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Your character is an NPC...

Hyuponia Kana
Mari Eir
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Your character is an NPC... Empty Your character is an NPC...

Post  Auramune Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:08 pm

Your character is an NPC... which location do they stand in, what are they wearing, what do the quote bubbles say above their head, how do they respond to asking them certain things? Favored items that return gifts? Anything that would describe your characters as npcs. =)

ChatBubbles- "I wonder where my husband is.." "I'm hungry.. I wonder what chocolate covered shark would taste like." "Please don't attack my foxes."
Location- sitting in the grassland of Tir in the red fox field ontop of a rock.
A young lady with platinum hair and pierced fox ears smiles to greet you. She wears a blue and white adonis skirt, and is carrying a yellow mandolin that she strums occasionally.She looks to be pregnant, or maybe just a little curvy. "Hello.. do you need something from me?"

Private Story
"People think my husband is a monster. But I think they are idiots. Any man would go to the same lengths he does to protect his family. Don't they understand that we just want to be left alone? It's for their own benefit, anyways.."
Nearby Rumors
"I hear there's a person who attacks humans for killing foxes."
"I don't think sleeping is really a skill... I guess I could teach you magic or how to play music.. but it'll cost you. Do you have anything shiny I might like?"
Part Time Jobs
"I don't have any work for you.."

Chatbubbles- "Thank nature every time you use her!" "My best friend is a really old tree that says she's really a princess. I think she's gone senile.. can trees go senile?" "I don't like fire.. not even the good kind."
Location- The red tree in Gairech Hill.
A pink haired, plump elf stands facing the tree with a carefree smile. She wears a pink strapless top and pants to match. Sitting on top of her head is a beaten up wizard hat, and across her back is a glowing long bow. She doesn't seem to acknowledge you at first, due to the heavy conversation she's having with the tree. But when she does, she smiles brightly and gives you a hug, "Hi! I was just talking to my friend. How are you today? ^_^"

Private Story
"I was a flower one time.. and my son can talk to the sky. People think we're crazy, but there's a lot of things that can't be explained. So maybe anything's possible..."
Nearby Rumors
"Sometimes plants are ok with being picked and cut down. They really like to help people out, as long as you take the time to appreciate their kindness. Even woodcutters replant. The forest thanks them for that." ^_^
"Do you know how to use a bow? Ryuuu taught me a long time ago, and it's one of my favorite things to do!"
Part Time Jobs
"Here! Plant these seeds and water the ground. I'll give you a freshly baked cake for each package you plant." ^_^

Last edited by Auramune on Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:07 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Post  Mari Eir Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:34 pm

I like this... I'll post something later when I can think of it. xD
Mari Eir
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Post  Jordiya Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:41 pm

ChatBubbles- "I need some meat.." "Meat please!" "I wonder where my family is..." "Hmmm~"
Location- Walking around Cobh Harbor

A young woman walks around the port town. She carries a black plastic umbrella and dons a comfortable yet stylish suit with a hat to match. Her bright eyes and inviting smile looks a little too nice to be true. Maybe there's something not so smiley and sweet about her.

Private Story
"Over half of my family is missing... I wonder where they went."
Nearby Rumors
"I hear that there's a new type of meat. Is this true?"
"I can breathe fire. You can't, all you get is a silly little Firebolt. Wait, don't hit me!"
Part Time Jobs
"Work? Ew, nono. Work is an ew nono."
Cinnamon Hellhound
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Your character is an NPC... Empty Re: Your character is an NPC...

Post  Hyuponia Kana Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:43 pm

ChatBubbles- "Seems to be raining everywhere I go.." "I wonder what Mariella is up to..." "Open your heart to sadness, and you will love all the more."

Location- Various locations throughout Udalh/Iria towns and cities (Much like Price)/Arux Bivnix/Solea

A young Incubus with grassy green hair and sad, penetrating red eyes looks your way, brow furrowing slightly. The motion makes him seem much older than he appeared. He is wearing a heavy green robe and muffler, hiding his mouth from view. You get the feeling he may be smiling at you; albeit in a melancholy manner.

"Oh, hello..."

Private Story
Unfriendly/Doesn't know you:"...There are many baffling mysteries in this world of Erinn. I happen to think I may be one of them at times."
Friendly: "Have you ever had a lucid dream before? ...What if I told you that dreams were real, and took you to magical places?"

Nearby Rumors
"Have you met my wife, Mariella yet? She may seem rude at times, but please don't mind her. She is a very compassionate woman at heart, and it's beginning to show more and more."

