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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities. Empty Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

Post  Dranis Sun Dec 12, 2010 5:53 pm

Ren being the son of Dranis and Krystal has inherited magic.

Demon half - Being a half demon he also has the ability to shift into a demon-like form, enhancing his abilities. He has no control over there though, his "demon self" is trigged through certain things that sets the shift into motion. Usually a huge swing in emotions is what sets it off. In his Demon form his eyes change to bright green and he grows small fangs.

Icebolt - Ren inherited the ability to control ice magics from his mother and is quite strong in the ice. His ice powers are immense and yet he can only tap into a little of the power he has he can conjure the ice and shape it to his will, allowing to create such things as walls of ice for protection down to bolts of ice and spears of ice, although due to not understanding how to control magic completely yet, the ice magic may melt of shatter randomly at times or simply dissipate.

Demon enhancement over icebolt - when he shifts to his demon-form, the power over his ice magic enhances but yet he cannot completely control it all. Due to this such things as the ceiling to a building will slowly freeze over with a very thin layer of ice, allowing the uncontrolled magics to go somewhere.

Lightningbolt - Being Dranis's son he has also gained the ability to control lightning magics. He has even greater power of lightning then his father before him due to the mixed magical abilities of his mother and father. His enough control over lightning magics to control where it conjures and what it does. Usually when he uses high amounts of lightning magic, the power seeps through his body leaking sort of from outlets like his hands and his body, therefore surrounding him in lightning at times. , surrounding small parts of his body, like his feet, or hands. This leaking will weaken the lighting's power a bit due to not all the magics being concentrated in one area.

Thunder skill - He may also conjure thunder at times, but in order to conjure such an immense about of magic he would need to be in an enraged state therefore losing complete control over it, he may be able to control it, but not completely, due to this incomplete control over it the thunder may strike in random areas.

Lightningbolt/Icebolt fusion magic - When shifted into his Demon form Ren's ice magic tends to fuse with any lightning magic it comes into contact with allowing the lightning to jump around the ice infused with it. Unless of course this lightning magic is prohibited to fuse with the magic, such magics are usually from the formors.

Mana shield - Due to Ren being in tune with magic he is able to create a shell of magic around his body protecting him from harm, this shell of magic is strong enough to withstand small blows, so things like rain and lightly shot arrows would just simply bounce off, but strikes like a swipe from a bears paw would simply shatter it.

Firebolt- Learning magic in the Tir school Ren has also learned to conjure bolts of fire, the basic of fire magic, but he isn't able to do much other then conjure bolts of magic, he hasn't learned enough from the school to do much more with it.

Final hit - Ren trained very hard with Crodo and his mother Krystal in the arts of melee combat. He is skilled enough with a sword to defend himself and is agile enough to dodge attacks due to this hard training. This tough training has allowed him to learn how to move very swiftly for short amount of time, taking a lot of energy out of him and leaving him almost exhausted afterwards.

Last edited by Dranis on Sun Dec 12, 2010 6:00 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Forgot to put the diffrent looks between Demon form and human form.)
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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities. Empty Re: Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

Post  Vayne Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:09 pm

Demon half: How would you demonstrate this?

Icebolt/Lightningbolt/Thunder/Mana Shield/Firebolt/Final Hit: In-Game abilities. These do not need to be listed as powers, they already exist as part of the game itself.

Demon Enhancement: Again I ask, how? Is the 'demon' half perhaps shown through your OOC transformation? If so, then a boosted intelligence would explain stronger spells.

Lightning-ice fusion: Soon, very soon this is readily achievable to mages everywhere! Bolt Composer is on it's way.

There is my input. Razz

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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities. Empty Re: Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

Post  Xeek Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:15 pm

Ok... The final hit skill, and firebolt skill.. don't really need to be up?

For all your other skills.... Just because your character can't control them doesn't make them any less powerful. All of them are VERY powerful skills. That you have not shown OOC representation for.

