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Hyuponia's Journal

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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Hyuponia's Journal

Post  Hyuponia Kana Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:18 pm

A single bell necklace, lays abandoned within a series of elaborate ritual circles at the heart of Albey Dungeon. A silence pervades these catacombs, punctuated only by the almost mournful howling of gales in unseen chasms. Laying beside this grim tableau is a young woman, lightly hugging a small leather bound black notebook protectively. She looks serene, as if asleep...But upon closer inspection, she is in fact, dead. No creature will disturb this cadaver, as it is tinged with the traces of incredibly perverse Black Magic. It is so powerful in fact, people conscious of it are driven into a silent desperation upon their approach. Here, this woman will remain, undisturbed by the hands of time..

Until perhaps an adventurous soul wanders upon and discovers her secrets.

((On this note, I will be writing a series of entires here, describing what is in fact in this journal, should one actually stumble on it. It details Hyuponia's research of Tir Na Nog.))
Hyuponia Kana
Hyuponia Kana
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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Re: Hyuponia's Journal

Post  Zwei Freeheart Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:28 pm

(Eh if i'm on maybe Zwei can come upon it)

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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Re: Hyuponia's Journal

Post  Temo Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:34 pm

[[Do I move this to the Story Board where other journals are kept or leave it here? O.o;;;]]
Burrito Bison

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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Re: Hyuponia's Journal

Post  Darian Sat Jul 31, 2010 5:42 pm

(Well, since TNN is hard to get to because Barri is still sealed up, I guess Liiam is the most likely person to find it since he does a lot of his training there and can cross between TNN and Erinn whenever he wants to. I'll get in touch with you over notes, if you want.)

Kosher Dill Troll
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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Re: Hyuponia's Journal

Post  Hyuponia Kana Sat Jul 31, 2010 6:54 pm

Liiam wrote:(Well, since TNN is hard to get to because Barri is still sealed up, I guess Liiam is the most likely person to find it since he does a lot of his training there and can cross between TNN and Erinn whenever he wants to. I'll get in touch with you over notes, if you want.)

Oh wow, Liiam, that's actually perfect, considering you are helping Vayne. Hyuponia's research might help him in these ends. Whenever he obtains the journal, I'll start adding entries as he reads it.
Hyuponia Kana
Hyuponia Kana
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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Disclaimer

Post  Hyuponia Kana Mon Aug 02, 2010 8:51 pm

The notebook itself is still fairly new; Though it has collected some dust from the catacombs. Upon opening it, the first row of letters almost leap out at the reader, in large, almost angrily written red print. Underneath in black, is a small written message, much more delicate than the first. The rest of this page, is left blank. A note from the author, perhaps...?


..And if this is Mariella reading this...I guess I never got the chance to get a hold of the book first, huh..? Feel free to destroy it after you read it's contents if you would like...Or hold onto it. This may be the last bit of my will leftover in this world. Use that power.
..And remember to stay strong for me. Death won't change the fact that I will still love you.
Hyuponia Kana
Hyuponia Kana
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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Re: Hyuponia's Journal

Post  Darian Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:38 pm

Frowning as he read the introduction, Liiam arches an eyebrow the further he reads. His eyes narrow as he reads the touching narrative, his thoughts hidden in silence. Before reading further, he calls out Sepulcher, summoning the large horse, "Need ya ta carry some dead weight, pal." Snickering at his own joke and ignoring the horse's wicker, he lifts up Hyuponia's body to sling it over Sepulcher's back. "Don' mind'the smell, his death magic was'a little rotten, ah think." The warning of 'read at your own risk' goes unheeded as Liiam turns his attention back to the journal, reading further on.

Kosher Dill Troll
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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Journal Entry #1

Post  Hyuponia Kana Tue Aug 03, 2010 1:40 am

The tone and sharpness of the words quickly changes to a more mechanical format upon the first page. There are concept sketches, and in various places the handwriting is vastly different. Multiple people seemed to have had a hand in writing in this book...

Journal No. 1

For many years and in many worlds, beings have attempted to seek out the origins of legend and superstition which ties deep to their beliefs and cultures. Such wild and varied tales, ranging from the mythical Fountain of Youth of Earth, to the endless energy of the Moon Kingdom of my own world spawned in fact, the questions that drives this research. These questions, are simple: What ARE the legends that surround Erinn, such as the Land of Eternity...Tir Na Nog? And do they in fact, hold any factual significance whatsoever?
To answer this question, one had to dig into Erinn's history however. In order to do that, I had to seek out a Druid of considerable age; As well as willing to hear me out, being of a nature of magic that perverts the sense of balance these creatures have. I found my answer, in Tarlach. In return for a very generous supply of mana herbs...And my company, which he oddly found pleasant, he gave to me a scroll. Though badly damaged, it did yield an answer to my first stated question.

The people of Erinn, called it the "Mabinogi." It is a series of epics, each detailing a time in history. Battles, romance of nobles and the aristocracy, the deaths and triumphs of great heroes or the sorrows and horrors of the commoners, all could be found there. Mabinogi, was in fact the living history of Erinn, itself..! This scroll contained some of the melody, and most peculiar lyrics. It described the ascension of an Elf, into what was almost considered a 'God-like' status. He could not be killed by conventional means...Nor did he ever age, or sleep. He ruled by fear, until a great deluge of the people forced this monstrosity away...By threatening his very soul. He stole away, into the night bearing the vessel of his mortality...And was never seen again. This was, the Mabinogi of the Arc Lich. He and I...Have been fighting in Metus since the days of the Parthalon Wars. This could prove to be a powerful tool in my current arsenal...I now had something that lays his past bare. Our relationship is no longer impersonal; I could potentially kill him now, as the song not only tells what his Phylactery looked like, but where in fact I might find it.

