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My Dear Erinn

Mari Eir
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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Dellinger Sat Aug 11, 2012 1:28 am

"The Ghost of the Corenites":

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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Lynn17 Sat Aug 11, 2012 3:06 am

Diren returned to the board later, this time on crutches, he looked rather well fed as he stared at said notes. "So this man used children....and harsh ways to control people, eh?" He whispered this to himself, and just stared at the handwriting.
Gummy Sandworm
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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Dalvar Sat Aug 11, 2012 3:07 am

Dalvar sits, perfectly silent, on a stone outside of Rabbie. She is staring at nothing, a bit of sand still held in her hand. For a long while, there is stillness and silence. Then, finally, she pours the sand on to the earth and begins to write.

Zachary Dellinger:

Shinnichi Belendin:

After affixing her letters to two owls she stands, silent but for the quiet clinking of her armor, and once again goes to capture a crow.

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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Temo Sat Aug 11, 2012 5:09 am

Somewhere in Uldah, a gypsy woman sneezed and stared off into the night mild confusion. Was it her imagination, or did it get a bit colder for a moment there...?

"Well, he is right. I think would have a bit gloated more on the side. A 'P.S.: Ah ha ha' perhaps or--"

"Quiet." He stared at the recent letter delivered by owl, unsure of how to respond without revealing too much or sending the goal behind all this completely off track. There were better things to do that sit around discussing an identity crisis and silly slip of thought with the new "pen pal". Leave it to him to rely decide in that instant to rely on others for assistance for the wrong thing. On the other hand, this made for a decent distraction at a time like this. The silence of the small forest camp was unnerving, and he wasn't the only one staying up who was on edge. The next movement for them and the other locations Requiem had scattered to was probably going to be the first bolder one.

And then there was that nagging feeling that something had been forgotten in the hurry to leave...the altar hadn't been swept, he knew; but that corner of Rabbie had lived out its usefulness anyways. There was nothing to hide there any longer. So should anybody have picked up on that before the evidence was scattered to mix with dungeon dust, they were welcome to the bit of hidden history.

"Hnn..." Fretting over it now wasn't going to help things. Back to the task at hand, his eyes closed as he focused on searching for a response to the letter. After pondering on the bandit's words a moment longer, thinking of that horrible war, he finally had an answer and fetched for paper and charcoal to write it. A response in the words and writing of Fenrir Eir:

The Dunewyrm:

"Give them what they want."

"Become what they need."

"...and I need to rest."
Burrito Bison

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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Auramune Sat Aug 11, 2012 7:57 am

A single letter was sent out.


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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Dellinger Sat Aug 11, 2012 8:39 am

"Well," he said aloud. "That was... generic."

The leader of the bandits twirled a pencil between his fingers, sitting at his desk in Connous. He had already received Dalvar's letter about Rabbie dungeon, and the notice about the sand that had been poured on the Altar. It would seem that whatever the cipher had referred to had already occurred. He hadn't been surprised, but that did not mean he was pleased. However, he had penned a couple of notes in response:



After sending out those two owls, he returned to the response from Fenrir. "We are what you made us." One of Fenrir's trademarked lines. Did this mean that this truly was Fenrir? No, of course not. Anyone who had paid any modicum of attention to the man during the war would be familiar with this specific line.

And on top of that, Fenrir had been careful. This desert sand seemed to be linked to the party in question; Zach trusted Dalvar's interpretation of the sand there, there was no reason he would think otherwise. If this was truly Fenrir, the man had lost much in his containment.

He chewed on the end of the pencil, leaning back on his chair before opting to begin writing his response. The letter is sealed with the sigil of the Dunewyrm before being sent off:

To the Leader of New Requiem:

He also drafted one final letter, to the leader of the Renăscut. He never liked making idle threats, but this link was something that could not be ignored. Maybe this would lead to a better understanding of what was really going on:

Gypsy Leader:

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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Kenelm Sat Aug 11, 2012 10:52 am

Kenelm had gone out to accompany one of the scouting teams, and had been unable to reply to the letters he received as soon as he would have liked. Once the scouting team had reached their first patrol point, Kenelm broke from the group to top off supplies, and pen a response.
To the Dunewyrm:

Kenelm headed back out to the patrol, dropping off the supplies, and informing them of his departure.

