Choice: She mainly uses a dagger when it comes to fighting.
Hair Color: Currently Dark-blue
Eye Color: Currently Grey
Height: Depends on her age.
Weight: Depends on her age.
Favorite Food: She doesn't really know yet, most of the food she has come across while being in Errin has been rather bad and tasteless in her opinion.


Elleneth hasn't exactly been the nicest or cleanest person when talking about her deeds and actions in the past. She has done some things which aren't easily forgiven. She used to live in a world. It was a world where the largest part of the population was poor. The resources of the world were low and living was somewhat of a challenge to most. One of the main driving forces of the world was a material called: Allentrium. This material, which is mostly scattered throughout the sea, is able to fuel steam-engines for long periods of time. It was the driving-force for most of the world. The cities were usually covered in smog and diseases where something rather common. Elleneth was one of the more wealthier persons in that world. She was among one of the rich families and had a better life then most. Elleneth wasn't a stuck up or ignorant person though, as some may have expected, she actually cared a lot about those living poorly and sort of tried to help them at times. She sometimes managed to get her parents to donate towards charity, which didn't actually help at all. You could say that most of the world was corrupt, and so were most of the major charity causes. Outside of that Elleneth also was befriended with quite a lot of 'lower' children and such, mostly consisting of people around her age-group. She got very close to a small group of them and cared. She tried to help each one of them, protecting, feeding and giving them shelter in time of need. If one had problems, then they would be solved. This wasn't always a good thing. Elleneth has done rather horrible things to keep them happy, including murder. You could say that she was rather obsessed with them, which resulted in some sick situations at times. This is how it went for the longest time, but as always, nothing lasts forever. Her 'friends' wanted more then what they got and demanded it form Elleneth. This wasn't a problem in her eyes though, she happily fur filed their wishes without a complaint. One day, she was taken as a hostage by an unknown group. She had promised her 'friends' to be at a specific place in the morning, but instead of her friends found a random group of people when she arrived there. They held her as a hostage and blackmailed her family, their main goal being money. They threatened to kill her. Eventually time passed and there was no reply. No-one had even spoken to the group that held her hostage and her family hadn't reacted to the threats, which resulted in her being killed. After being released into the Soul-Stream, she was picked out by Nao. Why? After all, she chose Elleneth above many other and more 'pure' souls. Nobody truly knows except for Nao herself of coarse. Elleneth doesnt have any memories of her past life, so in the end it doesn't really matter that much. She has been brought into Erinn without a clear goal and simply wanders the world, in search of something.

Character History Through Player: This is my first character. I have created her for roleplaying in Mabinogi and well, just for playing the game! There isnt a lot else to say honestly.

Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Temo Fri Apr 12, 2013 4:02 pm

Actually, I think we make our own individual threads for these now. o3o Looks great though!
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~ Character Bios! - Page 4 Empty Imigh as Éirinn

Post  Liam Caigley Sun Aug 18, 2013 2:51 pm

Name: Liam Caigley (pron: Lee-um Kig-lee)
Age: 24
Birth Race: Gnoll
Game Race: Elf
Hair Color: Seafoam green
Eye Color: Pastel green
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 110 lbs.

Family: What fate had brought Liam in his past life, nothing, did it carry into his new reality. Much of his past is hidden and omitted by his calm and caring gaze. It would seem some horrible things had happened and, one could imagine, family had something to do with it.

Hobbies in Erinn: Tailoring and gathering materials. Exploring through ruins ( He is quite curious!), dressing wounds. He's also quite fond of herbology and hopes to follow through with a career in that as an auxiliary craft.

Weapon of Choice: Bow and arrow. Though small, his arms boast endurance and some lithe muscle.

Arrival in Erinn: As a formal Gnoll, it was not unexpected that he and his kind would live short lives, but his caring and passive demeanor suggests that he may have been murdered. A foreign but similar accent is heard in his voice ( A Gaelic twang most similar to Irish) and appearing in the harsh desert has taken a toll on the elf's senses, as well as his physical change.

History Through the Player: Liam was created because I had no human-like characters to fill in for Mabinogi. And so I created him for this alone. Its only been like three weeks of play, but I've grown attached to the lil' bugger. I made him to most relate to an old castaway character I made in 2010 who didnt stick around, but I liked to roleplay as, and so, he's reborn like in the game! xD
Liam Caigley
Liam Caigley
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

Posts : 8
Join date : 2013-08-18
Location : Marriedland.

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