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Espeon's Journal

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Espeon's Journal Empty Espeon's Journal

Post  Glaceon Thu Feb 17, 2011 4:30 am

Day 5 ((Day 1-4 were basic learning things in Tir, the newbie quests))

I took a wrong turn today, omigosh. I Ended up in a place called Blago Prarie at a Hotel. The Arux Binux or something like that. The hostress, Mariella Kana, is a really nice person, and was very generous to explain things to me as well as let me stay the night. She also gave me a map to help me get to Bangor to meet Mr. Comgan. Not sure what he wants, but I'll be sure to do his request in the morning.

Learned Today:
Iria - a HUGE continent east of Uladh, which is the continent I'm on.
Royal Alchemist - *This spot has been left blank...she never was told*

Apparently, Miss Mariella is a dragon. She has a cute baby. Didn't catch baby's name. She had also explored the Iria Continent. I hope to explore it someday to...but I still have much to learn about Uladh first.

Mariella Kana
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Post  Glaceon Fri Feb 18, 2011 6:51 pm

Day 7 I don't feel time, so I'm just going to put these by every few night cycles I notice, I think I'll have 40 day-night cycles be one day.

I was so busy yesterday I didn't get to put in an entry. So I'll recap what happened..

I talked to stewart about magic yesterday, and he told me about Advanced Electric Magic called Thunder, but wanted a favor in return for giving me the book to learn about it. Manus had the book last, so I went to the healer's. But Manus had returned the book to the I had to go there and find it again. I saw Mariella outside the school...along with some wierd people who were fighting. Some person said that fighting was inevitable sometimes...and people don't listen. I think people should listen, it would make the world a better place.

Anyways, I found the book and returned it to Mr. Stewart, who gave me the thunder book. I opened it...and there was no pages in it. He said the pages were lost and got taken by the monsters around Erinn. I asked Mariella...but she wasn't much help. So since Mr. Stewart said monsters had it, I thought I'd ask the bear. That probably could have turned out better...but....umm, I'll leave that part out.

So all day I went around asking about pages. I found Chapter 1 in Barri dungeon, as well as Chapter 3. The dungeon isn't that hard, but imps were kind of tough. Some person gave me the 5th chapter, so I had over half the book completed.

I went back to Mariella's hotel place, and asked about where to find the other pages. She mentioned the Succubus in Rabbie Dungeon might have it. My Rabbie Dungeon adventure...didn't go so well. After many attempts and lots of owies, I managed to get the 4th Chapter.

So today, I asked around Dunbarton about the 2nd Chapter. Someone had mentioned the Flying Swords in Barri Basic Dungeon might have them. I went there, and, with the help of my party I made, found the 2nd page and finished the book. It was a fairly interesting read, and I finally learned the Thunder magic. The only issue is I need a wand for it...which I don't have. I did find what appears to be some broken wand in Barri...maybe I can use that after it's repaired.

Hopefully I'll make more friends today, Friends are important to have in this world. I'm glad I've made one friend. But I feel my list is lacking. Anyways, I think I might go talk to Trefor about some more fighting tactics. And I should get a better sword, this one is looking cracked. I saw a blue one in a shop, I'll try to buy it.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Post  Glaceon Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:48 pm

Day 8

Thunder is a really fun magic to use, I've gotten it quite stronger since I started using it. I found a book on Healing Magic, so I've started looking into that. Someone told me about Party Healing as well, so I'm thinking of starting to train my healing magic. I always loved playing the role of healer, maybe I can support my friends if I am one.

So today I met a kitty girl who is apparently dating a guard who wears an eyepatch. Her name is Honeko, and she is such a sweet girl. She also had a robe that was like mine, the kitty one. I asked her if she wanted to be friends, and she said yes. I'm happy. Making friends is fun.

Speaking of making friends, I don't think I asked the person she was with, but I'll have to remember to do that later. They are both very caring people. I met them later on at the Tara Healers. I was stocking up on supplies for Shadow Missions. They are really fun, but tough for someone of my strength. Hopefully I can get stronger and be able to support my friends more.

That's all for this entry.

New Friends:
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Post  Glaceon Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:32 pm

Entry 3
Mood: Exhausted

I figured labeling by days, when a day really doesn't make sense to me, would be pointless. So I'm going to label them as entries now.