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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Danichuu Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:58 am

Dani had taken to visiting Tara more often, since first catching a glimpse of those messages on the board. Didn't seem like anything new was published to the public, though. So maybe matters were taken into private letters...?
That didn't stop her, though, from sating her curiosity about this-- both for herself, and her friend. So, rather than focusing on some of the other bulletins posted, she focused on the first letter. Not like there were any more clues in the responses, right?

"Do you remember where we first met....?" she whispers to herself in thought, sitting idly at the Dunbarton library with a history book in hand. Someone once told her that information about the war wouldn't be in history books, but... worth a shot, right?

She could simply ask Pecoro, but it'd peak his interest, too. And that would mean putting the Tuathan boy in danger, which was anything but what she wanted. Hell, the kid could handle him self but was completely clumsy with a sword! Nor did he show interest in magic. So that left Dani to play the protective older sister role.

Now, where did that whole thing start....
Kosher Dill Troll
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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Lynn17 Sat Aug 11, 2012 2:16 pm

"Is it really a good idea to trust my dear....?" Diren sighed while staring at the notes. "...-He- is joining his side, but told me he's only joining to stop Eir from the inside out....But can I really trust what he says?" He shook his head, wrote down a copy of Fenrir's note, and sent it off via Raven.
Gummy Sandworm
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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Zeznik Sat Aug 11, 2012 9:22 pm

Zeznik received the letter from The Dunewyrm. He had a confused expression on his face as he read the letter again and again. He decided to head to Tara and read the bulletin. He quickly searched through the bulletins to find the one signed by 'Fenrir Eir's' mentioned in Dunwyrm's letter. His tail swayed a bit under his robe as he read through it..<This guy seems like that "Sole Gunther" character i met when i first came to Erinn ...I wonder if this is anything to be worried about..> He was skeptical about the whole situation but, He decides to send an owl to Zachary someone who he suspect may know more on this matter.


Last edited by Zeznik on Sun Aug 12, 2012 1:01 am; edited 1 time in total

Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Dalvar Sat Aug 11, 2012 9:38 pm

At her desk this time, Dalvar writes two more letters.

Zachary Dellinger:

Temo Eir:

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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Adhamh Sat Aug 11, 2012 11:41 pm

A white-robed and mask-wearing Auron pulled out his Dungeon Waxen Wing and warped into Barri. He immediately dropped himself into it and proceeded to launch a fireball into one of the mine shaft tunnels. He used a normal wing to transport himself out of the area in a fit of cackling.

Later, a green-robed Auron, using the rain as a cover for his being robed, walked into Dunbarton and placed a note on the board, before vanishing.

Did you guys really think we'd return to the same site? We hope you don't think that little of us. We've a new target this time.


Gone fishing~
Cromm Crunch
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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Dellinger Sun Aug 12, 2012 12:33 am

A letter is sent to Zeznik with the sigil of the Dunewyrm, one of the recognizable symbols of the Corenites.

To Zeznik:

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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Temo Sun Aug 12, 2012 2:30 am

He stared at the letter from the Corenite leader in confusion. Wrong about one thing, but right about another. At this point though, he wondered if he should continue with this game regarding his credibility, especially when future actions were intended to do the talking for him. One more step and they'd be ready, and that was already underway. The little activity around Cuilin's quarry and Dugald's lumber camp in the late evening due to the increased guard about towns made it easy to gather the resources needed; and the camps in the area still remained hidden - ready to pack and relocate at a moment's notice. Considering what all was "borrowed" in the night, that would need to be very soon before hounds started sniffing about in their direction.