...Perhaps I should confront him with this scroll...If he believes I might be on to the location of his Phylactery, it might intimidate him just enough into giving me the answers I so desperately seek as a means to bring about a truce...Either that, or give him more of a reason to find mine and destroy me.

...More details to come, should I find it necessary...I haven't left the precise way to go about destroying the Arc Lich, because in theory, the current location of his Phylactery may have changed many times from when this particular song was sung. Best not leave anything to chance...

There is a sketch of the Arc Lich himself, though grainy on the right side of the page. The text seems to wrap around him. There are various incantations in Fomorian littering the page as well, where no other words have touched. Upon closer inspection, these are in fact what appears to be wards of some sort or another. What was Hyuponia attempting to create...? Most seem to be defensive, at a glance.
Hyuponia Kana
Hyuponia Kana
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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Journal Entry #2

Post  Hyuponia Kana Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:17 pm

Page two, seems to bear the first traces of a second writer. The words however, are done in blood; Relatively fresh blood, that somewhat blots through the first and next pages in negligent degrees. Despite the foreboding and grisly choice of ink, the letters are alive with an elegant and almost electrically horrifying style. Each word contains a raw amount of perverse magical energy, that is both sinister and playful. It mingles in constant conflict with the energy of the journal itself.

Journal No. 2

..I must admit, when I had first come across the concept of a second Soul Stream in my own works...I was a bit,


However...Given some time, and the generous amount of Fomorian subjects upon which I've experimented due to the foolhardy endeavors of the supposed 'Black Council' of Arch Mages...I can safely conclude that the spiritual residue lingering behind on cadavers after stimulated myocardial infarction do not in fact remain in Erinn. Or at least, this instance of it.
It would seem as though in banishing the Fomor, Morrighan had created yet another form of passage for these often times arrogant creatures. Why however the location she has re-located them to, Tir Na Nog, remains unknown to me. Shortly after death, the spirits of my subjects will behave in one of two fashions:

-The first, and most predictable is the soul will simply linger on and collect mana from Eweca, growing slowly in power until it first manifests itself as a full body apparition. These beings, while retaining memories of their past lives and existence, are entirely hollow and act purely on instinct without a shell to contain them. Given this irony, they are easy to control; If you can manipulate an instance of their memories, you can bind them and bend them to your will. This is the most fundamental basis of Necromancy, which is nothing more than the twisting of another's own thoughts after death.

-The second instance, is that which will continue to baffle me. Though I share it with Hyuponia, who's own records are within these pages as well, he will time and time again refuse to glean even a mote of his own light on the subject. Until recently, he had cared very little for ANY of my research; Though I can't complain of his curiosity now. Shortly after death, the spirit will depart the body, and begin collecting mana from Eweca, in standard poltergeist fashion. Abruptly however, it deviates from this course of events, and simply begins to dissipate, drifting apart into what I first believed was a return to the Soul Stream. Thereafter though, it is obvious that there is no definite path these beings take; In other words, they do not behave as Militeans do...You can often times trace where they are headed. Shades perform a similar feat, to what I have witnessed. This was by far the most plausible theory. The subject will die, and form as a ghost. From here however, the initial spirit begins to dissolve away, overpowered by raw mana. Only the poltergeist remains. Due to their lack of interactive conscious, They cannot be controlled. But unlike shades, no poltergeist activity remains after the initial removal of the will the spirit retained. The entire essence of this spirit, seeps away into the Void, where it is not seen again...

Hyuponia Kana
Hyuponia Kana
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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Journal Entry #3

Post  Hyuponia Kana Mon Aug 16, 2010 9:47 pm

Page three returns back to it's simple black inking. Hyuponia must be writing again. His words are shaky and in places he has scratched out words altogether in some parts, as though he were in a total rush.

Journal No. 3

I'm beginning to doubt my own actions, even though what I am finding thus far is sound. I've had yet another encounter with Auron. He has changed drastically since last we met...And if I were to proceed with my plans, he will most assuredly kill me; Either before I finish, or shortly after I've succeeded. On that note, violence...I've been seeing much of it lately, in my exposure to Dunbarton. I do not know how Xeek approves of any of the current regime's actions. Requiem is as twisted as it's ruler. I am debating on whether it is wise or not to assault and eliminate Fenrir Gatemo Eir before my transitioning back to mortality. To do so however would put me at odds with not only Requiem itself, which is currently my haven...But possibly with Mariella. Not because of her personally; but Xeek.
To attack Eir is to attack Requiem. I doubt he would find my idealism a satisfying excuse for yet STILL more unneeded bloodshed. And I would much rather not have to be forced to harm the people whom I've dedicated myself to protecting. I know this must be done, but at the same time I am too cowardly to take action. My own hypocrisy is sickening. So much in fact, it's been burdening me with vivid and horrific memories of my past. In an effort, I shared some of this with Mariella to relieve my own stress. I showed her what the Sen Mag Plains had looked like during the earlier years of the Parthalon Wars. This was in fact, my memory of it, projected by means of illusion upon her.

