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Member Application - Akeichi

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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Akeichi Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:53 pm

Character Name: Akeichi

How You Heard About The RP Society: A lovely elven girl by the name of Jeide.

How Long Have You Been Roleplaying?: On an off for about a year now

Is English Your First Language?:Yes.

A Short Biography Of Your Character:
Akeichi was the creation of a corrupt alchemist who was creating perfect slaves/bodyguard. Using DNA from fomors, animals, mythical beasts and other alchemical components to create human like anthropods, some appearing more human then others. Out of hundreds only a select few were deemed a success. Akeichi was discarded as a failure, though near perfect it wasn't enough for the evil alchemist. Figuring it would be a waste to discard him like the rest of the failures, Akeichi was sold to noble family looking for a slave to do the house's chores or anything else they asked of him.

Life for him, living as a slave, was bad. Akeichi was defiant and in turn was punished cruelly by his owners. When he misbehaved he'd get whipped and tossed into the basement, chained like an animal to the wall for days by his neck with only a foot of slack forcing him to stand, insuring he wouldn't get any sleep at night or potentially hang himself. Every encounter he had with the lord he fought and resisted to cooperate with his owners. Many nights he spent sobbing under the moonlight that beamed throught the dungeons barred window, wondering why such a fate had befell him. One night the Lord of the house came down to feed him scraps of food left over from the nobles dinner. Akeichi was of no use to them dead, barely alive would have to do.

He set a wooden bowl with the scraps at Akeichi's feet,"Now beg for your meal, you Ill-bred cur." Akeichi just glared at him maliciously. Unsettled by the look Akeichi gave him he began to beat him profusely. Akeichi raised him arms to defend himself from the blows but it was doing little. Thoughts and flashes of what was and had been done to him began going through his head edging him closer and closer to the breaking point. In a fit of horrendous rage and unbelievable strength, Akeichi blacked out, ripping the chain off the wall and viciously attacking the noble; tearing out his throat with one savage bite. The noble bled out in a matter of seconds.

Blood Dripping from his lip, he soon came to the realization of what he had done and gazed upon the dead noble in shock. He looked to the barred window, the only connection to the outside world he had in weeks, and quickly plotted his escape for he knew if he stayed he would be revered as a monster and killed for what had done. He quickly scurried up the wall, gauging the space between the bars. Pulling apart as hard as he could on each bar, he tried desperately to fit his head through it. Eventually he made it through the bars, with blood dripping from his scalp down his face and a couple broken ribs he ran off into the night and through the woods. Eventually making his way to Port Cobh he stowed away on the ship to Belvast. Making it to the ships hold, Akeichi hid behind some crates in the far back of the area. Though he had a higher pain threshold then most, the adrenaline began to wear off and he blacked out.

When the ship hit land and the sailors began to unload the cargo he was found and left in the care of the priest, Beirnes, who nursed him back to health. Akeichi recovered quickly and later that night snuck away. Now he wanders most of Erinn alone, living the life of a vagrant thief.

-Was Created in Tara
-Created with Blood of Dragon and Incubus, Male sword Spirit, Clay Crystal, Human Flesh and water crystal.
-Ages slower then humans
-Has a higher pain threshold then the average human.
-Prefers to be robed in Tara in attempt to hide identity
-Is, for all intents and purposes, consider Half dragon Half Incubus.

-Noming Oranges
-The color Red
-and practicing Swordplay.

-Negative people in all shapes and forms of negativity, will most likely avoid them or not speak to them.
-Mushroom Dishes.
-Corrupt Alchemists
-and Ebil Imps

What type of character do you play?:
I play a, what would be consider, Chaotic Good character. Love to help people, is for the most part shy but isnt to hard to crack his shell. He appears to be around the age of 10 - 14 at most but that doesnt mean he will never grow. he has Black hair, Red eyes and Dark skin. He's 4' 11'' and weights about 69lbs. Not afraid to speak his mind when someones being rude. tend to be polite to most women.

