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My Dear Erinn

Mari Eir
Hyuponia Kana
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My Dear Erinn Empty My Dear Erinn

Post  Temo Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:33 am

The bulletin was posted only in Tara, by a figure in a red robe who managed to slip away before anybody could question him - the use of a wax wing, judging by how onlookers described his vanishing. Beforehand, he seemed to be just another casual civilian there to tack up a request. Nobody thought much of him.

However, the message, for those who could trace the tone and penmanship back to previous letters (should they still exist), or were familiar with the handwriting, could say without a doubt that it was indeed similar to that of the man who signed this; and it may have been something that could raise quite a bit of alarm:

I applaud you, Erinn, for coming so far in such a short time after my "untimely demise". However, I must say that recent events have found me rather uncertain about your resolve. Perhaps I was not thorough enough. Perhaps I did not make things clear. Or perhaps you thought that with my death, things would eventually return to the way they once were. Those who served me and still live know that this is far from the case. And those who still cling to the conveniences of the past I shattered and try so desperately to rebuild them - you will soon remember the despair you felt in those days.

So that I make myself perfectly clear, Dear Erinn: you will never be rid of me, nor rid of what will always be inevitable. In due time, I intend to prove this once again. However, as it was before, I shall give you the chance to prove me wrong. In seven days, the world will once again learn to fear those they pushed too far, unless I see the change I have praying for - beginning in the town where it supposedly ended.

Seven days, my Dear Erinn.

Fenrir Eir

-Do you remember where we first met?

Last edited by Temo on Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:16 pm; edited 1 time in total
Burrito Bison

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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Auramune Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:12 am

Her heart pound in her chest as she stared at the note from the safety of her hood. Her hand holding tightly to a little boy's.
"Mommy? What's wrong? he asked, tugging her hand lightly.
Aura turned the fox mask a bit to completely cover Luel's face, and smiles. "Nothing baby. Let's skip training today? Mommy isn't feeling so well." Picking him up in to her arms, she warped out of Tara with a wing.

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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Adhamh Thu Aug 09, 2012 6:29 am

((As Erinn Turns 2: Fenrir's Revenge))

Auron(Fardoragh) read the bulletin and grinned. "Things are about to get a bit chaotic...maybe I should contact Fenrir, see if I can be of any assistance to his beautiful cause."

Adhamh began to reminisce about the attack on Tir the last time Fenrir reared his face on the world. He couldn't help but fear for the safety of his loved ones. Several people are now very important to him. He needs to do something about this.
Cromm Crunch
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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Kenelm Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:58 am

Kenelm spots Fenrir's message, and sends off two owls once alone. One to Fenrir Eir, and one to Zachary Dellinger.

To Zachary Dellinger:

To Fenrir Eir:

Last edited by Kenelm on Thu Aug 09, 2012 10:01 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Format changes)

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My Dear Erinn Empty Batman Returns

Post  Dellinger Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:18 am

Zachary Dellinger had had many an owl come to him over the last couple days. He had received several reports from the various trade-houses about their financial situation and various requests for goods, a number of letters from an old friend of sorts, and other letters of business.

No other letter could have changed his mood like this one.

A large flock of owls could be seen flying out of the Filia Desert in various directions, each owl flying to members of the Corenites. It read thusly:


A second letter is sent to the Dunewyrm's Ghost:


A figure in tightly wrapped cloth and robes has began to patrol the cities of Erinn. Whispers suggest that the man is none other than the Dunewyrm of the Corenites.

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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Adhamh Thu Aug 09, 2012 12:56 pm

Dearest Mr. Eir,

I am pleased to hear of your return. Would you like to meet for coffee or perhaps some other beverage common to these sort of impromptu meetings?

With warm regards,
Auron Aodhfinn
Cromm Crunch
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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Xenny Thu Aug 09, 2012 3:51 pm

A note is attached to the board. It is written in a soft cursive that was carefully sketched out.

"I look forward to working with you again.

You know how to find me."

-The Librarian
Kosher Dill Troll
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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Glaceon Thu Aug 09, 2012 4:26 pm

Glacia stared at the note....looked at it for a long time. She looked around, people were in all sorts of assorted mess. She had no idea what the hype was about. Clueless. She had spent her time in the far corners of Iria the last time he was around, and only heard stories. She just looked at the responses with a shrug, and decided to write a few things down. This could be fun, she thought. She went back to plot out some stuff....and uncover a legendary weapon...
Glas Ghoblehht
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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Hyuponia Kana Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:32 pm

Among the many letters Zachary Dellinger would have received was a relatively simple one. The message was clear enough beyond the misdirection.