It was before the second battle of Mag Tuireadh ...Fomorian forces were gathered to march upon the battlements set in place in the grasslands. We had trekked for many days, through the catacombs beneath Erinn, before finally arising from Peaca Dungeon. It was believed no one would be foolish enough to mount an attack from the dungeon itself, as both factions were losing an alarming number of their best scouts within to unknown horrors. We traveled as one, in the dank darkness, and we had experienced many casualties. Most instances our ranks were thinning before we realized anyone had been missing at all. Sentry duty became tighter, and sometimes even they go missing. Many of us became fearful for our lives. This stretched on for several days, before we emerged in what was to be a surprise attack upon the Parthalonians staged in Sen Mag. Morale and numbers were much lower than the initially planned campaign called for, and ultimately it failed. However, the battlefield was so serene before the actual fighting, that it struck me with overwhelming pity. Wildflowers, as far as the eye could see. How could we be so selfish...Humans and Fomor alike, to go and destroy something of such gentle purity? It was from here Mariella told me of the Nubes Mountains in Iria. That we could perhaps escape there...Create our own haven. No more having to participate and bear witness to the fruitless destruction and machinations of the 'civilized' peoples. I very much like that idea...And I'm going to be planning extensively for it. Maybe there'll be hope for the future yet.

...Because, as of now...I don't want any part in this battle; This world that we've created and just as quickly torn apart. As of tomorrow, I begin exploring again Fiodh Ruins. This was in fact, a fortress in the time of the war, maintained by humans. Perhaps I can find what I am looking for there. If not, I will return to Peaca again...The horrors of my past need not frighten me now. I am what I've grown to fear.

On the opposite page, there is a much more elaborate, and carefully drawn diagram of a house, materials, and even a cut away of a single room, dissected in half and labeled meticulously. The house is gorgeous, and almost laughable, being just a picture. It seems like something quite literally out of a fairy tale, marble covered in vines and various roses. Was this really what the Incubus intended to build?
Hyuponia Kana
Hyuponia Kana
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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Journal Entry #4

Post  Hyuponia Kana Mon Aug 30, 2010 4:14 pm

Hyuponia’s handwriting is observed all throughout this page. His entry is clipped and curt. Careful observation reveals he has been writing mostly on the move, the words sketchy with the constant jostling.

I’ve told Mariella of my plans. All of them. We’ve both come to the same conclusion that I wouldn’t be able to provide what we both want with my body in it’s current condition. As selfish as this sounds, I wanted to believe our love is all we need to go on. I know better than that however. I must live; lest I remain nothing but her shadow. I love her yes, but you cannot build a family with a spectre...It’s like trying to live in a memory. There is no substance nor meaning to any of my affection. My commitment would prove to be just as hollow as I am now. As I’ve told her before, she could do much better than me; Deserved much better than me as I am now.
Over the course of the next several months I will be exploring the labyrinth that is the dungeons of Uldalh, searching for traces of very powerful and forgotten magics; Specifically surrounding the older Lich and Fae that dwell deep within their reaches. I will resume my expedition with Coill...In the ages of the Second War, it was a temple to Lymilark, one of immense holy power, destroyed earlier in the wars. Places of great violence are often times stained with traces of powerful energy. Not to mention that archaeologists may have missed otherwise important artifacts that will prove useful to me in my endeavor.
From there, I will continue on. I am not hampered down by Morrighan’s seals in the same fashion that Fomor are. I can pass freely into deeper recesses of the dungeon, those undisturbed by mortals and immortals alike for eons. The Gods and Goddesses’ graveyard for all their earlier mistakes of creation. I must admit, I am terrified. Not because of what may be waiting for me...But what that knowledge will mean. If I happen to fail, I am almost assured an absolute form of death. One mistake, and I bring ruination upon not only myself, but the woman I’ve come to love. I would never forgive myself if I knew she had broken again; Knowing that by my actions I will have pulled her deeper into the embrace of despair.

I must have faith. I’ve come too far to fade away now.

Last edited by Hyuponia Kana on Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:35 am; edited 1 time in total
Hyuponia Kana
Hyuponia Kana
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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Journal Entry #5

Post  Hyuponia Kana Fri Sep 10, 2010 3:56 pm

I have concluded my research. My time of judgement is finally at hand. Three beings now of considerable age and power have leaned towards and partially confirmed the possibility of the Anti Soul Stream. My confrontation with the Rich of Peaca was not fruitless; He too confirmed of our research, shedding all too eagerly his own from perhaps his lonesome once he learned that I too, remained unchained by the passage of time. In return, all he asked was if there was indeed more like us, and I had to lay bare the existence of the Arc Lich to him. His curiosity was insatiable, and I told him I did not know any other beyond us three, which in practicality is the truth. I dared not tell him my relationship with the gods and goddesses whom I do not publicly speak of due to a considerably healthy fear and earnest reverence, (Though they too cannot be everywhere at once.) nor the Dragons that I made acquaintances with over the last few centuries.

My reasoning for telling him of these things did not just stem from desperation for information, but because of his pitiful state as well. He had become a Pariah, as immortals in general usually are, and began to hate with a passion all life. He figured it hated him perhaps just as much. I cannot tell as of now however if it was by conscious decision on his part to enter his exile or the superstitions of the common people. Fear always makes one so keen to destroy the first unnatural thing to come across as dangerous to them; Fomor and Human alike. I hope this decision wasn’t foolish on my part, as there was a very strong possibility of him leaving to seek my old colleague out.

