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Hikaru's Journal Logs

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Hikaru's Journal Logs Empty Hikaru's Journal Logs

Post  Dark_Fang_Nightmare Sat Nov 24, 2012 11:14 am

((This is where Hikaru will write journals each day reviewing what happen and stuff. I thought this topic would fit perfectly in here.))

Location: At Homestead
Date Of Journal: Day 1

-Hikaru was sitting in her home made tent writing in her journal. It has been a while since she actually slept in a bed, even if it was in a tent it still felt pretty good for her to able to rest. For weeks she has been sleeping in the dirt and rocks that cost her back and neck to ache. But now it's time to write in her journal to keep up with her reviews and discovers of this world. She picks up her pencil, and book, and to write near the camp fire.-

"Finally, I could have some peace and quiet to myself. I'm sorry for not writing in my journals and keeping up with my reviews, but after this week, it just been so chaotic. First thing is, My freaking right eye was shot by an arrow from this shadow fomor and it's gang. It didn't stop me though, it actually enraged me to go out and punch every single one of them in the face. I mean n one shoots an arrow at me and gets away with it. Thanks to them I have one eye again!"

-Sigh to herself as she stop writing for a second to reach her right hand over to the bottle of milk and took a sip of it. She placed it back down after taking a sip and focus back to her journal.-

"Anyway, back to more important matters. I needed to get some food and shelter, but I didn't know how at all. Heck, I even use to run a company before, how the heck this is difficult. Nevermind, I heard people talking about doing trades, traveling and delivering the goods for gold. Sounds like an easy job to do, right? WRONG! There were bandits jumping me everywhere! Heck, and there was one elite bandit ready to knock me out and take my goods until this one girl in blue came out of no where and start fighting the bandits. So what happen next is... They all try to jump her too. I can't just stand by and let that happen to her, so I got back up and joined the fight to help this chick out!

But after defeating each of them, this girl was badly hurt, so was I, but that didn't stopped me from keep on carrying on. I gave that chick a piggy back ride and arrived at a town call... Dunbarton... So, I finish off the trades, then took this girl to the healers, that where I met this guy name Kasu. Sweet, and calming person he was... Just after being attacked by bandits and fomors and suffer the watch of soldiers and innocent people being slaughter has really.. Set me off in a bad mood. I just wish I didn't have to be overreacting and making a scene like that in public."

-Hikaru stops again, she stare up for a minute and sigh again with frustration with herself. She didn't meant to freak out like that at all and being so immature like this. But, it was hard not to when she can't even remember how she even got here. What did happen back to her home world, she tries very hard to remember it, but nothing has pop up at all. She regain focus and continue to write.-

"Yeah, I got the name of the blue haired girl, her name was Renina, she was kinda hot if you ask me. Heh, I was curious of why she wears so much clothing. But, back to the real matter. Not too long ago I found journals of my fail experiment name Whitefang, it's seem a lot has happen in this world. A lot has suffer too. I also found Darkfang's journal.. Little punk still lives on, I wonder who else live on too. But yeah, I read it and ask questions about it. No one knows who was Xeek, Aura, Whitefang, and Darkfang is... Like they never exist in this world before? Blah! I'm probably asking the wrong people here and there. When Kasu told me and Renina to rest, I'll did as he said and took a cat nap for a while. Once I waked up, I seen this wolf like fomor in the healer room! Bang! Just right there! Then.. I fraked out, and offended this pink haired chick, badly. I mean, I don't know if she hate my guts... But probably I shouldn't follow them.. Which I did.

I follow them to... Rundal's dungeon, then things just got ugly. But after that day, I made friends with Renina, Kasu, and Len.

Few days later, I was in Emain town, fancy place it was. Went to the observation area, and bang, what I seen, is Pinkie's buddies resting there along with with this new girl. Her name was Xenny, I don't know who the other person was, if I just keep up with remembering people's names. This is why I need to keep an update on things! Blah!

Anyway, went out, do my business with trades, and head to Bangor to meet up with the same guy and the hybrid boy, super boy, I should call him that. Anyway, meet up with them, and two more people that I never met before.. and.."