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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities. Empty Re: Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

Post  Xeek Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:18 pm

Vayne De 'Romanus wrote:

Icebolt/Lightningbolt/Thunder/Mana Shield/Firebolt/Final Hit: In-Game abilities. These do not need to be listed as powers, they already exist as part of the game itself.

If you noticed, most of the other skillz, are improved of their real version.

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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities. Empty Re: Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

Post  Vayne Sun Dec 12, 2010 11:49 pm

Ah, yes. Thank you Xeek. X3; Anyway, Xeek has a very valid point. No OOC representation means a big damper on approval.

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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities. Empty Re: Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

Post  Auramune Mon Dec 13, 2010 10:39 am

If he's Krystal and Dranis' kid, how is he part demon?

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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities. Empty Re: Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

Post  Dranis Sat Dec 18, 2010 11:14 pm

Alright well I never said he fuses the magic by himself. there is such thing in mabi as magic fusion already and the lightning and ice magic only fuse when two diffrent people use them together. therefore doing exactly that.

he is a half demon because krystal is human while Dranis was a demon.

about the increases of power thing. He can only tap into a little bit of his power, but when he transforms he can tap into more of it therefore increaseing his power. - this will be shown with Dark knight and further more with demi.

and only being able to use little of his power as a child was what I was gonig for, its part of the character. Is this not allowed?
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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities. Empty Re: Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

Post  Auramune Sat Dec 18, 2010 11:22 pm

Dranis wrote:
he is a half demon because krystal is human while Dranis was a demon.

o.O Not according to his bio.

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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities. Empty Re: Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

Post  Xeek Sat Dec 18, 2010 11:39 pm

Dranis wrote:

Demon half - Being a half demon he also has the ability to shift into a demon-like form, enhancing his abilities. He has no control over there though, his "demon self" is trigged through certain things that sets the shift into motion. Usually a huge swing in emotions is what sets it off. In his Demon form his eyes change to bright green and he grows small fangs.

My question is, What kind of demon is he?
I don't have any problems with this power, except the source of his demon-ness.

Icebolt - Ren inherited the ability to control ice magics from his mother and is quite strong in the ice. His ice powers are immense and yet he can only tap into a little of the power he has he can conjure the ice and shape it to his will, allowing to create such things as walls of ice for protection down to bolts of ice and spears of ice, although due to not understanding how to control magic completely yet, the ice magic may melt of shatter randomly at times or simply dissipate.

That bolded word... I always have a problem with it.
And just how immense is it? Surely, he won't be a kid forever. And just because he can't control, doesn't mean you can't.

Demon enhancement over icebolt - when he shifts to his demon-form, the power over his ice magic enhances but yet he cannot completely control it all. Due to this such things as the ceiling to a building will slowly freeze over with a very thin layer of ice, allowing the uncontrolled magics to go somewhere.
This I have a problem with. I am afraid to walk into dunbarton and find out it's called Greenland.

Lightningbolt - Being Dranis's son he has also gained the ability to control lightning magics. He has even greater power of lightning then his father before him due to the mixed magical abilities of his mother and father. His enough control over lightning magics to control where it conjures and what it does. Usually when he uses high amounts of lightning magic, the power seeps through his body leaking sort of from outlets like his hands and his body, therefore surrounding him in lightning at times. , surrounding small parts of his body, like his feet, or hands. This leaking will weaken the lighting's power a bit due to not all the magics being concentrated in one area.

Again, that word. Control, next to fire, lightning is the second hardest element to control. And anyone with full control of it is nearly unbeatable. Which brings my attention to the underlined phrase.

Thunder skill - He may also conjure thunder at times, but in order to conjure such an immense about of magic he would need to be in an enraged state therefore losing complete control over it, he may be able to control it, but not completely, due to this incomplete control over it the thunder may strike in random areas.
So, he conjures sounds? =D
I know you mean he conjures lightning. Again, just because he can't control it, doesn't mean you can't. "*lightning randomly strikes Xeek*"

Lightningbolt/Icebolt fusion magic - When shifted into his Demon form Ren's ice magic tends to fuse with any lightning magic it comes into contact with allowing the lightning to jump around the ice infused with it. Unless of course this lightning magic is prohibited to fuse with the magic, such magics are usually from the formors.
Are you requesting the same skill, but without a wand?

