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Survey #4: Powers

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Survey #4: Powers Empty Survey #4: Powers

Post  Dellinger Wed Dec 26, 2012 2:43 pm

Simply put, how do you think the powers approval process should work? Is it good as it is, or do you think there could be improvements made to the power process to make it neater?

Same rules as the other surveys.

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Survey #4: Powers Empty Re: Survey #4: Powers

Post  Glaceon Wed Dec 26, 2012 2:49 pm

It's good how it is, just need more colored names to look/approve/comment on them in my opinion.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Survey #4: Powers Empty Re: Survey #4: Powers

Post  Soifa Wed Dec 26, 2012 3:38 pm

Maybe lower the amount of approvals needed to like 2, barring FEC/demi powers and the like. Of course it would go back to 3 approvals needed if a color had a major issue with the power.

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Survey #4: Powers Empty Re: Survey #4: Powers

Post  Xeek Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:01 am

Title should contain " and "
IE. Xaver's Kistune Magic.
Xaver's Kistune Magic extensions.
Xeek's Dragon Form.

If reapplying extra powers to a character, a player first needs to put the previous powers in spoilers at the top of the page, if not the previous powers would be assumed removed. Then, a moderator should move the previously approved power somewhere out of sight, but not delete, in case it's ever needed.)

IC Skill Name: Seems rather obvious.
Power Class: I never understood the purpose of it, not see how it helps.
OOC Representation: Rather obvious.
Description: Ra- *shoot*
Explain relation: I believe this one should be removed, if the relation is not clear from the description, the skill needs some work.
Notes: For extra notes.
Level: The level system should be a kind of guideline for admins and players to know their boundaries, but not needed to be posted.
How they learned it.Anyone can learn a skill in Mabinogi, but it takes certain steps. An example is Soifa's bubble. It's not fair because Soifa "saw it first" it's hers. Though, someone can't just see Soifa's request and be like "Ohhh! I want it!", then suddenly have it. The 'how they learned it' part should explain what your character did to learn it. The more specific, the better.

Another change, I would remove the dice rolling on powers. Not only is it not stated anywhere, it doesn't make much sense to me. You get a power approved, but it's not approved until you roll a dice, when you can later reroll without any penalty?
I understanding rolling -in game- for a result of a being used power (IE. Xenark tries to take a cat's soul, cat must roll a 5 to survive) but not to see if a power that was already approved can be finished approving.

Minor and medium transmutations should be moved into the power section. Most minor/medium transmutation are no different than a regular power, just done by alchemy. IE, Ralvery's Fire Bomb Crystal, it creates a small explosion around him (summon rage horse), other powers have been used the same way, though alchemy ones have a restriction on being made.

Advance transmutation should have to share a section with FECs, as most advance transmutations are like FECs. Though, advance transmutation may be performed again, they have a very LARGE cooldown, which can be adjusted by the player and admins upon request. While these skills may use NPCs, they do not alter the success rate at all. People posting an advance transmutation should provide facts, or a reasonable recipe/steps for their experiment.

Finally, the original request (first post) should be left in spoilers at the bottom of the page, and the completed version, with all the problems worked out, should be where the original request was.

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Age : 31

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