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~ Character Bios!

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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Leayonadas, an Elf in a big strange world.

Post  Eranor Sat Jun 20, 2009 2:35 am

Character Name: Leayonadas

How You Heard About The RP Society: I have two chars in it already, im pulling one out.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? 2 weeks

Is English Your First Language? Yes

A Short Biography Of Your Character: He was born to pure elf parents, blessed by Lymilark with a good sense of justice, good looks and a strong will, he is totally against the Elf-Giant war and has confronted many people about this many times, often resulting in a fight where he would lose and break a bone here and there. It was when he upfronted Castanea about it that she decided to banish him from Fillia. Atrata was against it. However he had to leave, he will return one day when the war is over. Until then...

What type of character do you play? Pure range

What is your Mabinogi schedule?[ All day
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Captincrunch Mon Jul 06, 2009 11:18 pm

Name: Helgabrandt. Most prefer to just call her Helga.
Age: May have been older but now is hovering between preteen and early twenties
Birth Race: Human - Swedish actually. Now of Giant stock.
Family: She seems to recall parents and possibly a sibling or siblings.
Hobbies: Fishing, singing, fine art of assassination ...
Weapon of Choice: Whatever comes to hand at the time but her new stature has heralded her latest pastime of stepping on small annoyances.
Hair Color: Was fiery Red at one time but now she is a classic natural blond.
Eye Color: Were green but not so sure now, need to find a mirror.
Height: was 5' 10" but is now a pettiet 12' something or other.
Weight: was ~117 lbs. but yet again this has changed as well and she wont talk about it.
Favorite Food: Mmmm pickled herring, Vodka, caviar, fresh baked rye bread with butter. Too bad none of that is found here.
Theme Song: ABBA and RUSH -> Xanadu.
Entry to Erinn: Her memory of how and what happened is all rather fuzzy. Something to do with swimming pools and piranhas.
The only thing, person actually, she vividly remembers is James and the passionate relationship they shared. Also the number 11 has some significance to her past. Of James, she only remembers him as being an always distracted man who stole her heart, figuratively speaking of course.
Character History with Player: Someone from someones past. Possibly one of many. Who knows?
She really does not care for the limitations of style allowed for her proportions.

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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Character Bio's

Post  Clari Tue Jul 21, 2009 12:53 am

Name: Clare
Age: Currently 14
Birth Race: Half Fomor Half Human
Family: Mother: Otaha Father: Gonamei (Her family actually consists of over 1000 people.) Spouse: Kyoski
Hobbies: Crafting and tailoring. Helping anyone and spending time with family.
Weapon of Choice: Ice Wand or Claymore. She only uses the Claymore when she feels she can wield it.
Hair Color: White blonde.
Eye Color: Blood red, but she prefers to hide them, thinking red is an ugly color for eyes. How she loves her husbands violet eyes.
Height: As a child/teen she is rather petite around 4'9'' - 5'1'' but once she comes to around the age of 19 or 20 she goes through an intense growth spurt that leaves her at around 6'2''.
Weight: emaciated. 90lbs or below at 17.
Favorite Food: Eating feels like a chore, water keeps the stomach feeling full and isn't hard to find.
Theme Song: Enigma - Rob Costlow
How she came to be in Erinn: Memories are fuzzy and hard to recall... something... a girl? In... the forest? "I'm lost..." Feeling of uncertainty, lonliness, an uncertain knowing that this is the right thing to do... this wrong thing.

Character history through the player: Clari was always my main. She started out a little nooby, focusing only on melee and having friends and getting Paladin, but got distracted with hopes of becoming a great chef, no a Bard.. maybe a tailor? Magic classes and melee classes, anything to get better, to level-up. Now, she has slowed down, got married, slowly but surely getting to where she want to be.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Sailynt's Application

Post  Jinnhin Fri Jul 24, 2009 8:45 pm

Character Name: Sailynt, Resident of Tir Chornaill

How You Heard About The RP Society: Been in the RP Society as Jinnhin Jalene.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? Since age 13 (Age 19 now)

Is English Your First Language? Yes, despite being french.

A Short Biography Of Your Character: As a child, she used to live in Sen Mag Residence as the Incubus' door girl until she met Jinnhin. After that, she is facing troubles before she can find a peaceful life as a Tir Chornaill Resident. Her major goal is getting through the unusual crisis and abnormalities and live normally.

What type of character do you play? Human Female living the life neither as a mage or a warrior.

What is your Mabinogi schedule? (All in Tir Chornaill) Fish, Sell, Hunt Spiders, Hunt Foxes, Fish, Sell and Restock, Repair, Repeat.

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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty The Bandit, The Lost: Zachary Dellinger

Post  Dellinger Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:40 pm

Name: Zachary Dellinger (aka. Dell to those who have played w/ me)
Age: 22
Birth Race: Human. He comes from a world similar to a post-apocalyptic Earth.
Family: He has a sister named Alia, but he most likely will never see her again. What was left of his family and friends reside in Corem, and he has a sneaking suspicion that they will not live for much longer.
A Brief (or Not-So-Brief) History and Synopsis of the world that was Corem:
Corem is the capitol of a post-apocalyptic region. The city itself is surrounded by a Desert that is inhabited by several types of violent and dangerous creatures (Dell almost got rabies when he got attacked in training by three Desert Wolves, which is like Cancer now). The cities around it enjoy reasonably mild weather.
What turned Corem (as the region is colloquially called) was something called the Great War. From what Zach understands, it was something similar to a nuclear holocaust that destroyed much of what the ‘Golden Age’ consisted of. When said holocaust occurred, the worlds of science and magic collided (originally being parallel to each other) and became one. This apparently could not last due to the nature of the two powers.
Corem is run by a group of individuals called Magnekineticists, who can control and emit electrical currents from within their bodies. They can manipulate metal and, with a charge, can shoot electric energy from holes in their hands. They also maintain the generators providing Corem with the only known source of electricity on the continent. If the generators die, there is no way to rebuild them as the plans were lost long ago.
Most individuals do not agree with the corrupt powers of the Mags (who tend to abuse their supernatural powers quite often) and feel that due to this, electricity in itself was the devil. Hence, an uprising began.
We haven’t really gotten as far in the D&D campaign as all of my RP group would like, so I don’t know all the background yet. I’ll tell you more as we go along (if I remember).
How this is Totally Applicable to Dell: Sadly, out of some random and twisted bouts with fate, Zach involved himself with the resistance and became a bandit due to his fascination with everything technological. Eventually, after the assassination after the resistance’s leader, Dell and his friends (named Jack, Prague, and Stork [ask in character if you want to know more about them]) ran from Corem in an attempt to save their own lives and hopefully find some way to regroup outside of the Mag controlled city.
(Very basic explanation. I may add more here or in RP)
Hobbies: While Dell lived in Corem he took a liking to technology and loves to talk about Corem history. He made a living as a bandit working against an ‘evil’ group of mutated individuals called Magnekineticists (those who can control and emit electrical currents from within their bodies. They can manipulate metal and, with a charge, can shoot electric energy from holes in their hands) but eventually ended up in Erinn. He has no hobbies as of yet (because when he was transferred from Corem to Erinn, Nao made an effort to lock the ability to create such technological items away in the confines of his mind because it may have ‘corrupted the world that is Erinn’), save dungeoneering, training, and getting to know the natives.
Weapon of Choice: Here is one of Dell’s problem with this new world that he’s been thrown into. His weapon of choice are weapons he had trained with while ‘adventuring’ in Corem; two pistols (named Ohm and Amp), a flamethrower, a needle gun, and a sort of laser. Since none of these actually exist in Erinn, he makes due with two blades. Now, while most would assume a old ranged fighter would stick with what he knows, they would be wrong. The bow is too primitive for him, and it would remind him too much of what he used to have. However, he will refer to his swords as ‘primitive lumps of iron’ out of habit and conditioning.
Hair Colour: Grayish-White. Due to the slight amounts of radiation that existed in the continent around Corem from the Great War, most born in those areas have slightly odd characteristics. His hair is an example of that.
Eye Colour: Gray
Build: Another oddity about Dell is his build. Dell is extremely thin with a very elegant appearance. This would lead most to believe that he had noble birth and that he had never been a ‘bandit’ as he claims, but this is just another complication that arose due to Corem’s interesting conditions.
Favourite Food: Dell loves Ramen, fish, and anything noodle or vegetable based. He’s a bit of a vegetarian at heart, mainly because he begins to gag when he eats meat.
Theme Song: Here Come The Drums – Rogue Trader, The City Sleeps in Flames – Scary Kids Scaring Kids, The Setup (You Need This) – Reel Big Fish… (to name a few, mainly because I listen to these types of songs while in the creative process.
How he came to be in Erinn:
(I’ll post a short story consisting of the final [possible] event in Corem that signaled the cause of all of Zach’s current nostalgia. Mainly, I felt that I should post a bio before writing a very twisted tale)
His Friends In Erinn: He's still fairly new to the region, but he has at least three. These include the Giant Rhaz, who has taken Zach under his wing to teach him the ropes and how to live in Erinn, Dalvar, who he met as he entered the world, and Xeek, who has shown up to assist in Zach's endeavors. Oddly enough this number of friends scares Zach; his old group of friends numbered three, and were built similarly, and now their all possibly dead. Rhaz reminds him of his friend Stork, Dalvar slightly reminds him of Prague, and Xeek could be compared to Jack.

Character History through the Player

I normally reuse my characters. My oldest was a character named Axel, who doesn’t really have a set personality. For a campaign in college, I created Zach Dellinger. His mood and personality change quite often, as he is easily influenced by things happening around him. Since people are taken from their worlds and brought to Erinn, I thought “What would happen if during one of the final battles where Zach musters the courage to save / assist his friends against Ryan Northen (the leader of the Mags), Nao decided to take him. And what if Ryan Northen had just told him ‘And when I’m done with you, you’re pretty little sister will be next.’” I’m going to play it as best as I can. If you start talking about Corem, you’ll bring up memories. Just know that much.
Zach Dellinger is also one of my favorite RP characters, and one of the two that I am most proud of. The other is a character named Lucius 'Bones' Entine. I may make him later just for the hell of it, but that'll be after I train Zach a bit. Hope you enjoy playing with him.
Let’s hope I explained enough here. If you would like to know any more, just ask. And this may be edited as I or others see fit.

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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Aydub Sun Jul 26, 2009 8:15 pm

Name: Aya, no memory of last name or middle name.

Age: Roughly 15 now.

Race: Human mostly.