The Rich has also helped me to design the actual framework for the ritual I was going to perform that was essentially my suicide. Again, his persistence to finding the purpose of why I would want to do such a thing earned him some of the details of my life and love interest. He called me a fool, a bloody idiot for my self condemnation, and all manners of expletives too degrading for me to repeat again. I bore them all with a sublime patience, and told him then that in none of my endless years had I ever been truly happy. I was ready, and forgive me, truthfully willing to die at any point in time, to snuff out all traces of my own continuity. I told him of Mariella, and how she changed my entire outlook on life, effectively saving me. I told him of her own complications and sorrows, and how I too wanted to do for her as she had for me. He obliged finally, silencing me with a weariness that far preceded the reaction I wished my words would instill. For him at least, there was still perhaps a bit of humanity left.

The spell we devised, we created with the general intent that it would perform itself upon activating. It was a series of seals that the previous spell would break, to activate the next enchantment, that would continue until it would finally release all of the mana (as well as my soul). We did this with the fact in mind that I would be dying, and theoretically unable to complete the ritual half way throughout.
The spell would consist of three ritual circles, each within the other. Within the third center circle, would be my Phylactery. The first spell will do what is essentially flood the Phylactery with mana, and the seal on the second circle. The mana will envelope my soul, as well as corrode the seal. Once that is broken, the second spell activates, harshly ripping the mana out of the recesses of the Phylactery, taking my soul with it. This will end my life, unbinding me from a physical vessel with which to interact. The third spell is one involving Necromancy, and it will in practice compel me to find and sink into the Anti Soul Stream should it even exist.

The plan has been set in motion now. I will be accompanied by Mariella to Tir Na Nog, where I will perform the spell in a secluded recess. I do this with her, because I want the chance to say my goodbyes. Another secret part of me hopes she can talk me out of it all. This will be the last and only true brave act of a man who was until love found him, a coward. Farewell, until fate sees fit to join us once more.

Hyuponia Kana
Hyuponia Kana
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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Journal Entry #6

Post  Hyuponia Kana Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:39 am

((This is the point where Liiam stops having direct knowledge of what is written.))

So very much has been happening, that at this point I hardly know where to begin. My journal was unexpectedly returned to me by a man who at his core is like me; An assassin. This is where the similarities however abruptly end. He came upon Mariella and I as we were taking a walk through Dugald Aisle. I know him simply as Liiam. Be this an alias, (as I have no grasp of his sure name, or even sure of his name at all) I am stuck now in a very precarious position. He is a murderer, from all gossip I hear. Considers himself righteous and therefore morally incorruptible; A war hero fighting for some sort of greater good. Any true veteran would know there was no such thing to begin with. This only concerns me on the point of fact that Liiam is fighting the Requiem...Meaning his targets may inevitably wind up being the people whom I’ve come to care about.

If it wasn’t also obvious at this point, I’ve succeeded in my endeavor to return to life...I’ve been alive for several months now. Fully and truly alive for the first time in several eons. I almost suffocated because I had forgotten how to breathe.The first weeks of my mortality were ones of sickening anticipation for me. I returned, starving; The Hunger of the Incubus. I wasn’t ready for the force of which it would steal me and it temporarily drove me to madness. I don’t know how long I was under...All I could remember was sleeping, and moments of dizzying, hazy confusion. Rage. Pain. Fear...And an insatiable primal lust. I shudder recalling any of it, even now. I try to convince myself it’s because I am troubled by my behavior while lost to madness. But...I question my own thoughts sometimes still. I think some secret part of me may have actually enjoyed it.

When Mariella had found me, her familiarity was enough for me to regain my senses and overpower my rabid want of feeding. It was only then I discovered that I had hurt people on my rampage. I was arrested shortly afterwards by the Incubi of Dugald, where it was almost assured that by a trial of my own peers, I would be executed. Lord Takenaga senior cast me into the dungeons of Dugald Castle as a means of defending their home, should intruders find a way into the deeper recesses, making me effectively a gladiator. I would fight until I earned my freedom or died....Death being the more likely of the two. My stay was cut short abruptly by a rescue party however, aided even by Shinnichi Takenaga, who curiously enough unlocked the gates barring our exit. I’ve no idea as to what his motives in doing this were, as I had in what was effect sexually harassed his child (Also an Incubus) as a way to prepare him for the Hunger should he begin to experience it. I can question this erratic change of heart later...As above stated, there is still too much to absorb.

I proposed to Mariella in the present company of my rescuers, not even shortly after my rescue. I had upset her before, when she had asked me a very important and simple question regarding our relationship. I made a mistake in forgetting one of the most celebrated statues in commitment among mortals: Marriage. It shames me to admit it, but my voluntary exile from society at large all these years had bereft of me any common knowledge of people’s ways. I was vastly knowledgeable admittedly of the world...But ignorant all the same to matters of the heart. I absolved to remedy this with as much care as I could muster...Crafting a living ring, housing a portion of my soul. I had taken a Nasturana from the garden I was captive in, (a delicate sort of small rose) and had fed it my own blood to give it a striking hue. This would in turn give it magical properties, as well as make it easier to house any portion of my vessel. Which I did just that, giving just enough of my own soul to instill a vague conscious in my own image to the plant. Afterwards, I synthesized steel with the rose after trimming and willing it to curl and stay in a fixed shape so that it could be worn. It would attach and hold entwine the finger snugly when slipped on, eliminating the need to fit it exactly.

