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Twilit Tears

Mari Eir
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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Captincrunch Wed May 19, 2010 5:21 pm

[[ Knowing what a fiercely independent people they are plus the ongoing Fomor problems, I highly doubt they would directly support whats going on. Also Fergus would be quite put out and may stop drinking long enough to knock a few heads. Mind you this is all up to J right now. ]]

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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Wed May 19, 2010 5:28 pm

[[ Fenrir: I hate to say I told you so but...actually no. I'm laughing at you. I TOLD YOU SO. ]]
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Xeek Wed May 19, 2010 6:07 pm

(( I, personally, am not expecting to form an alliance, Xeek wanted to try it xP, and who ever is in charge of Tail, they should decide if their crops begin to burn O_o if they take long, I might force it on them xP))

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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Mari Eir Wed May 19, 2010 6:22 pm

With all the attacks that had been taking place in and around Dunbarton lately, Ichigo was becoming antsy and fast. She met with a man that she knew from the school board, Shinnichi Takenaga. He was an Incubus whose children spent most of the day in Dunbarton, Obviously, he would be very concerned, especially since he advocated Fomor and Non Fomor (NF) relations. She told him she was going to Rabbie dungeon to try and get assistance from the local Succubi.

"Well, I can't very well let a lady like yourself go in there alone, Mrs. Cersone. It's not often one meets a lady whose beauty can rival that of a succubus, they'll tear you apart~". Though Ichi was not amused by the come-ons of married men, Incubus or no, she accepted his offer to accompany her. Maybe the Succubi would be more willing to assist if she brought in a Cubi ambassador of sorts. She didn't need them to help directly, maybe just send in dispensable skeletons to fight off the the town's new threat.

"I hope this works..." she muttered upon entering the dungeon with Takenaga. She wore a cloak to cover her weapons. No way in hell was she entering possibly hostile territory without her crossbow.
Mari Eir
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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Xeek Wed May 19, 2010 6:34 pm

(( Xeek: What if he wasn't married? *pulls out cutlass*
Xen: Jealousy~ ))

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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Mari Eir Wed May 19, 2010 6:39 pm

Xeek wrote:(( Xeek: What if he wasn't married? *pulls out cutlass*
Xen: Jealousy~ ))
((Ichi hasn't married Xeek yet and is using his last name Razz
Ichi: Foo, if you're seriously concerned about that.. you either don't know me at all or know me too well!!!))
Mari Eir
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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Jtipton Wed May 19, 2010 8:30 pm

Upon hearing of the alliance, J was...irritated, but he tried to keep a cool head. While it was tempting (to say the very least) to rant about who they would REALLY be supporting should they accept this, he simply pointed out the obvious. Despite all Xeek's comments to the contrary, at the end of the day, he was a servant of Fenrir, who had already shown he had no peaceful intentions in his assaults on Bangor, Dunbarton, *and* Emain, and, at then end of the day, that was likely where Xeek's ultimate loyalty led. Besides, for resources they couldn't acquire on their own, Taill still stood free, and was actually a more appealing prospect for trade, given their abundant farmland and equipment supplies (and apparently healthy trade with the Irian lands, though how they did that was beyond J's comprehension, being that the only known port back and forth was claimed...)

There were, of course, arguements about how Xeek had been actively working to rebuild Dunbarton...After all, how could someone putting that level of effort into reconstructing the town mean ill? The answer, to J wasn't quite as easy, though. However, he ultimately figured out the answer. While the daycare was a nice addition, building it on the church ground showed a marked disrespect for the gods, something in line with Fenrir's agenda ("Besides," he pointed out, shaking his head. "Wouldn't a priest take care of children while the parents are gone anyway?") Plus, Dunbarton had been built with farmlands, which he pointed out calmly, saying that those fields should have been capable of feeding everyone in town, and then some...So, what was keeping them from availing themselves of those? And, being that he had already burned down the library once before, chances were high that what would be 'taught' would be whatever suited Fenrir the most. While he admitted that this last part was a highly paranoid touch, he also pointed out that if there ever was a time to be paranoid, this was it...Ultimately, the word of one person meant little, but Tir's independence meant he didn't have to be too convincing...The alliance was rejected, with a message stating as much sent back. J advised the town to prepare itself in the event that they were to be acquired by force...