Auto-Biography: (Note, I'm not very good in tenses so pardon that. -.-")
~5 years ago~
I blink a few times and look down. A large yeti is found lieing at the base of my feet, blood stains the snow. I look around trying to figure out what happened, everything is blurred by the flurry of snow. Its not cold surprisingly but just very wet. Faint foot steps crunching in the snow behind me alert my senses to wake up. I turn my head around and find a VERY large man standing behind my back. He looks at me with what I suspect is confusion and some worry, "What is a small child like you doing out here?" He asks me.
Looking at the Yeti and at my over sized clothes I smile slightly and perk up, "Ni Pah."
He raises an eye brow and looks at me curiously, "You don't remember how to speak?"
I shake my head and say once more, "Ni pah..." I tilt my head towards the ground. I don't how to speak, but I can think in words... The large man kneels down and picks me up on his shoulder. Standing up once more he turns and leaves the site of the slain Yeti.

The snow on the ground crunches beneath this man's feet. I'm curious about his large stature and where he came from but a better question rises in my head, where did I come from? Shaking my head my hair accidentally hits the man's face. I pull my hair back and bow my head saying what seemed like I'M SORRY! Ni pahs. He laughs, "Its alright small one, if what I'm assuming your saying is sorry." He pats my head softly and starts telling me I can stay with him for the time being in Vales. Confused I tilt my head and ask, "Ni...pah?" Which meant Vales in my mind. (I'm a baka rofl.) He nods his head, "Yes, Vales. Its the village I live in. You can live with me and the other giants there if you wish." I smile and nod my head, "Ni!!"
He laughs again points at a large cliff, "There is the village of Vales."

He carries me into the village, its huge for huge people. Everything is HUGE to me, the people, the buildings, everything. Carrying me into a house he places me on the floor, "This is where I live, feel free to look around." Nodding I start walking. I can't really touch much minus the fact that I don't even reach the man's hip. I find a picture up on a shelf and try to look at it, but its much to high for me. Looking around I find a chair, I drag it and stand up on top of it to look at the picture. Its of the man and a Blue haired lady, her skin is pale almost the color of snow, "What's this? A rat in my house??" I hear someone say, I whirl around and its the lady. I hop down from the chair and wave, "Ni pah!" Her face twists into a fashion that looks like she's annoyed, "KRUG! What is that thing doing here?" She points a finger in my direction.
"Kirine, this is going to be our...guest. Her name is..." Krug looks down at me, "What is your name little one?"
I space off for a second, it Aydub, but how do I tell them?
I start to mumble and say aloud, "A-Aydub." Krug looks shocked and the woman looks at me. She smiles slightly and kneels down in front of me, "Well, welcome to our home, Aydub."

~Present time~
I decided to leave Vales because my memory never returned. I now reside in Uladh for the time being. Trying to find someone who will recognize me, but so far nothing. I know that it'll return someday and I can go back to my life of happiness...I think. All I know is that sooner or later it WILL return but for now, I have friends who care about who I am now...I just wish I had someone who could tell me who I was.

Likes: She likes any kind of pasta or tea. The occasional wine is also good with her. She also likes people who aren't complete jerks too.
Dislikes: Mostly anything sweet. She doesn't seem to care too much for reading as well. tongue

Theme song: Merry go round of Life- Howl's moving castle

Side note: I'm writing a fan fiction of her life before she lost her memory. BUT its still in so y'all have to wait til its done >Very Happy.

Last edited by Aydub on Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
Kandy Korn Ogre
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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Ryuu Xen (Xeek)

Post  Xeek Sun Jul 26, 2009 10:55 pm

Name: Ryuu Xen, prefers his name together because it sounds cooler. Ryuuxen.

Age: 13 (ignore the ingame looks :3)

Race: Elf

How he came to Erinn: Born here.

Hobbies: Doing his "homework" He is sort of like a spy and likes to gather information on people. And loves to
work on his own trinkets.

Food: Despite his apparance his LOVES to eat. He would do anything for a plate of food.

Class: Archer , and handicraft.

Story: Ryuuxen is a young boy who lost his parents at the age of 8. When his parents died he did not shed a tear. He saw them burn and die barely escaping. When he made sure they were dead he just left. From a smaller age he knew he was good with his hands. And had extreme accuracy. He made a living by selling trinkets he made, and killing for money. He does not like money but he knows he needs it to live and get new arrows and materials for his trinkets. After a while he got into more complicated mission of assassination. He learned to be sneaky. After he proved himself worthy, Knarex, Xeek's brother recruited him to spy on Xeek. Other than being cold blooded he is perfectly normal.

Personality: Acts innocent and shy, but is really cold blooded. He can see his parents die infront of him and it won't affect him. bounce

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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Eranor Wed Jul 29, 2009 3:45 am

Name: Acanthus Eriksson, son of Arne and Astrid Eriksson.
Age: 27
Birth Race: Human. He is from Norway, Earth.
Family: Acanthus is the son of Arne Eriksson the village blacksmith and Astrid Eriksson one of the village councillers, though Acanthus didnt learn any skills from his father as he found hunting to be more fun then hammerig away at pieces of metal all day.
History of his region:
Acanthus came from a port in the south of Norway called Port Mele`, it was basically a base for raiding parties, a staging ground for troops and a defensive position, the harbor being just a canyon type thing with mountains extending to the mouth of the harbor, surrounded by dense wood, there were many creatures living in the Black Forest as the locals called it, filled with all manner of strange creatures, some, people swore, were not of this world. September had been a bad month, lots of raiders and bandits on all paths to the city, and at night, when it was pitch black save for a few torches from the local tavern and guardhouse, howling and moaning could be heard outside the fence, even the guards were frightened. The local children said it was a monster, the elders disregarded it as nothing more then a lost spirit. Many more were skeptical, the barkeeper thought it was maybe a witch, or a rogue wizard searching for souls. Either way, those next months were very bad for the village. Noone travelled out at night, well, anyone that didnt have a deathwish. The fence had gaps in it as well, so the guards could just make out shadows moving swiftly in between the trees. They didnt dare go close to the fence after what had happened to the last guard that did. Norway was becoming strange indeed..

Hobbies: Acanthus loves adventure, unfortunately not too long ago, a Neko Vampire bit him and he became one as well (Go figure) so now he has a more playful nature, but still loves the heat of the battle.

Weapon of Choice: When he first came to Erinn he had his mountain climbing pick (now lost in Peaca somewhere on his second return) and his Claymore, which he still has.

Hair Colour: Pitch black, not heard of within Nordic culture, courtesy of Nao's rebirth.

Eye Colour: Green, on account of the Neko within him now.

Build: Now he is a Neko, his frame is very cat-like, he has ears, a tail and a slim build, he is also very acrobatic now, compared to when he wasnt, he is quite weak now. His older self was big, strong, muscled and had red hair and blue eyes.

Favourite Food: Meat. Oh and potatoes. OH and fish!!!

Theme Song: Scarface Main theme, All Along the Watchtower - Jimi Hendrix, and Of Wolf and Man- Metallica

How he came to be in Erinn: See: The Chronicles of Acanthus

His Friends In Erinn: Acanthus was first looked upon when he arrived, often ignored by people and he wandered Erinn all by himself, from Peaca to Tir Chonaill where he first saw the RPS guild stone, he was invited to a wedding on his first day (I think) and got acquainted with Kenelm Morgan, Xeek, Silvreno and Yilini to name a few, he also met the leader and officer. He left a few weeks later, then once again returned when he saw Dell and his group of friends sitting down talking and he walked up and introduced himself, he promptly got along with Dell, Rhaz and Dal, whom he hadnt met before, and now they are friendly towards him ( I HOPE Razz)

P.S: Thanks for the template Dell. ~Hi-5's~
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Temo Thu Jul 30, 2009 12:38 am

Aaaand here's the last of my dear fomor-family tree. x3

Name: Kurohi (Mabinogi name is Kurouhi since the "canine form" has the original)

Age: Unknown; appearance varies

Birth Race: Succubus - Fomor

Family: Gatemo and Silvreno

Hobbies: Quiet reading, music

Weapon of Choice: Daggers, short swords, magic

Hair Color: Blonde

Eye Color: Gold

Height: Currently 5'10"

Build: Varies. Currently appears as a healthy, curvy 17-year-old.

Favorite Food: Fruit, wine, and sweets.

Theme Song: Guilty Gear XX : Midnight Carnival - The Great Empress / Ayumi Hamasaki - Fated (Remix)

How she came to be in Erinn:

Kurohii was recruited into the Succubus Army as an infiltrator. A very good one. There was no place she couldn't get into, no man she couldn't seduce, manipulate, or kill. She earned the title "Rose of Twilight" by how her methods tended to go into effect during the twilight hours - and with terrifying precision and finese. Eventually though, humans began to become more of an interest to Kurohi than just simple targets; and she unofficially broke away from the Army to be able to do her own "assignments" with no orders attached.

This was around the time she met Gatemo, though when they met he didn't look a day over fourteen, and definitely not her type. Strange how a child would be wandering about her lair too, and amusing enough for Kurohi to decide to have a chat with him before deciding on slitting his throat. That was how she learned not only what Gatemo was, but who he was. Unfortunately, though, she couldn't confirm it right off, so decided to "help" him recover his memories so she could get her own answers. During the day, she took to watching and assisting him under the guise of his pet outside of dungeons; and in the evenings when her agenda wasn't full otherwise, she'd have him running certain assignments that would supposedly have been beneficial on both ends. For Gatemo, it was win-win in the deal they made; but in reality, Kurohii was using him to tie up a few loose ends.

This continued for a while, though as Gatemo grew and regained more memories of his former self, Kurohi started getting a more intrigued by what he was becoming. So much that in the end, she betrayed the Succubus Army. Rather than reporting the outlaw she'd been keeping under wraps after confirming things, she ran away with him to aid in his own quest, ended up going into hiding with him, and eventually became close enough that they had a son together. The bit of peace experienced with her first family didn't last too long. It hardly took much time before the Fomors found them hiding in Iria; and after a narrow escape, she and Gatemo were forced into drifting while leaving their son in the care of elves.

During the fight to escape though, Kurohi lost a lot of her powers to seals placed on her by the Fomors. While they were removed, her abilities seemed to be gone as well, which forced her to revert to a younger age and work on recovering them through old-fashioned hard work. While she isn't what she used to be yet, she's still a force to be reckoned with and intends to make her revenge sweet, painful, and slow. In light of recent events, against her better judgement she remains a loyal companion to Gatemo despite believing he'll end up destroying them both.

That Special Someone:

Gatemo, though it's more of a love/hate relationship.

Character's Friends:


Character History Through Player:

NPC character that became a bit more after I had one or two silly little plot ideas in mind. Depending on future events, may possibly become an independent character. For the moment, she's just extra storage, skill helper, and a mage character to goof off with when I'm bored. XD
Burrito Bison

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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Returning Character

Post  Jinnhin Sat Aug 01, 2009 10:26 am

Character Name: Jin Lynn (Jinnlyn)

How You Heard About The RP Society: Reentered this society for the third time because of the storyline involved.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying? six years turning seven years this year.

Is English Your First Language? Yes.

A Short Biography Of Your Character: Ever since the death of Sailynt, Jin lynn (formerly Jinnhin) came into Erinn as a soul streamer. Her memory was a bit foggy, but she can recalled some of her allies and friends.

