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Member Application - Akeichi

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Member Application - Akeichi - Page 2 Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Auramune Fri Feb 10, 2012 6:52 pm

Soifa Toten wrote:I think the main thing(and only thing...) that bothers me is it's an NPC that could be used AGAIN for advanced transmutations. Like "Oh hey guys...he's still alive, totes is gonna help me out or something, yo".

Maybe if the alchemist died? >3>

Edit: No one gets cake. It's full of poison.

I thought the same thing. But as long as that npc wasn't used again for that process, or died, or whatever-just not accessible for homunculi making, then it wouldn't be a big deal. Something, which probably could have been worked out. But, we'll never know that.

And I agree. If it's ok for one, it's okay for all. Can't show favoritism, as this issue(not the homunculus, but favoritism) has been discussed MANY times. And it's always been decided that, if the person has no bad marks, they should be able to carry on as long as it's within the rules and shizz.

I don't see the big deal with letting anyone who wants any race have one. There's several alchemists in Mabi, and one of the four vates have started doing it again(believed to be Helvetius, but who knows?) Who's to say this knowledge hasn't been passed on? You can't say that, because you don't know. And considering that PCs have that knowledge mysteriously, who's to say a storyline NPC doesn't have it?

And this has nothing to do with Zeffie. So stop bringing her up? She's not a "special case." She may have made it possible for them to become playable races, but that's about it. It's the same as anyone bringing in a race. We've all had to fight for things that we want passed, tooth and nail.

*Edit* And Soifa didn't say "No mysterious npcs." It sounds like she doesn't mind a mysterious npc as long as that npc died or something.

And for the record, I'm extremely disappointed. We all know these types of characters exist. So, instead of denying the character, people should have been trying to HELP him make it possible. Just my opinion on that.

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Member Application - Akeichi - Page 2 Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Xeek Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:18 pm

Iraselle Majaktobor wrote:Soifa hit one the MAIN point. No mystery NPCs working on this. That was why it was rejected to BEGIN with (or at least why I would have rejected it). Lack of representation.

@Soifa too.
The NPCs don't have to be dead. Should Mari and Hyu be dead? Just as long as they aren't going around mass producing Hummie's. Which can SIMPLY be arranged by only approving one. (EI. Approving this one and that's it, once the first Hummie project is established, the rest have to follow the rules)

And Xeek.. it sounds unfair, but it really isn't. Her case is special because there were special circumstances surrounding it. No, this ISN'T like denying a child cake. Yes, it WILL remain per request only. Because they HAVE to represent it. That's unconditional. If something is too ingrained into one's character, I don't think they should be forced to remove or undo it. If they WANT to, they can, but it'd mess up continuity to suddenly say "Well, she's NOT a homunculus AFTER ALL guys! 8D" when she has been for as long as I have known Zeffie (though the term "Clone" was used). Why mess up something that was done so long ago? And letting one thing happen in the past isn't an excuse to let it happen again. It was a fluke that got resolved through a lot of conversation and debate. Far be it from me (or anyone on Council at that point in time) to deny someone something after that sort of situation. THAT would be like denying a child cake after they WORKED for it, no less.

Actually, this is completely wrong. And you, as someone in the council should know that. Zeffie could have been 1)Lying 2) Tricked 3)many other possible choices that makes her not be a Humie. Just because something has been, doesn't mean it can't be changed.
This goes again with the Liiam issue. He was playing as a God for a while, should that be allowed? Using one of my characters as an example, Xenark has had soul powers since before you joined RPS, yet they were removed and adjusted to the new rules, same issue.

So there is no "special cases". And this is like denying a child cake. He shouldn't have to go through a whole huge process just to play a regular character with a different background.

And if it looks, acts, and smells like a monkey?

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Member Application - Akeichi - Page 2 Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Temo Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:30 pm

May I request that further discussion of this be taken elsewhere? I keep thinking new recruits are actually registering on the front page just to pop up to this... x_x;
Burrito Bison

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Member Application - Akeichi - Page 2 Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Mari Eir Fri Feb 10, 2012 7:31 pm

There is no favoritism being shown toward Zeffie. o__O At all. She didn't get her way for being a good girl. Yes, she DID make it to where Homunculi were acceptable to play, but along with that came certain conditions. You can NOT just step into a race if there are conditions behind it. And I'm not sure if Soifa was ASKING a question or making a SUGGESTION due to her question mark. Anyone who has been in the Council section should already know a lot of this, however. They should know ALL of this. If they don't, then they're dropping the ball and need to either

1. re-read since everyone who enters that section IS responsible for reading every single thread past and present so they know the history of decisions made and what brought them about etc,


2. At least PRETEND to have read them. Crappy, but dayum. Don't show your ignorance. o__O

I know some sections are currently hidden from the general membership, or else I'd instruct you to read Zeffie's request thread for a homunculus. Things got complicated in that and QUICKLY because people were analyzing it. Everything SHOULD be scrutinized.