What is your Mabinogi schedule?: Random. depending on work, I'm on call.
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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Auramune Thu Feb 09, 2012 2:56 pm

Well, if I'm reading it right he'd be a homunculus. But, they are upon request. So you'd have to speak with the council about that. Or, they'll post. We have homunculi characters, so it probably won't be that big of a problem.

I love the bio though. It's really well written. And I love that you added your recipe for creating him.

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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Temo Thu Feb 09, 2012 3:09 pm

Mmkaaaaay, have not slept in over 24 hours, insomnia is kickin' my butt, and I do not know if this is gonna make enough sense or not, but please bear with me~ =w=

First off, I am agreeing with Aura on the writing - it's well written (which does indeed count for a lot) and shows quite the imagination (which is also awesome). Buuuut as it stands there are a few little issues with the experimentation being brought up here, as well as with what, and what those kinds of traits those blood/DNA types would actually imbue contrary to what's written here.

I'm not the authority on alchemy and homunculi - far from that, in fact - but as Aura also said, those characters are something that are given upon request and require certain things to be accepted; and in all honesty, I do not see it being something available for a newcomer recruit for a number of reasons based along the lines of "dunno if you can ride the lightning without getting fried yet". Furthermore, there is currently being some work done with races that should be finished soon - when that's all taken care of, it might give more of an idea on what characters of certain bloods actually do get as boons and curses, which would be more helpful with something like this character in the future and not leave you in the dark on what's expected.

So that's basically why I'm saying I feel the need to reject this. Not because of you, because as I said, you're awesome and got a great imagination, but as it stands, this character is a bit too much. My decision alone isn't final, and even if rejected by other officers, it doesn't mean you can't try again, so by all means, go nuts n' stuff. Surprised I'm hoping things work out here.

That said, I am going to go lurk with my decaf. Ciao for now~
Burrito Bison

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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Akeichi Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:10 pm

I understand I think, you worried that I expect some sort of special powers for having Dragon or Incubus blood? I didn't expect to have any power beyond what my character in mabi itself was capable of. If something arises where I should have a certain power, then I can simply grow into it. I'm willing to work with you guys if your willing to work with me but who Akeichi is revolves around what he is and what he's been through. I wouldn't like to think I spent most of my morning writing most of this story to, for the most part, alter it completely. xD;

Last edited by Akeichi on Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:19 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : trying to make more sense :3)
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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Cyler Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:44 pm

We are one hundred percent willing to work with you. But as Temo said, someone with alchemy authority and such should add their comments on this. But I do disagree about the newcomer thing. >_> I believe it should be tested how the character/race and such is used before just knocking it out of the way for being new. I am willing to do some private world RP's with you to see how you do, that is if it is needed. That's my thought.

But other than that one thing, I agree with Temo.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Glaceon Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:50 pm

Well the Homunculi is a per-request only thing I believe, as you have to get the actual process approved in the first place. However, lack of our powers thread means things like this can't really be requested. And it's not the blood issues, it's the fact that he was created with alchemy. I'm no expert at anything, that's Jab's area of expertise imo. And again, if new powers were to "show up," they'd need to be approved in the power thread overall, when it gets back up and running.

My suggestion: The writing is beautiful, but the character idea is in the request-only area. I think if you could write up a bio of a Milletian or just a normal human character, it'd probably work and then wait to introduce the Homunculus character until things are back up on the councillor's side. That's just my two cents.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Akeichi Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:42 pm

Glaceon wrote:Well the Homunculi is a per-request only thing I believe, as you have to get the actual process approved in the first place. However, lack of our powers thread means things like this can't really be requested. And it's not the blood issues, it's the fact that he was created with alchemy. I'm no expert at anything, that's Jab's area of expertise imo. And again, if new powers were to "show up," they'd need to be approved in the power thread overall, when it gets back up and running.

