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Same Songs, Different Verses

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Same Songs, Different Verses Empty Same Songs, Different Verses

Post  Adhamh Sat Sep 01, 2012 5:01 pm

High School!Erinn
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Auron would be the insufferable know-it-all/nerd. He spends most of his time at a public library (since Bant got him banned from the school library) and is constantly seen reading/studying. He excels mainly in science, most especially Biology. He's not the kid that vomits at the sight of a frog to dissect, but rather he relishes in it. He avoids most social situations and is on the negative side of the popularity meter, but is good friends with Vayne and Soifa. He's established a positive relationship with Mariella and is currently dating Tihkruvor. He's a member of all the honor societies and is a mathlete. He's currently running for president of the GSA and Science clubs. Human Sophomore.

Adh would be that large kid that others avoid because he's intimidating, but is actually quite friendly. He's not a "dumb jock", but he's not brainy either. He's pretty average when it comes to intelligence, unless it involves animals. He has a special place in his heart for animals and loves learning about them. He has anger issues but puts them to good use by being on the wrestling team. He tries his best to hide the fact that he's a Lycanthrope. He appears to be interested in one of his classmates. He's a Senior.

Ferrell: Popular, party-boy, Australian exchange student on the volleyball team. Werewolf. Junior.

Last edited by Adhamh on Sat Sep 01, 2012 5:53 pm; edited 3 times in total
Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

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Same Songs, Different Verses Empty Guardian!Erinn

Post  Adhamh Sat Sep 01, 2012 5:50 pm

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Auron: Tihk's Pact-maker. He's definitely one of the more (sexually) abusive pact-makers and isn't afraid to bring that up. He doesn't really care though for making his guardian fight, he prefers to enjoy his guardian privately.

Adhamh: Part of Team AWESOME! and Gracen's Guardian. He's a kind and protective guardian. He first met Gracen when the orphan was drowning. After saving the ten-year old, the two made a pact and Adhamh vowed to keep the kid safe. He made it to the semi-finals of the last Tournament, having lost to Hyuponia.

Ferrell: Cool, dark, and mysterious pact-maker. His guardian is the Scythe Maiden, Fate. He does everything in the name of what's cool and doesn't show emotion when his guardian fights. He's frequently updating his Twitter. Even though they were newcomers, they were the Runner-Ups in the last Tournament. This was one of the only times Ferrell's ever complimented his guardian.
Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

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Same Songs, Different Verses Empty Steampunk!Erinn

Post  Adhamh Sat Sep 01, 2012 5:59 pm

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Auron: Rich, sexist, snob on the look-out for any interesting inventions at the World's Fair. He's shown interest in the Ringleader's brother, Tihkruvor.

Adhamh: Captain of the Sampaguita. Enthusiastic and dashing, husband of one of the mechanics for the airship, Naiada.

Ferrell: We first meet Ferrell attacking Zain and calling him a "Circus Freak". He was later captured by Mariella and attempted to escape by transforming into his werewolf form. Mariella saw this and offered him a job as an attraction. He agreed and sold his soul to the short ringleader.

Galliard: Member of an Acting Troupe performing during the World's Fair. He's one of the original three members. He narrates for the group (and participates occasionally)
Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

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Same Songs, Different Verses Empty TraditionalRPG!Erinn

Post  Adhamh Thu Sep 06, 2012 12:44 am

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Auron: "Expelled!" Was the last word on the matter. Auron Aodhfinn had been expelled from the Dunbarton Academy. As of late, he had grown fond with the art of death magic, necromancy. He attempted to keep the secret from the school, for it would be a means for expulsion due to its taboo nature. Unfortunately, he was caught and next thing he knew, he was being dragged out of the school.

"Who are -they- to determine what's 'appropriate'? What makes -them- so special? Bah, blast society!"

He proceeded to hole himself up in his apartment. He came from a rich family, allowing him to sustain himself without the need for a job. He had -had- one, nonetheless, but as soon as his secret got out, he was discredited as a magical research scientist. No matter though, that only allowed him more time to work on his current project. "I'll show them....I'll show ALL of them!"