A silent figure is alone playing music for a passing crowd at the fountain in Tara's square, an open mandolin case beside him for the occasional coin. His large, tattered green hat obscured much of his features, while the matching robe's muffler was drawn up to nearly his eyes. Eccentric maybe, but he could not afford making the mistake of assuming no one would recognize him. And in the bustle of the usually colorful world of the Mellitian, he was far from out of place. It would be a matter of time before he moved on, but he had to first become familiar with the crowd. At some point, his quarry would make a mistake. Hyuponia would be ready this time.
Hyuponia Kana
Hyuponia Kana
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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Dellinger Thu Aug 09, 2012 9:34 pm

(( replying to Hyu privately ))

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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Dalvar Thu Aug 09, 2012 11:25 pm

(( Oh my goooooosh ))

Dalvar saw the the message while in Tara for churchly duties. She read it once, then took a deep breath and read it again. Then, after looking around to make sure no one was watching, she swore. Quietly. Hitching up her formal robes so as not to trip, she ran back to the church. She had letters to send.
She may, or may not, have been smiling on the way.

The first letter was very short and very simple and sent to Zachary Dellinger.

The second was to Temo Eir, and not much longer.

The third was a note to her daughter, warning her to be on her guard, and advising her to stay in Iria.

The fourth was much more complicated. Leaving the church's owl tower with meat in hand, she lured out and captured a crow.
Only after she had tied a very special note to a very special person on to its leg did she let it fly again.
She knew better than to expect a response from that one.

Letters sent, she rode home, wondering if she still fit in to her armor.
(( This part will probably involve a "talk" between Dal and Shin, but I can't get on Mabi without it crashing.
You mind doing this on MSN, Jabbers? ))

I remember where we first met.
I remember where I first realized what you truly were.

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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Mari Eir Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:00 am

((I don't mind any MSN correspondence.))
Mari Eir
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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Glaceon Fri Aug 10, 2012 1:54 am

Fioria recieved notice of everything, and had read up on the war facts. She took no time writing a letter to a certain individual....

To Zach
Glas Ghoblehht
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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Temo Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:20 am

Had he not shed any trace of emotion in preparation for this, he might have laughed at all the messages he received within the next twenty-four hours. And thankfully, he was someplace secluded so nobody'd notice the sudden celebrity when he stepped outside. Having taken a look at a few of the more...troubling ones, his brow furrowed in thought. A reluctant ex-general, a small number of informants and/or ex-soldiers underneath her, and then the small handful of bandits they'd managed to recruit who were hopeful for something more in life...along with those who sought to contact him from these letters, they'd have to do. He was out of time for rallying. It was time for further planning; and those who filtered in during could easily be fitted into the mix.

"Word spread quickly about Requiem's return." a gypsy informant had told him. "-Every- town in Uldah is on high alert."

"Someone's beaten us to it." Told another. "Financial supporters from the last war had a scare from someone snooping around. We're on our own."

"Probably won't be long until dungeons are scouted. We need to move."

"For the record - again - you're a bastard." ...a statement with a number of hidden meanings from the re-instated general before she left to attend to business herself.

He was...impressed. To know that the name carried so much fear with it was both promising and reassuring. But he couldn't end things with just this. Sighing, "Fenrir Eir" turned to head back inside and leave his sentries to their duties after getting an all-clear from them. They'd spent enough time at the dungeon waiting for people to answer that coded phrase. They'd have to find another rendezvous - and soon. But first, while the hours were late and things were especially quiet, he took the time to write a few letters of his own to be sent upon departure.

To Auron Aodhfinn:

To "The Librarian":

To The Dunewyrm and Ghost of the Corenites:

To Dalvar:

To Mariella:

[[Aside from the notes to Dalvar and Mariella, the handwriting in each letter is different - most likely written by a separate individuals under Requiem.]]
Burrito Bison

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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Mari Eir Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:46 am

Mariella is surprised to hear from Temo at this point. She reads the simple three words tearfully before replying, sending Borogove to deliver the letter.

Axun, si mi tokeq. Petranas Temo. Tir ti tir nomeno. Si mi bivai.
Mari Eir
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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Adhamh Fri Aug 10, 2012 3:56 am

"Hm....~ Would it count as "alone" if I had two souls within me? I suppose it wouldn't matter since Auron's will is weakening. Kekeke~ I should be punctual, first impressions are -everything-", said Auron (Fardoragh) after reading the short reply. He proceeded to prepare for his meeting with the (ex?)-tyrant.

"...Wait. He never told me what beverage he'd prefer."
Cromm Crunch
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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Dellinger Fri Aug 10, 2012 9:15 am

Glaceon wrote:Fioria recieved notice of everything, and had read up on the war facts. She took no time writing a letter to a certain individual....

To Zach

A letter is received in return.