My suggestion: The writing is beautiful, but the character idea is in the request-only area. I think if you could write up a bio of a Milletian or just a normal human character, it'd probably work and then wait to introduce the Homunculus character until things are back up on the councillor's side. That's just my two cents.
You misunderstood me, I don't want any special power for being a dragon, incubus, Homunculus,etc. If at anytime someone with authority over racial powers decides that my character 'should' have a power I don't already possess because I'm a Homunculus, then I will work it slowly into my character.
(just clarifying ^-^; )
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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Mari Eir Thu Feb 09, 2012 5:51 pm

You're misunderstanding. Creating Homunculi is a process. One must be able to represent the creation via skills. Like.. Synthesis, Fragmentation, Transmutation in general, etc and so on. We HAVE dragon/incubus hybrids SPECIFICALLY already, one IS a homunculus. But there has to be a process to create the character. The reason we require this is because it takes a lot of Erg to create a homunculus. Therefore, they can't just come strollin out of the Shadow Realm. We don't allow the usage of random NPCs (unless it's a body alt for a character that DOES have the skills) anymore. There was one special case, but that was a VERY special case. There's nothing wrong with the bio except these conditions.
Mari Eir
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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Akeichi Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:10 pm

Iraselle Majaktobor wrote:You're misunderstanding. Creating Homunculi is a process. One must be able to represent the creation via skills. Like.. Synthesis, Fragmentation, Transmutation in general, etc and so on. We HAVE dragon/incubus hybrids SPECIFICALLY already, one IS a homunculus. But there has to be a process to create the character. The reason we require this is because it takes a lot of Erg to create a homunculus. Therefore, they can't just come strollin out of the Shadow Realm. We don't allow the usage of random NPCs (unless it's a body alt for a character that DOES have the skills) anymore. There was one special case, but that was a VERY special case. There's nothing wrong with the bio except these conditions.
how can I misunderstand something that wasn't explained to me in the first place. that is all I have to say, it was much longer but I don't wish to disrespect you or anyone else. Sorry it didnt work out. everyone have a good one ^ ^.
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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Xeek Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:24 pm

Iraselle Majaktobor wrote:You're misunderstanding. Creating Homunculi is a process. One must be able to represent the creation via skills. Like.. Synthesis, Fragmentation, Transmutation in general, etc and so on. We HAVE dragon/incubus hybrids SPECIFICALLY already, one IS a homunculus. But there has to be a process to create the character. The reason we require this is because it takes a lot of Erg to create a homunculus. Therefore, they can't just come strollin out of the Shadow Realm. We don't allow the usage of random NPCs (unless it's a body alt for a character that DOES have the skills) anymore. There was one special case, but that was a VERY special case. There's nothing wrong with the bio except these conditions.

Eabha is out of the shadow realm? Homunculus may only need dark Erg until their are stable. In fact, if I remember correctly, Eabha's experiment was performed in the regular world.

To Akeichi: Another thing, I have an alchemist characters, I wouldn't mind providing them as a body alt for conducting your experiment, and since this is a character approval, and not a power approval, I am sure it can be approved in this thread?

PS: There is no "alchemy authority" the research can be done through in-game sources for anyone who wants to learn on the subject. There is no hidden data-base.

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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Auramune Thu Feb 09, 2012 10:28 pm

Xeek wrote:
To Akeichi: Another thing, I have an alchemist characters, I wouldn't mind providing them as a body alt for conducting your experiment, and since this is a character approval, and not a power approval, I am sure it can be approved in this thread?

Same, if 2 people helps. =)

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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Mari Eir Fri Feb 10, 2012 2:11 am

Xeek wrote:
Iraselle Majaktobor wrote:You're misunderstanding. Creating Homunculi is a process. One must be able to represent the creation via skills. Like.. Synthesis, Fragmentation, Transmutation in general, etc and so on. We HAVE dragon/incubus hybrids SPECIFICALLY already, one IS a homunculus. But there has to be a process to create the character. The reason we require this is because it takes a lot of Erg to create a homunculus. Therefore, they can't just come strollin out of the Shadow Realm. We don't allow the usage of random NPCs (unless it's a body alt for a character that DOES have the skills) anymore. There was one special case, but that was a VERY special case. There's nothing wrong with the bio except these conditions.

Eabha is out of the shadow realm? Homunculus may only need dark Erg until their are stable. In fact, if I remember correctly, Eabha's experiment was performed in the regular world.