What type of character do you play? Resurrected Familiarity with hindered abilities.

What is your Mabinogi schedule? Train, repair, fight, repair, repeat

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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty I did put up the bio, but what happened to it? :scratch:

Post  Jinnhin Wed Aug 05, 2009 12:15 pm

I typed up a profile including 3 long paragraphs story explaining how Jin Lynn came to be. When I looked through this, I don't see it at all. Bah! I think this forum did not accepted it, so I'm retyping that bio. scratch

Name: Jin Lynn (Erinn-Born Jinnhin and Soul Streamer Sailynt)

Gender: Female (Both)

(Jinnhin) Erinn-Born Human
(Sailynt) Soul Streamer

Pearly Skin
Orange Ponytail Hair
Blue-Black Innocent Eyes
Small Lips

(Jinnhin) Combatant
(Sailynt) Adventurer

Dungeon Crawling (Jinnhin)
Training (Sailynt)
Leisure (Sailynt)
Upholding her Beliefs about Righteousness (Jinnhin).

Roughly talkative (Sailynt)
slightly frank about her opinions (Sailynt)
kind-heart (Jinnhin)
generous amount of cockiness (Jinnhin)

Weapon(s) of Choice:
Mace (Sailynt)
Long Sword (Jinnhin)
Kite Shield

Usual Equipments:
(Casual) Lirina's Long Skirt/Sandal. (Sailynt)
(Battle) Ring Mail Helm/Round Pauldron Chainmail/Leather Protector/Long Greave Boots. (Jinnhin)

[Private Story]
(Not Favorable)
"Why should I reveal my personal experiences to you?"
"I hardly know you and I might have forgotten most of it."
"Alright, if you like to hear...I'll keep it short."
"In my past life, I was betrayed to my death by a spymaster of mine, Goren, but before that, I set a deal with the Incubus to use a girl as my returning component. Inhuman, but necessary."
"The girl's name was Sailynt because I gave her that name when she appeared in the chamber."
"Since I exist now, Sailynt was killed and I was reborn."
"Anyway, I avenged me and Sailynt's death by defeating Goren. How I did not kill him? Simple, he killed himself by using himself as a living escape bomb."
"I survived, but my mother, Caliandra lost her left arm. Terrible sight it is and my new stomach did not like the sight of it."
"...Can we change the subject, please?"

[Nearby Rumors]
(Not Favorable)
"Yeah. I heard about a person standing in front of me, asking stupid questions that are rude when spoken and expecting an answer that is none of your business."
"I'll say rank up your skills quickly as soon it is available. Perfecting it would take too long and it will be too tedious to considered the extra experience as useful. Besides, the quicker, the more challenges will be there for you and I like challenges."

(Not Favorable)
"I'll say go find Capt. He can teach you how to fish, Twig."
"Stick with me and we may come across my friends who can teach you their strategies."

[Part-Time Jobs]
(Not Favorable)
"Ha! Are you serious? You are...right...Good luck with that!"
"We're gonna do some clean up in some dungeons. The payments are simple, they are what you get within the dungeon and not within my money pouch."

[Classes and Training]
(Not Favorable)
"...You better be kidding. Why asking me while multiple opportunities go to waste? Get going!"
"I don't mind taking in a student willing to learn the fine arts of dungeon crawling. There is no time limit, just get your butt over to where I am and we can go on a dungeon raid with a few to a couple of my friends. Just learn as we go along. Like the deal? Oh yeah, you better pay for your own repairs, because I'm not responsible if you and your buttercup armor broke a nail."

[Jin Lynn's Attitude]
(Not Favorable)
"Why concerned about my charisma when you should be more concerned about the warrior's blade?"
"It comes with experience, first off you start out innocent, then when things goes to Peaca, you'll start seeing things differently."

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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Zurven Fri Aug 07, 2009 10:22 pm

Name: Adearim

Age: Unknown

Race: Appears Elven

How he came to Erinn: Always been here.

Hobbies: None, at least none that I can point out..

Food: He does not eat.

Class: Archer

“The question is not who, but rather, what...
“If you must know, you must comprehend death...
“To our knowledge, when a human dies his soul must goes either heaven or hell, as destined by their actions. But does the essence that is the soul manifest its self in appearance of its former self in its destination? No, all soul reside in same place; the difference of heaven and hell is perception. If a soul is destined for hell then they shall experience a hell.
“But what relevance does this have? We are the reaper of souls! We find those who linger in mortal world, those who hide from their destined end. Even if you outsiders do not die, others in Erinn do. And, if they do not leave this world, and I stumble upon them, they shall join the spirits. But, we are not just the reaper of souls, we are the underworld. We are the collection of souls manifested into one entity. Every part of us projects the thoughts, emotions, and knowledge unto this one form, whether they know it or not.”

Personality: Is mostly serious and indifferent about almost everything.
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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Ladeth

Post  Clari Thu Aug 13, 2009 2:04 pm

Name: Ladeth (pronounced Dariesth)
Age: Currently 17
Birth Race: Snow Elf
Family: None
Hobbies: Tailoring and sometimes blacksmithing.
Weapon of Choice: Long Bow.
Hair Color: Very light Purple.
Eye Color: Same as hair, very light purple.
Height: Currently 5'9''
Weight: 140lbs (I'm working on it! >;/)
Favorite Food: Fruits and especially berries.
Theme Song:
How s/he came to be in Erinn: I remember this clearly. I was in this thing called "Highschool" it was like magic or melee classes, but they taught you other things, called "Math" and "Science". There where many after class studies, and I was in an Archery class. Although, archery there was nothing like the kind we have in Erinn. It was very safe, everyone wore these strange sort of armors, and made sure only to hit this... painted wooden board. I had shot one of my arrows and it didn't hit the board, but rather, it went flying into the forest behind our training ground. I ran to retrieve it. I was searching in the forest, but I couldn't find the arrow. Then it happend, as I emerged from the bushes, the last thing I saw, was my friends' horrified face as her arrow hit me. I guess I had died then, because Nao had come and told me that I can make a choice, to come to Erinn.

Character history through the player:
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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Kalan Axel - A Shadow of Xephyr

Post  Xephyr Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:59 pm

Some of you have managed to have the pleasure of meeting Kalan, others the Displeasure. Either way here is the history behind the Shadow of Xephyr - Kalan Axel

Name: Kalan Axel
Full Title: Kalan Axel of the Second Platoon of the Holy Guard
Hair Color: Dark Grey
Eye Color: Light Blue
Height: about 6'8"
Weight: 220 Pounds with armor 160 without
How he came to be in Erinn: Kalan was born long ago in a small country called Gardenia (now an area of Iria near the island on which Cor sets) He was sealed within a magical Dimension due to the destruction he cause. However Kalan managed to escape and is now trapped with Xephyr, the both continue to struggle to gain control over the body.
Character history through the player:
Kalan was an excellent fighter since a young age, through this and knowing the Head Master of the Holy Guard Kalan got accepted into the second Platoon's initiation. Kalan trained for many years, and finally passed through all but the last test. Through the test all members of the Holy Guard conquer their evil and rid themselves of it, However Kalan was unable to do so. The Head Master squeezed Kalan through, into his Platoon without the final test. This is where issues arose, Through the power of the Holy Guards and the holy grounds on which they lay Kalan's dark side grew, bursting out whenever kalan became angry. The Head Master, being a resourceful man, created a formula to suppress this dark side, and taught Kalan how to make it. This concoction did suppress Kalan's evil however it amplified it after the constant use Kalan needed. One day a mass of bandits attacked the town Kalan was stationed in, the Bandits rose up an army, while the number at the castle was about 20. Amiss the battle his demon crawled out, Dark Kalan went on a rampage, decimating the army. After the bandits were dead, Dark kalan begun striking out at the Holy Guard members. Alas he was overpowered by fatigue and the power of the remaining Holy Guards. The Holy Guards across the land gatherd and decieded to seal away Kalan in a magical Dimension. After what seemed like an eternity in the dimension Kalan managed to escape into Xephyr's Soul. Although Kalan is weak through this, He manages to escape and replaces Xephyr.


Name: Dark Kalan
Hair Color: Dark Grey
Eye Color: Dark blue with glints of red
Hight: 6'8"
Weight: 220 pounds with armor - never takes of armor
Favored Weapon: "The Splitting Axe of the Holy Guard"

When Kalan's demon escapes from him it changes his whole personality into Dark Kalan. Dark kalan in much stronger, however Kalan is constantly trying to force his darkness back into the depths of his soul. Dark Kalan can easily be called "Crazed"

Last edited by Xephyr on Thu Aug 13, 2009 9:00 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Messed up on wieght darn you fast typing...)
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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty ~New Bio!!

Post  Celestic Fri Aug 14, 2009 8:20 am

Name: Celestic, (cel/e for short)
Age: Real age is unkown, he appears to be the age of 11
Birth Race: It unkown what he is, he appears Human
Hair Color: Light Blonde
Eye Color: Sapphire Blue
Favorite Food: Anything!!!
Theme Song: Flow-RE:member
(I couldnt choose so I quickly put this before changing it again)
Family: Celestic has no family...or cannot remember having a family, his ostrich is the closest thing to him
Personality Celestic is an immature child, and loves to have fun, but can get serious when the time is called upon, he likes to sleep and takes his training not to seriously but when he focuses he can do things right.
Hobbies: Exploring with his Ostrich, Kuchii, watching the sun set at Philia and wait for the stars to appear, Celestic is infactuated with all animals but dispises formors.
Weapon of Choice: Anything fast, such as daggers.
Past: At unknown time a star exploded close to Erinn, resulting in a Cataclysmic light to shine over Erinn for a short period of time, this star was part of the legendary fox constellation, this explosion awoke the fox from it's thousand year rest and it came down to Erinn, the fox was weakened and could not return back to the stars and was forced to live in Erinn, at this time a child had entered the soul stream, the fox found this child and merged it's spirit with it, the child entered Erinn not knowing that it had a fox spirit inside it. From there the child was transported to Iria, the fox, weakened fell asleep and the child wandered Iria...

Celestic woke up one day in Iria, he had no clue why he was there, he saw many creatures....none looking like himself, he loved to watch the animals and would gaze at the stars at night, one day as he was exploring Iria he found a camp, full of creatures that looked like him, as he watched them memory's of his past flashed back, he was confused and decided to stay away from the humans. As the days progressed Celestic became stronger and trained harder, then one day he saw a huge ship enter the port, near the base the humans wear near. Bemused by this huge vessel, which he thought was a monster, he found that people went in and out of it, he noticed they had food and weapons. At night he decided to steal from the camp, he became a thief, when he had a good amount of food and money he decided to venture out of Iria and find out how he got there.