Mana shield - Due to Ren being in tune with magic he is able to create a shell of magic around his body protecting him from harm, this shell of magic is strong enough to withstand small blows, so things like rain and lightly shot arrows would just simply bounce off, but strikes like a swipe from a bears paw would simply shatter it.
I am assuming the small blows stack? And eventually tear it down?

Firebolt- Learning magic in the Tir school Ren has also learned to conjure bolts of fire, the basic of fire magic, but he isn't able to do much other then conjure bolts of magic, he hasn't learned enough from the school to do much more with it.
Doesn't need to be here, unless conjure has a different meaning than I think Razz

Final hit - Ren trained very hard with Crodo and his mother Krystal in the arts of melee combat. He is skilled enough with a sword to defend himself and is agile enough to dodge attacks due to this hard training. This tough training has allowed him to learn how to move very swiftly for short amount of time, taking a lot of energy out of him and leaving him almost exhausted afterwards.
If this is the actual skill, it doesn't need to be here. and Final hit doesn't dodge attacks.

Dranis, to me what you are creating is a little boy with a lot of untapped power. But, IC wise, while he doesn't control the power. YOU do. So you can unleash his full potential when ever you see fit. Most of these attacks are too strong to back up IC.

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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities. Empty Re: Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

Post  Kayeori Sun Dec 19, 2010 1:05 am

I agree with the points that Xeek has pointed out. But I believe most of these are easily correctable. Contact me through pm Dranis if your interested in some of my tweaking ideas. Very Happy
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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities. Empty Re: Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

Post  Higura Sun Dec 19, 2010 6:15 pm

Only my real big question is: How was Dranis a demon.

For basic abilities, you don't need to specify that you can use them.

But the more advanced abilities such as mastery over the ice, need to be toned down.

Xeek pretty much stated my concerns. xP
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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities. Empty Re: Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

Post  Dranis Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:08 am

To answer your questions

What kid of demon is he? - I dont know how to explain what "kind" of demon is he. He's a half demon first of all and usually is his human self. Kinda like the reverse of inuyasha.

How immense is his icebolt? - I used the word immense instead of large amounts of ice magic.

Demon enhancement over ice magic - what happens is, when he shifts into his demon half he taps into more of his "stores" of ice magic. So not really "enhancement" more just able to use more of his magic.

Control over lightning magic - alright first off, how do you use magic without controling it? he's a lightning mage why does everyone seem to have a problem with Me being a lightning mage but there isn't a problem with people being able to "control" fire magic and lightning magic themselves.

Thunder skill - It's just the Mabi skill "thunder" thats what I was getting at as bluntly as possible so people wouldn't freak out again like everyone did before.

Lighting ice fusion magic - requesting the use of this magic without a wand? You can put it that way I geuss. It cant be done without another person also.

Mana shield - I assumed that would be assumed so I did not put it up. yes of course it would small blow after small blow would tear it down.

And Xeek half of that is correct. But anyones ANYONE has the ability to do such a thing with their character, if they so chose to. and most of them are too strong to back up IC? what am I not allowed to make such a character while everyone is able to have even moreso powerful not to mention unstopable type of power? Mine isn't even that. All of Rens so called powers have flaws. there are people in the guild how supposivly dont have any flaws with thier powers makeing them even more powerful and yet I am not allowed to even make a character with any type of power at all? even with flaws? It just doesn't make sense in my eyes. If everyones elses characters weren't so powerful I wouldn't have to make powers to just keep my character alive.