Should I die, the ring will be able to help lead to where I end up. Should I somehow become entirely destroyed, the ring will die as well. The ring will live indefinitely so long as I exist. I guess this morbid little addition is to provide some form of closure if anything ill were to befall me. In the same respect, if Mariella ever were to be in danger, I could attempt to locate the portion of the soul I placed in the ring. I wanted to be able to keep my promise, in any way possible. The wedding planning is taking a lot out of me too...Currently Mariella is pregnant. I’ve been physically exerting myself in my new project in building our home in Solea. It should be done near or some time after our marriage. I don’t want to feed off of her during her pregnancy; I might take too much and accidentally hurt the child. I’ll bear the fatigue a while longer. The thought of becoming a father has tapped into a reservoir of strength I didn’t realize I had. There is still much to do however before that’s possible, though. I want to us to be able to live as comfortably as we can.
Hyuponia Kana
Hyuponia Kana
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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Journal Entry #7

Post  Hyuponia Kana Thu Nov 11, 2010 12:46 am

I’m happy. But at the very same time, I’ve realized, afraid of what the future has in store for me. Allow me to better explain this bizarre circumstance.

I had been caring for Mariella during the course of her pregnancy; Ever the supportive one, I wouldn’t relent in keeping her in high spirits, despite the hormonal changes she had been undergoing. The wedding went spectacularly well, even considering it was to take place in Filia, where my new mother by proxy, Soifa, did not feel comfortable being in because of possible legalized action against her. And disregarding my growing weakness due to a lack of being able to have any intimacy with Mariella, I really could not be any more content if I had tried. Financially I tied down loose ends concerning my own coffers as an immortal, so that we wouldn’t fall on hard times later, and I had been able to unveil Haven to her and Pumpkin. The reaction was very much worth the wait. It was apparently so unexpectedly pleasant that it left Mariella in tears. Surprisingly enough as well, the gold I had been investing for decades was not in any way challenged by the Merchant’s Guild, even when I made my status as immortal readily available knowledge to my fellow stockholders.

I had mentioned her before in my previous statement, but Soifa has given us a wedding gift as well, in the form of a succubus infant. This, was quite possibly the strangest thing to have happened to me in my entire life. I had a sinking suspicion perhaps that Soifa was to blame for the child’s current orphan status. Needless to say, I went through town to town, searching until finally giving up on the idea that her parents were alive. I didn’t even want to consider the other alternative, that they had chosen to abandon her anyway, and were actively ignoring my bulletins. Someone like that isn’t a parent. I don’t even think you could call them a person, even. We’ve adopted her, officially. Her name is Aldora. “Winged Gift,” is what it means. I think it’s both fitting and cute. Mariella really had a knack for names. Another identity sprung up for her after a while as well, entirely by mistake. We’ve taken to calling her ‘Pumpkin’ because she has striking orange-blonde hair.

So, why then would I be so terribly frightened? Things were going well. They continued to, until Mariella conceived. She gave birth, several months earlier than should have been expected. And was when the first blow against our attempt at happiness together occurred. We were returning to Solea after an inspection of the Nubes Mountains, when Mariella’s water broke. She was expecting, and due to it being so early, I was terrified by the prospect of attempting to deliver in unfavorable conditions. I was a researcher. A Necromancer. Not a medical practitioner. So I did something I knew would be clearly insane; I took her in my arms, and I flew for Udalh. I flew urged on by blind terror and adrenaline, as well as some secret elation in the less rational part of my mind that wasn’t convinced something was going horribly, horribly wrong. I was going to be a father; If nothing adverse happened during the birthing.

It’s unfortunate then, that this is precisely what happened. We were stunned. The combination of Mariella’s youth and the prematurity of the birth came with complications. The child was a girl...Our Kisiah. Yet we faced the prospect of her possibly dying. We stayed in the healer’s clinic in Tara for about a week, waiting for some sign of stability in the child. It’s impacted Mariella in a way that’s acutely painful to have to witness. She blames herself for what she now sees as a potential miscarriage. That Kisiah was struggling to stay alive, or probably was in pain, because of her. I am doing my best to comfort her, but as one of the nurses had informed me, it could very well be postpartum depression. That may well be the case, but there’s other conflicts that run deeper than that, well. She told me she couldn’t bear to look at Kisiah, let alone touch her. I will remain unflinching in my resolve...I’ll take care of her too if I have to. So be it.
Hyuponia Kana
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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Journal Entry #8

Post  Hyuponia Kana Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:46 pm

Several years have passed without incident during the time this journal had accumulated dust. I’ve only recently again come back to write within because my life has once more taken an unexpected turn. To begin...Xeek had decided to exercise some form of infidelity if you could call it that, with Aura, a Kitsune who was a family friend. The problem with this...Was that the victim of this adultery was Mariella’s own sister, Vorelanon. She and Xeek had children, and they were going to be married. Eventually. It seemed to be some kind of statue between them that they just -were- and had been together. The pain was too much for Vorelanon to bear, and she had turned herself to stone in Karu Forest...She’s standing sentinel there even now in the form of a dragon. I can’t even begin to describe the pain my wife must be feeling. I don’t feel too content myself, either. Xeek would be dealt with appropriately at some later time at my discretion for this lack of honor...I just need a better excuse to put him down for good. I’m sure he won’t disappoint me in that respect at least.

I was going to enter the war. It seems to be stretching into it’s last phases, and the outcome according to Vayne doesn’t look good. He was withholding the knowledge from me that Fenrir wished to release a titanic amount of energy upon Udalh, possibly destroying a large portion of it. Fenrir later wants to kill the Gods themselves. And it would seem he has come across the power to do just that. It’s almost unfair, that I was getting thrust from my now relatively peaceful existance back into a battlefield I again neglected to help clean up. Vanye of course only did this to try and protect me. And it was essentially working. I never realized the outcome could be quite this severe though: Living under Requiem’s banner appealed much more to me than magical genocide. At least in that sort of world I could go on and ignore these outside influences. Not any longer, however. He must have lost his mind...

