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Twilit Tears

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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Sun May 09, 2010 11:40 pm

[[Had they not been evacuated, I would've said they stayed put. But yeah, like Bangor, they got out. I believe everybody was retreating to Tailteann. silent ]]

[[Liiam, I'll hafta post that little tidbit of info here next time I'm online. I'm writin' this late and a little hazy, so forgive me for that. Will edit and update tomorrow ASAP.]]
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Dalvar Mon May 10, 2010 7:35 am

(( Out of personal interest to Dal and knowing Feny's dislike of gods [I think, if I remember right, maybe?], what happened to the church of Lymilark when Fen and his grumpy gang took Emain over?

And you think the archers were good, Xeek?
The mages were way awesomer. <_< ))

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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Darian Mon May 10, 2010 8:05 am

Dalvar wrote:(( Out of personal interest to Dal and knowing Feny's dislike of gods [I think, if I remember right, maybe?], what happened to the church of Lymilark when Fen and his grumpy gang took Emain over?

*points below*

Temo wrote: ((Emain Macha has fallen with heavy casualties in both armies. With a little under 250 soldiers, Requiem's flags were planted in the city, and the church, castle, and several public offices were set on fire.))

((Emain Macha is now one hot town. Everyone's dying to get in.))

Kosher Dill Troll
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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Dalvar Mon May 10, 2010 8:14 am

(( I clearly do not have reading skills.
Thank you Liiam, sorry Gate.
xP ))

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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Azarune Mon May 10, 2010 8:49 am

[[I say again, Wolfe, Couldn't your forces just use the Moon Gate? Won't suffer as many loses, fast and stealthy, Always remember the Eldar Webway.]]
Kandy Korn Ogre
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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Captincrunch Mon May 10, 2010 3:43 pm

[[ Wolfe also forgot to use his ace, even if it did have harsh and not fully disclosed terms of use ]]

[[ Sorry but family events prevented me from being online at the time to throw a few needed bits of chaos into the works ]]

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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Mon May 10, 2010 3:52 pm

[[Eh, I didn't get to use my aces either due to the nature of the fight, so works out? Razz ]]
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Zwei Freeheart Mon May 10, 2010 9:27 pm

After the war for Emain, Zwei found at Sen meg badly hurt by Price. Price took care of him then Zwei was stated missing so theres no clues of where he is.

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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Jtipton Mon May 10, 2010 10:09 pm

Elsewhere, on another continent, news seemed to spread fast, even to the most remote places...Not surprising, really. Many people would flee as far as their resources would take them, given half a chance, and their stories farther. One elf heard the tales and scowled slightly. "Unfortunate, but unavoidable. Can't deal with a problem unless you get to the source, after all. The war's a distraction from the source," was his (Seemingly heartless) response to the tales. He had bigger fish to fry...If what he'd heard happening in Cor was true, he needed to locate something here...Probably where the animals were at their fiercest. Throwing on a pale, sand-colored robe, the elf would disappear into the Zardine wilds, not intending to return until he'd located what he sought.


"Do you get it now? I came this far, I just want you to listen..." J muttered irritably to a figure in the deepest parts of Rundal, battered and bruised, barely able to lift his swords...Though, most of his injuries were hardly recent. "You may not care about us humans, may wanna kill us, but riddle me this. What are you going to do when Fenrir's done blockading this place, and there's no one to draw in with your little songs? You don't seem to have any books around here..." The figure responded by backhanding him off his feet, though he laughed, even as he realized she could probably finish him at her leisure. "I strike a nerve? Lady, neither of us want to be having this chat, but...I don't see as we have much of a choice." He smirked, forcing himself to stand. "I'm not asking for much. We figure there's something off the coast of Iria. You help us find it and get rid of it, you can go back to whatever it is you do in your spare time. Or we can waste our time playing 'kill the immortal.' ...When you've made your decision, I'm sure you can send a message...In the meantime, I'm going to limp my busted hide out of here." He turned to leave, but the figure raised one hand.


He turned his head, sighing. "What? We're back to square one?" he asked tiredly. He really this conversation to end before he bled out...Something important had been messed up inside, he could feel it.

"I'm...Not saying I'll help you past this moment, but you said he was barring the dungeon entrance? How do you plan on getting out?" She smiled, her expression difficult to read under the mask outside of that gesture.

"...Figured the same way I got this far. By being too stupid to know when to die."

"What if there was another way? The water here stretches out for quite a while...I'm sure your enemies would look for you to wash up, say, in the river that runs through that human village...Tir, didn't you call it?"

J chuckled slightly, shaking his head. "No...They wouldn't."