"Practice may not make perfect, but if you doggedly pursue one skill at a time, you will be very proficient before long."

Part Time Jobs

Last edited by Hyuponia Kana on Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
Hyuponia Kana
Hyuponia Kana
Kosher Dill Troll
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Post  Mithos Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:24 pm

ChatBubbles- "Paradise is broken..." "Milletians... Only a second, monstrous try at Tuatha de Dannan. Scum." "I have still so much to learn...! How can't I solve this?!"

Location- Pacing at the old Moon Gate place in Garriech.

A young man wearing a strikingly pink jacket is pacing as he mumbles complicated formulas. Every so often, he would stop to evaluate his new solution, only to realize it wasn't what he was looking for. At your approach, his determined eyes catch a hold of your figure and do not look away as he stops every other action to obeserve you. "What do you want?"

Private Story
"Ever saw a collosal beast with four arms? Would you want to be my pet's snack?"

Nearby Rumors
"I've heard many things... One of the best was that a Hellhound skull made a very good paste to stop bleeding when grinded. It works!"

"Have you ever tried to wield something without a cutting edge? It's rather efficient once you get the hang of it."

Part Time Jobs
"Go fetch me some gold ore. I'll reward you handsomely." (By not taking your soul, says he. >>)

Classes and Training
"You should ask an old Tuatha de Dannan with a blindingly white robe for that. He's the one who's taught me the most."

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Your character is an NPC... Empty Re: Your character is an NPC...

Post  Guest Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:45 pm

Chat Bubbles- "Dreams are the window to the many interesting things to see." "I wonder where I can find an ash tree..." "Ich bin sehr hungrig..."

Location- Standing in Tara, near the wine shop.

Equipment- Flowery evening gown(white/grey), Mongo's Large Visor Wizard Hat(white/grey), Core's Cute Ribbon Shoes(white/grey), Lace umbrella(white/grey, when raining or sunny), Kitty Doll(white/grey, when cloudy)

The woman glares at you with a suspicious gaze, her pink hair tied back elegantly. She looks upon you with distaste, as if your presence is an inconvenience. Clothed in rather a rather expensive dress, she appears to try to make herself seem important, whether she really is doesn't seem like it'd be a good question to ask.

"Is there a reason you're talking to me?"

Private Story
Unfriendly/doesn't know you: "I hope you're not expecting a life story from me."
Friendly: "I love the ash reminds me of the woman that raised me. If you find one, will you let me know?"

Nearby Rumors
"I wonder...."
"If I paid attention to gossip, I'd tell you."

"Did you want a serious answer?
"I prefer magic, really, though I made sure I didn't train in just one area of combat."
"Do you want to weave with me?"

Part Time Jobs
"I could use a new slave..."


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Your character is an NPC... Empty Re: Your character is an NPC...

Post  Mari Eir Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:42 pm

ChatBubbles- "You should stop by the Arux Bivnix Hotel!" "Where the hell is Hyu..!?" "I had another bad dream last night..."

Location- Wandering around Blago Prairie

The small woman, elegantly dressed in a flowing black gown, has a small pair of red wings adorning her back. Her deep red hair shines in the sunlight as she smiles at you almost skeptically. When she speaks, it sounds as though she is forcing an air of sweetness simply for the sake of manners.

"Is there something I can help you with~?"

Private Story
Unfriendly/Doesn't know you: "Quite frankly, my business is none of yours." "I really don't have the time for this. Here's my husband's business card."
Friendly: "I have bad dreams frequently. I don't get much sleep..." "I'm actually a dragon. I can even speak to lesser dragons."

Nearby Rumors
"My husband owns the Arux Bivnix Hotel. You should really stop by sometime!"
"I don't get along well with the Cersone family. But really, they started it."

Classes and Training
"Actually, I'm a freelance Alchemy instructor. What would you like to learn?

Part Time Jobs
"A.. what?"
Mari Eir
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Post  Krystal Sat Sep 03, 2011 12:54 am

Ah I remember a thread like this... will take a while for me to post something but I will later.
Buckwheat Dragon
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Post  Adhamh Sat Sep 03, 2011 11:30 am


ChatBubbles- "No one better be attacking the animals..." "Gaah...I need to punch something..or someone.." "Conri, wanna spar?" "I should practice s'more alchemy..." "I need to get some smithin' done soon.."