Our second legitimate child had been born as well, nearing the end of this time lapse. Kiran...The Kana family was beginning to expand, much to my delight. I’ve come to realize I very much love children. Mine especially so, and the years taking care of Kisiah and Aldora have been very gentle to me. I guess the only thing I can really do now is try not to get killed for their sake. Mariella’s as well. She refuses to let me go alone, and I know better than to argue with her when she has made up her mind about something. She is admittedly ferocious, but I wonder how actively she participated in warfare in her past life. Beyond breathing fire and fireballs, she has also taken an intense interest in Alchemy. I don’t quite know what to think of this development yet, due to the struggle in the Aliech Kingdom between the Noitar Arat Society and the Royal Alchemists of the court. We are sealing the entrances of Solea Cavern until further notice as well. I’ll be plotting some form of aid to the war effort, but my stone zombies are too numerous and conspicuous to bring to the fray without my being extensively harassed or arrested along the way. My fault for not having some hindsight to try and bring a speedy end to the conflict at hand, I guess. Temo, who had been searching for Katsuna and was not participating in the warfare currently, was to look after our children until we returned. Hopefully, I won’t regret THAT decision.
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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Journal Entry #9

Post  Hyuponia Kana Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:47 pm

The war is finally over, but not quite in the way that I had expected it. Fenrir’s forces had branched out into three different and smaller units to attack simultaneously Tir Chonaill, the settlement of Tailteann, and the city Tara. I had headed to Tara itself, out of a sinking suspicion that the focal point of the strongest efforts made by Requiem would be directed here. I wasn’t mistaken. But I was certainly surprised. He was going to get his troops slaughtered, probably to absorb more souls. It was definitely the epicentre of the conflict. Another surprise attack from an entirely different faction had begun as well. I recognized the bandits of the desert easily enough, but I didn’t realize that the Dunewyrm had been developing war machines.

I participated in an aerial fight with Fenrir’s troops above, attempting to aid the efforts of these warships they had created before moving to help with the ground battle itself. It was here I came face to face with many of the people I had called friends, and some I could really only call acquaintances. We fought together, valiantly, but were eventually overwhelmed. I myself had attempted to confront Fenrir, though I was defeated by him rather easily. Too easily for someone with as much power as myself. I suppose I was letting myself feel arrogant, and that lack of caution bested me; I wasn’t immortal for this battle, and the Requiem Overlord had accumulated a staggering cache of energy himself. Surprisingly enough, I had not been killed however. Nor had Mariella. We were broken, yes. Me more so than her, but we managed to survive. Some time had passed since then. We discovered that Fenrir had died in some form of explosion, and his soul was utterly obliterated. Or, at least, that’s what they assume. I have my doubts...This may not be the last time we see him. If we do, however...This time I will be ready.

Mariella is a Royal Alchemist now, and I have finally reason enough to begin to relax again, despite my own distinction in combat earning me an uneasy spot in the public eye. Along with this, I bear a title too that I did not realize I had. I’m apparently a Count, making Mariella a Lady for owning so much land in inheritance from Uncle Ay. The life of an aristocrat is actually kind of amusing. There is a lot of formalities involved and yearly banquets, which were interesting enough in their own right. But the real fun was the many games of deception beneath the surface that dominated the life of people who thought they were prominent. Some smaller troubles like Xeek yet still have to be dealt with, but for now I can be content. I’ve taken up my old habits before the war and settled back into my commercial enterprises, which were still to me more of a hobby than an actual necessity. I just needed something to distract me while Mariella wasn’t home.
I definitely have more gold than I know or even care what to do with. I’ll possibly be donating a fair amount of it to the efforts of helping fund the efforts to pick up the pieces of people’s lives after the war. I just needed a suitable scapegoat. I was getting enough attention as it was, and I feel uncomfortable being called a war hero when I in fact ignored the conflict for much of it’s duration. There is also a boy with horns whom I’ve met and taken an interest in because he is not a Fomor, yet bears horns and a tail like myself. His name is Momo, and it would seem Mariella and I would be taking care of him for a while on Shinnichi’s behalf. Not that we don’t mind of course, he is adorable and easy to get along with. Aldora’s studies have proceeded at an alarming rate as well...So much in fact she’s finishing her schooling several years early. I want to initiate her in magical studies of some sort..Maybe distill some of my own work and innovations into her and keep her from getting too bored. I’ve yet to figure out what Kissy and Kiran’s hobbies are yet...I have a busy schedule ahead of me for sure. I’m confident things are finally heading back to normal.
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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Journal Entry #10

Post  Hyuponia Kana Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:01 pm

The unthinkable, had happened. Mithos arrived at my household, after we had housed a strange guest for some time. She was very sensitive to magic, the erg of which she was most suited being the darkness. I only know this now because of a conversation I had with Mithos. My wife was studying this girl, Ekio...Who happened to be a Homunculus. Mariella has gone entirely missing at this point, and I cannot contact her with normal means. She has been gone for almost five months now. This is profoundly painful to me. My wife had been abusing my trust...Lying to me, all this time. She had done it so easily, anything she could tell me I would have believed. And I did, too. I’ve made up my mind that I will find her and have answers. She won’t be able to lie to me again. Not after this.

