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Aydub's Abilities

Mari Eir
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Aydub's Abilities Empty Aydub's Abilities

Post  Aydub Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:46 pm

I had to fish around in order to find this. Ay's one of those guys who has a few powers that goes outside of regular mechanics of the game so. yeah.
I'm not sure if its the correct format but I'll try my best.
Note; Ay's abilities come as a price to himself and he's unable to use them in certain situations.
If any of these must be deleted or altered then I will gladly do so. I want my character to be fair.

Skill one: Teleport
Since Ay is a human he never really could have obtained a teleportation skill. However in the years of his life and screwing around with magic he's found a way to teleport.
He can teleport long distances if he chooses to do so. However he is unable to use this in battle, he can't think fast enough. So he just uses it as a convinent way to get to places if he's needed.

Price: Minor health and stamina drain. If he carries more than one person he'll sustain damages that the person would have been inflicted. (Example: Ay was carrying Breezelyn and Diana to Cor. When they arrived Ay was in a state as if he were attacked by multiple blades. So he can only carry himself without major injuries.)

Status: Not approved

Skill Two: Hell's Barage
Interestingly enough Ay, when in an intense battle, may summon arrows to rain down onto the opponent. It's toned down now that he's back in Erinn so instead of glass shards and explosives they're regular arrows.

Price: Drains all mana and kills life force by half. This is a last resort method for him. All in or go broke. He also cannot use this if he's close up.

Status: Not approved

(Not really a skill but something that needs to be stated)
Black Blood:
Also known as acidic blood to Ay. The blood in his body is actually a black corrosive material that corrodes and ages certain things. Although Ay himself is not afflicted by the blood, weapons and people are.

Example: When trapped in a dungeon someone tried to plug a syringe into Ay. When they pulled it out the metal was gone.

Example 2: It corrodes weapons depending on the amount of blood on it. So if he were to be minorly cut by one, only a little bit would rust/break down and become jagged. Of course they're repairable so no serious harm.

Example 3: If the blood gets onto another person's hands it'll burn them. Rubbing your hand on the source will remedy it but will leave you with a minor burn scar.

Obvious price: he looses blood so he becomes weaker. He also does not deal with pain well so... yeah.

Status: Not Approved
Kandy Korn Ogre
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Aydub's Abilities Empty Re: Aydub's Abilities

Post  Guest Tue Mar 29, 2011 2:59 pm

Skill one: Teleport

How will you show this? What OOC representation do you have for both the ability and the price.

Skill Two: Hell's Barage

Same as above.

Black Blood:

Syringes exist here?..

Couldn't Ay just cut his hand and shove it on someone's face and melt it away then? Same with weapons, cut your hand, grab a sword, rust the blade into uselessness(of course, I could stab you anyway. Enjoy your lockjaw B:< ).
Rubbing our hand on the source...source being..Ay, right? Which means Ay can cut his hand, slap someone's face, then run off and leave the person melting with no way to fix it.

Anyway, I don't want to approve this one the way it is...something about it bothers me.


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Aydub's Abilities Empty Re: Aydub's Abilities

Post  Aydub Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:09 pm

Er, before I answer anything, what is OOC usage? Just so I'm sure about myself.
Kandy Korn Ogre
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Aydub's Abilities Empty Re: Aydub's Abilities

Post  Mari Eir Tue Mar 29, 2011 5:17 pm

For instance... if an elf player wanted to teleport IC, they could use Final Shot OOC. Meaning you need an actual skill to represent each move.
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Aydub's Abilities Empty Re: Aydub's Abilities

Post  Glaceon Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:32 pm

Check some of the other powers for more information about that. Pretty much you need a way to SHOW it, as well as the OOC representation putting a few limits on the power as well. It makes it a lot easier and prevents power play, as Soifa demonstrated you could do with your black blood.

Also, with the black blood. That IS quite power play there. Also, how would Ay have GOTTEN the black blood, and why wouldn't it corrode his blood vessels and heart itself. In theory, corrosive blood would kill yourself from the inside. You should give more of a reason behind why Ay would have these powers/abilities/traits in the first place.

Okay, now let me review other abilities here.

teleportation: As far as I'm concerned, this is an overall no-no if you don't have any limits on it. And it seems you have ALREADY used this?
(Example: Ay was carrying Breezelyn and Diana to Cor. When they arrived Ay was in a state as if he were attacked by multiple blades. So he can only carry himself without major injuries.)

