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Espeon and Glacia, the Tale of two sisters.

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Espeon and Glacia, the Tale of two sisters. Empty Espeon and Glacia, the Tale of two sisters.

Post  Glaceon Sun Apr 03, 2011 9:11 pm

As you guessed from the title, this is finally a write up of the relationship between Glacia and Espeon.

We will start with Glacia's story, and her village of Cat-people. The truth is she wasn't from this world. She was brought there by dimensional means, through a rift created by the mages in the village. The mages had no clue who they had brought, but they separated the soul from the body, and had the soul start a new life in a baby. When born, Glacia could already speak in the native tongue, cat-tongue. Everyone could speak this, and everyone had the power of telepathy. So upon birth, her name was asked of her. Glacia, that not being her true name, decided to take the name, and hopefully leave her old life behind. Why would she do this? Could something bad have happened in her previous world? Well...she had her reasons, and no one knew. She continued life learning her magic studies more so than the other studies. She had eventually learned of how she got here, and because of this, felt a great dislike for the village. She began breaking village standards, and started studying other magics, including Necromancy. Upon learning of this, the elders of the village had her exiled from the village. Displeased with her current life, Glacia simply ran away. She had nothing anymore. She fled, and decided to leave this realm. Summoning up her magic, she created her own dimensional rift. However, she was unable to pick a location, and decided anywhere would be better than here...and went through. And her story continues in the world of Erinn...

Now Let's take a look at Espeon's story. We'll start with the Mirror world.

Most people in this world aren't born here. they are guided by the Chasm King, one of the 12 Mirror gods that rule over the realm. Espeon was like most people, however, you were given a choice of what race you could be, each having it's own story. Humans were a race that survived by helping each other out, since they all have their strong points. the Sprites, or Celestial Envoys, were created by the gods to serve them, and help them out in the world. Sylphs were a spiritual race, focusing on mental aspects, and in time learning to not really need to use physical contact and mastered telepathy. However, Sylphs were on a road to losing emotions, being very incapable of feeling anything emotionally. The last race were Shuras, a race in a constant civil war, always fighting amongst one another, only proving they were able to kill their own race. Espeon, being who she was, chose the path of the Sylph. She chose a path to take, and set off into the world. She started training herself in different jobs, each job being different than the last. Finally, upon choosing a job she liked, she starting training within the job, honing her abilities as a Doctor, or Healer. She grew tired of this and chased after the Path of a Martial Artist, focusing on using a staff. She now had experience in these two jobs, and set out after more, each not as interesting as the last. She finally reached the climax of her adventure, and went face to face with the Grand Villain herself, Phoenix. She brought help, and with her allies, slayed the Phoenix in a terrific fight. An era of peace ensued afterwards, however...the peace was not so peaceful for Espeon. She eventually grew ill. In her dreams, on her death bed, she dreamed of the world, everything that happened. She hadn't aged a bit, despite her time in the world. What was the cause of this? The Clever King appeared in her dreams, and explained how they had created this world, so that time would not flow for everyone they took in. The very souls of these people had been timelocked. Espeon could feel her own soul slipping away. Her time had come..she had done her role...she didn't know what was next...but death had finally come. And thus, Espeon started her Erinn Adventure.

Well..Both Glacia and Espeon came from a world, to a world, to Erinn.. But what world was before this? Why...a big which these two were sisters.

In this world, these two were two of seven children. Each was different in their own way. Espeon was the 4th oldest, while Glacia was the youngest. Glacia's real name in this world was Glaceon, as I'm sure several people have made the link. Yes, the children were named all after -those- pokemon. Espeon's specialty came in physic powers, with strong telekinetic abilities. Glaceon loved the cold, and snow. In addition, her body temperature was always slightly lower than the rest. The rest, you can all imagine about. Our story focuses on these two, who were particularly close. Glace always hung around Espeon, looked up to her, and always wanted to be like her. However, one day. While Glaceon was sleeping, Espeon snuck out of the house. She had a weird dream, and went to the village shrine, where she saw someone in her dream. Glaceon, still being slightly awake, noticed her and followed. Glaceon arrived at the shrine...and only witnessed the end of Espeon's leaving. Glaceon was horrified...her sister was gone...Not knowing what else to do, Glaceon went back home, got some supplies, and ran away, looking for her sister, thinking she had just been teleported to a distant part of the world. Glaceon faced tough challenges, and new situations she never got in. After searching for days, Glaceon got tired out and collapsed. The poor kitten couldn't make it any further. Her sister was gone, she was somewhere and had no idea how to get back home. She then saw an odd light, and approached it. It was then the light came out and enveloped her, bringing her into the new world where she would grow up in.

So now, Glaceon, now going by Glacia, and Espeon are both in Erinn. Both met, Espeon even let Glacia stay in her room at the hotel. Glacia, before moving out, left Espeon a present. Glacia thinks this Espeon might be the same person, but can't tell since the looks are different. She hopes to find out...and see if she can finally be reunited with her sister.

Espeon has no idea, and hasn't even been hinted on the fact that Glacia Eon might be her sister. Only time will tell for her. She is very thankful for what Glacia has done for her, but still doesn't know her name very well, only being hinted at it on occassion, and forgetting easily.

And so the story of the two sisters continues on....
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

Posts : 2990
Join date : 2010-10-26
Age : 33
Location : Somewhere in Johto..

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