He stowed away on the boat, and made his way to Dunbarton, he realised the woods were similiar to Iria and decided to stay sleep there for a night, he awoke in the middle of the night hearing wild animal noises around him, from the distance he heard howls and roars, Celestic did not know of formors and when the animals approached him he thought they were kind docile creatures like in Iria, then suddenly he noticed these animals were differant, there eyes were red and there teeth were beared, as they came closer he could make out the images of wolves and bears, scared and alone he tried to run but the animals surrounded him, a wolf lunged at him and he narrowly dodged it, this wolf was bigger than usual ones, another wolf lunged at him bringing him to the ground, in pain he tried to get up but was taken down again.....
The next morning, he awoke, surrounded by dead wolves and a huge dead bear next to where he was sleeping, he immediantly began to run as far away as possible, how did he survive? Celestic did not know that he had the spirit of a legendary fox inside him, and it awakened when he was in danger. Now the fox is awakened inside Celestic and he is trying to find out his past....

Character history through the player: I love the name, Celestic, and as soon as I started Role-playing with him, I knew his story had to be about stars, so far I haven't really told anyone his story as he's new, I hope to see the story progress as I play more

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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Behold Entine, in all his vaingloriousness.

Post  Dellinger Fri Aug 14, 2009 12:33 pm

Name: Lucius ‘Bones’ Entine

Age: 37 (although he is built like a 25 year old and is tougher)

Birth Race:
Magnekineticist (Elf in game)

Family: Honestly? He could not care less and as such doesn’t remember having a family, though in all honesty he probably killed them himself.

A Brief (or Not-So-Brief) History and Synopsis of the world that was Corem (same as Dell):
Corem is the capitol of a post-apocalyptic region. The city itself is surrounded by a Desert that is inhabited by several types of violent and dangerous creatures (Dell almost got rabies when he got attacked in training by three Desert Wolves). The cities around it enjoy reasonably mild weather.

What turned Corem (as the region is colloquially called) was something called the Great War. From what Zach understands, it was something similar to a nuclear holocaust that destroyed much of what the ‘Golden Age’ consisted of. When said holocaust occurred, the worlds of science and magic collided (originally being parallel to each other) and became one. This apparently could not last due to the nature of the two powers.

Corem is run by a group of individuals called Magnekineticists, who can control and emit the electromagnetic currents that are emitted from within their bodies and the bodies of others. They can manipulate metal and, with a charge, can shoot electric energy from holes in their hands. They also maintain the generators providing Corem with the only known source of electricity on the continent. If the generators die, there is no way to rebuild them as the plans were lost long ago.

Most individuals do not agree with the corrupt powers of the Mags (who tend to abuse their supernatural powers quite often) and feel that due to this, electricity in itself is the devil. Hence, an uprising began.

We haven’t really gotten as far in the D&D campaign as all of my RP group would like, so I don’t know all the background yet. I’ll tell you more as we go along (if I remember).

How this is Totally Applicable to ‘Bones’:

He was part of what Zach called the ‘bad guys.’ When Zach disappeared, the Mags put a death order on the bandit’s head. When ‘Bones’ came to Erinn, he decided to that creating terror his priority for his amusement until he had a run in with an unconscious Zach and Eugeal carrying him off. He now knows he must hunt the bandit and kill any involved with him that are obviously against him.

He plays the flute. He’ll kill you if you comment on it. He also loves sharp objects.

Weapon of Choice:
He likes to zap people with his electricity, but will revert to a sword if he must.

Hair Colour:


Eye Colour:
Light brown.

Skinny but is oddly strong (mainly due to the metal tubing reinforcing his skeleton).

Favourite Food:

Theme Song:
Mastermind - MSI

How he came to be in Erinn:

(I’ll post a short story eventually)

Player reasoning
I normally reuse my characters. My oldest was a character named Axel, who doesn’t really have a set personality. For a campaign in college, I created Zach Dellinger. As an NPC in a Dark Heresy campaign I’m creating, I decided to make a dark good guy. His name was Lucius Entine. Then I decided that if anyone referred to him by his real name and if they weren’t friends, he would kill them. So he became someone concerned with his objective more than the safety of those around him. I decided I needed a bad-guy in the guild, hence his…. more drastic badness.

Last edited by Dellinger on Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:44 am; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : A bit of spacing and formatting.)

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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Re: ~ Character Bios!

Post  Lenis Sat Aug 15, 2009 4:09 pm

Lenis Redmane


Birth Race

Astrological Sign
Cleddyf, the Sword

Lenis’s early life was plagued by the fact that she didn’t have an actual family, at a young age she was found by an infamous band of pirates clinging fast to the debris of a sunken ship. When asked she didn’t seem to remember anyone aboard the ship, and so the Pirates took her aboard and back to their home port, a community of Pirates, Cutthroats, and other outlaws. While Lenis had no official family she was well known by the bulk of the community, putting a literal edge on the saying that it takes a village to raise a child. Within the outlaw port town she learned all the basics she needed to have as an outlaw, fighting, drinking, cursing, and otherwise being a dastardly villain.

Fighting, Fishing, Sewing, and Drinking.
Weapon of Choice
Lenis is trained to use pretty much any weapon under the sun, however she prefers to heft around heavy two handed swords as a testament to her strength.
Much to the testament of her nickname of Fire mane, Lenis’s hair is bright red and falls in loose curls and waves, she often keeps it out of her face tied back in a loose pony tail.

Eye Color



Favorite Food
Strawberries, Milk, Mushrooms, and Tea.

How he came to be in Erinn
Like most of the other adventurers in Erinn, Lenis can’t accurately recall the details of her entrance into the world. As far as she knows she was always there, but with the abilities and skills of someone with much more age and experience. She knows who she is and little details about her own life, but overall everything else is something of a mystery to her. Lenis doesn’t seek to solve it so much as she does to create a new history for herself, she doesn’t particularly care about her past and often finds herself thinking slightly dark thoughts about it.

That Special Someone
Lenis is well versed in the art of making love, however she has never been truly in love. To her the pursuit of power is far more appealing than any man or woman has ever been to her, but she is not above her baser instincts as a human being as well.

Characters Friends
From an early age, Lenis learned the golden rule of No Honor Among Thieves, however she also learned of another rule that is not often talked about in the underground. When dealing in the black make sure to a friendly face with everyone, because enemies are more trouble and easier to make than friends. As such, Lenis is friendly with just about everyone she meets, though on occasion she might seem a little distant as though she doesn’t trust people. In a way it can be described as touch and go, she will get close enough to be friendly but won’t stay there for long.

Character history through the player
Lenis was born the daughter of a noble merchant and his wife in a world that masks earth around the time frame of the 1500s, the better part of her early life was spent on a ship between trading routes. During one of those trips however, her father’s ship was attacked by Pirates. The battle was fierce and both sides suffered heavy causalities and the battle only ended with the complete destruction of her father’s ship. While her father escaped death, Lenis was presumed lost to the sea, being only a ten year old girl at the time. However as was stated in the family section, Lenis was found some days later by another group of pirates who took her aboard the ship and nursed her back to health. After she was dropped off at a port town of other pirates and brigands she began to grow a bond with nearly everyone she met, Lenis was viewed as a breath of fresh air in the port, she acted as a way for most of the pirates to forget their lives as cut throats and outlaws, as well many of them had had daughters of their own before they turned to crime and therefore saw that connection in Lenis.

Lenis quickly took to anything that was taught to her, she quickly learned all the things that made for a good pirate, and by the time she reached age sixteen she was already joining the crews of various other pirates. Lenis quickly garnered a reputation as a cutthroat pirate, earning herself the nickname of Firemane from the color of her hair and her affinity for setting enemy ships on fire once she was done pirating them. With no affiliation to any country she quickly rose in the ranks among the other pirates as she had no home that could claim responsibility for her scandalous ways. At her pinnacle Lenis had become captain of her own ship at the young age of twenty three years old, and her career as a captain would have been successful had war not broken out between the sea faring countries. Her final battle at the age of twenty seven had her in the middle of a raging battle between two dreadnaughts; she was thrown overboard and swallowed by the sea. The reason that she can’t remember her transfer to Erinn is that she was technically dead before she got transferred, Erinn became sort of a spirit realm for Lenis, a place where she was supposed to have eternal rest.

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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Eugeal's bio number 2

Post  The Kerrins Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:48 pm

Name Eugeal

Age: 27

Race: Human(ignore the fact that she is an elf in-game)

Family: She considers Shade and Rebecca to be her family, however Shade is impossible to find, and Rebecca is....well.............*trails off into silence*

Hobbies: Invention and Research

Weapon of choice: Eugeal lugs around a rather mundane looking crossbow, however, she has long since discarded her decision to refrain from actually crafting items. She has a few different bolts designed for special effects, and a few other trinkets of surprising uses. Not to mention the deluxe library security system she designed and built....

When I first stepped foot within Erinn, i was confused and doubted everything around me, but myself most of all. Whatever excuse I made for myself, it didn't change the fact that my actions had betrayed every moral I once had, and no doubt hurt those who were once close to me. However, my nature refused to allow me to just wallow in self-pity. Whether this world was real or a comatose dream, it was an opportunity to seek redemption for myself, and I did not plan to let it slip.

I began to wander through the land, looking for somebody who might be able to benifit from my skills. While I refused to create anything new at the time, seeing that as the source of my actions, I did not let myself think this was the only way for me to be of use. However, despite a number of small tasks that needed doing by the various residents of Erinn, there was nothing that truly provided the opportunity to redeem myself.

Eventually, I ran into a rather small society of people, mostly consisting of outworlders like myself. Although it didn't look like they were in need of anything, I thought that perhaps I might be able to find my redemption with their help, and joined their group. Despite a couple of ill-natured jokes on my part, they quickly accepted me as a friend, and for a time, I began to forget the life I had left behind.

My old life did not leave me, though. distressed by her brother's rash actions following my departure from Earth, Rebecca managed to find a way to Erinn through sheer stubborn will, in an attempt to find 'Shade,' and deliver justice to me. She attempted to threaten the other members into telling her where I was, almost turning violent when they naturally refused. Not wanting either side to be hurt, and reminded of my original goal of redemption, I eventually gave myself up to her, fully expecting my death to follow. However, Rebecca seemed to see a change in me, and merely maimed my hands as a reminder of what I had done. I know that this still sounds rather harsh, but between my past actions and her mindset, it was about the best I could hope for.

When Rebecca told me her motivations, I was shocked. I could not believe that the boy I considered my son would be as stupid as to attempt suicide, especially over me. Since Rebecca told me he had passed through the same point I had, I could believe that he too had turned up somewhere in Erinn, but we could not find him anywhere on the continent of Uladh. Rightly assuming that he could have entered on another continent, we caught one of the first ships heading to Iria. However, we were stung by coincedence, and were not able to find him anywhere.