The manpower, the intelligence, the resources, and the time...they were indeed ready. Now all that mattered was the deadline and being able to meet it. And then there were these letters. He was debating on writing another cryptic response and leaving it completely at that; but then there were others than happened by that caught his attention. This..."popularity" was getting to be rather bothersome. Moreso now that it required him to move alone for a while...

Her night wasn't going much better. A minor guilt trip and threats regarding her identity to top her worries had Kurohi doing something rather uncharacteristic of her in a time like this - popping open a bottle of wine. Musing over thoughts while a bit tipsy probably wasn't a good idea either; but it did calm her nerves enough to give a response to the claim against her.


Burrito Bison

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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Elunia Sun Aug 12, 2012 7:19 pm

Elunia opened the letter eagerly awaiting its contents. After reading each words carefully, she folded the letter in her pocket.<I wonder what Zeznik might think of this> the girl though to herself.The bulletin must come first, however. The elven girl read the information carefully, thinking to herself as she went. With a pen and quill on her lap, she carefully wrote out each word for a letter address to the Dunewyrm.


Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Kuralin Sun Aug 12, 2012 8:38 pm

A young woman in a gray and red lave cat robe walks up to the tara board. Placing a note there.

We live in a time of disorder, a time of lost hope.
We straggle through the darkest of rivers.
A river filled with sins of the Milletiand’s, who have gone unpunished.
But there is a new hope in this time of darkness.
His name is Fenrir Eir.

Come join the cause today.

Kandy Korn Ogre
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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Guest Sun Aug 12, 2012 8:42 pm

Soifa sighed, biting into the orange in her hand as she read the latest on the board in Tara. Finishing off her citrus snack, she scribbled a reply and placed it directly under it.

Let us not forget what happened the last time someone wanted to punish the Milletians.

Does no one remember the man in pink? The innocents lost? The monster spawned?

Of course not.



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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Kuralin Sun Aug 12, 2012 9:03 pm

Coming back a little later. She left a note under Soifa's.

He was an extremist, who want too kill all milletian's. No matter if they where innocent or not. We have no desire too kill off all milletian's.

We seek to bring a new order to this world, not to destroy all of it inhabitants.

Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Guest Sun Aug 12, 2012 9:08 pm

And your sense of order is the right one?

How cute.


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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Dellinger Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:27 am

Zach sighed, tapping his pencil vigorously on his desk. Many things had happened in the last day, and none of them good. Word of an explosion in Barri passed to him from the scouts in the Mountain Checkpoint. The scouts that were there at the time responded to the threat as quickly as possible, but were only available to provide relief efforts. Word of the note in Dunbarton was troublesome as well.

The note from the Gypsy leader was bothersome. Of course it would be antagonistic, and of course a message like his would send it of. But there was no actual depth to the response besides relying on 'coincidence' to prove a point, and opting to insult someone attempting to assist in the matter was less than wise. All it would do would be to raise suspicions.

He shook his head. Some other letters had come to him, more pleasant than the others. He'd need to reply to them all in turn.

To Kya Light:

He didn't think they gypsies were off the hook entirely, but it was better to attempt to repair the bridges he may have burned rather than allow them to smoulder.

To Elunia:

Ah, he thought. The more assistance, the better.

He shook his head, lifting himself from his desk. This whole ordeal was tiresome. He was hoping for any sort of break, any sort of hint. Fenrir had been at least generous in the hints that he gave. This leader of New Requiem, Zach called it, was not as interested in taunting the people of Erinn. His lackeys seemed more interested in this aspect, and their tauntings may have been for their own pleasure.

What is the point to this madness? Zach lazily tossed the writing utensil back onto his desk and opted to leave, possibly to rest. He needed a break or, even better, good news.

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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Dellinger Mon Aug 13, 2012 12:57 am

Zach began to leave the tradehouse when a bandit met him outside, running to meet him from the main road. Zach sighed, moving out of the way of the door for the bandit to run in, to make some report to the Dunewyrm that would eventually be mailed right to the man himself. An odd way to keep his identity quiet to those who no longer remembers, but it was an effective method none-the-less.