...The people at Tir would likely be surprised by a half-drowned figure washing up on the shore of their stream...And more so when he stood up and limped to the inn, muttering something about 'a stiff drink and a warm bed.'

((So, yeah. Arathus is officially shard-hunting in Zardine, if I hadn't stated as much before. And J's trying to enlist Siren/Sahaugin help in the whole shard-hunting as well. I'll leave the actual success of the venture up to others. O_o
And yeah, Human Revolver. The only way to travel through Rundal Siren. Stupid Cait Sith enemies...))

Kandy Korn Ogre
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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Dalvar Tue May 11, 2010 7:52 am

Zweifree wrote:After the war for Emain, Zwei found at Sen meg badly hurt by Price. Price took care of him then Zwei was stated missing so theres no clues of where he is.
(( The grammar in these sentences are so bad that we are just going to pretend that they don't exist until you fix them, Zwei. ))

Last edited by Dalvar on Tue May 11, 2010 8:23 am; edited 1 time in total

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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Xeek Tue May 11, 2010 8:08 am

Dalvar wrote:
Zweifree wrote:After the war for Emain, Zwei found at Sen meg badly hurt by Price. Price took care of him then Zwei was stated missing so theres no clues of where he is.
(( The grammar in these sentences is so bad that we are just going to pretend that they don't exist until you fix them, Zwei. ))

(( *clears throat and tells Dal to check her PMs*))

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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Dellinger Tue May 11, 2010 8:36 am

It had been a while since the Dunewyrm had sent out his letters, and he had heard naught a reply from any of the individuals the letters had been sent to. This was infuriating. There was a war going on, and when a weakness appears no one decides to take advantage of it. He had been walking around the headquarters for days on end now, but was becoming increasingly tired of the lack of responses. Fine, then, he thought, as he made his way to his 'office.'

He took out a quill and began drawing up notices. These notices later appeared all over the walls of the bandit's hideout. Each notice read as follows:

My fellow Corenites:

No one seems to be willing to destroy what seems to be Fenrir's unknown asset. I do not appreciate the ignorance from those that are involved against him, but there isn't much we can do about that now. We need to take the initiative, and if that involves running into a trap it seems we have no better choice.

We shall be leaving for Zardine in the coming days or weeks. You will be ready.

After all, who best to do the job than the Corenites?

The Dunewyrm could be seen in the armory, creating crystals and tempering his armor. Quite often bandits would hear the sound of alchemy going off. The Corenites were alone, it seemed. Anyone lost would be on his head.

Syiano fumed. The cathedral of Emain Macha had been burned to the ground. The evacuation of the city was abrupt, and he had barely any time to save the files of his studies. The gods had given him a message: "Fenrir must die."

Who was a humble priest to deny the will of the gods?

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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Darian Tue May 11, 2010 8:44 am

Get that outta here, Liiam.

Twilit Tears - Page 11 NeuralizeD

Kosher Dill Troll
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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Kenelm Tue May 11, 2010 10:37 am

/* A man in a sand-colored cloak stops outside the desert compound, spots some of the many notices, and reads one. He then enters. */

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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Tue May 11, 2010 12:49 pm

Liiam wrote:((Also, Temo, what do these forces in Emain consist of? I figure Liiam can get fairly close since there's bound to be a lot of crows and ravens in Emain due to all the stabbing going on, and he'd want to know. After all, if there's only 250 of them, as long as they're not all ogres I think Liiam and his Super Team (If I can ever get them to all agree to stab the same thing at the same time) should be able to wade through that with ease, especially with Honorary Super Team Member Galin and his "Crossbow of Oh God, My Face!"))

[[Based off what I witnessed in the PVP fighting:

Skels: Dead/explodied
Melee grunts: 60, not including those at Peaca. Ones at Fiodh are injured.
Archers: roughly 120 left
Ogres: roughly 10
Light Gargoyles: Dead
Lycans: Dead
Dark Knights: 40, not including those parked at Fiodh and Peaca.
Workers/"Engineers": 10
Alchemists: Dead
Wizards: 10 ]]

[[Archers, ogres, and Dark Knight representatives are what survived most out of the battles, as well as the "grunts" from the last round.]]
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Captincrunch Tue May 11, 2010 7:52 pm

A figure in white robes is seen picking through the rubble of what remained of the cathedral.
Just another scavenger among the ruins of what once was a hub of religious activity.

Goblin guard 1: Hey, that one looks like a human.
Goblin guard 2: Hey, you're right bone break. Want to play with him?
Goblin guard 3: Guys. We are supposed to be on patrol and that's the Ogre's area. (whinny voice)
Goblin Guard 1: So what. I don't see his hairy butt anywhere, do you?