In the time we spent looking, a series of events managed to land my back in my own, original body. I began to feel enough confidence in myself to again pick up the hammer of invention, but I refused to allow myself such pastimes while 'Shade' was missing. Fortunately, coincidence could only separate the three of us for so long, and I eventually spied him wandering past the gates of Qilia. It seems that he had joined into the Society without us knowing. I could tell that both him and Rebecca desired to return to Earth on some level, and I felt that redemption could only be complete if the ones I hurt accepted it as such. With this in mind, and knowing the answer did not lie in science, I turned my eyes to Dunbarton library, researching everything I could find on the Soul Stream, and world travel in general. Sadly, everything I could find was limited to travel only to realitys very close to that of Erinn, such as Tir Na Nog and Nao's domain. At this point, I had to give up on this task, and began researching the nature of magic in general.

During the time of this, another unsettling development occured. A woman from the childhood of Rebecca and 'Shade' turned up, looking on them with killer intent. Although mostly incompetent, she had made a pact with some sort of evil, eventually turning her into a very real threat. In order to prevent her from causing major destruction, Rebecca was forced to perfom deeds that were self-sacraficing. Losing his sister hit 'Shade' quite hard, and he ran off after informing me of this fact. I have not seen him since.

Over time, I realized that there were ways in which science and magic could be intertwined. Through combining these two, I have achieved results beyond the scope of either. I am very close to finding a way home. All I need are the resources to test my theory..........that and my family...........................*trails off into silence*

Personal note: Eugeals name and some of her past are still derived from an obscure anime character. However, her personality is mostly of my creation. On the other hand, the way some things are starting to look, she might just be forced to revert to her old self....................................*I trail off into silence*
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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty My Oldest RPC Returns

Post  Xephyr Tue Aug 25, 2009 12:08 am

Since my brother joined Mabi and will soon apply for RPS I've decided to bring back my oldest and most beloved Role Play Character via the soul stream.
-----------------------------------------------The Charming Rouge bathed in blood------------------------------------------------
Name: Garth Tyriel

Race: Resembles human but keeps his blood of before the soul stream (Half elf/Half Celestial)

Age: Resembles a 18 year old, his actual age is unknown

Family: Mother Elf- dead
Father - Tyriel Arch-Angel

~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Ss107

(above) Tyriel, Garth's Father (Below) an example of Garth's wings when deoployed

~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Tyriel

Hobbies: Fighting, Stealing, Drinking and other...."inappropriate" things

Favored Food: Whatever was killed most recently and the nearest source of alcohol

How he came to Erinn: Garth Tyriel, a feared warrior in his old world. He dominated any who opposed him with the help of his commander, until a massive battle sucked him into the Land of Erinn. Most of his power was lost along the way, however he has trained long and hard to raise his power, despite this he contains but a shadow of his former power. (to avoid mass God-modding)

Life in Erinn: Garth spends most his time drinking, weather he is drunk or sober no one knows. His favorite place is the Emain pub, spending the days drinking and "conversing" with the Attendants. Despite this Garth spends plenty of time training, attempting to gain back his lost power. At first impression most people find Garth to be a drunkard and a pervert, however those who underestimate him are in for a big surprise.

Personality: Garth is a classic rouge, He uses guile, scheming, and speed, to get around in life. He has something close to mood swings as he can be mean to a person one moment, kind the next, the truth is he just enjoys toying with people. At times Garth can be a major pervert.

Occupation: Before coming to Erinn Garth was a high ranking elite in the "Crimson Guard" an army of sorts run by his Commander. Garth is now a wanderer, taking up odd jobs and doing other things to survive.

Favored weapon(s): Daggers, and their various forms

Signature Move: Crimson Lighting
Crimson Lighting is a move created specially for the highest ranking officers of the Crimson Guard. Each person who knows this move has their own special version of it. Garth's version revolves around his daggers, By using his daggers as bridges he can cover large or small areas with it. The wider the area, the less damage is dealt. Alternatively Garth can use Crimson Lighting by pressing his index and middle finger to his left eye then pointing at his target, this version is less powerful but quicker and easier to preform. Crimson Lightning cannot be copied, although people have tried only the looks can copied and applied to a basic spell. (basically you can make a red lighting bolt spell, but its impossible to make Crimson Lighting without learning from the high ranks of the Crimson Guard.)

Favorite Spot: Emain Pub

Theme Song:Color Me Blood Red

Last edited by Xephyr on Wed Aug 26, 2009 3:54 pm; edited 3 times in total (Reason for editing : Added pictures of Garth's Father and example of wings, Mass edit / skeleton feeding / Picture not showing)
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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Jakejaliji's Bio (finally released after a couple days or so)

Post  Jakelvin Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:23 pm

Full Name: Former Valen Lord Jakelvin Fenririk "Jaliji" Ice Claw, Former Chieftain of the Arctic Wolf Demon Tribe, Ice Claws
Nickname(s): Jake Jale or Classic Rogue.[/i]
Race: Formerly an Ancient Arctic Wolf Demon. Now a Soul Streaming Demon.
Former Valen Lord: In another realm, Jake used to rule the frozen tundra inhabited by mystical ice djinns, gigantic dire polar bears, the rough and barbaric Bane Clan, arctic wolf demons and more powerful denizens that roamed in the icy wasteland. However, death took away his title.
Former Chieftain of the Ice Claws: Again, in another realm, Jake formerly controlled one of twenty arctic wolf tribes, the militaristic and neutral Ice Claws Tribe. Again, this title was taken away from Jake by death.
Gods' Hand: Within the other realm, he was chosen by many gods and goddesses and even in death, he was under a watchful eyes of the gods from his past realm. The gods and goddesses are Slayir, the Warrior Goddess of Deception and Slaughter; Jale, the Judge God of Balance and Justice; Garrun, the Blind Father God of the Sun and Romance; Adriljun, the Fertile Mother Goddess of Nature and Family; Jebus, the Compassionate God of Redemption and Guidance; and Zarina, the Mesmerizing Goddess of the Moon and Outlaws. Unfortunately, in Erinn, those gods can only watch and prevent him from being influenced by the Goddess Morrighan and the God Chicol, nothing more.
The Eleven Elements: Jake believed that there are eleven elements that created all form of life and wonders; fire, air, water, earth, life, death, sun, moon, cosmic, nature and judgment. Unfortunately, Erinn-borns do not share relation to his belief and often discarded it as absurd. Fire to amplify abilities. Air to hasten. Water to adapt. Earth to harden. Life to begin. Death to end. Sun to guide. Moon to hide. Cosmic to manipulate. Nature to supply. Judgment to balance.
The Eight Virtues: To Jake, he held a strong belief that everyone have at least one virtue within them, even a villain. The eight virtues are compassion, honesty, valor, spirituality, humility, justice, sacrifice and honor. Compassion to love. Honesty to reveal. Valor to risk. Spirituality to believe what is right. Humility to be caring. Justice to seek correction. Sacrifice to give without rewards. Honor to know what is right.
Personality Traits: Jake is rather laid back most of the time and rarely got serious. He does have his idiotic moments when he was not thinking and lets his mouth blabs away his opinions. Note that his intellect only occurs at random moments or something triggered it. Otherwise, he is more of a "class clown" than a serious guy to deal with. Often when he gets serious, he completely blocked out others around him except for the person(s) he focuses on. At the time, the sign of combat is when he draws his blades out of its sheath. Of course like all proper epic characters, he has his comical weaknesses.
Strengths: Versatile, High Resistance to Influences and Great Amount of Patience.
Weaknesses: Low-Skilled, Shortbread Cookies and Women (not like Miroku).
Likes: Shortbread Cookies (quite addicted to them), Women (especially the cute ones), Intellectual Conversations and Wise-Cracking.
Dislikes: Annoying People, People "Playing God", Being Ignored and Spoiling Questions.
Innocent Appearance: Pearly Normal Boy Face, Brown Full Bob Hair, Brown Orchard Clear Eyes (kept closed), Normal Lips.
Noble Demon Appearance: Tall pale human-like entity; passively narrowed, judging eyes with small white flames usually found on dark knights; shoulder-length silver hair; a cowl hid three-forth of his whole head, leaving only his upper right side of his whole head and the right side of his whole hair exposed. Tight leather cuirass with silk long-sleeved shirt underneath and hardened leather bracers. Underneath the leather leggings are a pair of silk pantaloons meant for comfort and flexibility of its wearer. Sometimes, the whole left arm shifts between varieties of demonic arms (complete with strengths and weaknesses) or normal covered by a sleeve and one fingerless leather gloves with a steel palm guard. A pair of long boots with steel shin guards and steel foot guard. Finally a cloak without a hood that seemed to be the source of his whole aura (Maybe the cloak was his aura). Finally, a blood sword at his side, that he usually held it with his right hand instead of both hands. His usual stance was imposing by standing straight to look taller and the blood sword pointing outward by diagonal-downward. Note that Jakelvin can shift his left arm only
in his noble demon form.
[b]Jakelvin’s Blood Sword

Appearance: Red/Black Dragon Blade.
Handiness: Two-Handed by normal; One-Handed by owner.
Outstanding Abilities: Hemo-Manipulation, meaning that it can manipulate blood flow and Corruptive Aura
that only affects the unauthorized wielder.
Acquisition: Jakelvin acquired it as an unwilling farewell and good luck gift from the dead moon god, Kalinthire.
Famous/Infamous Quote: "Life have its way with people, but somehow I don't like Morrighan because she lied about the shortbread cookies being given to Mari to be given to me as a welcoming gift."