Kandy Korn Ogre
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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  TWWolfe Wed May 19, 2010 8:33 pm

Xeek wrote:(( I, personally, am not expecting to form an alliance, Xeek wanted to try it xP, and who ever is in charge of Tail, they should decide if their crops begin to burn O_o if they take long, I might force it on them xP))

((i bet at least a few of them blame will Wolfe for that. probably while saying something about how he's trying to drag them into his war))
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Xeek Wed May 19, 2010 8:38 pm

TWWolfe wrote:
Xeek wrote:(( I, personally, am not expecting to form an alliance, Xeek wanted to try it xP, and who ever is in charge of Tail, they should decide if their crops begin to burn O_o if they take long, I might force it on them xP))

((i bet at least a few of them blame will Wolfe for that. probably while saying something about how he's trying to drag them into his war))

(( SO who controls Tail? XP ))

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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Jtipton Wed May 19, 2010 8:42 pm

((Taill does. I didn't figure J ran anything. I guess I got considered to be 'running' Tir by sheer virtue of the fact that my last post had me washing up there. I don't think anyone has set themselves up as running Taill, anyhow.))

Kandy Korn Ogre
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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Xeek Wed May 19, 2010 8:43 pm

Xeek didn't like the rejection, he send a letter back, obviously someone helped him write it.

"We are going to give you one last chance at peace. Tir has nothing we need, we were doing it for your own safety, and the safety of the people. If you want we can meet in Dugald and talk about it. Just Me, Xeek, and a representative of Tir. We can talk out new terms. If not I assure you, Tir will be a target."

The letter had a signature in the bottom.


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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Xeek Wed May 19, 2010 8:47 pm

Jtipton wrote:((Taill does. I didn't figure J ran anything. I guess I got considered to be 'running' Tir by sheer virtue of the fact that my last post had me washing up there. I don't think anyone has set themselves up as running Taill, anyhow.))

((I figured their be a player controlling the actions of Tail?Not as a leader, but...someone to control the civilians ))

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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  The Kerrins Wed May 19, 2010 9:07 pm

Jtipton wrote:((Taill does. I didn't figure J ran anything. I guess I got considered to be 'running' Tir by sheer virtue of the fact that my last post had me washing up there. I don't think anyone has set themselves up as running Taill, anyhow.))

((Well, J, I meant not so much that you are running the place, more that the people are still intruiged by you, would figure you have some past experience with the business, and would consider your advice to be reliable.))
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Darian Wed May 19, 2010 9:12 pm

Xeek wrote:-The town's folk quickly came away of this. While some avoided the fomorian guards, other hid away any un-armed fomor in their house. The town had quickly become adjusted to living side by side. The adults didn't care as much for the fomors, but the kids begged to their parents to help them. After all, kids where the first to make the first step into friendship.

((Um, I hate to be a nit-pick or a nay-sayer or whatever, but would the humans in Dunbarton really become accustomed to monsters that they've been at war with for thousands of Erinn years, resulting in thousands of human deaths? Also, are these the original inhabitants of Dunbarton and, if so, then I'm *really* confused considering that most of their children were turned into Dark Knights under Fenrir. If these *are* the original inhabitants of Dunbarton then how could the younger children in the day-care forget that their older brothers and sisters are missing?

Where did this humans come from that they're able to adapt to living with hostile creatures while being under martial law so quickly? Again, I don't want to nit-pick, but wasn't it just a week or so ago that Fomor were looking for any excuse to beat and/or kill humans? Even if Xeek stopped that, I think it would linger at *least* a little. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just finding it incredibly hard to both accept and understand these extraordinarily severe changes from IG and IC canon.))

Kosher Dill Troll
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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Wed May 19, 2010 9:32 pm

Liiam wrote:
Xeek wrote:-The town's folk quickly came away of this. While some avoided the fomorian guards, other hid away any un-armed fomor in their house. The town had quickly become adjusted to living side by side. The adults didn't care as much for the fomors, but the kids begged to their parents to help them. After all, kids where the first to make the first step into friendship.

((Um, I hate to be a nit-pick or a nay-sayer or whatever, but would the humans in Dunbarton really become accustomed to monsters that they've been at war with for thousands of Erinn years, resulting in thousands of human deaths? Also, are these the original inhabitants of Dunbarton and, if so, then I'm *really* confused considering that most of their children were turned into Dark Knights under Fenrir. If these *are* the original inhabitants of Dunbarton then how could the younger children in the day-care forget that their older brothers and sisters are missing?

Where did this humans come from that they're able to adapt to living with hostile creatures while being under martial law so quickly? Again, I don't want to nit-pick, but wasn't it just a week or so ago that Fomor were looking for any excuse to beat and/or kill humans? Even if Xeek stopped that, I think it would linger at *least* a little. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just finding it incredibly hard to both accept and understand these extraordinarily severe changes from IG and IC canon.))