An Ogre Warrior steps out from behind a shattered pillar with a hammer raised over his head. He seems to be shouting something as he rushes forward.
The figure in white doesn't seem to acknowledge the ogres presence.
Just as the ogre is within striking distance he is enveloped in ice.
The figure continues picking through the rubble.

Goblin guard 3: Can we go now? (whinny voice)
Goblin guard 1: Yeah. Nothing to see here. Keep moving.
Goblin guard 2: You got that right.

The goblins continue on their patrol, the third one taking furtive looks over his shoulder at the ruins as they continue onwards.
He sees the ice disperse and the ogre fall prone before painfully regaining his feet but the figure in white had somehow vanished while he was distracted.
He didn't bother his companions with this latest revelation.

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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Mon May 17, 2010 8:01 pm

Emain Macha

After a surprise attack that lead to the death of over half the remaining occupational force in Emain, the remaining forces were nothing but the Dark Knights, and a small group of ogres and goblins that were spared an onslaught when they arrived. The workers, mages, and nearly all the footsoldiers were obliterated before the guerilla force managed to escape by warping out of the city.

Not long after that, messages were dropped over the town by a flock of passing Ravens:

"These were not your homes. These were not your streets. These were not your lives to take. For every sin you have committed Mordeus shall return to you ten-fold.


Rather than complying to the notice or even fearing the notes, the recovering army has further taken their loss out on the people who supposedly supported the attack. Another public execution was given for people who were under suspicion of assisting in the act, which was the general population that still had residence near what was left of the castle. (Roughly 20 men and women civilians.) What was worse was that the knights revealed their familiar faces to the people, which had all this time been hidden beneath their helms, but they also gladly carried out the sentence.

No regrets for their sins, no fear of death.


Shortly after the surprise attack in Emain Macha, the lobby to Barri came under attack. None of Requiem knows what happened - save for the screams those in Bangor heard coming from the entrance, there was nobody coming or going from it. An explosion within followed, which not only collapsed the entrance, but broke open the stream that powered the water mill near it. Fomors that hadn't been on higher ground had been washed out toward Port Cearnn. While few casualties occurred, the passageway between Erinn, Barri and the other world has been sealed off, cutting off ties with half of Requiem's forces as well.


The tower erected over Barri could be seen collapsing with the mine after the explosions went off. The forces of 2,000 that were dividing between Emain Macha and Dunbarton managed to see it and it was quite the shock. Had Fenrir not been among them, they may have turned back; but under the warlord's direction, they pressed on to reinforce the new positions. Fenrir himself was headed for Dunbarton.


The region has still been plagued by the mysterious phantom wolves and they've been a major hassle in rebuilding the city. Soldiers - particularly Fomor guards - have been under attack, which was problematic seeing as they doubled as part of the construction team. After attacks that occurred at dawn and dusk, adjustments were made when it was noted that the unarmed men, women, and children were free from harm, along with the pack's hunting patterns. The few Fomors that remained primarily worked with building and stayed in close groups or among humans doing the same. The project proceeded as planned, but with much fear about who would be prey next.

[[Xeek, Cap, dunno if that last one is accurate, so lemme know if it needs fixing. XP

Last edited by Temo on Mon May 17, 2010 8:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Xeek Mon May 17, 2010 8:04 pm

(( I will wait if Capt. has any comments to post Dunb's reaction xP))

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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  The Kerrins Mon May 17, 2010 8:05 pm

((And right after I posted the news, too....
Should I go back and redo the post?))
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Darian Mon May 17, 2010 8:24 pm

Temo wrote:

Shortly after the surprise attack in Emain Macha, the lobby to Barri came under attack. None of Requiem knows what happened - save for the screams those in Bangor heard coming from the entrance, there was nobody coming or going from it. An explosion within followed, which not only collapsed the entrance, but broke open the stream that powered the water mill near it. Fomors that hadn't been on higher ground had been washed out toward Port Cearnn. While few casualties occurred, the passageway between Erinn, Barri and the other world has been sealed off, cutting off ties with half of Requiem's forces as well.

(Crud, I forgot to say that the same message would've been released there, too didn't I?)

Kosher Dill Troll
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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Mon May 17, 2010 8:36 pm

The Kerrins wrote:((And right after I posted the news, too....
Should I go back and redo the post?))

[[ Might help, sorry about that. I was about to PM you with info, but I guess this counts toward getting it... XD; ]]

Liiam wrote:(Crud, I forgot to say that the same message would've been released there, too didn't I?)

