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Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Hyuponia Kana
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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Mithos Mon Dec 24, 2012 2:30 pm

I actually think the skill should be glorified instead of being nerfed. A transformation power is really powerful, yes. Some might even consider it overpowered... but, to be honest, it really should remain that way, albeit only available to characters who can already transform.

For me, the whole skill only has utilitarian purposes. Of course, it makes you a little bit tankier and hit a little harder with the four basic melee skills, but that doesn't really justify being nerfed, does it? I mean, Paladin/Dark Knight/Beast transformations do way more and nothing's wrong with them.

This skill is most useful for committing crimes, then escaping the scene unnoticed. To infiltrate the jail transformed as a guard. To escape from anywhere by transforming into an ant, or a snake. To falsify important documents while impersonating an organization's leader. The ability to transform into whatever you've caught OOC and to jump between transformations opens so many new doors to RPing.

And ruling out the NPC transformations would also be a big mistake. It is the best disguise to get close to someone while giving a false sense of comfort. And it doesn't break any rules regarding RPing mainstream NPCs, since well... You aren't the NPC, but your own character disguised as them.

Of course, it should come with the downsides already given by the skill. The transformed individual may only use melee combat, wait five seconds between each transformation and any special power that came with the original foe (i.e. poison, petrify, etc.) are nulled. Any powers the character has may not be used during transformation unless specifically requested in the power application.

That should be all for now.

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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Xenny Mon Dec 24, 2012 4:38 pm

I think... That this kind of magic would definitely be banned by the Kingdom. Think about it, in order to assume a shape you need to kill something. Certain types of Alchemy are banned, so why wouldn't this form of magic be banned? It certainly is dangerous, and having it banned could be an interesting plot twist for races who can inherently do it.
Kosher Dill Troll
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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Dellinger Sat Dec 29, 2012 10:47 am

Thank you all. I apologize for this taking so long. I'm gonna lock up this thread and get the official stuff organized with council over the next couple days. We'll have an announcement here soon to make your Shamala RPing experience that much more fun. =D

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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Dellinger Fri Jan 04, 2013 4:24 am

This topic has been unlocked: Apparently it has come to our attention that people wanted their opinions heard, but opted not to post in the ~15 days this was up. Five of those days were after the ability came up, so clear voting clarifications / modifications should have been posted. With a clear outcome.

For those members that were too timid to speak up: Speak up. I made this post with the rules as such so that people could not attack you for your opinion, so you could actually speak your opinion in a safe setting, and so if someone harasses you for your opinion, they will lose their own privilege due to such behavior. If you opt not to use it after all these precautions, it is your choice.

Rules: The council is between two options, as follows:

  1. Transformation is allowed as is, no powers request, but the ability is 'nerfed.'
  2. Transformation is allowed via powers request, NPCs disallowed.

Answer for us simply "1" or "2" for your preferred option, then give us up to 3 sentences as to why. This applies to all who posted before, as it is apparent that some opinions may have changed.

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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Cyler Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:02 am


Requesting the power seems a bit much, like requesting to use "Fireball". I think it being nerfed should be fine, not allowing NPC use would be cool. The only way I could see NPC use being used ICly is basically body alts. Like using Ruairi (Black robe) as just a dude with red hair and a muffler that isn't him.

(Sorry if it seems a bit odd and hard to understand, brain dead at the moment. If you wish to PM me about it I don't mind.)
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Peldari Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:40 am


Roughly for all the reasons Cyler said. It's an in game skill and not even one that's hard to get. Considering that you have to pay to morph into an NPC and that it seems to be designed for roleplay (given how it doesn't hep much, if at all in combat) requesting it seems like it'd be a bit much.
Kandy Korn Ogre
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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Kuralin Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:22 am


I like the skill as is, but weakened. Really we have to kill the things 3 to 5 times to transform into them. What would happen if some char crazily want around killing people in order to transform into them? They go to jail or be killed by guards.

Kandy Korn Ogre
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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Xeek Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:07 pm

2. While I wouldn't mind the first choice, I would prefer the skill just be used to help in power request, instead of giving it to everyone(Including NPCs), it would make the world very chaotic unless the right changes are made, which will be very hard. As a power quest, people can decide their specific restrictions.

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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Glaceon Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:59 pm


Mostly for reasons Xeek stated. (Not counting this as a sentence)

Also, given the vast range of transformations with this skill, it would drastically change how things are, and too much chaos would likely result. I personally think that there should be more limits to what people can transform into, since while the game has it's limits, there is no way to identify people when transformed, meaning that a lot of the systems we had put in place are rendered useless, such as law enforcement and the whole bounty system. As Xeek said, giving free reign would just make the world a heap of chaos.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Auramune Fri Jan 04, 2013 3:59 pm



Ok, after a bit of clarification xD, I'm going to stick with 2. Individuals can nerf their own in a unique way, and still provide the necessary nerfs needed for it won't be too powerful.