To Akeichi: Another thing, I have an alchemist characters, I wouldn't mind providing them as a body alt for conducting your experiment, and since this is a character approval, and not a power approval, I am sure it can be approved in this thread?

PS: There is no "alchemy authority" the research can be done through in-game sources for anyone who wants to learn on the subject. There is no hidden data-base.
1. Xeek, I didn't mean that literally. xD; I meant if they were freely given, there'd be a bunch of them suddenly being created. Note the current Cubi infestation.
2. Yes, the actual character DOES need approval. Zeffie needed it for hers REGARDLESS of any powers. Zeffie doesn't HAVE powers. It's cause it's always been an iffy subject. Stupid sure, but necessary.
3. Body alting an alchemist would have been a fine option, but he's joining Agi, right?
Mari Eir
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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Xeek Fri Feb 10, 2012 8:40 am

Oui oui mademoiselle, but can you really restrict a race? If you want to be original, get a Mohawk.

I am not saying it doesn't need approval, I am saying it doesn't need power-thread approval. It can be approved/denied right here in the thread, similar to Dante. The difference between this and a PC made Cubi, is the same thing that happened with Dante. Few/Nobody will allow a current PC to turn into a ghost, but since it's a completely difference slate of a char, it was allowed.

Also, since when do we allow "special cases"? I don't think it's fair, everyone should have the same equal chance. If people want to mass-create Hummie's, as long as they are a new char, not related to ANY existing character, it should be allowed. It's no similar than having NPC-Dragon parents.

Yes, he is join Agi, but I am saying this for next time.

There shouldn't be "Special Cases" (Except for FECs), New characters should be allowed NPC usage in their background(while the char itself needs approval, it shouldn't be shot down), and the last most of you know about, it was talked on the guild chat.

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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Cyler Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:05 am

I beleive they are trying to say that someone with not a lot of experiance shouldn't play as something as so. Since they might not know much about it or know to react in actual RP's with it and such.

But I agree with you Xeek. Ranks such as "New member, Member, Senior Member, Mentor, or Councilor" shouldn't matter when it comes to race usage and such. It should be seen HOW they do in RP with it. As I said, but yeah, that's my opinion on this.
Sweet Tart Sucubus
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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Auramune Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:11 am

Cyler wrote:I beleive they are trying to say that someone with not a lot of experiance shouldn't play as something as so. Since they might not know much about it or know to react in actual RP's with it and such.

well.. he seemed to know enough that he even posted a recipe that it took to create the character, and a good one at that. He's only un-experienced in rping on an mmo. But anyone can follow generations and storylines and add 2 and 2 together.

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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Cyler Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:26 am

Auramune wrote:
Cyler wrote:I beleive they are trying to say that someone with not a lot of experiance shouldn't play as something as so. Since they might not know much about it or know to react in actual RP's with it and such.

well.. he seemed to know enough that he even posted a recipe that it took to create the character, and a good one at that. He's only un-experienced in rping on an mmo. But anyone can follow generations and storylines and add 2 and 2 together.

Right, but I was saying that is what others might be thinking since they are saying he shouldn't due to his rank. xD;
I agree completely, but I think the process should happen ICly first. Xeek even volunteered his character to help create him too. So yeah... owo
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Xeek Fri Feb 10, 2012 9:35 am

Cyler wrote:
Auramune wrote:
Cyler wrote:I beleive they are trying to say that someone with not a lot of experiance shouldn't play as something as so. Since they might not know much about it or know to react in actual RP's with it and such.

well.. he seemed to know enough that he even posted a recipe that it took to create the character, and a good one at that. He's only un-experienced in rping on an mmo. But anyone can follow generations and storylines and add 2 and 2 together.

Right, but I was saying that is what others might be thinking since they are saying he shouldn't due to his rank. xD;
I agree completely, but I think the process should happen ICly first. Xeek even volunteered his character to help create him too. So yeah... owo

I don't think it should be for a new char though. It's just a new Tuathan char with a different past.