Adhamh: Adhamh was born and raised in Taillteann, so it's only natural that he grew up to love alchemy. He wasn't as intelligent as some other alchemists, so he didn't really gravitate to the branch of alchemy that centered around construction and deconstruction. No, he was drawn towards the more battle-oriented alchemy. Nothing to him was as thrilling as the feel of a powerful machine on your wrist, capable of manipulating the elements themselves.

-Several years later-

"Wait for it...," he thought. He turned forty-five degrees to his right as soon as enough pressure had accumulated in his cylinder and unleashed the explosive force on the unlucky shadow warriors. The force had launched him backwards quite a bit and he sat up, soot on his face, grinning madly.

"YEAH, that's what I'm talkin' about!" He stood up when the examiners approached him, eyebrows raised. One was a thin, middle-aged man with a beak-like nose and the other more stout. Adhamh rubbed the back of his head, he may have over done it.

"We'll be seeing you at school tomorrow, Mister Animalia," said the beak-nosed professor.

Adhamh's grin faded, thoughts of failure sparking in his mind.

"Please be punctual, or we'll find someone else to give your Royal Alchemist status to." It was the stout one, this time.

Adhamh shook the hands of both the examiners, body features professional and thankful. He waited until they left the Shadow Realm.

"....WOO! HELL YEAH!" The giant leaped and pumped his fists in the air, ecstatic.
Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

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Same Songs, Different Verses Empty Arriving in Erinn!Erinn

Post  Adhamh Fri Sep 28, 2012 10:02 am

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Auron: Ten years old - Takes any chance he gets to show-off his knowledge and a pretty serious child. He has no time for foolishness. Upon arrival to Erinn, he immediately put his brain to work and began to soak up the knowledge of the world. He fears getting in trouble and is a steadfast goody-two-shoes.

Adhamh: Thirteen years old - Albeit he's young, he's still rather tall due to being born into a giant-race. He's rather cocky and enjoys taking on challenges to fight. His lycan side tends to show more often at this age. His lack of experience affects his ability to suppress his canid side and he has the habit of getting affectionate and constantly seeks approval. He enjoys running around on all fours and growling at things, even in his normal form.
Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

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Same Songs, Different Verses Empty Traditional Fantasy! AU Disc 1 through 3

Post  Adhamh Thu Oct 11, 2012 6:15 pm

Auron: Auron traveled to Rabbie to research the undead that dwelled within. His research was halted by a Succubus. He mercilessly killed the Succubus and took a vial of her blood. He ventured into the treasure room and found the "legendary" wand Excalipoor wedged in the Goddess statue. As soon as he pocketed the wand, a group of heroes searching for a special antidote herb arrived and gaped at the scene. He gave them a grin and a wave before exiting the dungeon. The group followed him outside and Auron decided the wand was useless to him. He tossed the wand at the puppy-boy that yearned for the weapon and left.

A few weeks later, while researching the various burial mounds found in Sen Mag, a large, humanoid being approached him. The being had heard about the rising Necromancer and requested that Auron show him what he was capable of. The boy complied and rose a skeleton from the grave. The Lich was underwhelmed and asked if Auron was capable of having it do something. Suspicious about the identity of this creature, Auron rapidly commanded his undead soldier to strike at the being. The figure summoned a cloaker to easily dispatch the young mage's attack. This confirmed Auron's suspicions: the being was none other than a Lich! The Arc Lich, at that. The Lich then proposed an offer to Auron and without hesitation, he accepted. After a short, but painful ritual Auron bore the mark of the Lich, increasing his necromancer abilities many times over. Eager to test his abilities, Auron set his sights on Cobh.