Location- Tir Chonail, Physis, Taillteann, Port Cobh

The large man, tall and well-built is dressed in a sleeveless black outfit with black knee-length shorts and knee-high black boots. A golden necklace with the Roman numeral "IV" hanga around his neck. He looks down at you with his powerful blue gaze and a wide, welcoming grin. His voice is deep but calm.

"What's up?"

Private Story
Unfriendly/Doesn't know you: "Keep yer nose out of my business."
Friendly: "My mind...I'm losin' careful around me, please?"

Nearby Rumors
"I'm not an old lady. I don't gossip."

Classes and Training
"Hehe, I can teach ya how t'fight if ya want. I've even taught a dragon!"
"I can teach ya the ways to calm and tame creatures, the more people we have doin' that instead o' killin', the better world this'd be."

Part Time Jobs
"Only job I'd have for ya would be t'help keep animals everywhere safe."

ChatBubbles- "I can't wait until I see Tihk.." "Oh, the idiocy of people everywhere drives me quite insane.." "Today's an excellent day for research!" "Is it cold? I didn't notice."

Location- Dunbarton, Tara, Emain, Qilla.

The thin man wears a blue robe with a feather design and a gray hood. His dull gray eyes seem to conceal a vast amount of knowledge. Long blue hair occasionally sways with the wind and atop his head rests a blue broad-brimmed hat with a black feather that glows softly. He speaks eloquently and articulately.

"Salutations, what do you inquire of me?"

Private Story
Unfriendly/Doesn't know you: "Unless you wish to be frozen, I suggest you cease probing into my personal life immediately."
Friendly: "The armor seems to be calm nowadays." "I had a delightful time with Tihk yesterday."

Nearby Rumors
"Gossip is such a trivial thing. There are more important to put my mind at work for."

Classes and Training
"I can instruct in the ways of the magical arts." "No, I will not teach you how to read."

Part Time Jobs
"Your timing is excellent! I require someone to aid in my research...or better yet, be my test subject."
Cromm Crunch
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Post  Krystal Sat Sep 03, 2011 8:14 pm


Chat Bubbles - "If only we didn't need to fight" "Perhaps I should let Layris come out..." "I'm glad I have a family to be with again." "I need to train some more." "Just watch and learn."

Location - Nearby the Tir inn or graveyard. Also periodically shows in Tail and Tara.

Special Info - Switches to Layris every few days for several days, much like Tarlach's change during day and night. Both offer a special Shadow Mission styled RP mission. Krystal has r1 combat ranks and high damage.

Her silver violet hair flows gently in the breeze. She carries a large golden Dustin sword on her back and she doesn't look like she's even able to truly lift such a sword. The sleeveless blue rocker outfit has signs of wear, but it doesn't seem to take away from how she looks. A golden chained necklace with a embroidered sword and shield is around her neck, and her emerald green eyes reflect a slight distant pain as she glances to you and smiles warmly. Her voice is gentle and sweet.

Unfriendly/Doesn't know: "Hello. Do you need anything?"
Friendly: "Hey there! How're you today? You're staying safe, right?"

Private Story
Unfriendly/Doesn't know you: "I'd rather not talk about that much." "My name is Krystal Crusade, but I feel like I should say more. Maybe later?"
Friendly: "I have a succubus soul who lives with me. Her name is Layris!" "I'm a very strong fighter, but I don't fight often because I feel that the less experienced need to be able to fight." "People say I look like one of the fighters from the Fenrir Wars. That's because I am that girl."

Nearby Rumors
"Rumors? It's not polite to ask for that kind of thing."
Field Boss (Not summoned): "Can you feel it? There's something coming. I think a (Monster Name) will appear in/at (Time) at (Location). Be careful and don't forget to train."
Field Boss (Summoned): "You can't sense it? If you want to fight (Monster Name) at (Location), then you need to hurry before another person gets there. Come back safely."

Classes and Training
"If you want training in swords and fighting, I can help you."

Part Time Job
"I don't have a job for you. I do them myself. My job for you though is... stay safe."


Chat Bubbles - "Ara... I get to hang out for a bit~" "It's good to be out." "I wonder what everyone is doing." "Ara?? I wonder who that is..."

Location - Nearby the Tir inn or graveyard. Also periodically shows in Tail and Tara.

Special Info - Switches to Krystal every few days for several days, much like Tarlach's change during day and night. Both offer a special Shadow Mission styled RP mission (3 quest chain). Layris has r1 magic skills (including adv) and high damage, and can chaincast/use adv magic without wands. Also has Hailstorm.