[[I'm not sure, but I think you're mixing Dunbarton with Emain, Liiam.

The kids that were turned into Dark Knights came from Emain Macha, not Dunbarton. When Fenrir took Dunbarton in the first place, he simply invoked a martial law, then had the city evacuated when the wraiths showed up. Honestly, there was nothing destroyed by him either, simply places closed up. I had planned to renovate the library and church; but people back then nitpicked so much about it clashing with their own roleplays that buildings were left as they were.

Anyways, when the town was vacated, people were given a choice - either fall in under him for his relocation to Bangor where they could be better protected, or do as they pleased; but at that point Dunbarton was all but abandoned. People scattered, most taking refuge in Emain, and those that stayed were pretty much mauled by the ghost pooches since Cap had no mercy back then toward the poor, innocent NPCs.

As far as the increase in population, I think one or all of us are thinking too high in numbers on that. Then again, maybe it could be assumed these are refugees from the attack on Emain that decided to relocate to Dunbarton rather than go home or stay in Tailteann where Wolfe dropped them off. Given the choices, it would be more hospitable - I'm sure news of what's been going on in Emain should've spread by now, and Tail's got its own problems so shouldn't be able to put up with extra mouths to feed. Same with Tir. Or, they could be returning folks that may have similiar views to what Xeek was looking toward (which, I could imagine, wouldn't be too many with either race, but it's a start.) A town in which an offer to start over is being given would be ideal for a good number of people, I'd say. Even if the neighbors are questionable. Beggars can't be choosers.

That said, these new inhabitants could be just about anybody from anywhere. Though I do agree that hostilities may linger a bit, especially with Xeek's recent actions. Razz On top of that, the reinforcements from Bangor should be arriving shortly, so that's bound to get people on edge for both sides again.

*deep breath* Hope that cleared it up. o-o; ]]
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Captincrunch Wed May 19, 2010 10:22 pm

[[ Just a clarification on the Spirit wolves assault and then long term harrying - That first night was exclusive Wraith extermination and the few locals took refuge in the, then, still standing church. The local humans were left pretty much alone as long as they stayed indoors during twilight so only the foolish or foolhardy met their end during that short period - so yeah, no mercy for the stupid. It was only after Xeek and crew moved in that the casualty rate went up during twilight once again, what with all the Fomors and such in his entourage. Justice has no patience for Fomors and Mercy and Charity have not made themselves or the other four siblings known and nobody has been able to face The Truth where it raises its ugly head.]]

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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Xeek Wed May 19, 2010 10:45 pm

(( Re-posted below))

Last edited by Xeek on Wed May 19, 2010 11:21 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Xeek Wed May 19, 2010 10:47 pm

Captincrunch wrote:[[ Just a clarification on the Spirit wolves assault and then long term harrying - That first night was exclusive Wraith extermination and the few locals took refuge in the, then, still standing church. The local humans were left pretty much alone as long as they stayed indoors during twilight so only the foolish or foolhardy met their end during that short period - so yeah, no mercy for the stupid. It was only after Xeek and crew moved in that the casualty rate went up during twilight once again, what with all the Fomors and such in his entourage. Justice has no patience for Fomors and Mercy and Charity have not made themselves or the other four siblings known and nobody has been able to face The Truth where it raises its ugly head.]]

(( So the wolves are attacking civilians too? O_o Also, are the wolves fight able?

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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Darian Wed May 19, 2010 10:53 pm

Temo wrote:

As far as the increase in population, I think one or all of us are thinking too high in numbers on that. Then again, maybe it could be assumed these are refugees from the attack on Emain that decided to relocate to Dunbarton rather than go home or stay in Tailteann where Wolfe dropped them off.

((Um, that . . . just proved what I was saying, then, even if I was wrong about the city that had it's children taken. If Emain's children were taken as DKs and then Emain's refugees relocated to Emain then . . .

Also, I found this:

Re: Twilit Tears

Post Temo on Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:26 pm
Twilit Tears (Cont.)

Another strange incident occurred at sunset, though this one had an obvious affect on people in Emain Macha and Dunbarton. Citizens still aren't quite sure how it happened. All they recall is hearing music and singing from the highest spots in both towns - sweet, soft, somewhat sad, but still quite pleasant on the ears at the same time, almost hypnotic even. Once it stopped though, they realized the children had disappeared, with a musical note of blood left behind in homes they'd been abducted from.