So I have decided to start playing with Archery. It's I talked to Aranwen, she said she would give me some lessons to help out. It's fun, but I keep missing. It's going to take a while, that's for sure. That's really all I have been doing. I'm been training my magic up as well, and sort of parting away from my melee combat. It feels different in this world, and I'm not a big fan of it.

I saw some people holding wierd weapons. I later found out those are Cylinders, used for a 4th fighting style called Alchemy. It looked kind of interesting, so I might look into it. For now, I'm going to concetrate on my magic and ranged fighting.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Post  Glaceon Thu Feb 24, 2011 11:27 pm

Entry 4

It's been a while, journal. So I finally learned Fireball. It was tough getting all the pages, but luckily I had help from a lot of my new friends. Miss Aranwen also taught me two new skills, Crash Shot and Arrow Revolver. She said my skill with a bow was quite good, and gave me a really neat bow. I talked to Stewart about magics, and he said I had one more to learn, Ice Spear. That's next on my list I guess.

I've been meeting a lot of nice people, including a girl named Errans. She said she has seen all of Iria, and said she would come along when I start exploring. I look forward to traveling with a friend. Friends make everything better.

Also met a girl named Naidia. She is taking Lessons from Mariella in Etiqutte..or something like that. She was really cute and pretty. Some guy came in and told her she wasn't pretty, and Mariella flipped on him. I admit, she wasn't -that- pretty, but that could be my dislike of Black as a main color to a dress. It's fine on some things, I just don't like dresses with it.

Well not much else to really write about. My training is going well, and I'm making lots of new friends.

New Friends:
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Age : 33
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Post  Glaceon Mon Feb 28, 2011 2:57 pm

Entry 5

This very strange. Espeon is very confused. I have met people and races that were thought to be legends. I have seen...ugh...I don't know what to put here about all that.

On the skill side, I am very profficient in my ranging and magics. Apparently there is a fourth fighting style known as Alchemy. I learned a bit more about it today in Tailteann. I also met some nice people today. One was a Priestess named Dalvar. She is really nice, and has a cute doggy-coyote thing. It tried to take my hat off though...I'm glad it didn't...I don't like people seeing my ears. I'm trying to be a normal human..but it gets harder and harder each day.

Anyways, I helped out with some things for Karpfen, the Giant Leader of the Mobile Shadow Force group thing. She was nice enough to give me some armor, but only had two pieces. I have to find the other piece to it on my own it seems. I'll ask around town later, someone is sure to have it...I hope.

So I think I've explored most of Uladh now, so I just have to finish up and then I can head to Iria and start exploring.

P.S. At the banquet on Samhain...I met a little boy about my age named Lucern. He was very cute, and....I don't know exactly. His mother is very nice though, he name is Rozenetta. She is very pretty too. I hope I can see them more often, they are very nice.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Post  Glaceon Tue Mar 01, 2011 10:14 pm

Entry 6

I've been training more and more, and visiting all sorts of places. I've decided that it's time I set my destination to Iria. Errans said she would come along...but I haven't seen her for a while. She might be sick or something. I've decided to just go alone, as it would be a bigger challenge. I can't wait to see who and what I see on the other continent.

So I've been in Erinn for a while, and I'm starting to notice different patterns of different things in the effects of this world. I have decided, with the help of others, call these set periods days, and each day has a number of sun cycles it goes through. Hopefully this will ease things for me.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Espeon's Journal Empty Re: Espeon's Journal

Post  Glaceon Wed Mar 02, 2011 1:54 pm

Entry 6

Today has been an odd day. I went back to the Arux to see Mariella again, just to chat you know. I found out that she gives private alchemy lessons, but she is already booked, so I wasn't able to get any from her. I decided to go learn from Heledd and possibly a royal alchemist. The best way to learn something is practice, so I might as well start playing with it. It doesn't seem that hard to use. So far I'm liking it. I also met a few new people, and made some new friends...I think.

Of course, it would seem that Soifa person I think I mentioned before..-flipped back a few pages to check- I guess I haven't. She apparently has some relation to Rozenetta and her son, but I'm not sure what exactly. They look similar enough to be called sisters, but I doubt I'd get any answers from Soifa. She apparently doesn't like me, and talks in some odd langauge I've yet to hear of. Come to think of it, Roze's son, Lucern, talked in that language too. It's odd, but seems interesting. Maybe I'll ask Roze about it, and she could teach me. She seems very nice. Soifa doesn't though, she has a really angry tone when she talks to me. But she is weird... Well...that covers up this entry, take care journal.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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