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Survey: Q&A Forum Partition

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Survey: Q&A Forum Partition Empty Survey: Q&A Forum Partition

Post  Dellinger Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:29 pm

There has been mention of opening the Q&A thread back up for, you guessed it, Questions and getting Answers. While I understand the want for the thread, I'm going to offer you one better. I have proposed we open an entire forum subsection to council for individual question and answer threads.

How do you think we should set up the rules for question submission? This needs to be an organized, useful, and overall safe area for people to ask questions and discuss solutions for things that are pretty much known and may or may not require official rulings. Also: How is an answer determined for 'theoretical' things?

I'm lifting the normal rules, save I'm going to limit you guys to a post or two per day. I'm trusting you guys to have a good, safe discussion deserving of the reward of a Q&A forum partition. Do me proud.

Also, might I recommend taking as much of this idea formulation into private discussion, or even public group discussion? I'll even suggest a resource for people to use to talk about this stuff so people don't need to wait for their 'post limit' to refresh. You have the in game client, people's MSNs and Skypes, and also the following resource:

IRC Chatroom
Nickname: Your forum name
Channels: #RPSQ-and-A

You can gather people there or other rooms to talk about this issue. Hopefully that is a resource you guys find useful. Remember: Be respectful, or be reprimanded. You guys have done pretty well so far. Don't make me regret making this an open discussion.

Last edited by Dellinger on Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:37 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2009-07-23
Age : 34
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Survey: Q&A Forum Partition Empty Re: Survey: Q&A Forum Partition

Post  Dellinger Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:35 pm

Second post: Things to think about.

How will you deal with issues such as 'harping on issues,' harassment, dismissal, and other things that will make members less inclined to either listen to others, or trust in the safety of this forum? In other words, how will you, the membership, ensure this forum will be safe and fun for people, even new guys, to interact with?

Who should moderate / decide on what is an answer?

How far can one go in the theoretical?

Think on broad issues. Think on things that a logistical branch wanting a safe forum environment would want to consider when making such a forum. This is your guild as much as it is anyone else's. Make this a safe resource to utilize that would not -turn people away- from asking questions.

Posts : 2938
Join date : 2009-07-23
Age : 34
Location : Washington, DC area

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Survey: Q&A Forum Partition Empty Re: Survey: Q&A Forum Partition

Post  Xeek Sun Jan 06, 2013 11:04 am

I've been dreaming about the Q.A. thread being turned into a section. It's much more organized!
All question title should contain as many keywords as possible when stating a question. Avoid spoilers in the title, since people might have a quick glance and read it. Try to state which G your spoiler is from.

If you aren't sure what to put as a question, you can put a 'help' title. IE. "G-14 Spoiler contained, please help name"
On the actual post, if you don't have some sort of spoiler warning on your title, you should put it. Any poster should have a spoiler tag(and warning, cause spoiler tags are often used to hide long post/pictures/ect)
For posters, even if the question is 'misworded' or a repeated question, simply point to the correct format or where the question is answered.

The OP should be in charge of managing the answer, and once an agreed answer is determined, they should edit their first post to have the answer with a spoiler tag under the question. If not, someone should inform a XXXX to do so.

Answers could be gathered into a "Our world changes" post in information and rules, or in the registration thread.

Now, I personally believe that answers should be decided by which fits the game's logic better while keeping it fun. "Why logic in a fantasy setting?"
Well, Nexon has provided several explanations for their magical....magic. Meaning, we should keep the same concept, meaning magic is 'logical'. While I will not go into the logical/illogical magic speech, yet again...>_>. I think that all(almost) answers should be kept as logical as possible, without being boring. Meaning, keep the concept of mana, but do not go calculating how hot(to the degree) is a fire attack.

Logical provides a balance to the game, and it can easily be re-found out if ever lost, or a new group wants to know how/why we arrived at that conclusion. The most logical awnsers should be determined by a voting of the members, similar to the shamala poll, the poll should extend for 3-7days.
Answers(unless is purely opinion) should contain facts from:
The Game, Real World, and other valid sourced(such a wikipedia). Personal believes(Religion, Politics, ect) should be kept out of the thread(like the rest of the forum.)

Dealing with behavior should be simple, as we are discussing and not arguing, nobody should be insulting other's idea, or others because of their ideas. People can point out the flaws of the other's ideas, without having to actually insult the idea, and overall people should work together to see how each idea would work.

Like always.. the first post is always the hardest, my ideas may change once others post. Razz


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Survey: Q&A Forum Partition Empty Re: Survey: Q&A Forum Partition

Post  Auramune Sun Jan 06, 2013 2:22 pm

I think, that for both post 1 and 2, if a person is skiddish about asking questions, they should note their question to a colored name individual and see if they'll post the question for them, keeping the person anonymous.

I think another thing for people to keep in mind, being mature goes both ways. If you do post your opinion, be ready to accept when opinions differ from your own. And if someone seems like they are 'being mean' when it comes to posting, it may be because they are trying to be thorough and explain what they mean as clearly as possible. You can have discussions, different opinions, and still remain friends with the person you're 'arguing' with. Keeping emotion out of debates, and try not to take things personally.. as it seems some people do.

One last thing, no one should feel too scared to ever mail someone and talk to them. As misunderstandings happen, a simple "Hey why are you being so aggressive?" could probably change an outlook from either side.

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Join date : 2008-04-05
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