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Glacia's NEW Bio (Long Read)

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Glacia's NEW Bio (Long Read) Empty Glacia's NEW Bio (Long Read)

Post  Glaceon Wed Nov 03, 2010 4:01 pm

Ok, so I needed to make a new bio because some things were in question, and a few powers got reworked and what not. Soooooo, without further ado.

Glacia's Bio:

Glacia is a Kitty Witch who comes from a different dimension. She was a young mage in her world, but had disobeyed mage code and tempered in realm of Advanced Black Magic and Necromancy. She was then exiled from her home town, where she roamed her world, learning many new magics. On her travels, she came across a dimensional rift, and proceeded through it, not knowing where it lead, but knowing it was her only way out, and most-likely a one way trip. Upon heading through the rift, the dimensional travel started stripping Glacia's body from her soul. This process slowly killed Glacia, until all that was left was her soul. From there, her soul, unconcious...floated inbetween dimesnions until it was guided by Nao. Glacia's soul wasn't an ordinary soul, but a cat soul, as was all her village. Nao saw this, and created a body that would suit the soul, since the soul could not respond to her. Nao was a busy lady, and just sent her into Erinn, with the body of a cat-human hybrid. Glacia later woke up on the sandy beaches of Longa Desert. She had no idea where she was, or how she wound up here, only that she fell through the rift, but enjoyed the scenery of the beach, a much different sight than the forests and plains. She looked over herself once seeing what she had brought with her through the mysterious rift. She was wearing different clothing than she had come in, and had nothing on her persona. She got up, and decided to see if her magic from her dimension still worked. She was fortunate to find not all her studies had been for naught, but the mana in this world was very different, making a few spells tougher to use, and others not able to be used at all. However, she didn't remember all of her magics, as the fall to her head caused a bit of memory troubles. Deciding that she would need some form of clothing, she looked towards the desert.

Upon walking through the desert, Glacia saw various forms of life. Scorpions, Lizards, Rhinos, Lungfish even. She had traveled days, living on the meat of what she killed and whatever water she got find. At long last she caught sight of what appeared to be a town. Yes, Filia, the village of the elves. She spent a few days in filia, learning they ways of Ranged Combat and getting in practice with the what and wheres of this world. Eventually, the time had come for her to leave, and the Village leader pointed her in the direction of Qilla, which would surely be her next stop. However, the direction was vague, and Glacia headed off, not knowing where exactly she was going. The elves were gracious enough to give her a traveling bag, some supplies, and some helpful advice, despite her being a Witch. However, the main advice they gave was to stay away from Giants. Not knowing why, Glacia headed off towards Qilla.

Upon reaching the Karu Forest, Glacia started loosing all sense of direction. Getting lost in a forest wasn't as hard as she thought it was, and ended up spending the night inside a tree, which hosted a odd stone. She didn't dare mess with the stone, feeling a odd presense from it. The next morning arrived and Glacia headed off, finally finding a way out of Karu forest. She traveled across the Muru Desert, and walked through the Kaypi Canyon and Maiz Prarie, eventually getting to the Nubes Mountain Range. By now she was surely unsure where Qilla was, so she decided to head off her own way, heading towards Solea. While in the Solea Underground Maze, she met an person holding an odd cylinder-shaped weapon. He had gotten lost, so Glacia decided to help him find his way out. The two of them got to Physis, where they headed to Vales. While traveling, Glacia asked the man about his weapon and profession, him gladly saying he was a Royal Alchemist. Glacia was much intrigued by Alchemy, after seeing what the man was capable of in combat through the underground maze. She had asked him about alchemy, and showed interest in it. The man offered to give the young kitty witch lessons, in exchange for healping him get out of the tunnels. Upon reaching Vales, Glacia talked with the giants that inhabited the town, and learned more survival techniques, as well as how to use a sword and shield in combat. This style, like the ranged had been, was very different for a mage, but she thought melee combat would be a must in this world, as her mana depleted itself fairly quickly.

The Giants had shown much hospitality toward the young witch, and her alchemist friend, and the giants decided to give her a gift. It was a beautifully crafted Broom. Kirine, the village queen, had told Glacia that the broom was in fact a Star Broom, a magical broom that had a mind of its own, and various magics. Glacia was grateful, and knew the broom would help transportation very much. As promised, the Royal Alchemist had taken Glacia in as his pupil, teaching her how to use alchemy and cylinder. While she practiced, her determination was clearly seen, but one day she had made one mistake. Upon learning how to use the Wind Blast skill, she put the crystal in the wrong way, and proceeded to fire, the blast knocking her into her mentor, knocking him off a cliff and suffered a near fatal injury. While in the healer's place, Glacia was distraught, and her Mentor was quite saddened about the very newbish mistake, but understood the wind blast was tough. He was quite amazed at her progress in such a short time. She eventually left the quiet lifestyle of the giants, and headed back out to Solea, and then to Qilla, carrying more items now, and a stylish robe that Kirine had given her. The robe featured a starry design on the bottom, and a cute little hood, and was a very comfy fit. Upon getting to Qilla, she saw that most the Camp's people were farther inland than on the map Krug had given her. She wondered why, and proceeding into the Base camp, to ask questions.