Upon arriving in Cobh, he with the help of the Lich's powers murdered many of the town. Using his enhanced necromancy, the boy made the corpses into abominations under his control. A ship soon docked in the port, and the group he met at Rabbie got off. Auron decided to greet him with one of his "masterpieces" and they attacked it in horror. The young necromancer decided to play with them and he summoned a portal beneath their feet. The portal transported the party to Metus, home of the Arc Lich. He made sure that they wouldn't escape before they met his master by encasing them in magical walls. The girl known as Mariella dared to sully his name by nicknaming him 'Ronny'. The girl does not know how much he despises that. Auron ignored their threats until the Lich showed up. Auron ported out of the way as the Lich dispelled his magical walls. Then, the fighting began. There were explosions and ghosts everywhere. The group's feeble attempt at killing the Arc Lich made Auron laugh incessantly. Mariella eventually discovered one of the Lich's weaknesses, Hyuponia. Mariella formed a pact with Hyuponia and stole him away from the Lich. In attempt to stop the pact, Auron summoned a portal beneath Mariella and sent her back to Cobh. He wasn't fast enough though, Hyuponia was gone. He did the same for the rest of the party.

The group decided to stay at an inn in Dunbarton. Auron was feeling rather mischievous so when the young boy known as Zain was alone in the hallway, Auron appeared at the opposite end and waved at him. Seeing the spooked reaction he craved, he retreated into a portal before someone else saw him. When the group visited Dunbarton's library, Zain strayed away from the group and stayed in the foyer of the building. There, he appeared behind Zain and tapped him on his shoulder, scaring the boy out of his wits. He promptly escaped into his portal. He was enjoying himself so much, torturing the poor elf. He stalked the group to Rundal but was stalked himself by an incredibly annoying man by the name of Sain. He happened to be one of the party member's father. Not wanting to be found, Auron left Rundal. He'd torture the group more later.

He found his chance when they were staying the night in Taill. That night, he ported into Zain's room and just waited in the shadows. The boy eventually saw him and was immediately frightened. The necromancer ported out and into Mariella's room. She was left there to slumber alone. After several failed attempts at waking her up, he decided to just kidnap her. He pulled her up into his arms and walked out into the hallway to make sure he'd be seen by someone. Len and Zain were on the opposite end of the hall and saw him carrying Mari. With his smile plastered, he retreated into a portal and whisked her off to Abb Neagh's castle dungeon. In the dungeon, he bound the girl to a chair with strong metal chains. He was thinking out loud, wondering if he should leave Mariella to the Incubus in the dungeon. She woke up with a "Hyubunny?", thinking Auron was talking about him. Auron summoned cloakers and wights to scare the girl and was awarded with the desired results. Soon, the rescue party arrived and Auron dispatched his minions and summoned ghost warriors to take care of the group. He then retreated into a portal. It was time for him to resume his master plan and he set his sights on the rest of Uladh.

Adhamh: On a day he thought would be just another day, Adhamh was patrolling the streets of Taillteann, with nothing much to do at the moment. Not too long into the patrol, a pink dragon flew by overhead. Adhamh gawked at it for a short bit before returning to his previous actions. Boredom quickly took back its usual place in Adhamh's mind. Its stay was short-lived though, for a seemingly-young red-headed girl and her group walked up to him, asking if he'd seen her sister. After revealing that he had seen a dragon fly by earlier, the girl revealed that that was her dear sibling. Adhamh decided to help the group find the missing sibling. After several trials, they found the sister who turned out to be Princess Calanthia of Belvast. Adhamh travelled with the group he befriended to Belvast, in order to meet the Queen.