I can’t kill her now though; There is really nothing I can do to stop her anyway. She is a Millitean. After all the foolish things I’ve been doing and saying, I can’t find the will or way to destroy her utterly. Not after what Asmodeous had told me. The boy Momo really was a front, an alias for this demon. He was trying to find his lover, and had called me unfaithful for wanting to stop my wife. I was a hypocrite who spoke many vows and only kept them when convenient. That I wasn’t willing to do do anything and everything for Mariella. He was probably right in his accusation...I was acting as though I were too afraid to simply embrace my love regardless of consequence. Either way...It doesn’t matter now. I will talk. Things are changing...Mariella isn’t the little girl I met years ago anymore, and I’m not the calloused self abusive sentinel of Metus.

Why is this so difficult to bear? Am I really overreacting? I am full of questions and doubts. Maybe they are all right about me. It’s time for me to stop playing God, and put aside my age and assumptions; Delve into the modern world. It’s growing all the time, with or without my help, and there’s no possible way to alter it alone without dire consequences. My only regret now is not having done this sooner. I will write again when I have located her and sated myself. The ring will lead the way...I love her. But I also need this. I probably already know the answer to why she lied...Why she left us here. I want to hear it all the same from her. Only then can I maybe come to terms with this confusion; For better or for worse.

Some time written later. The tone is much lighter now, and the penmanship has improved; perhaps due to a change in level of stress.

Well, it’s happened...I’m here. After a long and wild chase throughout the Shadow Realm, I had finally tracked down Mariella. I am ashamed of myself. She was with the Noitar Arat Society and what’s more, one of their ranks. A ‘Corrupt Alchemist’ as the Aliech Regime dubs them, though after meeting several of their members and leader, as well as witnessing firsthand the work they undertook, I can’t say with clear conscious that this brand is at all accurate. I had found her the moment she had attempted to abandon her wedding ring to prevent me from discovering her location. She must have realized I could track her after examining it more closely. It was synthesized, after all and a very basic structure at that. I found her locked in combat with a sort of monster, and she was in dragon form. I did what was essentially the equivalent of suicide by landing on her neck while she was fighting to speak to her. After which I expended myself in chasing the creature off.

Mariella left shortly afterwards, obviously not very pleased to see me. I could not have blamed her however...Exhausted, I collapsed only to be captured by two Corrupt Alchemist who had been following me the moment I discovered their location, and put into a sort of captivity where she came to see me. She was pregnant with twins...She had run away from home after Mithos’ visit to protect the children before I reached her first. She...Actually believed I might have killed her even though she was with children. This, my fatigue, and sudden joy entirely overwhelmed me and I dissolved into sobbing on the spot. At this point...I forgot my questions entirely. There was no longer any doubt in my mind as to why I was here. I was here for her. Not to stop her. And I could and would do everything possible in my power to help her. My love was far too great to question morality, and I have I am afraid, succumbed to it’s clutches entirely. I was growing tired of being a philosopher and marytr for ideals I no longer believed were entirely true or substantial in an ever changing world. Tired of being selfish with my power.

Last edited by Hyuponia Kana on Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:13 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Journal Entry #11

Post  Hyuponia Kana Wed Oct 19, 2011 8:10 pm

The concepts and thoughts of this entry seem almost scattershot; as if the author were simply jotting down points as they came to mind in uncaring fashion. This was true enough; Hyuponia was depressed at the time of writing.

Coming across this journal again after all of these years is a pleasant surprise. I have all but lost track of the time since my last entry, so busy has my life been recently. I will attempt to sum up the highlights of this lost point in time as best I can; I do not wish to forget them if I decide to preserve these journals in the future. They are probably my only surefire defense against lapses of my own in and out of perceivable sanity.

Since the last entry, my daughter Aldora married my ‘son’ by sort of proxy Vayne. Neither one of them are related by blood to me or Mariella directly, but I still can’t with a straight face tell people this. The idea is simply too bizarre. They have had a baby boy who is growing now into a young man, and are attempting to produce a granddaughter for us. Mariella and I had three more children ourselves; Naharyu, Eve, and Anala. Naharyu inherited my traits as an Incubus, and Mariella’s as a dragon. The result of this is that he became the first of our brood to be an Ice dragon. It’s a shame that even as I write this I know so much time has passed that he is now a grown man. Has it really been that long an absence from these pages?

Eve is a Homunculus, created with both mine and Mariella’s blood. She cannot physically age past eight years, but she at this point would be a grown woman as well. It’s getting harder and harder to prevent anyone from becoming suspicious of this fact, especially considering she looks very much like her mother. I still do not know the extent of which it is affecting her.
She is currently with Ardal and the Noitar Arat Society along with my daughters. She IS our child by blood, but Mariella technically didn’t give birth to her. Alchemy did. The moral implications sometimes still keep me up at night. I am beginning to develop an unhealthy hatred towards Alchemy due to the fact Ardal could decide to further experiment on her at any time. My fear is that Mariella would simply allow something like this to occur or even help them. I don’t think I could go through with it for anyone’s sake regardless of the supposed lives the research would save. She is my daughter. Who would do that to their own child?

The third, Anala is still young as I write this thankfully. She is prodigious with music of all sorts. She sings and plays, and is possibly aspiring to be a bard or composer..I wouldn’t be surprised if she could do it all and more. A maestro who creates all of her own pieces perhaps? She is all but a clone of Mariella, save for a wilder head of red hair...Much more vibrant than her mother’s. This is where I think I will start to trail off into more somber revelations. My wife has been struggling with what I believe to be some measure of insanity because of her Draconic traits wishing to overpower her humanity. This came to her in the form of dreams; images of her mother who was a tyrannical and cruel woman. She all but idolized her inside of her mind, however. Soifa (Who has disowned me at the time of writing this, I do not wish to explain further.) helped me to break this recurring sort of nightmare and free her mind. This had some adverse effects however. The most prominent of these is that she decided to rebirth and forget almost everything about me and our children.