(( I will respond to "Fenrir" after I speak with Kenelm tonight. Bandit stuff will be picking up in response, I predict. ))

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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Guest Fri Aug 10, 2012 10:18 am

Soifa looked at the board, and walked away, most likely to find some coffee to drink or a baby to devour.



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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Danichuu Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:30 pm

Dani had spotted one of the letters upon the bulletin boards along Tara. From what she knew, and what she'd heard... it made sense, now, why so many seemed to be cautious and fearful.

This was what her housemate, Pecoro, had been curious about, right? The individual that started that war he'd been so interested in.
But she couldn't get the boy involved in something like this, if it really was as dangerous as it sounded. So...

Instead of allowing her young, Tuathan friend to investigate, Dani decided to do it herself.

And by "investigate", that meant keeping tabs on the bulletin boards to keep a grasp of what's going on.

Last edited by Temo on Fri Aug 10, 2012 12:57 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Requested to fix location. Cuz.)
Kosher Dill Troll
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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Ethice Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:05 pm

Ethice read over the various notes and replies as they were scattered around the bulletin, but paused when his eye came upon the name "Fenrir Eir". From what he's gathered about this man and his actions in the past his return in any case could not be pleasant. He glanced around subtly, before heading off to the Pack base. Once there he sent off his irritable carrier pigeon to track down the members of Pack and deliver, to them, a message.
Kandy Korn Ogre
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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Lynn17 Fri Aug 10, 2012 2:18 pm

Diren being in Tara to pick up more medical supplies, stop in his wheelchair at the boards to read them quietly.
"It seems to me that some sort of hell is about to break loose...Perhaps It's time I move my children somewhere safer....." He opens his notebook, setting it in his lap and writing with one hand, while moving his wheelchair with his tail and free hand, to get home.
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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Nilats Fri Aug 10, 2012 7:56 pm

Nilats was stumbling through the streets again, except instead of the dark streets of Emain Macha, he found himself in Tara. A half full bottle of whiskey in his right hand, or was it half empty? Throughout his stumbling something caught his eye, a group of people that were scared out of their wits, over a... Piece of... Paper? "Mmmnnngh.. The hell is everyone lookin' at?" The old Paladin grumbled to himself as he lifted the bottle of whiskey to his lips. He stumbled over to the board, and pushed his way through the terrified people around it. He read the words at least three times, his drunken eyes a bit hazy, "Beginning in the town where it supposedly ended? This guy trying to be cryptic?.." He glanced around to the people terrified around him, and for a second he almost placed down the bottle he loved so dearly. "Not my problem anymore..." He muttered to himself ending the sentence by taking a long swig from the bottle of whiskey; finishing off the last drop of the bottle. Then, he found it was acceptable to drop the bottle, and stumble off into the night. "I pushed aside fighting for the good of Erinn. If they truthfully need me, I'm sure someone will seek me out." A small sloppy smirk formed on his face, Who am I kidding? He thought to himself, No one needs my help, I'd just get in the damn way...
Kandy Korn Ogre
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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Temo Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:15 pm

[[Due to family circumstances, I will be less active for this event over the next couple of days; and given the deadline was tomorrow evening, that puts a huge monkeywrench between the gears. I blame Aura's pet monkey. Anyway, so instead of 3 days, I decided to make it a full 7 days/milletian year. Which is pretty much what Fenrir did last time anyways he pulled something like this. I'll be editing the first post with this change as well; but just putting it out there so everybody knows they can breathe easy for a little while longer. Apologies for the inconvenience. Very Happy ]]
Burrito Bison

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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Auramune Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:37 pm

Temo wrote:[[I blame Aura's pet monkey.]]
<<Why you gotta blame Xeek? .....=D>>

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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

Post  Dellinger Fri Aug 10, 2012 11:53 pm

The two began writing the orders for the Corenite, working long into the night to send as many orders as they could to the bandits. They would all be told to man the tradehouses, and that the Dunewyrm would oversee the actions of Emain Macha and it's surrounding areas. The Ghost and many of the other bandits would begin setting up more patrols on the paths between cities, ready to react at the drop of a hat.

The Dunewyrm began sending notices to the leaders of the various cities, informing them of the increase of patrols on the paths to watch for Fenrir's men. He would hope that the leaders would understand help when they saw it, and would kindly offer some assistance of their own if it came down to brass tacks.

However, textual analyses of the letters they received and the note on the Tara bulletin board left the Dunewyrm wanting. The handwriting was different. Fenrir seemed like the man to not outsource his own responses... so why would he do this now. He drafted a letter to the man, attaching a bit of both the Tara bulletin and the letter he received to the bottom of the letter to form a phrase at the bottom of the letter:

"To 'Fenrir Eir'":

Other letters sent out:



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My Dear Erinn Empty Re: My Dear Erinn

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