Upon arrival to Belvast, the Queen threw a feast for them. Being the giant he is, Adhamh ate voraciously. The Queen then presented a situation to the group. She required their assistance in retrieving artifacts from around Erinn. She gave them the night to think it over. Vayne and Adhamh were roomed together at Vayne's request. Vayne apparently knew of Adhamh's Lycan nature. Adhamh thereby requested that Vayne reveal the secret that Adhamh felt Vayne was hiding from them. Vayne recounted a tale from his past, satisfying Adhamh's curiosity. Vayne made a request in return: for Adhamh to use his resources as a Royal Alchemist to dig up information regarding Vayne's uncle. Adhamh complied and promised that he would when he had a chance. Len arrived to discuss the task the Queen offered. Having an alchemist's curiosity, Adhamh had already made the decision that he would. Vayne however was suspicious as to whether or not the Queen would truly let them decline her request so they hatched a plan. Vayne would pretend to decline in order to find out the Queen's true intentions and Adhamh would pretend to persuade him to join them. The next morning, in the Throne Room, Adhamh and Vayne enacted their plan. The Queen didn't reveal anything of a nefarious nature and both complied to help on the quest as planned. After the group complied, the Queen had the group form a circle. She asked each person what they valued the most. Adhamh again grew suspicious. What he valued the most was his best friend Conri, but out of his suspicion, he announced that he valued curiosity the most. Hoping that by offering something intangible, any possible schemes might not affect him. He was wrong. A druid by the Queen's side then placed a curse on the entire group. The curse took away whatever it was that each member said they valued above all else. Adhamh lost his curiosity, therefore becoming indifferent and complacent to everything. The Queen told them that in order to regain what they had lost, they'd have to retrieve each artifact and for every artifact, they'd regain a bit of what they lost.

They set out for Iria, to begin their journey there. Upon arrival, though, Adir had run off to Filia. They skipped two of their destinations to retrieve the run-away elf. After successfully retrieving Adir, they paid a visit to Longa dungeon to get their first artifact. Adhamh was indifferent to their fate the entire way. He and Vayne agreed that it didn't matter if they were to die. Vayne had lost his ability to hope and dream. After meeting a Templar by the name of Ardal, the swapped out their fake crystal for the real one and the man lifted a piece of their curse. With that bit of the curse gone, Adhamh had begun to care about their mission and quest to rid themselves of the curse. The group had decided that they were going to visit Kura's uncle that lived in the desert. Adhamh disagreed and thought they should head straight to their next destination. He had begun to resent the group for their seemingly lax approach to the entire ordeal.

Adhamh headed out alone through the desert towards Karu. As an effect of the curse, the giant grew anxious in his separation from the group. This anxiety led Adhamh to submit to his primal urges and he transformed into his Lycan self for the first time in a long time. He hunted around Karu forest until the group eventually caught up and found him. They entered the dungeon and fought their way through. Adhamh proved himself to not care for the safety of others time and time again. At one point, Mariella had asked Adhamh for a potion and Adhamh declined, replying "I don't care about you." This got the girl bawling and her sister after blood. The princess, Vorelanon, raised her bow at the Royal Alchemist to which he replied by raising his cylinder. The older sibling sabotaged his weapon by landing an arrow into its hole. Adhamh became enraged and transformed into his Lycan-self again, his curse impeding his ability to care about his supposed secret. Vorelanon responded by transforming into her dragon form and the beasts clashed. They appeared evenly matched until Adhamh punched the dragoness in the head, to which she responded in pain. Vayne and Len proceeded to distract Adhamh by attacking him and Zain attempted to enthrall him. The enthrall had no effect on Adhamh, but Len and Vayne's double-teaming tactic did. They confused him until he reverted to his normal state. Eventually, the gang made it out of Karu. Ardal had revealed to them that he was capable of either removing the entire curse from one person or a small amount from the entire group. Basil had stayed behind to speak with Ardal and soon exited and passed out. Vorelanon then took him to Qilla. In Maiz, when meeting with Ardal, he revealed to them that he was too tired to remove part of their curse, for he had spent extra energy in completely removing Basil's curse. Adhamh was indifferent to Basil's betrayal. In a rush to get to Cor, Mithos led the group away from Maiz. Adir had stayed behind and waited for Ardal to become re-energized and then had the entirety of his seal removed as well.