Those on the streets or over the age of ten appear to be safe and accounted for; but no one can remember anybody who stood out that was coming or going during the incident. No one even saw the children passing the gates. Further investigations leave it to be the work of a succubus acting outside the boundaries of the dungeons, possibly something linked to what happened in the sky the previous month, and most likely the work of the rogue Fenrir Eir with all things considered. Paladins have stated that they are on the case and have put locating the missing children as their top priority.

[[More information regarding the incident as it comes.]]

Sooooo, children from both. I'd like to respectfully suggest that, therefore, this abduction should at *least* be common knowledge across the world, now, since the children of two huge human cities were abducted and transformed into Dark Knights. And as for Xeek's comments, I just think that the 'getting used to them' shouldn't be quite so rosy as it has been, all things considered. We can talk more about it, though, if you want.))

Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Xeek Wed May 19, 2010 10:57 pm

(( Lets talk in a chat to be faster?

If you have an msn add me.

if not we can use the forum chat, or continue here ))

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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Xeek Wed May 19, 2010 11:20 pm

Liiam wrote:

((Um, I hate to be a nit-pick or a nay-sayer or whatever, but would the humans in Dunbarton really become accustomed to monsters that they've been at war with for thousands of Erinn years, resulting in thousands of human deaths?

What about the giants and the elves? They did it in Tail. And don't forget, in our world fomors are not as looked down as in the real Mabinogi. Since us, the players, have had so much affect on it.

Also, are these the original inhabitants of Dunbarton and, if so, then I'm *really* confused considering that most of their children were turned into Dark Knights under Fenrir. If these *are* the original inhabitants of Dunbarton then how could the younger children in the day-care forget that their older brothers and sisters are missing?

First, all the children were not taken, if not.. their be no adults in the future.
Second, Some could have come from Bangor or Emain. Others could have come from Tail or Tir, Xeek did offer housing. And it should be cramped in those city, considering 3 cities are gone.

Where did this humans come from that they're able to adapt to living with hostile creatures while being under martial law so quickly? Again, I don't want to nit-pick, but wasn't it just a week or so ago that Fomor were looking for any excuse to beat and/or kill humans? Even if Xeek stopped that, I think it would linger at *least* a little. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm just finding it incredibly hard to both accept and understand these extraordinarily severe changes from IG and IC canon.))

Same way giants and elves did in Tail. It started with both keeping their distance. Then they saw that they needed each other. Maybe the incubus had bread and the human had tuna. Also, I am guessing sometime has passed, more than a week, way more. Pretty much as stated already. We have altered the point of view of most erinn-borns and fomors. Since we've played as both Erinnborn and Fomors.

Ex. Xeek is a fomor, and he is not looked down upon in Dunbarton, never have. So, unless we go back and fix countless RPs, we can clearly say, Erinn-borns from RPS world have a better chance the Mabi Erinn-borns. So the "Severe changes" have been going on for a while, just stacking slowly.

In addition, Xeek has rules about starting fights in dunbarton, and the humans dare not look down on fomors, since most of the guards were fomors.And Fomors did not mess with humans because Xeek told them they would be kicked out. And they finally got what they wanted, their land back. I doubt Many wanted to go back to dungeons.

(( There is my ideas in a neater fashion, I will do delete the toher))

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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Wed May 19, 2010 11:39 pm

Liiam wrote:
Temo wrote:

As far as the increase in population, I think one or all of us are thinking too high in numbers on that. Then again, maybe it could be assumed these are refugees from the attack on Emain that decided to relocate to Dunbarton rather than go home or stay in Tailteann where Wolfe dropped them off.

((Um, that . . . just proved what I was saying, then, even if I was wrong about the city that had it's children taken. If Emain's children were taken as DKs and then Emain's refugees relocated to Emain then . . .

Also, I found this:

Re: Twilit Tears

Post Temo on Sat Oct 31, 2009 6:26 pm
Twilit Tears (Cont.)

Another strange incident occurred at sunset, though this one had an obvious affect on people in Emain Macha and Dunbarton. Citizens still aren't quite sure how it happened. All they recall is hearing music and singing from the highest spots in both towns - sweet, soft, somewhat sad, but still quite pleasant on the ears at the same time, almost hypnotic even. Once it stopped though, they realized the children had disappeared, with a musical note of blood left behind in homes they'd been abducted from.