"How was your patrol, bandit?" he asked, only half interested in the same old thing.

The woman stopped, and saluted. "Emissary; good to see you," he said, a wide smile inching across his face under her goggled eyes. "The patrol in the Dugald area discovered vagabonds stealing shipments of firewood from the logging camp. A number of the individuals escaped, but we captured two of them: a goblin and a human." She nods with pride. "They were wearing black robes with the Requiem's old insignia on the sleeves. They were captured last night, but we wanted to make sure they were secure before reporting in."

The leader of the Corenites stood speechless for a second, staring at the bandit before regaining his composure. "This... this is certainly good news. Message your compatriots to bring the two to Connous. I will inform the Dunewyrm of their arrival soon. Take one our our boats; it'll be safer." The bandit saluted her affirmation.

Zach returned to the tradehouse and gathered his supplies. He would travel on the first boat to Iria before the messenger was able to contact her associates. A letter assigned to two of the local patrols instructed them to reinforce the transporting group until they arrived to the boats near Bangor.

Finally, a solid success.

A final letter would be addressed to the Ghost, stating simply:

The Ghost:

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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Kenelm Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:53 am

Having left the abandoned section of Rabbie dungeon for supplies, the Ghost received the Dunewyrm's message, and took the time to pen a response.

The Dunewyrm:

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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Temo Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:15 pm

Kurohi couldn't give the Dunewyrm a proper response without revealing more than she should. At the very least though, it gave her the opportunity to catch a break and maybe turn things around. She understood the intentions well; and that was why she had to keep herself and her children as much under the radar as possible. Things were getting worse though. With their leader having suddenly vanished and scouts reporting the capture of two of their members, she was at a loss. While thankful the two weren't any under her care, there was nothing they could do to save them without causing unwanted, unnecessary casualties on either side of this.

Swearing under her breath, Kurohi brought her face to her hands to block out focus from the world around her while she thought, only to be disrupted by the flutter of several wings. Looking up again, she could see a number of owls with a delivery not just for her, but others about the camp he resided in. Judging from the urgency of the message and who wrote it, it was something probably relayed to other camps and parties as well.

To Requiem:

Kurohi didn't know what to think of this; but so obliged, ordering for the others reading the same letter to start packing. No arguments were given, though everyone seemed just as curious about what was happening. Perhaps it was finally time to begin making their move?

He sighed while setting up the designated spot for what was going to possibly be a difficult speech. He never was good with talking to crowds about these sort of things, let alone just one other person. But it was time to stop being so enigmatic about this.

[[This is a meeting for players in Requiem and those who somehow manage to follow without getting themselves killed, captured, etc, etc. It'll be taking place in about...3 hours (10:30 EST). This evening, on Kurohi's homestead. Should be able to access it from the guild roster. If not, I'll help you out once I log in. I'm well aware this is short notice, and if you cannot attend, let me know. I'll give you a rundown via PM of what's happening. ]]
Burrito Bison

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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Elunia Mon Aug 13, 2012 7:04 pm

Letter unfolded on the grass by her side, Elunia scrambled in her bag for something to write with. <The Ghost? Alright...>. Over thinking what to say would be useless, so she took to writing the letter short and simple.


Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

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My Dear Erinn - Page 2 Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Dellinger Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:15 pm

A letter appears to Zeznik:

To Zeznik:

While on the boat to Iria, Zach penned a second letter to one Temo. Dalvar had met him on the docks, and the nature of this individual named Temo intrigued him, the various coincidences and interests that seems to revolver around many of Zach's current involvements not withstanding. Possibly even some suspicions and questions, but those could only be confirmed one way: Direct contact.

Temo... Eir:

Last edited by Dellinger on Mon Aug 13, 2012 8:31 pm; edited 1 time in total

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