Last edited by Auramune on Fri Jan 04, 2013 11:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Azarune Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:11 pm


Okay, I understand that many of the powers in the request topic are not based on whether or not people will abuse, but rather could abuse. But anyway, if people use transformations in ways that are an issue to others, they can be called out. Yes everyone can shapeshift, so that means we must adapt and make counter measures.
Kandy Korn Ogre
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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Danichuu Fri Jan 04, 2013 5:55 pm

I think my opinion would fall under 2.

Transformation, as an IC skill, should have to be approved. Because there is definitely the potential that the power could be abused. Of course, more often than not, it is not. But it is still a measure to be sure of that, you know? As Glacia said, it could get rid of the point of a justice system and a bounty thing if everyone can transform to get away with crimes-- especially those that can transform to other people. With the power approved, as Xeek said, the player can make their own restrictions to it to keep it unique AND fair.

OOCly, however, Transformation should be totally okay for body alts.
Kosher Dill Troll
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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Teoxihuitl Fri Jan 04, 2013 6:03 pm

Original Statement.

I just honestly believe this power is overpowered in terms of role playing situations. Some might see it as a way to evolve role playing but it seems like it would detract from it in most situations.

I believe this power is overpowered in our rpverse as it is, given a nerf I do not see why we could not have it as a common practice ability.

If left unchecked this power will only lead to disorder within the guild ranks, which is why I must insist on a nerf.

Last edited by Teoxihuitl on Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:33 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Clarification)
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Dellinger Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:17 pm

Teo, can I ask for a clarification? It seems like you're saying "Allow it without a powers request, and it's overpowered for role-playing situations." Is the second statement a clarification stating an opinion about this transformation in general?
Thank you, Teo!

Aura, what you described is pretty much vote number one with a possible limitation on how "NPCs" are handled. Would you like to clarify if you think the -general- bits of the skill need approval, or if the entire transformation needs approval. Thanks.

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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Soifa Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:33 am

Pink posting just to get my thoughts out there.


If 1 is the winner, I find myself at a loss on how the skill would actually be said to work. Soul catching would need power requests ANYWAY, as it deals with souls and soul magic, and dream stealing would apply to things that dream, which probably doesn't included enchanted flying tableware or rock things made of magic that probably don't even have minds TO dream, or any real life essence of any sort. Two not only makes the most sense to me, but also seems like the easiest.

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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Dalvar Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:06 am

Oh, are us pink names allowed to vote?


I believe there should be as little separation between gameplay and roleplay as possible. The more we separate the two, the harder it is for new members to integrate with the guild and the more I wonder "why not just RP over IM?". I also believe that this guild and its members do not need to be bogged down with rules and powers requests that, I feel, are unnecessary.

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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Rayleight Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:43 am


Transformation is a pretty powerful skill, it'd cause great amounts of confusion and security could be easily broken. I say power request, being able to transform into a couple of animals would be nice, but -only- a couple of them.
... because no one wants to deal with a swarm of wicked penguins.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Minami Sat Jan 05, 2013 2:54 am

In my experiences with transformations in RP's, there has always been a need to lay down some sturdy ground rules regarding it because people can and will exploit loopholes to get around certain things. I mean, think of it this way. You get stabbed. If you transform, will that wound heal? Or is the transformation simply a cosmetic thing? Do you still have your strength if you turned into a mouse or are you as vulnerable as the mouse you turn into? I think the Transformation should be allowed to be used without request as it's a skill that can be easily picked up. (You could say the person knows shapeshifting magic the event allows, the dream catcher. Only you could say the DC is another item or whatever.)

However, I feel that allowing people to transform into NPC's would be a terrible idea as well. Unless of course something along the lines of "You must acquire something from that NPC (an important item of theirs, let's say.) and only then can you be allowed to transform into them." since it'll stop having to kill the NPC. (Although the theft might increase.)

On the matter of transforming though...I think small transformations are fine. Human sized transformations are okay too but require the DC or item, and giant monster sized transformations should require something like...the item plus doing some kind of a chant to activate that power and once the transformation is gone, all the casters energy is depleted once they revert. Unless it's in the case of a hybrid type character, then I say let em transform without penalty.

...I should not post when I'm tired. I go on tangents.

Once more with feeling. You wanted three sentences. I choose option one.
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Survey #1: g17 Shamala - Page 2 Empty Re: Survey #1: g17 Shamala

Post  Kenelm Sat Jan 05, 2013 11:49 am

I prefer option two.

Mechanically, the skill is classified as a "Life Skill," and according to the side story, it can be used as a combat style.

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