Her black hair seems dark as night and her large bat-like wings flutter lightly when a strong breeze comes. Her spade tail is wrapped around her waist, and she glances at you, her eyes a deep ocean blue, shining and vast. A golden chained necklace with a embroidered sword and shield is around her neck and she grins. Her voice is gentle, as luring as her eyes are.

Unfriendly/Doesn't know: "Ara? How're you?"
Friendly: "Aha~ It's you again! Still alive and well I see~"

Private Story
Unfriendly/Doesn't know you: "It's not nice to pry" "I'm Layris Crusade, a succubus in Krystal Crusade." "My private life is for those that know me well~ As are my hugs~"
Friendly: "Krystal and I both have sad pasts. Krystal and I lived in Tir Na Nog. Both our families were murdered." "I bound myself to Krystal long ago. We can't be separated now."

Nearby Rumors
"Ara~? You want a rumor? I'd say one if I knew. But that's not nice either~"
Field Boss (Not summoned): "You know, (Monster Name) will appear in/at (Time) at (Location). How do I know~? I can feel it."
Field Boss (Summoned): "You can fight (Monster Name) at (Location). It's stronger than most~ But that's the challenge~"

Classes and Training
"Define training. I once tried teaching a man more than just fighting."
"I can teach you magic and other things if you want."

Part Time Job
"A job? Sure if I think of one."

Last edited by Krystal on Sat Sep 03, 2011 10:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
Buckwheat Dragon
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Post  Hyuponia Kana Sat Sep 03, 2011 8:26 pm

(Since this was probably expected anyway..)

The Arc Lich
ChatBubbles- "Don't stare now. It's quite rude." "Chaos is the force that drives existence." "Are you here because of the legends? Go away."

Location- Floating about Metus during daylight hours, non hostile. (Hostile when sun sets however.)

The creature's bones seem to crackle and snap as it turns to watch your approach with calm and intelligent glowing yellow eyes with white pupils within empty sockets. The forehead is adorned with a horn, taut white skin, and bizarrely handsome features for looking decayed and dead. It is dressed in an incredibly tattered robe, though by it's intricate designs and the enormous gold mantle it must have been very stunning in it's prime. With a sadistic and playful grin, the monster bows and begins to speak in a deep, refined tone. Just being in the being's presence is making you uneasy..

"I see you aren't fleeing in terror yet. A rare case...Welcome."

Private Story
Unfriendly/Doesn't know you: " About me? I am a powerful undead Arch Magus. I don't have the time to tell you my story, and half of it I have forgotten as it is anyway." "You might as well count rocks...It would be more interesting than the history lesson I have to share."

Friendly: "In truth, I abandoned life to escape the nightmares that came with sleep." "In my youth, and by proxy life, I was a black haired elf. Look what prejudice has molded me into because of it."

Nearby Rumors
"The rumors that you hear about Metus, I have in fact fabricated as a sort of deterrent to tourism."
"Do not follow the mirages in this desert. They are not illusions, but rather the traps of angry, lost souls."

Friendly:(Ifrit going to spawn) "...I can feel the presence of a powerful fire spirit drawing near. If that why you are out here, go before you miss your chance to fight it."

Classes and Training
"Any and all things I teach will be highly controversial, immoral, and illegal. That however isn't why I won't teach you. I just don't WANT to share."

Part Time Jobs
"If you go find any corpses of those who died of heat exhaustion in the desert; or those alive but just on the verge of passing, I'll reward you handsomely for bringing them back here."
"...You're serious..?" -Blank expression- "...Very well, I'll wait and see if it's worth my trouble then. Do a good job and I will keep my word."
Hyuponia Kana
Hyuponia Kana
Kosher Dill Troll
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Post  Guest Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:26 pm

ChatBubbles- "Gotta be home by the night time...I forgot where it is again.." "Pssh...Ev'ryone wants ta grow up...I dunno about dat.."

Location- Hanging around Loch Lios.

A child, maybe around 13 years of age, smiles up at you with sparkling gold eyes. Her face is dirtied, and there are leaves and sticks stuck in her dark grey hair, which is tied to the side in ponytails. The girl has a distinct appearance of a wild child, but is currently wearing a gold and black armor not normally found on that type of person. She seems rather pleased to see you.

"You wanna talk ta me? I dunno much stuff, so dun ask no smart qe'stions!"

Private Story
Unfriendly/Doesn't know you: "Are you a molesternator? Daddy says to avoid those..."

