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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Hyuponia Kana
Mari Eir
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Mithos Mon May 23, 2011 10:11 am

Mithos felt accomplished... He had done it. He had gathered every bone composing Glas Ghaibhleann's skeletal frame. The assembled giant was lying in front of him, supported by a metalic structure. It was night. Dalvar had just visited... The Arc Lich finally left Mithos' side, too. He felt serene. Lying down on the grass down, he fell asleep. One more rest before the end of the world as we knew it. He was happy.

Mithos had overslept, he woke up just before Eweca set. Luckily, he was already near the Mana Tunnel down the Irai Falls. He didn't have to wait long for it to be near open. Mithos started the summoning ritual... A ritual that demands unnatural ammounts of mana... something that, in normal circumstances, only a Druid could do.

The sight was truly horrible... through the dark mist, the internal organs were forming slowly... Anything touching the dark mist was withering away. Three trees were dying, the grass was turning from green to yellow, and from yellow to grey. The muscles were appearing, massive, over the bones.

Mithos was barely hanging on. The Mana Tunnel provided him with enough mana, but the ammount of concentration the ritual needed was making the man flinch from time to time. He was at the most crucial part... extracting the beast's spirit to make it an obedient pet. He proceeded with the same summoning variant that some Milletians use to summon their own pets. Those have no will. The summoner's will overwrites the will summoned. Unfortunately, Glas Ghaibhleann's will is too powerful to simply be destroyed or overwritten. It would wander around to find a new host. Mithos knew that well, that is why he made sure there were no living creatures around. The worst case scenario would be that a hobgoblin would inherit of its will if it were to stand too close to the falls.

Proceeding with care, Mithos successfully extracted the spirit, a thing that was slowing the summoning process, but that was necessary. There was something in the air, the stench of death. It was coming from Glas Ghaibhleann's almost complete body... The only thing that was missing was the skin... but the sun had almost set. Mithos started to worry that he wouldn't make it in time. All he could do was hope.

As Palala set and Eweca rose, the Mana Tunnel close, cutting Mithos off of his mana supply. He still had a good ammount of personnal mana, and hoped that Eweca would be enough to finish the ritual. It was almost done... The beast was already breathing... It had started to move... But it was still missing skin all around, in multiple spots. Giving it one final effort, Glas Ghaibhleann was completed.

He had done it. All of his work finally meant something as he saw the giant stand up and rise. Of course, he would keep him hidden for a while. Give him time to adapt to his body and movements... After all, Mithos had now complete control over the beast. He thought about the soul of Glas Ghaibhleann... Who -- or what -- had been possessed by it. Oh well, it would soon be revealed. Now was the time to prepare his public appearences.

His thoughts were shattered by Glas Ghaibhleann's cry. It felt great to be alive for him. The cry was frightening, though. Something that would easily scare most living beings. The single cry resonated through Courcle, Southern Physis, Northern Maiz and in Errans Canyon and Filia. Every animal living in Courcle either went into hiding, or died on the spot, from a heart attack. Even the lions cowered and formed a more compact pack. The hobgoblins themselves hid in their huts and houses in Lappa Village. Those along the river immediately went back to the village's pseudo-safety. The people of Cor were the most affected... They were panicked. What was that? Did they not please Irind? Did they fail her? Were dragons coming to run rampage in Courcle? And Kanai wasn't even back from the Leader's Meeting to manage all of this. The small village was in complete and utter chaos... Only Voight remained calm.

((Sooo! Alright guys. This is basically the announcement that marks the official beginning of my plot. If you have any questions, feel free to post down here OR, better option, ask in a PM =P! This post will be used for the whole plot, so... anything related to it that is accomplished IC should be posted down here. Also : If your character was near the Fall area.... Contact me in a PM, it might have just been taken over by Glas Ghaibhleann's soul >_>!