The rules state powers that are unapproved shouldn't be used. However, I guess since it wasn't with official RPS people...maybe it's ok. But just remember that rule.
Otherwise, Final Shot and Elf Hide are the only two methods I see, possibly crystal deer or mimic(possibility).

For Hell's Barrage: How would you be able to summon arrows out of thin air? How would Ay even have an ability to summon something that is inanimate. Arrow Rain is something that doesn't even have any slight comparison. The best OOC thing I can think of is Arrow Revolver. but you better have Rank 1 if you plan on something like this.

In conclusion, I feel all these powers are REALLY pushing towards that godmod state, and really have no explainations as to how Ay got these abilities, and they would need OOC representation.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Aydub's Abilities Empty Re: Aydub's Abilities

Post  Teoxihuitl Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:44 pm

Espeon (glacia) wrote:Check some of the other powers for more information about that. Pretty much you need a way to SHOW it, as well as the OOC representation putting a few limits on the power as well. It makes it a lot easier and prevents power play, as Soifa demonstrated you could do with your black blood.

Also, with the black blood. That IS quite power play there. Also, how would Ay have GOTTEN the black blood, and why wouldn't it corrode his blood vessels and heart itself. In theory, corrosive blood would kill yourself from the inside. You should give more of a reason behind why Ay would have these powers/abilities/traits in the first place.

Okay, now let me review other abilities here.

teleportation: As far as I'm concerned, this is an overall no-no if you don't have any limits on it. And it seems you have ALREADY used this?
(Example: Ay was carrying Breezelyn and Diana to Cor. When they arrived Ay was in a state as if he were attacked by multiple blades. So he can only carry himself without major injuries.)

The rules state powers that are unapproved shouldn't be used. However, I guess since it wasn't with official RPS people...maybe it's ok. But just remember that rule.
Otherwise, Final Shot and Elf Hide are the only two methods I see, possibly crystal deer or mimic(possibility).

For Hell's Barrage: How would you be able to summon arrows out of thin air? How would Ay even have an ability to summon something that is inanimate. Arrow Rain is something that doesn't even have any slight comparison. The best OOC thing I can think of is Arrow Revolver. but you better have Rank 1 if you plan on something like this.

In conclusion, I feel all these powers are REALLY pushing towards that godmod state, and really have no explainations as to how Ay got these abilities, and they would need OOC representation.

I dont see carrying people as a power. From what I can get from the "Price" ability it just seems her own way to keep her character realistic.

Carrying 2 people will not really possible with game mechanics would be a very big drain on someones stamina rp wise. As for the blade injuries I believe that needs to be better explained as to why that happens.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Aydub's Abilities Empty Re: Aydub's Abilities

Post  Kalamiko Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:59 pm

From what I get from this,
Teleportaion is an IC way of explaining Continent Warp.
Since the Wings and Waxen wings are themselves.
Kosher Dill Troll
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Aydub's Abilities Empty Re: Aydub's Abilities

Post  Glaceon Tue Mar 29, 2011 9:01 pm

Teo, read the first post that I pulled that from, she was carrying people with her in teleporting. Not carrying people manually somewhere.

Also, You may see that, I can see it as granting it as one thing, then it developing into another thing. From my knowledge, we just use the warp to warp OOC, and say ICly we took the boat.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Aydub's Abilities Empty Re: Aydub's Abilities

Post  Teoxihuitl Tue Mar 29, 2011 10:04 pm

I dont see it as a power seeing as wings of a goddess have that ability, and as far as it has been discussed they can be used ic/ooc.

The real problem to me is why she is getting hurt when anyone can do this.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Aydub's Abilities Empty Re: Aydub's Abilities

Post  Glaceon Tue Mar 29, 2011 11:16 pm

I think is trying to make teleportation into a magic power as opposed to an item. Now if she used a wing as OOC representation, I think that would be a good idea.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Aydub's Abilities Empty Re: Aydub's Abilities

Post  Aydub Thu Mar 31, 2011 2:20 pm

Espeon (glacia) wrote:I think is trying to make teleportation into a magic power as opposed to an item. Now if she used a wing as OOC representation, I think that would be a good idea.