All the skills are Mabi skills period. Last I checked this was a no problem thing no need to ask for it, I'm simply placing this stuff here because EVREYONE is telling me to post powers. Well the "powers" of my characters are only mabi skills. I am not requesting anything I dont need to request anything because last I checked it didn't need to be requested for the use of actual mabinogi skills. I dont understand why you all like to hound me on my powers when everyone else is allowed to use the advanced magic skills,all that advanced good stuff skills without a problem from anyone, But when I post up "powers" or just simply skills, everyone seems to ask soo many questions. quite simply put they are ALL Mabi based skills such as thunder, lightingbolt, healing icebolt, thunder, mana shield, firebolt, final hit, Magic fusion, Dark knight transformation, Demi God transformation. I just have fancy ways of useing the skills to spice/jaze/fuff/interest things more and keep people either on their toes are atleast keep their atention.
I explained how I could in the first post and second post.

Last edited by Dranis on Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities. Empty Re: Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

Post  Xeek Mon Dec 20, 2010 2:30 am

Dranis wrote:And this si why I dont post the skills. all the skills are Mabi skills period. Last I checked this was a no problem thing no need to ask for it, I'm simply placing this stuff here because EVREYONE is telling me to post powers. Well the "powers" of my characters are only mabi skills. I am not requesting anything I dont need to request anything because last I checked it didn't need to be requested for the use of actual mabinogi skills. I dont understand why you all like to hound me on my powers when everyone else is allowed to use the advanced magic skills,all that advanced good stuff skills without a problem from anyone, But when I post up "powers" or just simply skills, everyone seems to ask soo many questions. quite simply put they are ALL Mabi based skills such as thunder, lightingbolt, healing icebolt, thunder, mana shield, firebolt, final hit, Magic fusion, Dark knight transformation, Demi God transformation. I explained how I could in the first post and second post.

I am not even going to eat you over this.

First) You did not follow the rules.
You didn't post the power and the OOC representative.

Second) Your powers ARE NOT the Mabinogi powers. " allowing to create such things as walls of ice for protection down to bolts of ice and spears of ice" Is not the powers of icebolts. It may be for magic shield, but magic shield is not a wall.

"Due to this such things as the ceiling to a building will slowly freeze over with a very thin layer of ice, allowing the uncontrolled magics to go somewhere."
Turning Dunbarton into Greenland is not represented by any skill in Mabinogi.

Mabinogi has no demons, they have things in earth referred as demons, but in erinn they are fomors. Makes me wonder if you know what a demon really is...Is impossible to be a half demon.
Unless you are saying demon is a race (which needs to be approved)

You use the word "control" a lot. That word gives you nearly unlimited powers. You can deflect the lightning bolt away, you can send it back.

"due to this incomplete control over it the thunder may strike in random areas." The skill thunder only strikes where the lightning bolt is pointed. Just because Ren doesn't have control over this, doesn't mean you don't.
if you want this power you need rank 1 rain making.

As I told you before, I know what type of character you are trying to build. I've seen this character in cartoon shows and in RPs. It always ends up with the character being over powered because he "miraculously" got control of his powers. OR, because the player used the "power surges" and the "random lightning" to their advantage.
And of course people are telling you to get your powers approved, they are over powered.
Dranis, nobody is out to get you. Everyone gets questioned as much. Look at all the powers in the blue bin?

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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities. Empty Re: Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

Post  Auramune Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:07 am

Dranis wrote:
What kid of demon is he? - I dont know how to explain what "kind" of demon is he. He's a half demon first of all and usually is his human self. Kinda like the reverse of inuyasha.

Can not approve of this, if you can't even explain what type of demon he is; how he became 'half' demon(since the bio clearly states that Dranis is a human, and that is what you're basing this off of.)

Dranis wrote:Demon enhancement over ice magic - what happens is, when he shifts into his demon half he taps into more of his "stores" of ice magic. So not really "enhancement" more just able to use more of his magic.

Er.. Do you have trans or something? How is this shown with in game mechanics?

Dranis wrote:Control over lightning magic - alright first off, how do you use magic without controling it? he's a lightning mage why does everyone seem to have a problem with Me being a lightning mage but there isn't a problem with people being able to "control" fire magic and lightning magic themselves.

I think the problem with the "control" word, is that it implies that you can control other people's spells.