On their way to Courcle, the group lagged behind in entering another dispute about Adir. Adhamh and Mithos both continued on, not caring for the petty argument. They crossed the bridge to Courcle and decided to wait for the group there. If in ten minutes, the group did not appear, Mithos and Adhamh decided that Adhamh would destroy the bridge. The group was further delayed by the man Mithos was cursed to forget, the man in white, Stephan. True to his word. Adhamh blew up the bridge using alchemy. Eventually, the group made it to the chasm between Rano and Courcle and discovered another bridge across.

Upon arriving in Courcle, the group split up to do their own things in the town. Adhamh ventured to the Jungle to hunt in his Lycanthrope form. Zain came running in soon after, crying. Blinded by primal instinct, Adhamh scooped up the boy he now considered his prey and ran further away from the village resort, in hopes of eating his meal undisturbed. The boy tried running away and yelling for help, but fed up with toying with his food, he knocked him out. As he was about to eat him, he reverted to his normal state and carried the boy back to the village. From then on, Zain feared Adhamh. Zain promptly explained what had happened, Mari proceeded to VICIOUSLY ATTACK HIM with her toy mace. The childish weapon proved useless to Adh's strong frame. Zain on the other hand, was effective by punching Adhamh in his jewels. After recovering, the group attempting to decide on what to do. Most of the group wanted to visit the spa and rest, while Adhamh wanted to continue on to Physis and meet Ardal in Par. Adhamh attempted to split from the group once more, but after Basil's and Adir's betrayal, the curse had strengthened and therefore the anxiety was unbearable. He returned to Courcle and joined the group in the spa. The spa proved to bear fruits, for it relaxed Adhamh greatly. Deciding that since he did not have his curiosity anymore, he wasn't fit to wear the Royal Alchemist's Coat and instead donned the secondary outfit he packed.

The group left for Physis and got through Par quickly and headed out towards Zardine upon Mariella's request. In Zardine, they met several of the girls' relatives (one of them being naked). Adhamh also caught up with an old friend of his, a dragon-boy by the name of Lysandr. Marion, the girls' brother and Prince of Belvast, arrived and escorted them back to Uladh.

When returning to Cobh, they discovered the town a wreck. It was seemingly empty until an abomination jumped out and attacked. The necromancer they had met back in Rabbie, Auron, appeared as well. He took credit for what had gone on in the town, that being the murder of the residents and turning them into zombies. Before the group could retaliate, he opened a portal underneath them, transporting them to Metus. It seems their trip to Iria was not yet over. The mage trapped them in a magical cage and taunted them until the Arc Lich showed up. The group was released from their prison and were ambushed by the Lich's forces. When Mariella discovered a weakness to the Lich, Auron sent the group back to Cobh. In Cobh, Adhamh put back on his Royal Alchemist uniform, in an attempt to divert the cavalry's questioning from them. It was unnecessary though, for Stephano reappeared and distracted the cavalry enough for them to make an escape.

They went through Math and Rundal. In Emain, the group stopped to grab food at the restaurant. Adhamh was again displeased with the group's laxness and formulated a plan to get them going. It seems that Kura was wanted for damage he had done back in Dunbarton and he intended to tip off the authorities in hopes of getting the group to leave. Before he could do so, the group rushed out on their own, upon finding out about Kura's status.

They returned to the Dunbarton area and went into Rabbie. In there, Adhamh grew increasingly incensed with the group, for they wouldn't listen when he suggested that he and Mithos take care of the bomber skeletons, what with their long-range combat abilities. Kura especially, got on his nerves here. When meeting with Ardal, he revealed to them that they were going too fast and that he didn't have enough juice to keep up with all that seal-removing. They decided to travel to Taillteann.

When they arrived in Taill, the group went to the inn while Adhamh went to the comfort of his own home. Upon arriving to his apartment, he found Conri waiting outside. Apparently his apartment was closed off while a bug infestation was being dealt with. Adhamh and Conri set off towards the inn then, where he caught up with the group. That evening, Auron had apparently snuck into the inn and kidnapped Mariella, leaving a message of their location. That location being the castle in Abb Neagh.