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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Auramune Fri Feb 10, 2012 10:06 am

Cyler wrote:
Auramune wrote:
Cyler wrote:I beleive they are trying to say that someone with not a lot of experiance shouldn't play as something as so. Since they might not know much about it or know to react in actual RP's with it and such.

well.. he seemed to know enough that he even posted a recipe that it took to create the character, and a good one at that. He's only un-experienced in rping on an mmo. But anyone can follow generations and storylines and add 2 and 2 together.

Right, but I was saying that is what others might be thinking since they are saying he shouldn't due to his rank. xD;
I agree completely, but I think the process should happen ICly first. Xeek even volunteered his character to help create him too. So yeah... owo

He only offered because you guys made such a big stink about it. Does the process of other new erinn born characters parents having to get it on first IC, before they can be born, have to happen too? Cause, it's really the same thing. Other than going over a few details about hommies with him, and mentoring to make sure he has everything down, this should have been a no-brainer on accepting him, imo.

And I don't think 'rank' has anything to do with anything. I've been a full-fledged member forever, and I wasn't even allowed to make a hommie for a SL. Sooo..

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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Guest Fri Feb 10, 2012 3:06 pm

To be honest, I really had no issues with it. It seems like Ake did his research really well. :I


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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Mari Eir Fri Feb 10, 2012 4:30 pm

It wasn't about being new. And honestly Xeek, you should KNOW the issues surrounding Zeffie already. xD; The only issues with it have already been mentioned, so don't assume something that was never mentioned o__O (His rank in the guild). I already said creating it through a body alt should be fine, so that was counter intuitive of Cyler to say. Also, we're not APPROVING or DISAPPROVING anything outside of a simple "yes you're in, no you're out" , which is why Glacia's request thread shouldn't have happened. Yes, there are going to special requests races. This is one of them. Not everyone can be a certain thing. Not about rank, but literally because there should NOT be more than a certain number. Sure, his bio was well written, but everyone who wants this type of character still needs SOME sort of representation. Which he never suggested he had. It's not about possessing powers, but not making people up. He didn't really stick around long enough to clarify how this would affect anything that may occur in the future (say, Some OTHER mystery alchemist making another one, etc). As well written as it was, there were also loose ends. He was not rejected, the character was.
Mari Eir
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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Xeek Fri Feb 10, 2012 5:02 pm

Iraselle Majaktobor wrote:It wasn't about being new. And honestly Xeek, you should KNOW the issues surrounding Zeffie already. xD;
Actually.. I don't...

. Yes, there are going to special requests races. This is one of them. Not everyone can be a certain thing. Not about rank, but literally because there should NOT be more than a certain number. Sure, his bio was well written, but everyone who wants this type of character still needs SOME sort of representation. Which he never suggested he had.
You are contradicting yourself. You are saying not everyone can have it, yet you are saying they can if they have representation? The problem with this, I say again, is that I don't see why he would need the representation. He is not performing advance transmutation, his character is a result of one. It's just character background; he isn't doing anything impossible. Which, if I am correct, a lot of people are fine with.

It's not about possessing powers, but not making people up. He didn't really stick around long enough to clarify how this would affect anything that may occur in the future (say, Some OTHER mystery alchemist making another one, etc). As well written as it was, there were also loose ends. He was not rejected, the character was.
If I wasn't such an afish myself, I probably would have left at the welcome too. He was willing to try and work out a way; which was not offered(Until it was too late).

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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Mari Eir Fri Feb 10, 2012 6:04 pm

Xeek wrote:
Iraselle Majaktobor wrote:It wasn't about being new. And honestly Xeek, you should KNOW the issues surrounding Zeffie already. xD;
Actually.. I don't...

. Yes, there are going to special requests races. This is one of them. Not everyone can be a certain thing. Not about rank, but literally because there should NOT be more than a certain number. Sure, his bio was well written, but everyone who wants this type of character still needs SOME sort of representation. Which he never suggested he had.
You are contradicting yourself. You are saying not everyone can have it, yet you are saying they can if they have representation? The problem with this, I say again, is that I don't see why he would need the representation. He is not performing advance transmutation, his character is a result of one. It's just character background; he isn't doing anything impossible. Which, if I am correct, a lot of people are fine with.