-She stops at the moment as her hand was aching. It was time to take a break before continuing writing her journal again. She places the book on her small bed and walk out to the tent to see what to do today.-

{Will Be Continue}
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

Posts : 282
Join date : 2010-07-29
Age : 31
Location : Tir Chonaill

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Hikaru's Journal Logs Empty Re: Hikaru's Journal Logs

Post  Dark_Fang_Nightmare Sat Nov 24, 2012 3:15 pm


-Hikaru came back in her tent to finish off her journal log. There wasn't really nothing special to do today, beside getting her journal done for today. She will start her research some other day. She sat by the fire again, took out her journal and pencil, and begin to write.-

"Back to where I left off at. I went to Bangor, saw Pinkie's friend here, along with the hybrid boy. There were few others here at Bangor too. Two of them were wearing a robes, so it was hard to identifies them. Like I even know anyone. Pssf, I don't, I just ignored them. Not going to fight people I have no beef with, or anything. As far as I know it, I'm the most weakest person in this world right now. So yeah, I truly need to stop being hostile to some people and just relax. Anyway, talk with the little boy, his name was Ledil... yeah, Ledil, I need to remember his name more often. But that boy, has some awesome soft claws. This world is starting to interest me more, yeah. I think I am more comfortable living here. But no, I stay here, I need to be with my daughter Takai and my son Xingren again. I must see my babies, they mean the world to me."

-She sigh to herself as she lays back staring at the doll of Takai and Xingren that Hikaru has made in an day. She tries her best to not think about it, and regain her focus again. She gets back up and took her pencil and start writing.-

"Down to business, that Soifa chick that everyone feared and hated turns out to be Ledil's grand auntie. I was like, dang, is that truly your grand auntie, she freaking smoking hot! Then somehow, I embarrassed the kid and told me not to do anything stupid. But, I'm just too much of a flirt and sucker over hot babes like Soifa! She wanted to know about Kasu from Ledil, and the pink haired girl named Hana. I don't know what beef she has with her but she really want to hunt down Hana badly. I think Ledil was trying to cover up Hana, but thank god I changed the subject of the matter and start flirting with her... Until that big bird went out and started to peck at me crazy. After Xenny and Ledil call off that bird... Heck, I would of burn him to turkey! Dang crazy bird.. As cute he was, I won't allow him to try to peck at me crazy. Afterwards, I lost her, heck I try to go to Taillteann and she wasn't there. Where did that beautiful destructive women went to?

Lost her track, but met a new guy name Kuralin, some archer guy, along the way I met up with Ledil again. Well since there was nothing better to do, I could ask them about my brother Darkfang, and my failed experiment. They both didn't know nothing about them, except Kuralin did bring out information about Xeek's son, but sadly he didn't know the kids name. So beside that, I know my failed experiment is dead, while Darkfang is missing. Now what to do... He was missing after facing the Dark Commander in shadow realm. So, I formed a little team with Ledil, Kuralin to go on a mission and pursuit the commander. Easily took him out and you know what he said! He doesn't know! It's obvious that I need to dig up more research about this. I need more information. All I got last night was... elite shadow soldiers and commanders, way out of my rank and skills. Maybe I should take a break, after all I went through I need a break. Just focus more onto business than research.

But to list the things of what I need to research on.

1. What makes a fomor, fomor?

2. Why do everyone hate them so much?

3. Why others hate humans? Also what is a millitian?

4. Research the missing of Darkfang.

5. Search for two people name Xeek, and Aura.

6. Research more information about hybrids, also research what other creatures are in this world."

"Other than that here the list of people's names.

1. Renina

2. Ledil

3. Len

4. Xenny

5. Soifa.

6. Hana

7. Kasu

8. Kuralin

9. Jax

Aha! I finally remember his name! But still, it feel like I'm missing a few more people.. Ah well, it will hit me sooner or later. But for now, it time to end the journal today. Beside, I'm going to need to find a bodyguard for my business. Also, need to find a babe to marry. Oh yeah, time to put my A-game on and go find me a lover!"

