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The Erinn Observer

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The Erinn Observer Empty The Erinn Observer

Post  Auramune Wed May 30, 2012 8:08 am

The Erinn Observer 34ycqaw
Issue No. 1

The Erinn Observer will provide facts and opinions of what's happening in the world. Nothing will be sugarcoated. Interviews will be posted exactly as they happen, and all words will be exactly as spoken or written.

Interview with the leader of Emain Macha
In light of the new report of a certain criminal, I found it necessary that the leader of Emain Macha be questioned of her previous approval of said criminal's public event.

1: I have done a bit of research, and have found that you approved of an event that a known criminal was hosting. Do you feel as though you let the community down, in light of this criminal's newest bounty? Would you have felt, at all, responsible if something had happened during the 'picnic' Glacia Toten was hosting?

Have I let them down? Of course not. I gave someone that has paid the dues they had a chance. The picnic never happened, sadly. It was a good idea, when you think about it. As of now, however, it won't be happening unless someone else wishes to step up and try to bring all of those unruly people together in a peace gathering. Would I have felt responsible? Of course, but I always feel responsible if something happens in my town that could not have been stopped.

2: Do you feel you are capable of discerning who is and isn't a bad influence on the world?

I like to think so, however, with Milletians it's harder. They seem to change their personalities so much it is not even funny anymore. Quite the bother.

3: What steps have you taken to provide protection to the city of Emain Macha from brutal individuals like the aforementioned criminal?

About as much as I can, short of making it some sort of invasive dictatorship. There's only so much one can do without ruining the freedom of the people. It's a difficult job.

4: If you felt that you were no longer able to carry out your position as Emain Macha's leader, would you recognize that it's time to move on, and step down graciously?

I would likely end my life, as compensation for failing the people.

Interview with Glacia Shri'vay(formerly Toten)
I was able to get a few questions answered from the aforementioned criminal as well.

I've seen a lot of your wanted posters in the past, and I've tallied up your combined reward amount to roughly 3million gold. How does it make you feel to be such a threat that they would pay such a large amount to capture you?

I feel that I have been wrongly taken advantage of at a few points, and thus I'm not so much a threat as they make me out as. However, I do take offense when people don't try to reason and simply jump to conclusions, as many do, and that may explain some of the rational acts.

What leads you to commit such horrible acts? Like murder and rape.. Do you ever feel bad for the crimes you commit?

Do I ever feel bad? Oh yes. What leads me to commit them....I would say I'm easily manipulated and persuaded. However, a few could be put up there with blind revenge.

Do you have to lie in your application for royal alchemist? Assuming you are still one, that is.

The last time I became a Royal Alchemist again, I didn't lie in my application at all. However, I have long since resigned, and not sure if I plan on joining back. They helped me as much as they can, and while the job is great stress relief for me, I feel my abilities can best be trained on my own time.

What would be the breaking point in getting you to stop doing these things? Would you become a reformed citizen if your actions somehow hurt your children?

My actions haven't hurt my children yet, and I hope they intend not too, as my children aren't anything like me. Yet again, people jump to conclusions, so if my daughter becomes depressed and loses her mind, it can easily be blamed on her peers and other people and not her. As for a breaking point....I highly doubt there is one. However, I do try my best to keep calm. People know about my strength and understand what I'm capable of, so I think that whole jumping to conclusions thing comes into effect again.

Some might suggest that it's morally irresponsible for you to take care of children, given your mental instability. Do you think that you're any threat toward their well being?

I am not any threat towards their wellbeing. They have my wife to go to, as well as my sister should the need arise. I keep quite calm around family, as there isn't any outside motives that could provoke me into a bit of anger. I suppose that makes me a bit two-faced, but if it means my children can live happily, so be it. I don't care what happens to me, as long as they remain safe. Quite honestly...I'm mentally stable, however everyone gets mad when provoked, and my fuse is just rather short.

It's this reporter's opinion that Ms. Yiana Nerine is completely capable of protecting the citizens of Emain Macha, a well as any person could. However, my opinion on Glacia Shri'vay(Toten) does not follow the words she has given me. There has been no denial of rape, and other charges.. This person seems unaffected and unsympathetic to her crimes and those who have been effected by them. I hope she will be met with the full punishment for her crimes against another person.

Rest easy, Erinn. I will be watching.


Posts : 5534
Join date : 2008-04-05
Age : 38
Location : Aplington, Iowa

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The Erinn Observer Empty Re: The Erinn Observer

Post  Auramune Wed Jun 06, 2012 7:40 pm

The Erinn Observer 34ycqaw
Issue No. 2

The Erinn Observer will provide facts and opinions of what's happening in the world. Nothing will be sugarcoated. Interviews will be posted exactly as they happen, and all words will be exactly as spoken or written.

Happy Tails Asylum
I'm sure by now many have seen the building of the Happy Tails Asylum, in the Abb Neagh region, and the drama that has followed the construction. This building has acted as a catalyst of many deaths, and the destruction of several wooded areas. But who is to blame for these events? The following is an interview with the man who funded the construction.

1: What led you to fund the asylum?

I'd have to give credit to my peers. I've noticed an uncanny number of individuals with issues regarding their mental health, and no place to provide help. On top of that, this provides a place to hold those who may not be responsible for their actions--that is, the criminally insane.

2: Do you plan on housing criminals? Or just people who are mentally unstable?

There are four wards, A through D. A is for short term patients and observation. B is for long term patients who present no harm to others. C is for those who present harm to themselves or others. D, which is locked down, is for the criminally insane. As a side-note, there is also an outpatient program for simple therapy and counseling.

3: Where did you come up with the name?

The name was inspired by a friend who, despite how she may feel, is to this day very close to my heart. I attribute much of who I am today to her.

4: I've heard rumors about attacks being made on your construction site.. how do you take that? Is it a personal attack against you?

There have been attacks, yes. However, I don't take any of it personally. As a matter of fact, I forgive them. I'm quite, quite sure that they had their reasons. And I don't think it'll be happening again.

5: Is the burning forests something that you approved of?

Never would I sanction such a thing. My aims are to promote healthy lives and a more peaceful Erinn. How would burning a forest accomplish that?

6: What do you hope to accomplish with this project?

I hope to provide a degree of peace of mind to the people of Erinn; be they milletian, mortal, or existential something-or-another. I want people to know that there is a place where hope exists for souls the rest of society has branded lost causes. And I desire my doors to be open to any who seek my help. In short: I hope to contribute to the world through therapy, and make it a better place. Sappy, no?

Unsuccessful Interview
The rumors of a man calling himself Fiodh perked my interest. I tried to contact him several times. Unfortunately, he was less than thrilled.. given the nature of my returned letters. In shreds. I hope to one day interview him, until then the question will remain of his innocence.

Rest easy, Erinn. I will be watching.


Posts : 5534
Join date : 2008-04-05
Age : 38
Location : Aplington, Iowa

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