Friendly: "I wanna live with da fomor monsters. I feels like I shouldn't be with da normal pretty humans, even if I is a human, too. Guessin' I just am used ta being cast out, like da fomor monsters."

Nearby Rumors
"The Red Lady runs dat hotelly thing, Daddy likes her, but I think she's kinda terrible. I like da Green Ladyman, though...wish he didn't like the Red Lady..."

Classes and Training
"School is booooring. I likes ta learn from...from..'spearyance. Learnin' in da nature is more fun."
"Wanna learn 'bout my snake? He's really nice and gives kisses!"

Part Time Jobs
"...." A mischievous smile is given, but nothing else.


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Post  Ledil Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:30 pm

Ledil and Liur
ChatBubbles- Ledil: "So much to deal with.." "What was that?" "I need to find something to do."
Liur: "Okay, Ledil, you need to get stronger." "What was that?" "Booooored.."

Corrib Valley, or Gairech Hills at night.(6:10 P.M. - 6:10 A.M. game time)

Special Info
Ledil changes to Liur at midnight, and is fully Liur during Samhain.(Saturday)

Ledil:His messy brown hair shows that he's been through a lot, his eyes resemble deep emeralds, and his skin is light with dirt here and there. As you approach he quickly stands to his feet and widens his eyes, alert and ready to take off at any moment. He skeptically looks you up and down looking for bulges where a weapon might be hidden. After a bit he starts to calm himself enough to speak to you.

... Hello, who are you?

Liur: His eyes, Golden and narrowed, are fully alert, and he instantly looks at you when you approach. His hair is light brown, almost caramel, and messed up. At first he frowns and you could almost hear him growl at you, then he inspects you thoroughly. After which, his ears perk as you draw nearer and he says very bluntly,

"What do you want?"

Private Story
Ledil: Unfriendly/Doesn't know you: "... ... ... No."
Liur: Unfriendly/Doesn't know you: "Sorry, didn't hear you. Could you say that again?"

Ledil: Friendly: "I wasn't always this wolfish creature you see before you.. I was, at a time, a normal human boy. But look at me now. I guess I shouldn't be ashamed of this, it does help in a lot of ways. *Sighs* Also, a few people are after me. Maybe you shouldn't get too involved."
Liur: "I'm Ledil's wolf spirit slash other half, I decided to jump in after Ledil's first visit to 'Paradise', and yes, -we're- being hunted."

Nearby Rumors
Ledil: Unfriendly: "Well, not much happens around here... *looks away*"
Liur: Unfriendly: "Okay I confess, nothing happens here, big surprise right?"

Ledil: Friendly: (In Corrib) "I don't hear much rumors out here, I do travel from time to time. (In Gairech, field boss appears.) "I did hear that something powerful popped up somewhere, maybe you should go check it out.."
Liur: Friendly: (In Corrib) "Nothing out here except the river getting blocked from time to time." (In Gairech, field boss appears) "*Ears perk* Did you hear that? That's the sound of a hunt. Go get 'em."

Classes and Training
Ledil: "I'm not too bad with a bow, though I don't think I could teach you how to use it. Sorry."
Liur: "If you have learned Assault Slash already I could teach it to you."

(Teaching Assault Slash) "All you need to do is gather your strength into one point and leap forward, smashing your weapon into your opponent. Lot'sa fun I'll tell ya'."

Part Time Jobs
Both: (In Corrib..) "*Yawns* Nope, absolutely nothing." (8:00 P.M. In Gairech) "I do have something you could do, though I can't pay you in money. Some wolves have gone corrupt out here, and I need some sleep. Could you go hunt some wolves for me? Any kind will do.

"Great, I don't know where exactly they come out, but they are out there. Go get 'em."

"That's fine, I'll find some way to deal with them."
Gummy Bear
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Post  Vayne Sat Sep 03, 2011 9:57 pm


ChattyChat- "JUSTICE!", "Did you say...JUSTICE?!", "Hello."

Location- Revolving NPC, based on moongate.

Equipment- Alchemy Suit (Black. Leymore, but 'Leymore's' suit is just a personalized style of his -of- the alch suit), Alchemist-in-training Shoes (Black), Zorro Mask (Black hat, red mask), Glory Sword (Silver, with black as a secondary).

The man stands tall and proud, a fiery passion clearly blazing in his eyes. His red hair falls about his neck and covers some of his cheeks, like the mane of a lion. With a sword much too large for a normal man and a red mask about his face, he embodies the word...Justice.