This new Mariella was very shy, compliant, and gentle as opposed to her former self, but there were some horrifying differences. She had lost her love of children for one. She was actually ACTIVELY being a housewife though she was faking it for the sake of attempting to accommodate my loss and her precarious new position. She didn’t remember anything about me except for who I was to her, and I learned that even that was a lie as she was told by a friend she was married to me. All of those years together, all of those memories. She abandoned me, and it had hurt profoundly. My greatest fear is abandonment; the total loss of everything I love and cherish. Or the idea that those around me stop caring for me. That Mariella would choose to do this was a wound deeper than any I think I have experienced in all of my life. I had left her because of it, and as I write this I rest in the home of a former lover from Tir Na Nog, Irralselavra. She is Mariella’s grandmother (~Quite the story behind this whole debacle, it would make a lot more sense had I pages enough to explain.) and we were seperated when she had found a way to return home as the door to Erinn was opened. The Arc Lich destroyed Haven, the home I had built as my wedding gift to Mariella and had stolen my wedding ring. I thoroughly searched the rubble and found it to be true. It was hard to go back and see the damage for myself. In a previous encounter he had left me blind and I had only now recovered. I have Mariella’s, which I’ve given to Iraselle instead; my way I guess of trying to let go of her.

I think she has come to remember who she is and who we are, but it’s too late now. I cannot help that I feel betrayed, because I am. It is sinful, but I want her to hurt. To hurt as bad as I am hurting right now. Over the course of our marriage she had exhibited infidelity in all of her own ways, even openly admitting to (And then later actually carrying out with me) wanting to engage in intimate interaction with other men. I'm certain I can take the stance now that if any old piece of meat will do, she can have it over me. If she wants me back, I need proof that she is ready to stop hurting me because I am finally tired of it all. Iraselle is winding her influence deeper and deeper into me, and despite the spiritual connection Mariella and I have, she is losing more and more ground to her. I am starting to recall all of the reasons I fell in love with her to begin with. They are hazier for Mariella nowadays. It seems I love her now simply because it hurts not to. I have been a faithful husband to an unfaithful wife and I guess it is my turn to fall from grace.. I will try and keep this journal updated now henceforth.
Hyuponia Kana
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Hyuponia's Journal Empty Journal Entry #12

Post  Hyuponia Kana Mon Nov 07, 2011 5:03 am

Before I will allow myself to continue writing, I must reaffirm the fact that I tried. I tried, with all of the dedication I could muster to salvage what little I had left of my relationship with Mariella before I severed it off entirely. It is over. As I write this, time has passed since my declaration to divorce her, and with it a bitter series of events that still regrettably make my blood boil to recall.
The thing that I called life was beginning to fall around me, and as it did so I recognized several important aspects of it I had not before. Chiefly, I was miserable with Mariella. I was completely miserable living with a woman who had a heart that was infinitely colder than the flesh it nestled in. I will attempt to elaborate. After I had set aside the assumption that life with Mariella did indeed feel fulfilling did I notice all of the monstrosities I have been inflicting upon both myself, others, and my own child Eve.

I haven't been able to see her for quite some time now do to prolonged experimentation performed on her by her own mother, my eldest daughter, and twins. I am shocked that before I simply accepted this as the way that things had to be; my love for Mariella blinded my love of life; and more importantly the life of my daughter. She may be a Homunculus, but she bears my blood; Mariella's blood. She can hope, she can feel fear; she can be depressed and happy...She can live life, just like any one of us despite that she cannot seem to physically age. I can lie about this. I can create a whole new alias for her and life away from the pain she is choosing. She just has to let me. I know there is a way to convince her somehow that she matters too; that her existence is more for the sake of being used and discarded for research. How many more Homunculus have to be created just to die at the hands of monsters like Mariella? How can she even wake up in the morning, abandon her humanity and tell herself she's willing to kill things for the sake of some greater good? And actually believe it to the point the violent endings no longer phase her? Is that it I know this doesn't leave her unaffected, she can't possibly take all of the murder in stride. Because that is what it is, she is a murderer. She calls herself a hero, she thinks that she is saving people with her research that she can ascend to something greater. Like she fancies herself a god; quoting her own words! That we could be like gods and discover their secrets; knock them down to our level. Her ambition is going to cost us the life of our daughter' something I still see as very precious and I am terrified I can't stop writing, I cannot stop thinking about it I can't just let her walk off one day and let them kill her. I have to convince her somehow that it's not madness compelling me to do the things I do If it's madness on my part everyone must be insane Mariella tells me there is no right and wrong, but if that's the case do such things as love truly exist either? What more does she have to break down other than the conscious decision that it is in our nature to be imperfect and vulnerable Her facts aren't making her happy I've seen it I'm getting married to Iraselle the way things should have been My life has been nothing but a downhill spiral from the moment I met her The only joy that I've ever found in our marriage was the outcome our children and I'm losing them, Eve is here now and I don't even know where to begin to try and convince her I shot my daughter Kissiah I injured my youngest Anala and now she doesn't sing anymore She doesn't even talk she's mad at me for what I've done she's traumatized I'll never see my grandson or hear my eldest daughter laugh in my presence ever again because I am a monster, Monster monster, monster MONSTER MONSTER MONSTER
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