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Twilit Tears

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Twilit Tears Empty Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Fri Oct 30, 2009 6:53 pm

As the sun began to set on the eve of Fenrir's promise to Erinn, the light given off from high concentrations of mana shone brightly over the entrances to Peaca, Math, and Rabbie. As they dispersed, three glowing, obsidian shards could be seen overhead before streaking through the darkening sky in more bolts of light that left a residue to drift over the land like falling snow. It scattered over Uldah, those who came into contact with it detecting memories and emotions of agony, rage, and fear stemming from the scattering objects. The lights trailed over the continent and beyond, later reports mentioning them having fallen somewhere in the wildernesses of Iria.

Gatemo was heading for home when he saw it. Grinning as one of the shards sped through the twilit sky from Rabbie, he pulled a smaller version from his robe's pocket to look over. Chuckling about whatever he found humorous with the situation, he picked up his pace. There was still much he needed to do as nightfall approached.

[[Fireworks, 'Ali! Fireworks! Razz]]

Last edited by Gatemo on Fri Oct 30, 2009 11:15 pm; edited 1 time in total
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Aydub Fri Oct 30, 2009 7:39 pm

((Ali: Fireworks! *runs* rofl, no but seriously epic >_>"
Kandy Korn Ogre
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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Sat Oct 31, 2009 5:26 pm

Twilit Tears (Cont.)

Another strange incident occurred at sunset, though this one had an obvious affect on people in Emain Macha and Dunbarton. Citizens still aren't quite sure how it happened. All they recall is hearing music and singing from the highest spots in both towns - sweet, soft, somewhat sad, but still quite pleasant on the ears at the same time, almost hypnotic even. Once it stopped though, they realized the children had disappeared, with a musical note of blood left behind in homes they'd been abducted from.

Those on the streets or over the age of ten appear to be safe and accounted for; but no one can remember anybody who stood out that was coming or going during the incident. No one even saw the children passing the gates. Further investigations leave it to be the work of a succubus acting outside the boundaries of the dungeons, possibly something linked to what happened in the sky the previous month, and most likely the work of the rogue Fenrir Eir with all things considered. Paladins have stated that they are on the case and have put locating the missing children as their top priority.

[[More information regarding the incident as it comes.]]
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:26 pm


A message from Emain's mage circle was posted across every bulletin in the city, as well as those in Quilla Base Camp:

We've received reports of a recent phenomenon that might be linked to the dungeon incident. There were two sightings of "falling stars" that crashed in the regions of Courcle and Zardine. We are still searching for information concerning the third; but explorers and warriors are needed in regards to retrieving the first two.

Thanks to a few rumors that seem to have already spread about the city, we've decided to call the objects that landed "Twilight Shards". Information about each has been listed below.

Quest 1 - Zardine (1st Twilight Shard): It was spotted over the skies of Courcle the same time as the second one, but veered further north. Those in Zardine's region said that it landed near Pera Volcano. They tried to investigate; but the wildlife seems to have become more aggressive - to the point where they had to fall back due to the camp coming under attack. There have been continuous requests for reinforcements to help protect the workers and break through the lines to find the source of the wildlife's rash behavior. If the twilight shard is responsible, we need to find it as soon as possible.

Quest 2 - Courcle (2nd Twilight Shard): The villagers of Cor saw it crash somewhere between the marshes of Pantay and Lappa. Being so close to hobgoblin territory, explorers and guides have been hesitant about venturing so far from Cor and are requesting more protection. With recent events, it seems their fears were justified. Much like the animals in Zardine, the wildlife in Courcle has also become aggressive. Even the hobgoblins have been attacking more frequently while ranting about a god of war descending.

A scouting party discovered what appeared to be the shard in the center of the village on an altar and there's a rumor that a monster is lurking about in the jungle nearby, possibly the hobgoblin's "god of war". As the twilight shard was unable to be retrieved by the scouts, another attempt will be necessary as soon as possible. Not only is this god a problem, but it was also noted that the land about the village seemed to be dying, possibly under influence of the artifact in question.

(In small, finer print, there is also a message about a reward for any hobgoblin artifacts collected...)


[[If interested in searching for the Twilight Shards, please send a note to Silvreno requesting to join either party.]]

[[P.S.: Due to offline scheduling, these'll be happing Thursday evenings/Friday-Sunday each week, barring hell, high water, and/or lack of peoples. :3]]
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Thu Nov 05, 2009 10:33 pm

Quest 2 updated.
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Wed Nov 11, 2009 11:48 pm

In their search for the missing children, the paladins came across clues leading them into the aqueducts. Apparently, both Dunbarton and Emain Macha are connected by them, and both to Rundal’s dungeons. Where exactly from there the children were taken from there is unknown and searches are still being conducted. During the investigation though, another note from Fenrir Eir had been slipped in among the numerous missing person bulletins:

It seems I was not clear enough with intentions in my first message, so I will make myself perfectly this time. What I had originally wished was for you to see and gain an awareness of what we all had become in hopes that it would not be too late to change. However, due to recent events I have witnessed, I now understand the effort was a lost cause and am forced to take more aggressive measures.