[[Yes. Yes you did. Somehow I don't think it'd have as much impact here, but I can still do it.]]
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Krystal Mon May 17, 2010 9:09 pm

Crusade sat in Dunbarton, near the steps near the western gate and overheard the news from one of the fomors that the other world had been sealed off. The news came as a shock to her, as the other world *was* her home. Now how do I get home? She thought bitterly. Without a way to return to Tir Na Nog, she had no choice to stay in Erinn now. No way to pay her respects to her family and friends now. She sighed and mumbled, "Why'd it have to happen now?".

One of the guards overheard her, and walked over, "Something the matter, ma'am?".

"Nothing" She stood up, adjusting the new guard outfit she had been given. "Carry on."

"Yes, Ma'am.", and with that the guard hastily returned to his post. Crusade smiled. Maybe being a guard wasn't so bad...

A few days Crusade arrived in Longa Desert, robed and hooded like all the bandits, and dropped off a package along with a note inside the Bandit's lair. The next day, she was back in Dunbarton.

I received your message. I will be ready for when the time comes.
Know that I am currently stationed in Dunbarton, which is being ruled by Xeek.
Should he become corrupt, he will be sorry.
Please accept these ice mines. Fenrir's army avoided them when they were planted them in Sen Mag. I took the liberty of retrieving them.
~Krystal Crusade
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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Captincrunch Mon May 17, 2010 11:07 pm

Temo wrote:Dunbarton

The region has still been plagued by the mysterious phantom wolves and they've been a major hassle in rebuilding the city. Soldiers - particularly Fomor guards - have been under attack, which was problematic seeing as they doubled as part of the construction team. After attacks that occurred at dawn and dusk, adjustments were made when it was noted that the unarmed men, women, and children were free from harm, along with the pack's hunting patterns. The few Fomors that remained primarily worked with building and stayed in close groups or among humans doing the same. The project proceeded as planned, but with much fear about who would be prey next.

[[Xeek, Cap, dunno if that last one is accurate, so lemme know if it needs fixing. XP]]

[ Yup, that's pretty much the stratagem for now. Keep the Fomors and military types scared and pick off the stragglers. Any that get separated get separated. To stay safe at twilight is to stay inside and among civilians. ]

So far the Beetle-Wolves have only been spotted at Emain and of those only a single pack.
Combat tactic is a surprise bolt attack for knockdown and then draw and rend/disarm/disleg the target. No secondary tactics/abilities have been used at this time ... as yet.
No sizable force have been revealed either.

[ Angelshade is cycling the various packs though the area to give them a chance at some larger scale combat as opposed to the individual ambushes on the road and in the wild most have been doing till now. Luckily all hallowed ground has been desecrated and the church is now an orphanage.
Alternative combat tactics are being held in reserve for the moment but infiltration is complete.]

Mordeus had been spotted talking with a woman in black robes on a few occasions.
She, as of late, is noted to be now carrying a ledger of some sort with her. [ make of that what you will ]
Yeah, she still gives the locals the creeps even if she is drop dead gorgeous. [ yes, the pun is intentional ]

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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Xeek Wed May 19, 2010 12:36 pm

-The town's folk quickly came away of this. While some avoided the fomorian guards, other hid away any un-armed fomor in their house. The town had quickly become adjusted to living side by side. The adults didn't care as much for the fomors, but the kids begged to their parents to help them. After all, kids where the first to make the first step into friendship.

-As days passed, the fomorian guards started disappearing. Whether they died, or they just quit in fear of being targeted. But, along with them leaving more humans guards started taking over. By now the city was more humans than fomors. But still a good quantity of fomor. More houses were available.

-New Law in Dunbarton: You can only bare arms if you are an approved Dunbarton Guard.

-Xeek decided if they were to survive they would need help. Tir, the only town in Uladh not directly affected by the war was their best bet. Xeek send a few messenger offering them items to trade, mainly war supplies incase they were attacked. In exchange he asked for an alliance. Which includes letting Dunbarton civilians stay if needed, sending soldiers to Dunb. (if any), resource such wheat and Barley.

He offered:
Weapons: Kite shields, Bastard Swords, Battle Short swords, War Hammers, Long Bows , Composite bows, and Cross Bows.

Armors: Cross Belt Leather coats, Drandos leather(M and F), Three-Belt leather mail, and Linen Cuirass

Others: Xeek also offered supplies un-obtainable in Tir, such as Grocery items, books, trinkets and clothing.

Get together and decide if Tir accepts the alliance or not

In Tail

A man wearing a black robe was seen in tail dropping what seemed to be lit cigar buds in all the crops, he later walked outside and did the same for the farms. He didn't look back to check if the crops caught on fire, he just walked.

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Twilit Tears - Page 11 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  The Kerrins Wed May 19, 2010 4:50 pm

((I'm thinking no, but under current circumstances J would probably have some solid weight with this decision))
The Kerrins
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