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Conrí the Supreme Awesomeness' Hunting Journal

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Conrí the Supreme Awesomeness' Hunting Journal Empty Conrí the Supreme Awesomeness' Hunting Journal

Post  Adhamh Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:31 pm

Adhamh was away on his personal retreat. He'd felt that he'd become too much of a 'town-dweller' and wanted to get more in-touch with his canine side. He'd packed up a few things, gave his farewells, and went on a trip to Courcle where he would live in the wild for a while. Conrí had wanted to go, but was asked by Adhamh to stay behind and help keep an eye on the family; to help Nai and Lysandr with anything they needed and to make sure Cas stayed out of trouble. The large wolf agreed to his best friend's wishes, despite how much he didn't want to.

The next da, Conrí had realized that without Adhamh around he'd be free to eat the sweets he wished. The first day he attempted to sneak out with an entire cake that Lysandr had baked. The dragonoid caught him before he even left the kitchen.

With Adhamh gone, Conrí found himself laying around at home all day and only leaving to hunt when he didn't feel like eating dinner there. The next day, Conrí entered the living room to find a humanoid Lysandr sitting in a rocking chair, engrossed in Mystery of the Karu Forest. Conrí had had enough of being bored and decided to pester his chum.

"Lyyyyyyyy~ Oh Lyyyyyy~" Conri called without luck. He was too interested in the contents of the book to notice that he'd been called.

"LysandrLysandrLysandrLysandrLysandrLysandrLysandrLyLyLyLyLyLyLyLyLyLyLyLy!" With his new tactic, the canine was successful in rousing Lysandr from his rapture. Said dragon levels a glare of annoyance.

"..Yes Conrí?" He replies, his tone displaying clearly how annoyed he is at being interrupted.

"I'm boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooored." The wolf doesn't seem to take notice of how obnoxious he's being or just doesn't care.

"Well, why don't you go hunt..or chase the sheep around a few times?" Lysandr has now closed his book, but not before dog-earing the page he was on. He's noticed Conrí's lack of enthusiasm lately. He can tell that the wolf is unused to not having Adhamh around for long periods of time. He fears that Conrí may become depressed soon.

"Hunting's boring 'round here! Also, Deian threatened t'hit me with his staff if I didn't leave his flock alone." To this, Lysandr chuckles.

"Hm..well I've heard of humans collecting things...why don't you start up a collection of your own?" Lysandr suggests. Conrí mulls this over for a bit, before coming up with an idea of what he'd collect.

"Hey..that sounds like a good idea! Thanks, buddy! But uh...I'll need your help with somethin'. I'll let ya know what when I come back, gonna get started!" The wolf runs out of the house, excitedly; leaving Lysandr to ponder over what Conrí needs help with before he returns to his thrilling read. Later that evening, the large lupine returns with a beat up helmet. It belonged to an Ogre Warrior from the Barri mines. He shows the trophy off proudly to Lysandr, regaling him in the adventure he had that day. How he fearlessly trekked through Barri, braving the goblins and imps, and how he effortlessly took down a gang of the armored ogres. The dragon can easily tell that Conrí may be exaggerating in some parts of the tale, but praises him regardless on his job well-done.

"Now, what did you require of me?" The dragon asks curiously, his tail swishing slowly. Conrí looks up at him confused.

"Huh? Wh-OH! Yeah! I need ya t'keep a log-type thing that keeps track of what I 'collect' for me. Figured I could ask ya since y'know, you have opposable thumbs that ya don't make good use of." He grins, his own tail wagging excitedly. The dragon had been about to argue how his thumbs were put to very good use, such as helping to prepare meals for the gluttonous canine, before he saw how happy this 'collection' of his was making him.

"Of course, what would you like me to call this soon-to-be thrilling anthology?" The reptile chuckles, pulling an empty book and quill-and-ink from the bookshelf behind him. He'd made sure to keep several empty books in case he ever gained the inspiration to write a book of his own and fulfill his dream of becoming an author. He inks the feather's tip and opens to the first page, ready to scribe.

" about....'Conrí the Supreme Awesomeness' Hunting Journal'!"

((This is basically an IC version of my transformation diary. I'll actually be doing these collections ICly as Conrí. So if you see me running around as the Fenrir Shift, I'm probably IC.))

Last edited by Adhamh on Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:38 pm; edited 1 time in total
Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

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Conrí the Supreme Awesomeness' Hunting Journal Empty Re: Conrí the Supreme Awesomeness' Hunting Journal

Post  Adhamh Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:35 pm

Page 1 - Ogre Warrior
Conrí the Supreme Awesomeness' Hunting Journal Ogre_w11
Cromm Crunch
Cromm Crunch

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