(Sorry about the [|b|] present in the profile, something got glitchy. And due to the biography's length I split it into parts of 2-3)


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Age : 35
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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Jakelvin's Biography (Part 1)

Post  Jakelvin Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:25 pm

Biography (Part 1):
Adrilji Social Facts: In Adriljun, Quaxahn-Kun are called, “Masters/Mistresses” because those who called them that are servants before becoming independent races like Demons, Humans, Orcs, Dwarves, Angels, Elves, Lizardfolks, Djinns and many more. In Quaxahn-Kun vocabulary, “God/Goddess” refers to the Quaxahn-Kun’s members of the royal families who exist in their time, hence reminding themselves that the government was under Monarchy. Jakelvin, however, was reluctant to be called a God, saying that he is no more than part of his people’s whole; no higher and no lower than common.
Generation One: Destiny.
Adrilji Historic Facts: Slayir’s existence was held true, but the diamond that was supposed to contain Slayir was not found until the Nether Wars when she was rediscovered by Athslayir, the leader of the Nether Beasts and the Dark God to Adriljun. However, it was Jakelvin’s Arathian wife, Minh who freed Slayir first by a stray dagger. Jakelvin won the persuasion war and convinced Slayir to rally against Athslayir, who is indeed a zealous follower of Slayir, but a true servant of Kalinthire. That persuasion war was remembered as the Diamond Goddess Debate.
Originally, Jakelvin Fenririk Jaliji was born in Adriljun by two parents, Slayir the Warrior Goddess of Deception and Slaughter and Jaliji, the Judge God of Balance and Justice. In the Adrilji Mythology written by the eldest clan lord now and Envoy for Jaliji, Clanlord Nefelhim “Dreadbane” Necrofear, Slayir was sent by her father, the original God of the Moon and Outlaws, Kalinthire to assassinate Garrun, the Blind God of the Sun and Romance so Kalinthire can become the God of the Universe. Unfortunately, Slayir met Jaliji, the son of Garrun and already fallen in a naive love with the son of her target. Years go by and Kalinthire found out about Slayir who was carelessly conceived by Jaliji. Planning on killing Jaliji as vengeance, Kalinthire captured the pregnant Slayir to provoke Jaliji to pursue him into a trap. Ironically, the trap was triggered by Kalinthire when Slayir overpowered him and tossed him into his trap, the pit of wild and inter-dimensional beings called, Nether Beasts. Slayir and Jaliji were reunited and months later, Jakelvin was born. Formerly, Slayir was titled, the Warrior Goddess of Retribution and Valor, but while Jakelvin was only an infant, Slayir felt guilt crawling up her spine about killing her father and failing her purpose. It is unknown of how she felt so bad about doing the right things, but it is assumed that Kalinthire placed a curse on his daughter, Slayir as his final words. Anyway, Slayir attempted to redeem herself by killing Jakelvin, but Jaliji intervened by receiving the blade by his right forearm. Jaliji was furious and called it a trickery to make him lower his guard, only to be shot down by the sight of his murdered baby son. As Jaliji made the sentence, Slayir became known as the Warrior Goddess of Deception and Slaughter and was imprisoned in a colossal diamond buried into Adriljun by Jaliji’s mother, Mother Goddess Adriljun.
Generation Two: Holocaust.
Relationship Facts: It is clearly unknown how Jakelvin’s brother came to be as a half-breed Quaxahn-Kun, but the Autumn Clan (Mainly Druids) and the Garrun Ryssnan (or Desert Djinns) had a theory derived from Jakelvin’s romantic interests in Arathian women. It is assumed that possibly during when Arath (Earth) was in its medieval/feudal time, Jaliji visited one of one of Arathian nations and returned to Adriljun with an Arathian woman. The controversy was ongoing because not so many like the idea of Arathians being part of their great and “biblical” past.
Early in Jakelvin’s childhood, Jaliji was a single father who is taking care of two sons, a Half-Quaxahn-Kun and a Pure Quaxahn-Kun. Jakelvin was the pure blooded Quaxahn-Kun. Despite others’ belief that Goddess Adriljun was the one who took care of the two because Jaliji became colder since Slayir’s imprisonment, Jaliji was trained to handle children by his mother when he was a child. One night, when Jakelvin was only twenty (still at early age by Quaxahn-Kun standards, making adulthood the required age of four hundred one), there was a rebellion going on. The Quaxahn-Kun army rushed through the streets and prepared themselves for an attack. Unexpectedly, the Nether Beasts poured through the Nawa (nay-way) Gates from the north while the rebels are pushing from the south, southeast and south west, surrounding the Quaxahn-Kun. Fearing that one of the factions was going to kill his sons, Jaliji passed an unwilling judgment upon Jakelvin and his brother, turning them into their animal demon persona. Jakelvin became an arctic wolf demon and was teleported away to the summit of Stonehammer Mountain. Jakelvin’s brother became a volcanic raven demon and was sent to the desert territory which was now Garrun Ryssnan Territory. Three days later, victory rang as the common folks of Adriljun are free. The Quaxahn-Kun was no longer widespread, because they are slaughtered by both the rebel army and the Nether Beasts. While his brother was taken care of by the Garrun Ryssnans after the Ryssnan-Nagi War, Jakelvin was alone in his arctic wolf demon’s form, living in the solitude of his ice cave within the summit of Stonehammer Mountain.
Generation Three: Lord Vinku’s Political War.
Adrilji Historic Facts: Lord Vinku was the first Ignoan to legally break the first alliance pact and the first Emperor of Adriljun until he was tried for the crimes of Slandering, Demonizing, Scandals, Illegal Use of Spying, Executing Innocence and Exchanging Ill-Gotten Information with the infamous outlaw, J.A. Rouge. The political war that Vinku created collapsed when the Autumn Clan leader, Clanlady Arianna “Leafcull” Autumn bargained with J.A. Rouge for evidences. That action would have been illegal, but no money was exchanged between Arianna and J.A. Rouge, making the exchange legal.
Five years before Jakelvin’s rise into adulthood (around three hundred seventy-five years after the Quaxahn-Kun Holocaust), Jakelvin left his icy home to seek revenge for the slaughter of his people, but as he looked upon the society new to him…his revenge would be injustice, because he saw tyranny plaguing the land. Karma seemed to beat Jakelvin to the punch as one human was winning battles after battles across the land with his vast army. He began to glare upon his murderers under a blank, serious face. That emotional mistrust ended when he heard rumors of incarcerations of innocent outsiders, including Arathians. Adrilji Theo-Scholars claimed that Jakelvin had the change of heart when Jaliji’s interest for Arathians triggered in his blood. As an action against the Emperor’s ruling, Jakelvin penetrated deep into Ignoan territory and into a tightly secured prison. No one knew or believed how he can infiltrate a prison that not even J.A. Rouge can attempt. Disguised as a guard, Jakelvin patrolled the corridors, seeing Arathians (From Earth), Ryssnans (Djinns), Stelgens (Half-Giants), Delvers (Elves) and Dianns (Dwarves) as prisoners. Jakelvin began to realize his destiny, to bring the balance back into order in Jaliji’s place when he saw a beautiful Arathian. He was caught as an imposture and was supposed to be brought to the Emperor for sentencing, but he was intercepted by Zarina, a street punk of Nobilia, the capital of the Ignoan Territory. Rescued and brought into a shut down inn, Jakelvin learned from Zarina how to escape and being stealth-like. After the training, young Zarina shown Jakelvin to J.A. Rouge, a living legend amongst outlaws at the young age of twenty. There before her, Jakelvin requested one favor in return for his aid. He wants one person out of the Ignoan Prison; J.A. Rouge had a disagreement or two, but she is willing to protect the person he brought back from the prison. Three days later, Jakelvin infiltrated the prison again, but this time, he returned to J.A. Rouge with the Arathian woman from before, a Vietnamese woman to an Arathian. Young of eighteen, she was the reason for Jakelvin to aid J.A. Rouge in toppling the Emperor. Along the way to the Autumn Clan’s capital of Leafcull, Jakelvin rode with J.A. Rouge and his beloved Arathian woman, along with an assault battalion of outlaws and escaped convicts. They made the assault because the city was under the Emperor’s control. The city was quick to be overrun and the victory was easy for the outlaws. That motion inspired others within the empire as the news went through, sparking a revolution called, “the Rogue’s Rebellion,” hence the nickname, “Classic Rogue” became Jakelvin’s infamy because he was the one leading the assault in Leafcull. The holy city of Thousark, the jungle village of Starfall, the barren wasteland town of Gen Ju Ven (“The Home of Generations” in translation), those are the known capitals to have successfully crippled the Emperor’s Army because of that inspiration. With the Empire dwindling, the final blow was struck when Lord Vinku was sentenced to be imprisoned in the continent, Banish. Five years later, Jakelvin and the woman named, Minh held a marriage while Minh was bearing. During that time, there are no gowns made for a five month expectant woman, so Jakelvin had an Ignoan tailor create a special gown for his beloved. Surprisingly a week after the marriage, weddings during the bride’s pregnancy was considered a high mark of respect for courage since young adults usually are timid about being open about marrying a pregnant woman or getting married while pregnant.
Generation Four: Clan Wars One.
Adrilji Fun Fact: During the whole war, Jakelvin ignored over three thousand, one hundred thirty-five (3,135) letters that requested his assistance, because Jakelvin just wanted a long time with his wife and doesn’t want to jeopardize his friendships because he would make a nasty reply with all the requests annoying him so much.
After Jakelvin and his wife settled down somewhere in Northern Adriljun and having a son, Jakelvin was called to Thousark by ClanLord Jeron “Divineblade” Spikesword for briefing. Within Castle Thousark, Jakelvin met up with the clan lord and was requested to monitor the Ignoan activities because he suspected that they are being unusually active since the Arathians are slowly growing in appearances. Jakelvin knew about the growing mistrust towards Arathians since the Blue Coats-Red Coats conflict a few weeks before the summoning, so he went to Nobilia to investigate in high grounds and shadows. In the city were rumors about prisons outside Nobilia. What is worse is finding a female Garrun Ryssnan getting jumped by the Ignoan commoners who are helping and watch a male rape the Ryssnan like it is a sport. Jakelvin would have intervened, but he does not want to be exposed because to the Ignoan, he is viewed as a criminal outcast rather than a war hero. Suddenly, rapid bursts of pops echoed as a British Arathian soldier scares off the Ignoan. As the commoners dispersed, Jakelvin noticed that the nearly unfortunate Ryssnan was the High Spiritualist, Yalenadira Oasis Oathsweeper of New Ryssna. Quick about it, Jakelvin escaped Nobilia by rooftops and headed south to find the prisons. The rumors are true, there are prisons holding Arathians, innocent and guilty. Some already met their maker and was hung in the courtyard. Not only Arathians are imprisoned, there are Garrun Ryssnans imprisoned to be sold as slaves when the slavery would have been abolished fifty years ago. Couple days later, Jakelvin confirmed the illegal activities in Ignoan Territory before the Spikeswords. The job was done and he returned to his home with his wife and his son. That night, He received a vision about his son becoming a hero after his end. The morning after the vision, He wrote a letter to Yalenadira, requesting her presence before him. It took a couple of days for Yalenadira to arrive and they have a chat. Under the agreement between him and his wife, Jakelvin gave his son, Douglas Jaliji to Yalenadira, allowing her to train Douglas to be a hero like his father would have been. Unwillingly, Yalenadira accepted the offer with great honor and departed for New Ryssna. As the war goes on, Jakelvin remained with his wife in solitude.
Generation Five: Heroism.
Adrilji Historic/Geographical Facts: Of all the wars, the Battle of New Ryssna was the most miraculous of all with fifty thousand Nagi Slavers against three thousand Garrun Ryssnan Farmers, fifty Garrun Ryssnan Militiamen and one young Half-Quaxahn-Kun. The Garrun Ryssnans won the battle alone with the use of Lake Gorotsuki which was actually the biggest known quicksand pit in Adriljun with three miles circumference and fifty feet in depth. The Garrun Ryssnans got the advantage because their training gave them the ability to walk on quicksand without sinking.
Five days after the war ended with Nobilia’s surrender, there would have been peace, but crimes and slavery of the Garrun Ryssnans are the only threats to the peace of Adriljun. The most recent battle was the Battle of New Ryssna years after the first clan war, which was won by the Garrun Ryssnans. That battle jumpstarted Jakelvin’s son’s fame as a war hero for the Garrun Ryssnans, but others thought that Douglas was Yalenadira’s son rather than Jakelvin’s. As the response, Jakelvin reappeared after a couple of year’s absence. Crimes decreased in Nobilia, Thousark, Leafcull, and other capitals and cities while the bounty for Jakelvin’s head spiked highly. The most known supporters of Jakelvin were Zarina, the newly appointed clan lady for the recently formed clan, Moonstrike, and J.A. Rouge, the infamous information dealer and outlaw. The Moonstrike Clan was made up of outlaws who believed that J.A. Rouge and Jakelvin are the true outlaws and usually follow their teachings. The days of “Classic Rogue’s” infamy became a phenomenon in Adriljun as street punks started running around in the outfit described as Jakelvin’s, claiming that they are him. The damned hero was forgotten because of the absence, so a rhetorical mystery surrounds him whether he is a guy or he is a woman. Many are arrested in a desperate attempt to keep order, but more came up until one man, Jakelvin’s son, Douglas rose from chaos after meeting his sister, a street punk named, Elizabeth Jaliji. Elizabeth clarified with Douglas about Jakelvin being his father, but Douglas took her for a common troublemaker and arrested his sister for slandering his reputation by comparing him to a criminal and lying, thinking that Yalenadira was his only parent. Few days later, Douglas caught Jakelvin freeing Elizabeth. After three hours of shouting, Jakelvin explained his case and finally, Douglas realized that he is facing his father. Few months later, an academy for adventurers was built as memorabilia to Jakelvin’s service to Adriljun and as a gravestone to Jakelvin’s people. Few days later, Jakelvin was summoned to Valen by his father to become the Valen Lord. There, Jakelvin ruled over the Valenai Ryssnan, Arctic Wolf Demons and other of Valen’s denizens; the Bane Clan was accepting on having Jakelvin lead them as well.