They rushed to the castle dungeon and met up with Basil and a task force. Vayne had contacted Basil to aid them. They rushed through the dungeon and found Mariella bound to a chair. Auron summoned ghosts to dispatch the group before escaping into one of his portals.The group made quick work of the ghost warriors. Afterwards, they returned to the inn.

The next morning, they waited outside for Ardal and when he arrived, he took them behind the Inn. There, he removed even more of their curse. Becoming more caring and less indifferent, Adhamh's resentment towards the group grew. Prince Marion arrived and informed them that the Princess of Tara required them. This princess being Adh's employer, Adhamh obliged quickly. They traveled to Tara via airship and entered that castle's throne room. The Princess and a man by the name of Garvey revealed to them that Ardal hadn't been with the templar for a short while now, hinting that Ardal had more nefarious intentions than he appeared to have. After more conversation, Princess Nora attempted to have Marion arrested. The Prince transformed into his dragon state and tried to escape. Adhamh grabbed onto the dragon's tail in an attempt to stop him. Unfortunately, all Adh accomplished was getting himself swung around and breaking many of Mithos' bones by being whipped against him as the archer shot the dragon with a poisonous arrow. The group was soon ushered onto a Templar airship where they met a man by the name of Helvy.

Helvy told the group that he was capable of removing the rest of the group's seal and that he needed their help in stopping the impending war as well as saving the world. After removing the seal, the group appeared to be happy, except for Adhamh. With the full capacity to care, he erupted in anger at the group's stupidity. He accused Mithos of being an unworthy leader and yelled at Vorelanon. Hyuponia had walked up to Adhamh in an attempt to finally get that hug, but in fury, he threatened the ghost that he'd physically throw him off the airship. This caused Mariella to walk up to him and deliver a blow to his privates. This only caused Adhamh to anger more and transform into a Lycan. This caused the Invisi-Templars to reveal themselves and attempt to impede Adhamh with their weaponry. Adhamh had jumped out of the way though, in an attempt to attack Mariella. The girl was able to evade his capture so he focused his sights on the boy that annoyed him greatly, Zain. Hyuponia jumped on Adh's face and the giant wolf-man bucked and snarled. He eventually pounced at Zain and mid-pounce, the summon delivered a powerful punch to the giant's face. The force of the blow mixed with Adhamh's current trajectory sent him crashing into the small elven boy, crushing him nearly to death. The Templars then stepped in and tased Adhamh into a state of unconsciousness. He reverted to his normal form and was heaved off of Zain and away. After returning to consciousness, Helvy offered them a choice of a contract, a non-disclosure agreement, or death. Signing the contract meant that Adhamh would have to un-align himself and he wasn't sure if he could easily forget about his loyalty to Princess Nora. Everyone but Adir seemed to decide rather easily and signed the contract. Adir wanted answers to a few questions, but Helvy refused to disclose them, as they were secrets to the Templar Knights. When Adir refused to sign until he received answers, Helvy attempted to have him killed. Adhamh came to his defense and got tased again. This time, he stayed conscious. Adhamh firmly agreed with Adir, having the curse lifted meant he was as curious as ever and he did not want to ally himself with a group that appeared to be against questioning everything. Helvy decided to give them a few hours to make their decisions. Adhamh and Adir chatted in private, discussing the options. Adhamh decided that in allying himself with the Templar, it'd help to infiltrate the group and eventually take it down. Adhamh convinced Adir and they signed the contract. They were soon dropped off at Templar HQ where they would stay the night and begin their training as members of the Templar.
Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

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Same Songs, Different Verses Empty Sandbox!AU

Post  Adhamh Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:06 pm

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Same Songs, Different Verses Empty Traditional Fantasy!AU Disc 4

Post  Adhamh Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:33 pm

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Adhamh's Templar Uniform - TechSword

Auron's Boss Theme:
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Cromm Crunch

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