This was as well. Also.. it might sound callous, though it's not intended to, but the application process IS meant to weed out those who aren't really willing to try. He seemed to be making a turn around, but in the end did not, which moots his application or desire to join/RP the race he initially wanted. This was NOT the case with others who have made it into the guild or succeeded in a difficult race. "Why did this have to be so complicated?" Picked a complicated race that, canonically can NOT just pop up like this. It was decided looooong ago that this would be a limited group. There are other races that fall into the "limited group" category and this applicant was unfortunate enough to pick one of them.The result was legitimate disapprovals. It's rare with new members who are very literate, but it was actually disapproved. There were people who were uncomfortable with it. We're not NAZIS, though. Just go through the right channels.


I think the sensitivity that came along with this was BECAUSE he was new. Otherwise, I don't think we'd have seen such a display for a current member.
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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Member Application - Akeichi - Page 2 Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Xeek Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:08 pm

Iraselle Majaktobor wrote:There is no favoritism being shown toward Zeffie. o__O At all. She didn't get her way for being a good girl. Yes, she DID make it to where Homunculi were acceptable to play, but along with that came certain conditions. You can NOT just step into a race if there are conditions behind it. And I'm not sure if Soifa was ASKING a question or making a SUGGESTION due to her question mark. Anyone who has been in the Council section should already know a lot of this, however. They should know ALL of this. If they don't, then they're dropping the ball and need to either
Right, she made it so we shouldn't have to be having this discussion. I am not questioning Zeffie's use of NPC nor her char. I am simply saying, if Zeffie got to use NPCs anyone else making a fresh character should have the same right.

1. re-read since everyone who enters that section IS responsible for reading every single thread past and present so they know the history of decisions made and what brought them about etc,


2. At least PRETEND to have read them. Crappy, but dayum. Don't show your ignorance. o__O

I know some sections are currently hidden from the general membership, or else I'd instruct you to read Zeffie's request thread for a homunculus. Things got complicated in that and QUICKLY because people were analyzing it. Everything SHOULD be scrutinized.
You shouldn't be encouraging people in every way to PRETEND to read them. Even "not meaning it literally".
Also, since the Power thread was removed there is NO way that he could have known about the power rules. There is no way he even knew about advance transmutation.
If you want, try to follow the link.

This was as well. Also.. it might sound callous, though it's not intended to, but the application process IS meant to weed out those who aren't really willing to try. He seemed to be making a turn around, but in the end did not, which moots his application or desire to join/RP the race he initially wanted.
It was his first time seeing the guild. The application is not to "weed" out those willing to try. It's to weed out those who do not meet the criteria. He had no rules or guidelines to follow on requesting a power. Yet when he came here, he was treated like he should have learned them by heart. And he said he was open to suggestions but, trash your character and make a new one, isn't a suggestion.

This was NOT the case with others who have made it into the guild or succeeded in a difficult race. "Why did this have to be so complicated?" Picked a complicated race that, canonically can NOT just pop up like this.
I have picked a 'difficult race', I have like 2-3. And trust me, they were not fun to try and get approved. It was a hassle that I will not wish on anyone. And clearly, he did not wish to go through. People don't want to join and start with problems.

It was decided looooong ago that this would be a limited group. There are other races that fall into the "limited group" category and this applicant was unfortunate enough to pick one of them.The result was legitimate disapprovals. It's rare with new members who are very literate, but it was actually disapproved. There were people who were uncomfortable with it. We're not NAZIS, though. Just go through the right channels.

I am sorry, but you, nor the council, has the power to restrict a race. It's dumb to even try. Not only can it be viewed as biased, but people should be allowed to pick the race they want. The purpose of the council is to make sure RPing goes smoothly without much troubles. Restricting the use of a race has NOTHING to do it. If 50 people want to make a Hummie, they should be able to.
After all, if you count the population of Erinn, 50 would be right in proportions.

I think the sensitivity that came along with this was BECAUSE he was new. Otherwise, I don't think we'd have seen such a display for a current member.
It did start because he was new, and because I thought the way he was treated was... disappointing. But now it continued because of the content of the discussions.

Also, I agree with Temo, this discussion should be moved somewhere else. Least, part of it. Leave the application here, of course.

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