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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Jakelvin's Biography (Part 2)

Post  Jakelvin Wed Aug 26, 2009 4:26 pm

Biography (Part 2):
Generation Six: Clan Wars Two.
Adrilji Historic Facts: The attack at the Jaliji Academy of Adventurers was the most affecting event ever since the Lord Vinku Political War. Not only the most affecting, but the first time a monument was attacked. Before the academy was built, the Rediscovery of the Quaxahn-Kun started when a builder fell down the stairs hidden in the bushes into a Quaxahn-Kun ruined temple. After the academy was built, the same stairway into the ruined temple was found in the central courtyard as part of the final test for anyone who wished to be an archeologist. Even with the academy torn down by the attack, the stairway remained unblocked.
It had been twenty years since the Jaliji Academy of Adventurers was completed and Jakelvin’s daughter, Elizabeth was one of its instructors in the arts of stealth. Jakelvin was heading to the academy to make a commencement speech for graduates as a special guest, but he noticed the sky was oddly in a tainted color in his eyes and rushed to the academy. When he reached the academy, his fears are certain. The academy was reduced to rubble by Nagi siege machines and Necrofear death golems. No survivors when Jakelvin checked the post-mortem of the assault, it struck Jakelvin’s heart more that his daughter was killed defending her students in vain. Few days later, Jakelvin presented himself to the Grand Council of the Alliance in Thousark. Nagi Councilor claimed that Jakelvin blamed the Nagi out of unfair generalization towards her people. The Necrofear Councilor presented evidences that the Necrofear Clan was inactive about the military force during the time. Jakelvin was dismissed as his accusations were declined as emotionally motivated because his daughter was killed and a monument to his people was destroyed. While Jakelvin was roaming Adriljun to recover, his brother, Unhalydis Jaliji found him first, but asked for Zarina’s location. Jakelvin finds it odd that his brother asked him that when he could find Zarina quicker than he does. Acting on instinct, Jakelvin ordered Unhalydis to investigate the Nagi prisons while he looked within the Necrofear Clan’s capital, Hel. Within the prisons of Hel, Jakelvin found not only Zarina, but Clankin Lunaria “Starfall” Hellcaster, the young granddaughter of his good (and absent-minded) Arathian friend, Clanlord Duncan “Starfall” Hellcaster. After escaping with a bone spear wound in his shoulder, Jakelvin escorted both women to Starfall and a day later, Unhalydis returned with J.A. Rouge. The three women have the evidences of the two clans’ conspiracy. They presented it to the Grand Council and as the evidences were presented, the councilors from the opposing clans are banished from the Council, sparking the beginning of the second clan war. The alliance had a shaky start when the wealthy Ignoa claimed neutrality, but Jakelvin found another opportunity for an ally when he investigated a strange Nagi activity at Stonehammer Mountain. There was a fort, Stonehammer Overwatch and it was ruled by Dianns who called themselves, the Stonehammer Clan. Unfortunately, they were under Nagi’s martial laws and docile. Jakelvin—later on—infiltrated the fort through the mining escape tunnel. He met some rebels and aided them in driving out the Nagi forces and fortifying the exits. Few days later, the Stonehammer Clan officially became part of the Grand Council of the Alliance. Further on, the Garrun Ryssnans succeeded in defending their home. Surprisingly enough, Yalenadira (their current leader) was helping Jakelvin break into encampments for sabotages and message interceptions. By the end of the war, the Nagi and the Necrofears are defeated; the Necrofears paid a heavier price for inciting the attack at the academy and the Nagi were pardoned when they betrayed the Necrofears after their leader found out that the Necrofears disgraced his clan’s burial traditions to make death golems. Each year, Jakelvin, his wife and Douglas visited the ruined academy to pay their respects to their dead kin, Elizabeth Jaliji.
Generation Seven: Warstorm.
Adrilji Vocabulary: The Warstorm got the name when the Zealots and the Inferni mainly do battles in the air and the Adrilji are bombarded by their corpses like a storm. Their war cry resembled harsh winds as their weapons colliding together are similar to multiple mini thunders as they echoed through the opened sky.
The third year had passed since the second clan war, yet the still battle-worn Adrilji and Arathians are caught in another war—but this time—are not amongst themselves, it is between the angelic Zealots of Oath and the devilish Inferni of Banish and the people of Adriljun are in the middle. Jakelvin was frustrated about the constant war going on because they driven him away from his wife, just to protect her. In secret response, he sent eleven letters, one for each clan and the last for his brother. Jakelvin Jaliji and the others he invited, Unhalydis Jaliji, Sarah Bane, Torrik Stonehammer, Zarina Lunarblade, Urk Vin Kai, Nefelhim Dreadbane, Jeron Divineblade, Yalenadira de New Ryssna, Joric Leafcull, Duncan Starfall, and Julia Avarice, all met in Nobilia to form a two party team, the “Forsaken.” One team—led by Jakelvin—gone to Banish while the other team—led by Unhalydis—went to Oath. In the end after five years, the Zealots and the Inferni stopped their war by an order. No one knows how Jakelvin and Unhalydis, along with their teams managed the feat, but it is claimed that they killed the leaders behind the attacks. Nevertheless, in respect for the heroes’ actions to end the stalemate, the Alliance pardoned the Necrofear Clan and the Stonehammers created a mausoleum to signify their life and death. The myth behind the statues said that if the obsidian statues turn colored with all sorts of gems common and rare, the hero that the statue represented passed away.
Generation Eight: Clan Wars Three.
Adrilji Historic Facts: Many of the clans had gained a new leader after the third clan war, but Clanlord Nefelhim “Dreadbane” Necrofear, Clanlady Zarina “Lunarblade” Moonstrike, Unhalydis Jaliji, High Spiritualist Yalenadira Oasis Oathsweeper de New Ryssna and Jakelvin Jaliji are the only known leaders who have not died in the third clan war.
Fifteen years of peace and it ended by the assassinations of Torrik Stonehammer and Joric Leafcull. In response to the incidents, the newly elected clan lord, Gambrick Stonehammer and the sisters of the Autumn Clan, Lyrana and Arianna retreated to Thousark for safety. Jakelvin went with his wife to investigate the murders, but even he and his wife cannot understand as if the assassinations were near perfect. The Grand Council started accusing each other for allowing it and crumbled five weeks later. The Alliance is broken as clan leaders struggled to keep their people from going into wars. The third clan war sparked when the Nage Clan responded to the failed assassination of their new ally, Yalenadira de New Ryssna with hostile attempt to take over the Ignoan capital of Nobilia as vengeance. Jakelvin and his wife are forced to stay out, but were later forced in when their son, Douglas Jaliji requested their aid. Assassinations, conspiracies, battles, Jakelvin seen the worst of the people he once knew as the Alliance. The balance was upset and Jakelvin feared that if they continued to be upset, there will be no sign of halting the wars until Adriljun eventually become no more than a death wasteland. On the third year of the war, Jakelvin drew blood, the first killing of a person and a friend in his entire life. He was forced to Jeron Divineblade in a duel when Jeron mistaken Jakelvin’s intention as “trying to take over the clan for power.” Jeron’s stubbornness was the death of himself as Jakelvin disarmed him and slew him with his own sword. News traveled by about death and destruction for ten years before it finally died down by the death of Clanlady Julia “Avarice” Ignoa, the most beloved diplomat of the leaders. Jakelvin sustained substantial damage and was in dormant to recover with his wife tending to him as Douglas Jaliji tried to convince the people of Adriljun to reform the Alliance once more.
Generation Nine: The Nether War.
Adrilji Historic Facts: The Nether War was the most known war because more beloved people died defending their homeland, including Jakelvin and Minh Jaliji, who sacrificed themselves to destroy the Sword of Athslayir, the Red Dagger of Malevolence and the Blue Dagger of Benevolence and shut the Nether Beast-spawning Nether Gate. That end of the war marked the new era of Adriljun that the Adrilji and the Arathians knew was destroyed before the Citadel of Athslayir that collapsed as they slowly rebuild.
Twenty-five years later, Jakelvin awakened with a vision that the beings that killed his people, the Nether Beasts will return. In letters, Jakelvin warned the new leaders, Henrick Divineblade and his wife, Lyrana “Leafcull” Divineblade, Arianna Leafcull, Yalenadira de New Ryssna with her British-Arathian husband, John Harrison. Kalasto Dreadbane, Zarina Lunarblade and her lover, Unhalydis Jaliji, Gambrick Stonehammer, Lur Vin Kai and his brother, Phalanx Bane, Damrick Starfall, and more. The letters created a rebirth to the Alliance Army as all the clans are preparing for the fight against the Nether Beasts. While the Alliance is working on the grand army, Jakelvin rushed off to find out who would be leading the Nether Beasts. Hours go by and Jakelvin stopped at the sight of a mighty citadel which survived the Quaxahn-Kun Holocaust in at the foot of Valen. Before he could investigate, he was intercepted by another Quaxahn-Kun proclaimed, “Daniel Spider.” The fight was an hour long before Jakelvin has to retreat into the main continent of Garrum. Few days in hiding with the Autumn clan lady, Arianna Leafcull, he received a letter from Nefelhim Dreadbane about an increase in shadow activity underground and those activities disturbed the Necrofears into exile, forced to accommodate with the Hellcaster Clan, their rivaling clan. Later on, J.A. Rouge requested Jakelvin’s presence within the tree palace of Leafcull. Jakelvin answered and followed J.A. Rouge into an investigation, regarding a Quaxahn-Kun. Rouge revealed to Jakelvin that the enemy leader was a fallen Quaxahn-Kun named, Athslayir and he wielded a sword that can command the Nether Beasts like Kalinthire did before he died. At the moment of that discovery, Daniel Spider attacked, leaving Jakelvin wounded as he took J.A. Rouge away. That quick capture left Jakelvin with little clues, but luckily, they are vital clues. The grand army was split in two as ordered by Jakelvin so one half assaults the Citadel while the remaining half defends the cities and its people. At the Citadel of Athslayir, the army attacks while clearing a path for Jakelvin, Minh and Zarina infiltrated the Citadel. Inside, they meet Athslayir, ready to defend his rights to be the harbinger of the apocalypse as he shut their only safe escape. In the end, Zarina landed the killing blow and ran to the top where she might catch a fly-by Nagi Drake and into safety. Back inside, Jakelvin placed the Sword of Athslayir onto the ground before the Nether Gate. Saying his farewell to his wife, he gave her the Blue Dagger of Benevolence while he readies to strike both the blue dagger and the sword with his Red Dagger of Malevolence. In the collision of three godly weapons, a mass effect erupted and destroyed every Nether Beast in Adriljun as the Citadel collapsed. In the Stonehammer Overwatch’s Mausoleum of Heroes, Zarina’s statue, Minh’s statue and Jakelvin’s statue are shining with jewels.
Generation Ten: Post Passing.
Mabi’s IC Facts: It is said that Jakelvin’s demonic bloodline had survived only because Jaliji cared that much about his first born that he creates a life bond to a Soul Streamer. Unfortunately, if the person that Jakelvin was bound to died, Jakelvin died with that person and he’ll become human, losing his Quaxahn-Kun legacy for good.
Hearing a maiden voice beckoning him, Jakelvin rose up and see a black winged woman in a white gown and black long hair. He looked at himself, wondering why he is awakened once more. He was surprised to see himself looking like a child of age ten. The woman told him to help her and save “Tir Na Nog.” Tired of being the one to be looked up to for aid, Jakelvin spoke to the woman, “Well. If you want me so bad, why don’t you just appear in an Underwear Set? My mother and the other goddesses in Adriljun did not have a problem with that.” The woman glared at him and quickly sighed, “I’ll promise you a good life. In the Soul Stream, Mari will be giving you a basket of shortbread cookies as a welcome gift.” “Sounds good to me! Now leave me alone, Adriljun put me through enough.” Jakelvin accepted and dismissed as he walked away. In the Soul Stream, Jakelvin was slightly blinded and sees a woman and thinks between her and the woman he met before. “You must be Mari. You definitely look better than that useless woman back there. You should be the goddess instead.” Jakelvin complimented, recognizing Nao’s well proportioned body. However…Jakelvin entered Erinn with messed up hair and soot all over him. “That woman lied about the shortbreads! Curse her!”


