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Survey #3: Various Guild Positions

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Survey #3: Various Guild Positions Empty Survey #3: Various Guild Positions

Post  Dellinger Thu Dec 13, 2012 1:28 pm

Positions the guild may not know of but exist by 'records' standards:
  1. Event Committee - In charge of making events for the guild proper.
  2. Plot Coordinator - In charge of assisting with the logistics of guild-wide plots.
  3. Adviser - Advisory position with no "power" associated with it for assisting in guild logistics.

Positions you are familiar with:
  1. Mentors - Does that guild-teachy thang.
  2. Council - Does that management thang.
  3. Forum Moderators - Does that forum moderation thang.

Unofficial positions:
  1. City Leaders - Take roles of NPCs to determine city laws and etc.

If you were in charge of the guild, would you keep all of these positions? What positions would you add? Would you combine any of these positions for logistics sake? Would you grant some responsibilities to other positions for event coordination and / or creation?

Define a guild as you see it. Go wild with this one. Ideas are welcome.

  • Each person is limited to one post until further notice. No quoting. You may edit as many times as you need. Your post must contain your argument. Not a simple "I agree with what X says."
  • If further instructions are posted, follow those instructions.
  • Basic rules of respect, but that shouldn't be an issue if you're posting your own opinion on the matter.

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Survey #3: Various Guild Positions Empty Re: Survey #3: Various Guild Positions

Post  Auramune Thu Dec 13, 2012 4:09 pm

I just want to say that these are my honest opinions, and do not reflect upon any one member of these sections. So if you feel the finger is pointed at you, then you're just being sillycrazy, because they aren't. If anything sounds 'harsh,' then I apologize, I'm just trying to be as straightforward to the point as possible so my thoughts are understood and not misconstrued.

I think the entire hierarchy should be redone. The idea of council is outdated, in my opinion, as well as other positions. Most of these should be open to general membership.

Council and Mentor(combine)
The "Council" and "Mentors" should be combined in to a single group. Everyone in it will help with technical and player issues, given that different people have different strengths, and different ideas to lead to better, more rounded, outcomes. If too many people think the same, then what's the point of having different people holding discussions? It would probably be in best interest to revolve 'in-active' members of this group as well. Sometimes things come up in RL, yeah it happens. This isn't a punishment, but people shouldn't hold positions if they aren't using them for any good, when there are members who do want to see things get done/and are interested in keeping the guild flourished.

New Members & Powers(new)
For powers and new member approval, I think a new position should be made. Long-term members who know the workings of the guild and game, but who are not mentors/council. There are plenty of times that no colored person was around to approve a new members/power, even though everything was in order. And sometimes the mentors and councilors don't care for approving powers. Which is fine, really, but if no one does those jobs then who will do them? Your very active members tend to know what to look for in dos and don'ts. And it doesn't have to be a real "position" just a green flag to these people who've been around forever, and are interested in helping.

Event Committee and Plot Coordinator(remove)
Completely removed. You have players that are not part of these groups, or have ever heard of these groups, attempting more plots/events than the people of these groups. Though an idea for people to have open discussions about a plot their interested in making could substitute.

City Leaders(keep)
Is this even still valid? Do city leaders even do anything anymore? (Sorry if that sounds so harsh xD.) I think this group should only be kept because the position may require discussion with other city leaders about things. Otherwise, the position could be canned and the aforementioned section(for plots and events) could be used for CL discussions. It's not like anything is secretive.

I don't feel that advisers are any more capable of handling "logistics" than any other member of the guild, and I honestly feel that this position was opened so certain members of the council could confide in a few non-council members. Which, isn't completely a bad thing? Since when was "council issues" ever supposed to be a secret, unless dealing with private things(like people fighting, or other internal issues like punishment for rule breakers). It's not like these discussions are a big secret. So this position would be removed, and just open the communication between "council" and general members.

Forum Moderators(keep)
I think anyone could be a forum XXXX. Lock out the mentor and council section, and give people who frequent the forums the ability to keep it clean. We've had the issue before of someone coming in to flood the forums with inappropriate things, but no XXXX was around and it was left there awhile.

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Survey #3: Various Guild Positions Empty Re: Survey #3: Various Guild Positions

Post  Xeek Thu Dec 13, 2012 5:07 pm

I think the positions should be change slightly. It should be a latter among the ranks, each position should inhert the powers of the previous.

Official position:

-Member: The 'Member' is the most basic position. They are allowed to basic access to the forums, and the basic rights. They don't have to be in the guild, but they need to have an approved application.

-Assistant: An Assistant position would replace the MiTs. While they don't have to be moved to mentors, mentors have to pass through this position first. Assistants have the ability to approve, but not disapprove, powers under FEC level and new applicants. The higher degrees have the right to decline/reject an Assistant's approval.

-Mentor: The role of a mentor would be to correct RP errors, provide battle tips, and watch members overall behavior. If a mentor sees a player who doesn't seem to be doing extra help in any of the three subjects, they are to act as tutors, and write down the member in the mentoring section so other mentors know that person needs specific attention.
They also have the ability to disapprove: Member applications, Power application, and Assistant approvals in either.

-Councilor: I believe the councilor should be the highest position possible. All Councilors should be advisers/Moderators. The purpose of the council is to address important guild issues, stuff can include: Kicking a member, upgrading a member, big changes in the RP world, ect. No councilor has more 'power' than another. A councilor should be able to fill any roll, though participation is optional.

Unofficial positions
City Leader + Large plot director: This is a side position, no real powers. This position is meant so the city leaders and plot directors(such as FEC host) can work together without having to back and forth in PMs. They have their own section to plan.

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Survey #3: Various Guild Positions Empty Re: Survey #3: Various Guild Positions

Post  Congregate Wed Dec 26, 2012 4:48 pm

I think there should be more open knowledge about being up for becoming a mentor. People seem to think there's not enough coloured people to approve things, so there should be a place to apply. Maybe a subforum where there's one thread per application.

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Survey #3: Various Guild Positions Empty Re: Survey #3: Various Guild Positions

Post  Dellinger Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:44 am

Anyone else? All opinions, even of the new guys, is welcome and highly prized. =D

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