It's not about possessing powers, but not making people up. He didn't really stick around long enough to clarify how this would affect anything that may occur in the future (say, Some OTHER mystery alchemist making another one, etc). As well written as it was, there were also loose ends. He was not rejected, the character was.
If I wasn't such an afish myself, I probably would have left at the welcome too. He was willing to try and work out a way; which was not offered(Until it was too late).

Maybe you weren't a Councilor at the time of the Zeffie situation, I don't know.. But there's WAAAAAY more to that situation than someone simply wanting to do it. She REALLY had to fight for it. :/ She did and she won.

And Homunculi have always been special request via AT. So how am I contradicting myself? (AT IS special request.. xD; ) They've never been "Well, you can just have this sort of character" deals. Ever. Again, referencing Zeffie, people have ALWAYS made a huge stink out of homunculi. Two were rejected, two were accepted. So 50% chance of being rejected from what history tells us...
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Xeek Fri Feb 10, 2012 6:19 pm

Iraselle Majaktobor wrote:
Maybe you weren't a Councilor at the time of the Zeffie situation, I don't know.. But there's WAAAAAY more to that situation than someone simply wanting to do it. She REALLY had to fight for it. :/ She did and she won.

And Homunculi have always been special request via AT. So how am I contradicting myself? (AT IS special request.. xD; ) They've never been "Well, you can just have this sort of character" deals. Ever. Again, referencing Zeffie, people have ALWAYS made a huge stink out of homunculi. Two were rejected, two were accepted. So 50% chance of being rejected from what history tells us...

The fact ONE person did it, EVERYONE should be able to. If not it shows favoritism. Math/History don't really apply here. If the request is done right, which if I am correct his request is done similar to Zeffie's.
The only time Hummie's should be a special request is if it's being used for a player benefits. Cases like this, and Zeffie's should have no problem. Specially since all you really have to do is get a few people to help you. Like powers, there is no real limit to who/how many can have them. Everyone should be able to have the character they want, maybe with approval, but since it's a new character it doesn't need a representation.
See it as, if you have an NPC Cubi dad and dragon mom, you don't have to get an approval for them.

By the way, I color coded the contradiction. You said not everyone can have a race. Yet, they can if they get it approved.

EDIT: See it this way, you have three kids. You also have cake, that for some reason you aren't letting them eat. One goes up to you and begs for the cake, you give him a piece. Another ask you, but doesn't beg, would you deny him the cake?

PS: The cake is not a lie.

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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Guest Fri Feb 10, 2012 6:30 pm

I think the main thing(and only thing...) that bothers me is it's an NPC that could be used AGAIN for advanced transmutations. Like "Oh hey guys...he's still alive, totes is gonna help me out or something, yo".

Maybe if the alchemist died? >3>

Edit: No one gets cake. It's full of poison.


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Member Application - Akeichi Empty Re: Member Application - Akeichi

Post  Mari Eir Fri Feb 10, 2012 6:45 pm

Soifa hit one the MAIN point. No mystery NPCs working on this. That was why it was rejected to BEGIN with (or at least why I would have rejected it). Lack of representation.
And Xeek.. it sounds unfair, but it really isn't. Her case is special because there were special circumstances surrounding it. No, this ISN'T like denying a child cake. Yes, it WILL remain per request only. Because they HAVE to represent it. That's unconditional. If something is too ingrained into one's character, I don't think they should be forced to remove or undo it. If they WANT to, they can, but it'd mess up continuity to suddenly say "Well, she's NOT a homunculus AFTER ALL guys! 8D" when she has been for as long as I have known Zeffie (though the term "Clone" was used). Why mess up something that was done so long ago? And letting one thing happen in the past isn't an excuse to let it happen again. It was a fluke that got resolved through a lot of conversation and debate. Far be it from me (or anyone on Council at that point in time) to deny someone something after that sort of situation. THAT would be like denying a child cake after they WORKED for it, no less.
Mari Eir
Mari Eir

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