Dranis wrote:Thunder skill - It's just the Mabi skill "thunder" thats what I was getting at as bluntly as possible so people wouldn't freak out again like everyone did before.

Doesn't need to be added if it's identical to the thunder skill.

Dranis wrote:
Lightningbolt/Icebolt fusion magic - When shifted into his Demon form Ren's ice magic tends to fuse with any lightning magic it comes into contact with allowing the lightning to jump around the ice infused with it. Unless of course this lightning magic is prohibited to fuse with the magic, such magics are usually from the formors.

Lighting ice fusion magic - requesting the use of this magic without a wand? You can put it that way I geuss. It cant be done without another person also.

I have an issue with this part. What if it's from another person who doesn't want their magic fused? Or if they are fighting you and the spells hit?
(On a side note, do we have this skill in the game yet?)

Dranis wrote:Mana shield - I assumed that would be assumed so I did not put it up. yes of course it would small blow after small blow would tear it down.

This is fine. Mana shield runs out over time, and that would attest for 'small blows.'

Dranis wrote:All the skills are Mabi skills period. Last I checked this was a no problem thing no need to ask for it, I'm simply placing this stuff here because EVREYONE is telling me to post powers. Well the "powers" of my characters are only mabi skills. I am not requesting anything I dont need to request anything because last I checked it didn't need to be requested for the use of actual mabinogi skills. I dont understand why you all like to hound me on my powers when everyone else is allowed to use the advanced magic skills,all that advanced good stuff skills without a problem from anyone, But when I post up "powers" or just simply skills, everyone seems to ask soo many questions. quite simply put they are ALL Mabi based skills such as thunder, lightingbolt, healing icebolt, thunder, mana shield, firebolt, final hit, Magic fusion, Dark knight transformation, Demi God transformation. I just have fancy ways of useing the skills to spice/jaze/fuff/interest things more and keep people either on their toes are atleast keep their atention.
I explained how I could in the first post and second post.

Demons are not 'mabi related.' You don't need to request the skills as they are in game, however making little tweaks do require requesting. As does requesting your character to be a certain race, and being able to back up the legitimate reason why they are that race.

As far as you being hounded, most people who use the advanced magic skills use them as they are in game exactly. Which, again, doesn't require requesting. They use it with wands as it is. It's not because they are YOURS, so please don't turn this in to that sort of thing.

People are allowed to ask questions, that's how this process works.

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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities. Empty Re: Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

Post  Dranis Mon Dec 20, 2010 4:29 am

Do not have the skills to show any of this.
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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities. Empty Re: Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

Post  Jaeden Mon Dec 20, 2010 6:06 am

Dranis wrote:To answer your questions

What kid of demon is he? - I dont know how to explain what "kind" of demon is he. He's a half demon first of all and usually is his human self. Kinda like the reverse of inuyasha.

How immense is his icebolt? - I used the word immense instead of large amounts of ice magic.

Demon enhancement over ice magic - what happens is, when he shifts into his demon half he taps into more of his "stores" of ice magic. So not really "enhancement" more just able to use more of his magic.

Control over lightning magic - alright first off, how do you use magic without controling it? he's a lightning mage why does everyone seem to have a problem with Me being a lightning mage but there isn't a problem with people being able to "control" fire magic and lightning magic themselves.

Thunder skill - It's just the Mabi skill "thunder" thats what I was getting at as bluntly as possible so people wouldn't freak out again like everyone did before.

Lighting ice fusion magic - requesting the use of this magic without a wand? You can put it that way I geuss. It cant be done without another person also.

Mana shield - I assumed that would be assumed so I did not put it up. yes of course it would small blow after small blow would tear it down.

And Xeek half of that is correct. But anyones ANYONE has the ability to do such a thing with their character, if they so chose to. and most of them are too strong to back up IC? what am I not allowed to make such a character while everyone is able to have even moreso powerful not to mention unstopable type of power? Mine isn't even that. All of Rens so called powers have flaws. there are people in the guild how supposivly dont have any flaws with thier powers makeing them even more powerful and yet I am not allowed to even make a character with any type of power at all? even with flaws? It just doesn't make sense in my eyes. If everyones elses characters weren't so powerful I wouldn't have to make powers to just keep my character alive.