On another note, Wolfe, Teo, Jab... Reactions of your towns to the fearsome cry would be appreciated :> ))

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Trental Mon May 23, 2011 10:32 am

Seems appropriate:

Gummy Bear
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Auramune Mon May 23, 2011 12:14 pm

Vales was beautiful that day! And no giant disturbed her as she played on the lawn of her new master's home. With the veil covering her head, and part of her face, she felt safe even among the 'humans.' Lulu was rolling the snow in to balls to later sculpt in to snow-animals, when the sound reached her ears. She froze in place. Terrified. Not that it took much to frighten the witch, but this rang something fearful in the pit of her being. Reaching for the stuffed bunny on the ground, she pulled it to herself. Body trembled, she buried her face against the cold softness of the animal. "..Wh-what was that?" She looked for the monster that could make that noise and backed away in to the house. Locking the door up, and even propping the table against the door.. as if that was supposed to stop whatever that noise came from, Lulu cowered down in the cabinet underneath the kitchen sink.

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Glaceon Mon May 23, 2011 12:20 pm

((aaaaawwwwww, poor Lulu. I actually have to Run par a few times, if you wanna RP with Lulu later.))

But my post now))

Espeon, having been heading to Vales, stopped in her tracks upon hearing the fearsome cry. "He did it..." That was all she could say. She had to go faster now, as time was running short. Glacia's note said she had defeated a Glas Ghailbhleann before, in the shadow realm. Apparently they could be trasmutated. But this one was real. She wondered if it would be any different. Her research had led her to Vales, more specifically Taunes, who was told to have dealt with the Mirror of Memory more. The Day of Darkness was approaching, dark clouds were swirling above Courcle in the distance. Espeon -had- to get that mirror...and fast.

Fioria was on heading back to the desert, on foot. The cry broke the calm silence of the desert. She had never heard anything like it before. Whatever it was, surely she wasn't the only one to hear it. She went on back to the Corenites, unsure of what to do now. Wolfe's group had moved out from Maiz, so this information would need to be relayed, if not already. The skies of Courcle had turned black. Whatever it was, it wasn't good to be doing -that-. She quickly went underground, to meet with someone for her next task.

((For Espeon, she'll need to RP with Lulu, or run a Snow Crystal run. If the latter, I'll post a Dungeon Request thread. For Fioria, I'll need to RP with Zach/Corenite higher-up for that.))
Glas Ghoblehht
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Mari Eir Mon May 23, 2011 3:02 pm

Princess Filia started from her sleep. She looked around suddenly, thinking maybe someone's pet tiger had gotten loose (namely her daughter Errans').

"ERRANS!" she cried. Once she had confirmed it was not her daughter's, she rose from bed and looked out her window only to see guards standing stark still at attention. All was silent, even the desert bugs. It was.. unnatural. What in the world was going on?
Mari Eir
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Xeek Mon May 23, 2011 4:00 pm

Jin: "Hm?" The cry echoed through. He twisted his sword inside the buffalo, killing it.
"I should go check on the witch....What was her name again?" He called his carpet, and flew to his home in Vales.

Alexis: The cry awoke her. "What was that?" Groggy, she rubbed her eyes, and began to put clothing on. "Kennet?"

Tac and Ryuu:
He Elf reappeared. "Did you hear that?"
"Do you think you angered Irinid?"
"If I did, this will be fun. A god versus a god. One of the gods of this world will fall."
"How do you plan to do that?"
"Ever heard of....Brionac?...."

(FIodh may be coming soon, I need to talk to Mithos, cause he was near by)

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Teoxihuitl Mon May 23, 2011 9:22 pm

Ram awoke to a howl carried by the winds.

Disgruntled Ram awoke from a drunken slumber, and muttered to himself.

"Looks like we have another Mammoth to hunt. . . Oh well,this aught to be fun."

Ram stumbles outside. He notices that the guards have a twinge of fear in their eyes.

"Come on guys?! Weren't you guys supposed to be hunting a Yeti? I was looking forward to Yeti Stew. . ."

Random guard #1 "Um. . . didn't you hear that?"