Posts : 143
Join date : 2009-08-22
Age : 35
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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Jaeden

Post  Jaeden Sat Aug 29, 2009 12:18 am

-=- The Important Stuff -=-

: Jaeden. If one were to ask what her surname was, she'd pause for a moment and then reply, "Den. Jae Den."

Race: Pure Elven. Before her arrival in Erinn? A nomadic race that are akin to to elves.

Age (appearance): 16

Appearances: Long brown hair, a fair complexion, and blue elven eyes that have a frosted look to them.

Family (Pre-Erinn - She doesn't have any blood relatives in Erinn xD): Jaeden's mother died when she was very young, so she grew up with her father and her brother. Her father is a distant figure to her, and is not someone she can even remember. Her brother, on the other hand, is the most lucid memory she has of her past life.

To Jaeden, Nao represents a mother-like figure, and tends to refer to her as Mom - although she knows, with certainty, that she isn't.

Life Before Erinn: Jaeden belonged to a nomadic tribe of elven like creatures. Neither her, nor her family were anything special in particular. One day, while playing hide-and-seek with her brother while the tribe was at a resting point, she got lost in the dense woods surrounding the area. She hid herself so well that her brother was never able to find, nor locate her. It did not help matters that, after giving up on her sibling being able to find her, she attempted to find her way back - only to get more lost.

Nobody ever heard from the little girl again. After so long, both Jaeden's father and brother left when the tribe decided it was time to move again. After all, it the vast wilderness, to be on your own would be the same as suicide.

And so Jaeden waited, and waited for a rescue that would never come. At least not from who she thought it would be from. Through the darkness of the depths of the forest, the young girl was blinded by a warm and brilliant light, a light that she could feel. An ethereal being descended from the heavens and landed gracefully on her feet. Looking at the lost child, she smiled warmly and held out her hand. "Come with me, young one," she said softly. "I will lead you into a better life, one where you will be taken care of and never lost again."

And so she young girl followed the beautiful woman into Erinn. Having been given a new, sturdy elven body to withstand the desert storms, Jaeden was accepted and taken in by the elves of Filia. It was there that she would learn and grow into a fine young archer, and begin her life anew.

Life in Erinn: Jaeden is still fairly new to the world surrounding her. Coming out of Iria was a big step for her, and the new continent is quite daunting to her still. However, she is adapting and through the help of her new found friends she has only grown stronger. ((More to come as I develop her character further.))

Personality: Jaeden, above all else, is an extremely respectful person. Unless she feels she is on friendly terms with someone, she will refer to them as "Miss" or "Sir". She is an empathic "people-pleaser" type of person, and will go out of her way to help anyone who looks like they are having a hard time. She is also incredibly shy towards people she doesn't know, and will not speak to them unless spoken to. This makes her come off as an extremely silent and passive person. However, once one gets to know her, she is an extremely vibrant and outgoing person... and often described as a goof-ball.

That Special Someone: Not yet!

Friends in Erinn: Jaeden has an extreme fondness for Vayne due to unexplained reasons. Being empathic as she is, she can relate to his feelings of being lost and not knowing what to do on a deeper, past-life level.

Zachary Dellinger ((She still isn't quite sure if she should call him Zach or Dell xD)) is the only person, thus far, that she feels fully comfortable with. What limited time she has spent with him she has thoroughly enjoyed, having been able to completely be herself.

Omni, one of the first people within the society that she met, is almost an older-sister type figure to Jaeden. She looks up towards her ((figuratively - she'd have to be looking down if it was literal XDDD)) and believes that she can help Vayne overcome his weaknesses.

-=- The Other Stuff -=-

Weapon of Choice: Long Leather Bow

Favorite Color: Purple ((If you've seen her in game, this is a given. XD))

Favorite Food: Anything Lai makes <3

Preferred Instrument: Mandolin

Favorite Pet: Deadyteddy, an animated bear that she controls through magic. However, she refers to him as her teddy bear and will often treat him as if he is just a cuddle toy.

Favorite Animal: Wolf

Birthday: Imbolic

(( I guess that's it for now. I guess as her character develops and gets more involved within the stories of others, I'll record them here as sort of a logging of her adventures xD I'm sorry for grammatical and spelling errors - I'm sure there are many. xD))
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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Errr...Yea...another...This time my old char from RPX though....

Post  Xephyr Sat Aug 29, 2009 5:52 pm

Name: Wyrven

Race: Elf / Dragon

Style: Knight, use of "Syringe tech" (explained below)

Notes of Interest: uses the "Syringe" technique, with different poisons and boosters he injects himself to pump himself up, weaken the enemy,
or cure some ailments. Wyrven enjoys using his skills to fool arround, Often pulls random items out of Omni's hat.

Profile: Wyrven was a soldier in war with Rizzen/Abdual, he served as a scout and an archer. Wyrven was born near filia in a small camp.
His father served in the war and died when wyrven was 8 years old. His mother dissapered soon after Wyrven was born though he occationally gets letters
from her. Wyrven got his name for a reason, although he often denies it Wyrven has dragons blood in his veins.
After Going to war for a long time Wyrven has Left the army to become a "Squire" he now focuses on melee, however still uses the sryinge techs.
Syringe and Dragon Techniques:

Syrnige Tech 1: Injects self with boosters

Syrnige Tech 2: Injects enemy with Poison

Syringe Tech 3: Cures some poisions or ailments (little focus on this tech)

Syringe Tech 4: Fires an arrow with a syringe attached, injects enemy apon contact

Dragon Bootser: Syringe tech - Increases amount of dragon blood within him, amplifies skills

Dragon's Flight: Massive leap skill (not flight)

Dragon's Flare: Speed increase skill

Darastrix Slemon: Embraces his dragon's blood fully
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~ Character Bios! - Page 3 Empty Junelle

Post  Laikika Sun Aug 30, 2009 2:56 pm

Name: Junelle

Age: 10

Family: Parents living in Emain ((Names Undecided))

Friends: None yet. She doesn't make them easily...

A Special Someone: None XD

Hobbies: Ladylike occupations. Writing, painting, playing music, ect.

Weapons of Choice: Pouting and Sulking, at least for the moment

Skin color: Dark

Hair Color: Green

Eye Color: Green

Height: Shorty Mc Shortster

Weight: Medium

Favorite Food: Brownies

Theme Song: Kotoko- Special Life

How she came to be in Erinn: (As Written by her own hand)

~My Arrival in Erinn~

I'm not quite sure what my life was like before. I have a vague recollection of a most elegant and happy life, probably as a princess of some important country. Certainly I lived in a wonderful castle and often went out riding. Unfortunately, my memories are all jumbled up and I cannot sort the order properly.

I think that I must have been in the soul stream for a long time. Perhaps my old life was from a time much longer away and a world much farther than usual. My first clear memory is of Nao holding me in her arms, as though she had reached into cloudy waters with both hands and pulled out a treasure.

Although a soul streamer, I ended up being born into a newborn body, mostly because I could not remember the simplest necessary things, like how to walk and feed myself. It was merely easier and more dignified to relearn them again this way. Nao sent me to live with a most devoted couple who raised me as carefully as if I had been their very own. In fact, I might as well be their very own, for though I don't share the same blood as they do, at least I share the same heart. Now that I am ten years old, and capable of taking care of myself in the wide world, I believe it is time for me to become a proper lady.

Character history through the player:
Originally, I had intended Laikika to have the writing and painting skills, but somehow along the way, Lai developed into someone much more gentle, much more sweet and helpful than I had originally planned. In order to make her a little less of a 'mary sue,' I took those kinds of skills away. Instead, I gave them to Junelle. Lai's dream is to be a motherly figure, Junelle wants to be a princess.
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