[[ Oooohohoho, crap. My mistake on that part. BIG mistake. The succubus in question was Kurohi and that was only supposed to have been done in Emain. Couldn't cover both towns at once and Emain WAS the main target at the time. Huuuuuge typo/mistake on my part. I am SO sorry for that everybody. DX;;; How's that gonna affect things overall though? I don't think anybody really acted on Dunbarton's kids being stolen anyways, but... *Headdesks, can't believe he did that and it went unnoticed for so long. Epic fail.* ]]
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Jtipton Wed May 19, 2010 11:58 pm

((Except that, at least before G9 starts (That is, barring PC intervention...) even working together, the elves and giants still hated each other's guts. And somehow, I don't think they've had thousands of years to slug it out, given that a people who fought in the first battles (Taunes springs to mind right off the bat) are still around. I doubt even natives last that long. Besides, we work to downplay the elf-giant aggression, but generally speaking, I don't see too many people interacting with NPC's in RP, other than occasionally mentioning "Oh, I need to talk to so-and-so when I get a chance." One fomor, especially if sufficiently powerful to eliminate guards with ease, would probably be tolerated based on the 'well, he may be a monster, but he's our monster' principle. Besides, most of the 'fomors' as played by RPS members could pass for human with a robe and make-up. The Xeek example makes little sense as well. You've mentioned he's trying to become an Incubus. This I can accept, it's been done in canon and besides, if Kristell can hang up the wings, someone else can grab a set. However, this would be a recent development even if it did go through, and people would likely remember that Xeek was human (Or at least, could pass for one) at some point. You don't see them running from PC DK's, do you? Razz

In addition, I can pretty safely say that at least some of the DK kids are from Dunny, seeing as I was sort of the one to find that out the bloody way, and Temo decided the people were all "Stand down! We dun wanna murder our kids, even if they'd gut us like trout and giggle about it!" ...May be in-character for parents, but I still get to mock it. Razz Still, yes, kids who had siblings would still remember that Bobby never did come home, or got abducted out of his bed in the night. I don't see how this is glossed over, being that Dunbarton and Emain were affected by the child-snatching.

...Also, I still don't get where you're getting this 'discrimination goes away just because the other side has swords' thing from a logical perspective. If anything, it would likely breed resentment that, even if they supposedly got their town back, they still have to jump when the sub-human *thing* over there says to, or get carted off on the flimsy pretense of 'disobeying a direct order from the city guard' (Assuming that martial law is in effect, though an inventive mind, of which don't seem to be in short supply among the fomors if enemy chatter is anything to go off of, could get around that.) Plus, I highly doubt that EVERYONE would fall in line just because fearless leader said to. I mean, look at France in WWII...Resistance efforts were going after Germany rolled in and said "We're running the show now, do what we say!" And, there are always ways of hiding what one has done. There are a surprising amount of back alleys in Dunbarton...You know, the kind of places one could hide a body or two...

So yeah, I'm nit-picking and nay-saying...Thing is, way I see it, you're basically trying to build Utopia-on-Erinn...Admirable goal, (And don't we all want a world where humans and goblins can put aside their differences to go try and find a unicorn or some ridiculously happy-sounding stuff like that?) but you're just basically ignoring stuff that would have a very real effect.

EDIT: Feh, then Gate comes along and cuts at least a few points out from under my wall of text...))

Kandy Korn Ogre
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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Darian Thu May 20, 2010 12:43 am

((Yeah, I definitely agree with J on this one. I mean, let's look at Arizona, right now. I know politics is not supposed to come into play in RPS, but it's a good example anyways. The hispanic population of Arizona is being treated *much* better than the human population of Dunbarton (that's not to say that what's going on in Arizona isn't despicable, but it beats being stabbed by a goblin or your own kid) And look how people are up in arms (rightfully) in Arizona protesting that. At *least* that much anger should be in Dunbarton-dwelling humans, even if it can't be expressed. They have their right to worship taken away, their children, their traditional government, their library (the largest on the continent) and now these people have to bottle it all up to boot.))

Kosher Dill Troll
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Twilit Tears - Page 12 Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Xeek Thu May 20, 2010 1:05 am

(( Hmmm... I think the main problem here, is that we are looking at the time differently, also the definition of fomor.
If I am correct in definition, the "fomors" in Dunbarton may not all be "fomors"

And as stated before, about the kid missing their brother, the population is Dunbarton doesn't have to be the same one, except for maybe a few.

While Xeek was once human, he is now a fomor, which means he changed sides. I am sure if you were in war with someone, and your ex-ally changed sides, you won't call them allies.

Also: Taking player interaction into play, how do you know the civilians of Dunb. were not influenced by players? And/ Or thought the war was stupid to being with, so they went to Dunbarton for that specific reason.

Just like Taunes thought the war was silly, other NPCs might think so. And the war between fomors and humans is very old, old enough for people to say " What the hell are we fighting for~?"

Also: What do you all consider a fomor? and how much time would you say has passed since Gate started his little thing? ))

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