Actually the reason why Ay continually gets injured from the teleportation is because he botches the spell everytime. He's horrible at magic. xDD

Now for the long explaination :U

Teleport: Agh, Now i see how this has happened. and I HAVE used this in RPs before but they were thrown off into the abyss in a different type. Since Ay isn't an elf that's more difficult to.... Well represent OOCly.
I was half-awake while writing this so.. I was a bit impaired (That and I'm sick so a;slkfdj)
Oocly when teleporting small distances i'd probably switch channels and run to the selected area. (Pain in the rear but w/e)
Porting large distances I'd use a waxen wing, moon gate, Continent warp, or mana tunnel.
When porting with people I'd stick them on a horse or in my mimic and teleport. Of course this is only for large distances.

How he obtained the skill was through mass research with an elf, Chi. It took him x amount of years to do so but he managed to pull something off. As retarded as that sounds it's how it came about. No hokey pokey crystals or curses. It's just a minor spell.

Hell's Barage:

This is more of an edited form of Arrow revolver. Assuming I made all 5 hits with AR using S.O.G. then the rain would be completed successfully. However if I were to miss one shot then it'd miss and the character would leave unharmed or minorly injured. Of course the duels would only be on 1% (since I don't realy want to kill anyone.. and I don't like dueling in the first place). As i've said it's a last resort type skill and he'd only use it if he had to.

How he obtained the skill is a bit more rawr for me to explain. It's something like... well you know how you summon a golem from alchemy using a crystal? Basically the same thing. Ay managed to place numerous inanimate objects inside a different form a crystal. Since Ay can't use alchmey he's reduced down to a primitive form of magic crystalization. How he sets it off is by normally saying a uhh... magic.. spell..? (I forgot the term) and they'll summon. Of course they have poor aim and it covers a mass area. The likelyhood of it hitting a target is only about 12% in reality but it's used for distractions. (Because ay's a coward like that. lol.)

Black blood:

I thought this through and figured out that I'm a complete moron when I wrote this.
After much thought I realized its only a corrosive material outside his body.
And Ay is affected by it like anyone.
It's like blood, its blue until it hits oxygen then it becomes red.

As for rubbing it off its not like Ay slaps somebody then runs, no no no. XD (as hysterical as that'd be)
If any of you have gotten school glue on your hand and it dries.. Then you can rub your hands together, causing friction, and litterally get it off from the friction.
So by rubbing it off simply means taking your hand to the fabric, skin, or weapon and rub the blood off.

How he obtained the skill was actually through a curse. Ay, being stupid again, was researching magic. He botched a spell and wound up with that. PRETTY MUCH JUST THAT. A lame way, but he didn't notice it until he got a cut on his finger and realized that the knife he was using was slowly corroding.
It's not the most amazing way to obtain a "power" but its litterally how it happened.

Oocly representing it difficult. I'm not quite sure of a method but I'll come up with one eventually...

Ehh. Its one of the more complicated things to do. It's not VERY damaging (unless you swallow it.) its just a slight burn on the skin. It's not often seen since ay doesn't do anything extensive.

Side note: The teleporting with mutiple people I was using in a skype chat.

Hopefully that explains SOME stuff. z_z;;
Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

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Aydub's Abilities Empty Re: Aydub's Abilities

Post  Kayeori Mon Apr 18, 2011 12:31 am

Personally I see no real problems with the first two powers. The weaknesses you've added to abilities are comically for RP and I salute you for them Very Happy! My main concern is with the final power. While I'm not saying it will happen, I am saying it could happen. The light burns or minor skin irritation I can handle. Again a comical rp tool that doesn't cause much damage that most couldn't just shrug off. The issue I see with it is being able to corrode weapons. While not a major issue just yet I can see it becoming one. Other then this minor thing I can easily offer my approval for these requests. Very Happy
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Aydub's Abilities Empty Re: Aydub's Abilities

Post  Kayeori Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:25 am

Are there any updates here? Approvals maybe? I don't know if Aydub has a situation going on or not. So... Yea I'll wait on moving this one for the moment.
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Aydub's Abilities Empty Re: Aydub's Abilities

Post  Kayeori Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:38 am

Yea a triple post lol... Moving the thread for the time being. Aydub if you have any updates please still post them here and we can move it back.
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