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Character Bio!

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Character Bio! Empty Character Bio!

Post  Elerius Wed May 22, 2013 8:01 pm

Klaudie (Pronounced Cloudy) Alzen

Late teens.

Birth Date

Astrological Sign
She doesn't believe in such nonsense.

None that she knows, but she considers her friends her family.

She wants to play music, but isn't very good at it so far. She also enjoys kicking things, if that's a hobby, and drinking wine.

Weapon of Choice
Swords, usually duel-wielded.

Curly, and usually pulled back.

Eye Color

Around 5'7", depending on what shoes she wears.

Somewhat thin, but not a twig.

Favorite Food
Highly enjoys cakes and candies. Anything sweet and rich, really.

How he came to be in Erinn
She doesn't remember, of course, but knew it hurt a lot and that she's glad to have left behind that sort of pain.

That Special Someone
She loves everyone, and shows it too. She will flirt and dote and love on anyone that lets her, and sometimes those that don't.

Characters Friends
Absolutely anyone and everyone, especially those that are cute.

Character history through the player
Her basic idea had been in a few of my text based RP's, and I figured she would be a fun foil to my main female.

RPS Recruit

Posts : 4
Join date : 2013-05-14

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