Side Story: Upon finally being recovered, Glacia's mentor sent a letter to Tara, telling Sinead of this girl's remarkable alchemy understanding, and explained how his condition would most likely make him have to give up his position. He told Sinead he stuck his Royal Alchemist Medal in her bag, underneath everything so she wouldn't find it. His decision was made, and Glacia's future in alchemy was set. She had become a Royal Alchemist behind her back...and wouldn't find out until she got to Tara... End Side Story

The first person she talked to was Alexina, who told her about the sea monster attacks. Surprised, Glacia figured with her current skill levels, it would be best not to go see. She stayed at the camp, helping out with healing, gathering, and making food. The food she made was loved by the people, so they had her in charge of cooking most of the time. She decided to stay and help out the best she could, while honing her alchemy skills. News finally came around that the sea monster attacks had stopped, and the rumors about Solea were untrue. However, she asked a few people coming into Qilla mysteriously about the other continent. All their answered were hazed, but each bore a significant fact, War. Having been traveling the world of Iria, she had not known about the war going on. She decided to see if she could get a ride with one of these people who managed to magically get to Qilla. One such person was kind enough to let her come with him to the other continent. Glacia gave him a food dish in return for his services. She had warped with the man, to the land of Uladh, and the town...or ruins of...Dunbarton.

She looked around. This was not what she had imagined a war could do. Dunbarton was in shambles, a few people had started reconstruction on the city, but it was amazing how devastiting the scene was. She quickly nodded her head, and headed off to see if all the world was like this. She first headed north, to Duguld and then to Tir. On her way, she had talked a bit with Tracy, learning his "special escape method," play dead. Glacia thought this would help in later battles. Upon arriving to Tir Chonall, she looked around and noticed the town wasn't as destroyed as Dunbarton was. In fact, it was quite unharmed. She walked into town, first heading to the town's chief, Duncan. Here she had hoped to learn a bit more about this world, in which she did. She learned about the past, the history, as well as how she possibly got here. He had referred to her as a Millitean at first, but then told her to ignore it, as it may have been a mistake. She asked what she should do next, and Duncan only pointed to the school. There, Glacia saw Ranald, training what appeared to be a student of about 15 in the art of melee. She went inside, and met Lassar. She asked Lassar about the magic of this world, who gave her a breif summary about mana and magics in this world. After spending a few hours with Lassar, Glacia went back outside, and talked to Ranald about combat. Ranald just laughed and looked into Glacia's eyes, saying she knew everything about combat that he could teach her. Glacia finally decided it was time to locate the town of the alchemists, Tailteann. Stopping by Duncan's once more, she asked for direction, and Duncan just handed her a map, and circled where Tailteann was.

Glacia headed off and eventually arrived in Tailteann. Her first stop was to the Alchemy House, and seeing if she could learn any more about alchemy. She only knew the two basic attacks of Water Cannon and Wind blast, but Eabha and Dorren were nice enough to teach or more advanced and new Alchemys', such as Frozen Blast, Heat Buster, Flame Blast, and how to use the ovens. She enjoyed working with them, and eventually asked if there was any place to hone her skills further. Dorren told her about Tara, home to the Royal Alchemists, and that she possibly could become one, with as hard a worker as she was. Glacia proceeded to Tara in the direction they pointed her, and set off on a goal to become a Royal Alchemist.

Upon arrived in Tara, Glacia was astonished. It was bigger than any city she had been to. She headed to the castle, where she knew would be the place to apply for Royal Alchemists. Dorren told her to go see Sinead, who apparently was in charge of them. Upon getting to the reception room, she entered and saw a women talking to a man. The woman she assumed to be Sinead, but who was this man. After they had finished talking, the man looked at Glacia, and simply handed her a barrier spikes crystal with a note, as a present of sorts. The note described how to use this skill, and was signed by the man himself, Leymore. Glacia talked to Sinead, and asked how she could apply for a position. However, after stating her name, Sinead chuckled. She told Glacia to reach into her bag. Glacia did so, and pulled out an odd medal. She had asked what it was. sinead answered her question promptly. Explaining to her it was the Royal Alchemist Medal, and welcomed Glacia to the Royal Regime. Glacia was shocked, she had no idea how the medal got in there, and the confusion was easily seen. Sinead explained the man she helped was a Royal Alchemist, and his critical condition had forced him to resign, but instead up opening the spot, had let her take it. He had seen potential, and determination, and trusted his instincts on what he had seen. This had been true, Glacia had continued working while her mentor was injured, she never stopped working on it. She accepted the position officially, and was given the robe and shoes. A little tight, but she would wear them and make them fit over time. She was assigned into the Mobile Alchemist Unit, a unit that is more mobile and constantly on the watch for areas outside of Tara and Tailteann.

Now, Glacia roams the world in search for things to practice on, and hone her own abilities in all 4 areas of combat. She has excelled to one of Tara's best mobile alchemists, but has put on a more relaxed state of mind, finally getting a break from all the work in the shadow realm and areas endangered of having a shadow realm area. It was a lifestyle she preferred, now able to focus on her witchcraft, magic, and meeting new people. The world was still a big place, and she had much to learn.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

Posts : 2990
Join date : 2010-10-26
Age : 33
Location : Somewhere in Johto..

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