With a large grin, Ram acknowledges him. "Mhm, sounded like fun dont you agree?"

Sweet Tart Sucubus
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Eranor Tue May 24, 2011 6:47 am

Acan was lying out under the stars in Pantay Swamp when the overly familiar screech reached his ears..
Startled, he shot up and listened into the wind for it again, only to hear nothing.
He stared out into the dark night, trembling at such a blood chilling sound.

"Are my ears playing tricks on me?"

Curling up into a ball, he spent the rest of the night, his head to his knees, trembling in fear..

Aria was camped out in Errans Gorge when the piercing sound reached her ears.

"Helvete! What was that?" She muttered to herself, looking about frantically for any sign of attack, her bow at the ready.

She was on watch for a long while before she gathered herself, extinguished the campfire, and set off towards the sound, simply drawn towards its violent rawness.
Kosher Dill Troll
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Retributix Tue May 24, 2011 1:34 pm

Retri, having been warded off of Wolfe's settlement by the ludicrous ravings of the robed figure, had slowly been making his way back to Qilla, to hopefully find Mithos again. When he heard this scream near Cor, he turned and was stiff. He thought he knew that yell, that scream, that echo of things to come. He thought he knew it... He thought.

Piac was snoozing on a new tree he had found. It was outside Qilla Base Camp(Though not close enough to be a bother), and all these open plains around him were magnificent! He never thought he could get enough of this scenery. Hearing that startling scream, he at once jumps out of the branches of his tree, sits at it's base, and meditates. That's what people do when they're scared......Right?

Last edited by Retributix on Tue May 24, 2011 1:45 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Powers...)
Gummy Bear
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Xeek Tue May 24, 2011 2:02 pm

Grasping his head, the creature walked on the plains of Maiz. Growling, he searched around. "Grrr...." He saw a Gnu, and ran towards it, ripping it to shreds. Feeding on it, filling his hunger. But that didn't seem to get rid of his anger. What was on to him? He suddenly felt something, a connection... and attraction to the falls he had come from. He headed back to it, to explore.

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  TWWolfe Tue May 24, 2011 2:08 pm

Wolfe heard the cry just as he was mounting his horse. The animal, suddenly terrified, screamed and bolted. after a second of struggling wiht the reins, wolfe simply gave up, threw his arms around the horse's neck, and hung on for dear life. Praying that it wouldn't stumble of trip in a hole.

By the time the hosre calmed down, white with sweat and too exhausted to be afraid, the mad dash had taken him almost to the edge of Cor. Gingerly, Wolfe released his grip and slid of the horse, moving to remove its saddle and tack. He looked back, and wondered.

"what the hells was that?"
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Mithos Sun May 29, 2011 11:15 am

A gigantic shadow, one ressembling a dragon took off from behind the falls. It was heading West, towards Uladh. It took a small break over the southern caves of Solea before crossing the ocean. It would take a lot of energy to fly from a continent to the other, and a lot of gold and rest to regain that energy. Strangely enough, the wind was behind him as he flew to Uladh and it landed in the mountains east of Dunbarton (not on the map we can -go- to). The trip had not be as tiring as Mithos thought... but at least, this was a safer place to hide.

Behind him, at the falls was only the burned corpse of a Giant Alligator to be discovered soon, by anyone venturing around.

((So... You might have seen Glas if you were in Lappa, Solea's open space and Nubes =D))

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Croudo Sun May 29, 2011 12:31 pm

In his recent string of boredom Croudo has begun living in Dunbarton and joined the town guard as a guise for his spying operations. His skills with a lance are second to none... Nobody could be that bad with a long sharp pointy stick as him. Mishap after mishap, Croudo seemed oddly sluggish and clumsier than usual.