All the skills are Mabi skills period. Last I checked this was a no problem thing no need to ask for it, I'm simply placing this stuff here because EVREYONE is telling me to post powers. Well the "powers" of my characters are only mabi skills. I am not requesting anything I dont need to request anything because last I checked it didn't need to be requested for the use of actual mabinogi skills. I dont understand why you all like to hound me on my powers when everyone else is allowed to use the advanced magic skills,all that advanced good stuff skills without a problem from anyone, But when I post up "powers" or just simply skills, everyone seems to ask soo many questions. quite simply put they are ALL Mabi based skills such as thunder, lightingbolt, healing icebolt, thunder, mana shield, firebolt, final hit, Magic fusion, Dark knight transformation, Demi God transformation. I just have fancy ways of useing the skills to spice/jaze/fuff/interest things more and keep people either on their toes are atleast keep their atention.
I explained how I could in the first post and second post.

I think we have a problem. And it's one that I've talked before with Dellinger over in casual chats. Are we going with the assumption that out of characters skills can ONLY be represented by skills and abilities we have in character? Because if that's the case, then that calls into question whether or not simple stats such as intelligence, strength and dexterity have an impact.

I believe Dellinger should come in here and clear his opinion on this. I don't remember reading anywhere whether or not this is the case.

Dranis, if you want to know 'why', it's because you've gone through the trouble of attempting to title your powers as though you might attempt to use them otherwise. Instead of 'half demon' how about half fomor? Since there are no demons in Mabinogi to speak of. And since last time I checked that Dranis and Krystal are both humans, where is the fomorian blood line coming from? It's a matter if simple curiosity on our part. It's not attempting to hound, it's attempting to understand why you want to make this claim. Smile
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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities. Empty Re: Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

Post  Honeko Mon Dec 20, 2010 8:52 am

Here is the part of the powers rules that you have mentioned Jaeden. I have bolded the part that is relevant I believe.

-Skills and abilities that are not included within the Mabinogi game. These abilities should be justified through A] some practical application of the skill through another already in place skill's representation (ex: Breathing fire could be similar to the Alchemist's Flame ability); B] some justification of the skill either through the character's personal history (ex: What they have done or learned in Mabi, what knowledge they may be taking from the old world) or through Celtic / Mabinogi / other lore (ex: Succubi and Incubi are creatures within the lore); C] some justification as to how this will enhance your character's Role Play ability, both for yourself and for other people you are Role Playing with. A, B, and C are recommended, but the less you explain to us the more likely we are to refuse you your requested power.
I believe that all of the skills that a character has needs to be represented by something the character actually has. This has been something that has been the rule since the beginning and I believe it is covered in the above section. If this needs to be clarified, we can do so and we can remember this for when we update the powers rules in 3.0.

Please remember that Dell is still "technically" on break until he actually has officially said otherwise and he is not the sole arbiter on what the rules are.

To get back on point, my biggest problem with these powers is when did Dranis become a demon because his bio and everything else I remember about him had him as human. I cannot approve a demon half if his father really never was a demon or even approved as one in the first place.
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Post  Auramune Mon Dec 20, 2010 11:29 am

Dranis wrote:Do not have the skills to show any of this.

er.. You don't have mana shield, thunder, or any basic spells?

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Post  Glaceon Mon Dec 20, 2010 12:53 pm

IF you OOCly do not have the skills, why should your character have the skills then. I believe I was told this exact statement once.

Pretty much, if you don't want to get the skill ingame, what gives your character any reason to have it as well.
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Ren's powers and his Magical abilities. Empty Re: Ren's powers and his Magical abilities.

Post  Dranis Mon Dec 20, 2010 3:55 pm

can we just drop it now? there was no reason to ask for aproval for these powers. I dont have the skills to show it therefore dont get the powers. I've talked about this with quite a fwe people last night. simply put I dont get the powers.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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Age : 32
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