In doing so, I will be placing an occupational force in Dunbarton. While they have not been noticed, rest assured the area is entirely surrounded and an unconditional surrender would be in your best interest. Dunbarton is mine. If the safety of your own lives is not enough incentive, keep in mind that I have been caring for your children out of what little kindness I have left. For each day you resist, a child dies, and we become yet another step closer to oblivion.

Fenrir Eir of The Requiem
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Jtipton Thu Nov 12, 2009 1:59 am

A note is placed in response, in a somewhat rough handwriting:

Well, Fenrir, let me put it this way...For each child you kill, I'll keep you alive another day when I get my hands on you. And trust me...Your...'force' as you seem to think of them, are not half as subtle as you seem to think them. Anyone with half a brain can find them. And know this...One of them, will tell me where you are, and when I find you...Well, as much as I'm annoyed about repeating myself, I did give my word that you'd drown in your own blood. So just let your conscience be your guide, buddy.

PS: Oh, and you pretty much threw your moral high ground out the window when you started with the child-killing, so get off your high horse, you <The writing is obscured by mud or ink here>

((Seriously, what could hide, in a field, from a werewolf? Though, it *is* a bluff, to be honest. I need to log on more...xP))

Kandy Korn Ogre
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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Thu Nov 12, 2009 7:38 am

[[The anger~ XD]]
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Aydub Thu Nov 12, 2009 2:06 pm

(Due to the lack of school work and how i'm bed ridden for the blasted day, i'ma respond! MUAHHAHAHA! XD))

Aya bounces along quite happily past the board completely missing anything that could be amiss. Flute simply goes to chase Aya to grab her before she runs off somewhere and gets mauled by a bear. Ay, being the smarter yet more insane, of the three checks the board and reads the note. A slight scowl marks his face and the only thing on his mind is to either kill the guy who's doing this or find the kids and try to get them back. Crashing into his leg Aya starts up an almost...well you can't really understand her, "AYIKNOWWHATWESHOULDDOBECAUSEIFOUNDTHEMOSTPERFECTFIELDINTHEHISTORYOFEVER!!!!!!"
Ay pats her head and says in a whisper, "You really should talk a bit slower...."
Running up behind Aya with difficulty due to is unathletisim, is Flute, "Sh-She is REALLY way to f... Huh?" Ay drags him away from the younger girl and tells him about the note. Flute immediately becomes annoyed and his hands clentch into fists. Knowing what he's feeling for his son Ay nods. Its now a mission for the half-breed, a fugitive incubus, and a clueless hyperactive 15 year old to find a young boy and or every kid that's missing.
((AWWWW I made something to do! WOOOT! ANyway, yes, all three are back and are alive and well.))
Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Thu Nov 12, 2009 6:38 pm

[[=O! That means Gate can keep his promise after all! XD]]
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Tue Nov 17, 2009 6:07 pm

[[ To those who've been interested in this plot, I know I promised this most recent event to happen tonight (Tuesday, 11/17); but due to a little mishap in academic scheduling, I'll have to postpone it til tomorrow. On the bright side, that means we got a whole day to get down to it. Twisted Evil ]]
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Temo Wed Nov 18, 2009 10:51 pm

A force of roughly 1,800 marched on Dunbarton. Met with closed gates and a lone man barring the way outside the northern, a dark knight among the mixed soldiers stepped forward to learn of the town's response. After the knight's blood was spilled at the end of a negotiation ended in violence, it was revealed that a good number of Fenrir's knights were the stolen children under the dark armor's influence.

Demoralized by the idea of having to fight their own offspring, the town surrendered after a minor resistance from two RPS members that refused to give in. Where the two disappeared to amidst the chaos is unknown; but their bodies weren't found among those slaughtered. As the sun set and Requiem's flag was being raised over the clock tower, the souls of the fallen knights mixed with tainted auras from their dark armors rose in a flurry of lights before dispersing in three different directions - toward Rabbie, Math, and Peaca, where the armies that surrounded Dunbarton had initially emerged from.

While Dunbarton has been captured, Fenrir has yet to make an appearance. However, the soldiers appear to still be working under orders given. The church and library have been sealed off and placed under heavy guard, important offices were seized and remodeled to better suit the needs of the army, and a strict curfew went into effect for the few that chose to stay. Fenrir had been true to his word - when Dunbarton surrendered, its people were spared and merely driven out if unable to agree to the conditions required to remain. Those that did seemed to be doing so just for the sake for trying bring their children back who, unfortunately, appeared to be ignoring their every word when not lashing out in rage.