-Done with writing today as Hikaru put down her pencil and journal to the side, and get up and leave the tent. Her plans today will be head into town and make some gold and find a babe to be her special lover. This put a wide grin on her face as is ready to take on any challenge that comes her way.-
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

Posts : 282
Join date : 2010-07-29
Age : 31
Location : Tir Chonaill

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Hikaru's Journal Logs Empty Re: Hikaru's Journal Logs

Post  Dark_Fang_Nightmare Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:33 pm

Location: At Homestead
Date Of Journal: Day 2

-Hikaru has enter her tent again wearing her new armor. Ever since being heavily knocked out by a bear (Glacia). She didn't even know what else happen, just a flash and weird dream. She sat down by the fire once again bringing out her Journal to start her log.-

"Last night, was fine, then awkward, I went to Dunbarton town to post up help wanted on the bulletin board to see if anyone wants to join me up in trades. The trading business is everything to me. I been working my butt off loading heavy equipments, rare items, stuff like that. I'm starting to make more, slowly and stuff. But more bandits, stronger ones are starting to come at me. I know now I can't be doing this all by myself. Being out numbered by trained bandits... So yeah, I made fryer and nailed it to the bulletin. Hopefully someone would be glad to help me out."

-Hikaru smile now as she crack her own neck, still feeling sore from last night still. She shrug her own right shoulder and growls.-

"Stupid bears, yeah... I went on a hunting trip with Len, Kuralin, and Ledil. I was like explaining to them about the business and trading, while talking about my own business in my own world. Len, and Kuralin was more interested about how things was run in my own world. Well, just to put it in simple way... Corruption has never stop at all, people will still do the same old mistake as last time. So being in here, in Erinn is more better right now. Anyway, I went hunting with them, when Len was ready to give that bear a finally blow, I went in and BANG! Stolen his kill! I found it funny, stealing another person's victory. It was funny to just to mess around bit, we all were having a good time. Then suddenly, a bear came in got a few shots at me and knocked me out hard.

While I was out, I had this weird where Kuralin and Ledil's were fighting. Ledil lost the first round, he gotta all bend out of shape, beating himself down to that kid to talk to him. Len, and Kuralin having their problems to deal with some grim reaper wannabe telling them to get off it's land or that thing will kill them both. Those threat, the acting, they weren't fearsome or serious at all, more like a kid trying to pull a prank. Those guys ran off and do as that person said except me and Ledil stood there. That... that so called guardian wanted us off too, but I talk back at it, told it like it is. Then this thing through a fire ball, well.. something, because it didn't even hit me. Just get weirder this guardian took off it's disguise, and you know what I saw? A hot babe, simpler to Soifa, but dang she had power too. I know now I must be dreaming. She still told me to give off her land. I told her her show me some blow... Afterwards.. She just bang! shoot wind out of her hands blowing me away. She did it the second time. After that... she told me hit her back.. So... I did, I gave her the strongest attack I got, but to her it just felt like a feather... This totally got me screwed, I try to fight back, but she just toying with me like I'm some kind of doll to her. She easily defeated me without even trying, just made a fool out of me. Good thing this was all just a dream. But it was still hot how she just defeated me. Such power, such wicked power really set my heart burst with flames.. I never once felt so more alive as ever. Just wish she was real..

Man, I really need to find myself a mate, a lover, someone that's really going to be with me. But it's just hard to find a girl here as it is in my old world. I don't care about looks or power... I just want someone who truly understands me. Someone who can truly touch my heart."

-Hikaru wrote as she sigh to herself in disappointment. She really trying hard to find that special girl, but most of them either are taken, married, or just isn't Hikaru's type of women. She just try so hard to try to find someone to make her happy, she wants to start a family of her own.-

"I was adopted by a group of people, but, I really want to start my own family tree, have my old kids, and stuff be a mother again... Something like that, raising kids. I... I love raising kids they just mean a lot. Anyway, I'm done for today, I'll either spend time with my friends, or just travel along with my family doing business, either way I need to do something with myself."

-End of Journal.-
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

Posts : 282
Join date : 2010-07-29
Age : 31
Location : Tir Chonaill

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