((Nothing much but simply placing Croudo in dunbarton ICly))
Gummy Bear
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Mari Eir Sun May 29, 2011 12:40 pm

Tihkruvor was continuing on from where he was in Solea, headed for the hotsprings in Zardine with Auron. Once the creature took flight again, Tihkruvor gazed up and called out to it in Draconic. Giant dragon? No surprise to the always mellow young man. What surprised him is it didn't respond. For the time being he shrugged it off.
Mari Eir
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Auramune Sun May 29, 2011 1:50 pm

<<Would he have been seen from Bangor? And ships sailing from both ports?>>

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Mithos Sun May 29, 2011 2:55 pm

((Nah, he flew directly from Solea to East of Dunbarton. No big towns could have seen him. =P))

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Adhamh Sun May 29, 2011 8:03 pm

*As it flew over Solea, Auron stared at it, befuddled. He too at first thought it was one of Iria's dragons..but there was something odd. He continued to walk with Tihk towards the Springs, shrugging it off as well for the moment.*
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Kalamiko Sat Jun 04, 2011 11:40 am

(( I'm so sloooooow to post.. Dx ))

Kalamiko had been entering Qilla at pretty much the EXACT moment she heard the scream. Reacting in her nature, she screamed as well, dropping her books and papers, which were flung everywhere. Still screaming as she lunged herself out of the camp and on to the ship, she fell down immediately once on the ship and was knocked out until she returned to Uladh. Getting up, continuing to scream again, she ran alllll the way to Emain, where she proceeded to blab it all to James.
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Kyaelas Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:00 pm

((I have the ominous feeling that Mithos might wind up killing me again.

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Dalvar Fri Jun 10, 2011 11:04 pm

Kyaelas wrote:((I have the ominous feeling that Mithos might wind up killing me again.

(( Careful, this time it's for real. ))

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Nilats Sat Jun 11, 2011 1:22 am

((Guess better late then never.))

Nilats laid a few coins down on the bar counter, placing his empty beer glass down. He gave the bartender a quick nod, then left for the door. As he walked out into the snowy land of Vales he heard the scream. He let out a long sigh, then scratched the back of his head. "What in the name of Sphere was that?" He raised an eyebrow, thoughts flowing through his head like a river. "I probably should go talk to the Priestess about this... No..." He walked over to Alacazm, and hopped onto the horses back. "Best not to interfere. I don't stand a chance against any of these men." He grabbed the horses rains, and gave it a light whip. I wish everyone luck, and a safe fight, he thought to himself, as the snowy winds of Vales slowly began to cover his body.
Kandy Korn Ogre
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Kyaelas Sat Jun 11, 2011 3:37 pm

Nilats wrote:((Guess better late then never.))

Nilats laid a few coins down on the bar counter, placing his empty beer glass down. He gave the bartender a quick nod, then left for the door. As he walked out into the snowy land of Vales he heard the scream. He let out a long sigh, then scratched the back of his head. "What in the name of Sphere was that?" He raised an eyebrow, thoughts flowing through his head like a river. "I probably should go talk to the Priestess about this... No..." He walked over to Alacazm, and hopped onto the horses back. "Best not to interfere. I don't stand a chance against any of these men." He grabbed the horses rains, and gave it a light whip. I wish everyone luck, and a safe fight, he thought to himself, as the snowy winds of Vales slowly began to cover his body.

((Fine, I'll add mine, too.))

The scream was enough to knock Kyaelas's hot-air balloon to the other end of Courcle before he could regain control of it. He knew right away that it was the cry of a horrifically powerful, evil monster of doom. Besides, only evil things make loud screaming noises. Kyaelas couldn't help wondering what the hell that thing could've been, and whether it was part of something larger than he could imagine. He would look over his shoulder more often now than ever.
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Mari Eir Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:00 pm

Kyaelas wrote:Besides, only evil things make loud screaming noises.

((I love his logic. xD))
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Mithos Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:53 pm

Mariella Kana wrote:
Kyaelas wrote:Besides, only evil things make loud screaming noises.

((I love his logic. xD))
((That, and children +___+))

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Glaceon Sat Jun 11, 2011 8:50 pm

((Mithos thinks children are evil the logic is still there.))
Glas Ghoblehht
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