With Dunbarton under his control, Fenrir has successfully established a foothold at Uldah's crossroads; and with forces poised to strike at opposition from any direction, well prepared for war. Despite this, no further advances have been made yet.

[[ Fenrir: Hey, my message never said I was going to be the one to kill them... >3>; ]]

[[ On another note, J's body count: 43 kobolds, 3 metal skeletons, 8 gold goblins and 10 children.


...murderer. :3 ]]
Burrito Bison

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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Jtipton Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:57 pm

((J: Hey, they attacked me. It was self-defense. Well, except that one. And who in their right mind lets me speak for a town!? Where was Eavan?))

Kandy Korn Ogre
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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  The Kerrins Thu Nov 19, 2009 12:23 am

((If I can bring him in, I definately want Shade to play a part in this business))
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Twilit Tears Empty Latest Statistics of Jinnhin and Jakelvin

Post  Jakelvin Thu Nov 19, 2009 8:27 am

Name = Location (Reason) Movements {Hostility Measure} (Reason) =Possible Solution=

Jinnhin = In Bangor (working on Refining) Staying {Harmless} (Unaware of the Fall of Dunbarton) =Attack Bangor while Jinnhin is not aware=

Jakelvin = In Sen Mag Plateau (Roaming in wolf-form with a large pack of White Dire Wolves) Soon crossing Gairech via Road to Dunbarton {Hostile} (Aware of the attack at Dunbarton) =Quick Interception placed south of Dunbarton=

Uknirvin = In Dunbarton Library (Studying for new artifacts) Staying {Rebellious} (Aware of the attack, but was slightly annoyed as he was babysitting an elf that Mr Keaton mentors) =Don't bother. He'll not attack, only punish=

J.A. Rouge = Unknown (Clearly stopped working for Gatemo since the attack on Dunbarton) Unknown {Unknown} (Unknown) =Find out about J.A. Rouge or ignore her=

Associate = In Dunbarton Library (was mistaken for one of the children) Staying {???} ("Because Great Keaton told me so...I'm a good girl.") =She is protected by Uknirvin, don't bother=


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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Captincrunch Thu Nov 19, 2009 11:07 am

Oh, oh. I just have to put something here as well, even if it doesn't directly affect the main story arc.

Name = Location (Reason) Movements {Hostility Measure} (Reason) =Possible Solution=

Cap = Emain (Cooking something up) Clueless {Mostly Harmless} (Unaware) =May wander into town at some point=
Other Cap = Emain (watching) NAP {Class S} (unknown at this time) =Reference ?defense? of desert base camp from zombie hordes=

Chuck = Dunbarton (Drunken Stupor in a dark corner of the Library) Semi-Comatose but grabby {Over-Friendly / Homicidal} (Drunk / Hungover) =Keep him drunk / kick him=

Angelshade = Dunbarton (watch the fun?) keeping to the shadows {none} (boredom) =Not likely to be involved unless someone is ?lucky? enough to directly confront her=

Guy in white robes = Somewhere in Iria (unknown) Searching {random} (Sociopath) =There are no solutions=

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Twilit Tears Empty Recent Statistic

Post  Jakelvin Fri Nov 20, 2009 7:46 am

Name = Location (Reason) Movements {Hostility Measure} (Reason) =Possible Solution=

Jinnhin: Still in Bangor (Mining as believed to be) Between Sion, Elen and Barri with a formidable escort {Peaceful} (For Profits) =Not to bother until attacking Bangor=

Jakelvin: Returning to Gairech (Jakelvin might have spotted the army and retreated) Heading South to Bangor with the pack {Antagonizing} (Unknown) =Maybe alerting the paladins about a wolf pack attacking Bangor=

Uknirvin: Unknown (He recently just disappeared) Unknown {Unknown} (Unknown) =Unknown=

J.A. Rouge: Was sighted in Dunbarton region (was found talking to the wolf pack) Faded going west to Emain Macha or Rabbie Dungeon {Antagonizing} (Something to do with being ambushed by "Renegade Fomor" under Gate's flag) =She's clearly a traitor of Gatemo, so it will be Gate's call=

Associate: Still in the Library (She's reluctant to leave) Staying {Against} (She refused to join Gate's Army, even a sword tip) =Hold her hostage or kill her=


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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  The Kerrins Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:48 pm

Name = Location (Reason) Movements {Hostility Measure} (Reason) =Possible Solution=