"What is it, chum?"

Private story
*Unfriendly/Doesn't know: "You have a look about you I don't like, chum...", "I'm sorry, I'm a bit busy right now."

*Friendly: "I can see the burning spirit of JUSTICE! Within you.", "My real name...? Flaya...Sydney...Clarence."

Nearby Rumors
"Have you met my wife? For your sake, I hope you haven't."
"According to stories, there is a mystical chef who's food can make any wish come true...I should know. I wrote them."

Classes and Training
"Hm. You're swordplay is deplorable. Care for some help, chum?"

Part-time Jobs
"You wish to work with me? Excellent. QUICK, SIDEKICK! TO THE FLAYPOST!"

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Location : Behind the mirror. Pay no attention.

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Post  Zeffie Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:04 am

ChatBubbles-"...." "... I need some Alpaca yarn..." "You okay...? You look a little shaken up, sorry." " (yawn)" "Fool me once, shame on me... right... ....?" "If your going to grind your teeth, do it gently." "...Don't bite on that for four hours..." "How many cranes is that now?" "(humming)"

Location- Sitting infront of the Shadow Realm's Abb Neagh lake, looking at the hillside.
A young woman is looking at you with sad and lost eyes behind her glasses. Her unamused expression doesn't change, even when you smile at her. Her pale skin and bright blonde hair don't seem to fit together, and her beautiful, delicate body is a woman's dream. Weak and delicate, she's out of place. Why is she here?

She rocks that children's day robe and some Siren glasses. Dark blue apron, and the rest is cream, Her glasses have purple rims. She's wearin' them brown lorica sandals too.

Private Story
"I love my family... I wish we could always be together." "I hate cliches... You arn't cliche are you...?"

Nearby Rumors
" I'm sorry, I zoned out... could you repeat that?" "Do you believe in Aliens? I know they're out there... watching us..."

"If you know somthing about handicrafts, I could teach you how to make cranes..."

Part Time Jobs
"I don't hire wimps... I'm doing fine on my own"

Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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Post  Lenaliere Sun Sep 11, 2011 6:05 am

Quotes: "People Say cooking is like alchemy, except what you cook can't attack... Yeah don't touch my cake." "I have a great experience with alchemy... So why am I a chef" "I wonder when my boss will promote me!" "My pants better not be on fire when my shift is over..." "(Yawn) I wonder how my wife's doing." "When am I getting those Lessons for Alchemy... Books aren't enough"

Location: Tara Castle Resturaunt in the center of the room (8 PM to Midnight, 1 AM to 5 AM

Clothes: Before Midnight he is seen wearing an Odelia wizard outfit with Red trim, White jacket and base, and Black fur as well as a pair of Romantic Gothic Buckled Boots colored white with light brown buckles. After his one hour break, he wears a Suit for Alchemists in training with a white shirt, black jacket, and red pants, along with some red Leo shoes. He is always seen with a Regular cylinder on his arm, colored white and pearl. He is always found with his wedding ring on.

He fiddles with his cylinder, then looks back to you smiling. His Blue eyes seem filled with purity and his smile is perfect. His golden blonde hair looks as if it wasn't brushed, but upon closer inspection you can see that it's styled that way with gel.

Private Story
Dislikes you: I used to be near explosions, I'm sure I can make one happen... You should run.
Doesn't know you/Neutral: Welcome to the best hotel in all of Erinn! How may I serve you?
Friends: "I also give spa treatments you know." "I trained to be an alchemist, but I also write books and cook!" "You remind me of a lot of people in my family. Then again, I have no blood relatives... (sniffle)" "Some of my books are really perverted, other times they're really wonderful and emotional, and some are duds" "You're a milletean right? you know before midnight I go out adventuring in a costume that reminds some milleteans of some ninja... Weird huh?"

Nearby Rumors
"If you hear moaning from a nearby door, and I'm not here, leave it. If you hear moaning from a door and I *Am* here... Tell me what you hear, I'll say if you should ever mention it"

"I'm learning Alchemy, so I have all sorts of books. I lend them out to my friends"
Friends: "I know that you may not be interested in alchemy, but here! It's also useful for fighting against alchemists. You know what they can do." (He hands them an alchemy and battling Book)

Part Time Jobs
"No way! If you're seen doing work for me, I'll be fired!"
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

Posts : 496
Join date : 2011-01-09
Age : 28
Location : So far west of california that I'm west of the atlantic o3o

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