'Shade'=Dunbarton, Eugeal's secret Library area(Keeping a watchful eye on the city, and looking for an opportunity to make a daring rescue of Associate) Not really {Nothing threatening}(He's just got back from fooling a God to find a city captured by a mysterious force. enough said) =Find out he's there, first, if you can=

Rebecca=Bangor, upper area (Guard) Patrolling{Very}(someone needs to guard Bangor) =Zerg rush her, that might work=

Eugeal=Unknown(Unknown) Unknown{Probably not}(who knows?) = forget about her =
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Jakelvin Sat Nov 21, 2009 9:33 am

Name = Location (Reason) Movements {Hostility Measure} (Reason) =Possible Solution=

Jinnhin = Unknown (was captured by the Five) Unknown {None} (Unconscious) =She is out of the way=

Jakelvin = Gairech (Just sneaked in and out of Dunbarton) Just returning to Bangor to assist Rebecca. {Defensive} (Remaining calmed and clearly was expecting) =find a way to lure him out=

Uknirvin = Unknown (still dropped from the map) Unknown {Unknown} =Unknown=

J.A. Rouge = Emain Macha (Sighted to be talking to the paladins and guards) Staying {Questionable} =Attacking Emain before they set up a strong defense=

Associate = Library (still refusing to leave the library) Staying {Rebellious} =Take her in by force=


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Twilit Tears Empty wolfe's statistics

Post  TWWolfe Sat Nov 21, 2009 11:14 am

ok, it may be a but late, but i should get into this

Name= Location (reason) movements {hostility} (reasons) =possible solution=
TWWolfe=Emain Macha(Regent while Nannao is MIA) preparing the defenses, scouting{hate's gate} (personal reasons) =hit before his hired swords arrive in force=

TSWolfe2= Emain Macha (Wolves commander) bringing her advance guard, preparing for the rest {hostile to gate} (loyalty to her employer) =loyalty means she cannot be bought=
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  The Kerrins Sun Nov 22, 2009 2:51 am

((I'm going to need to do an RP between Shade, Jakevalin(as the Associate), and Gatemo(The guards).

Shade did kind of make a promise))
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Twilit Tears Empty That will be a problem

Post  Jakelvin Sun Nov 22, 2009 7:44 am

OOC: I haven't seen Gate lately.

IC: Associate was very adamant about her staying in the library because she did promised Mr Keaton that she'll "be a good girl and stay." xP


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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  Dellinger Sun Nov 22, 2009 12:27 pm

(( Gate is away on a business trip, last I remember.
He'll be back sometime during the Thanksgiving Break, again if I remember correctly ))

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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  The Kerrins Sun Nov 22, 2009 4:00 pm

Important note to make, what are the actions of the NPCs?
Here are a few guesses of mine, feel free to correct if you disagree.

Name=Location(reasons)Movements{Hostility}(reasons) = possible solutions=

Kristell=Moved to Tir Chonal(A force has invaded from Rabbie, and the Church is sealed. She's wise enough not to stick around)Not sure{probably not too much}(not sure) = no clue =
Glenis=Dunbarton(People still need food, even in an invasion) Same as always {Not sure} (As said, she's not going to leave people hungry) = no clue=
Walter/Aeira=Dunbarton(not too sure on this one) Closed their respective shops, and are staying indoors{Only if poked}(From what I've seen, Walter is highly protective of his daughter)=???=
Simon=No idea whatsoever
Austeyn=No idea, but the bank would probably be closed at this time. I doubt the ruler would allow inter-city deliveries to be made in any case
Eavan= Not too sure, but I know the Town office has been siezed
Aranwen=Not Dunbarton, maybe Bangor, probably not Emain Macha(She probably would have fought for the sake of Dunbarton, so one way or another, she's not there anymore)Perhaps assisting in the defense of Bangor{Yes}() = Same as any other defender =
Stewart=No clue, but here an oddity is raised. Between all of the guild's security mesures, the Library should be as close to a fortress as anything in this world, and I'm sure Stewart would not just teach, but know the advanced magics. That the library has been taken is, well, odd
Nerys=Well....It took a lot of effort on her part to get an established business, but would she want to, let alone be allowed to, run a weapons shop in a town under martial law?
Manus=Someone else can do Manus
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Twilit Tears Empty Re: Twilit Tears

Post  TWWolfe Mon Nov 23, 2009 7:38 pm

The remaining citizens Of Dunbarton, along with any off duty soldiers, have gathered around one of the lamps in the town square. brought there by word of mouth, they find a most un-nerving sight.

A gold goblin has been hung from the lamp with iron chains. Its gut has been slashed open, and drip slowly to the ground. it is naked, sake for a cloak of crudely sewn wolf skins, and a Eweca shield pinned to its chest. Several words have been hacked onto the shields surface:

"Rabid Wolves must be put down!"
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