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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Hyuponia Kana
Mari Eir
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Kyaelas Sun Jun 12, 2011 11:43 am

Yeah, Kyae's got awesome logic.
Gummy Bear
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Jordiya Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:38 pm

Mariella Kana wrote:Princess Filia started from her sleep. She looked around suddenly, thinking maybe someone's pet tiger had gotten loose (namely her daughter Errans').

"ERRANS!" she cried. Once she had confirmed it was not her daughter's, she rose from bed and looked out her window only to see guards standing stark still at attention. All was silent, even the desert bugs. It was.. unnatural. What in the world was going on?

((The quote is just so that people know where I'm coming from, so... yah.

A cooling breeze passed over a calm, peaceful meadow. Errans pranced through the flowers and weeds, laughing as the bees and butterflies flew around her, dancing in strange patters. The sun was practically smiling at her, as were the clouds. Her tiger, Enelyve, was also there. Playing with a butterfly, pawing as it got close and chasing as it flew away. The breeze stopped, along with every single living thing excluding herself. The world seemed to be... grey with a dark, evil, black mist coming from the horizon. A dark, red-eyed, tall, four armed figure rose, letting out a ferocious roar.

"NO!" Errans cried out, suddenly waking from her dream. Her mother rushed into her room, suspecting Enelyve made the roar. Enelyve, scared to death, shook her head and curled into a ball in the corner. Errans was practically in tears after her mother left her room. She crawled off her bed in the dark, curling up with Enelyve, and stared into the darkness waiting for something... anything to happen. After several hours, Enelyve pulled Errans' Rocandora from her bag and poked her with it a few times. She began to play a soft song for hours to comfort the two...

As the sun rose, shooting light through Errans' windows, Errans put her Rocandora down. She looked outside. Guards were alert and there wasn't an elf to be seen. "Maybe.. that thing in my dream.. was the monster....?" she mumbled questioningly. Enelyve grunted and held out some apper and a writing utensil out to her. She sat at a small desk and began sketching the monster from her dream. To someone who actually knows about it, the monster looks similar to.. Glas Ghaibleann....

((I might actually decide to get involved in this with Errans. Sounds kinda fun tbh ;D!!
((Her sketch will be posted in the Bulliten later, when I have my laptop to make a picture xD;
((Sorry about 3 paragraphs. I got carried away ;D
((Also, please excuse any silly typos I may have made. Keyboards from 2000ish are nasty.. Dx!

Last edited by Taylene on Wed Jul 13, 2011 8:43 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Had to fix crap. o-o)
Cinnamon Hellhound
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Mithos Wed Jul 13, 2011 9:48 pm

((You are about... two months late. >.> But good effort. XD I was about to update anyway.))

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Jordiya Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:56 am

((LOL.... I didn't even notice xD;;;
((Can I still get involved? .3.;;
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Mithos Thu Jul 14, 2011 11:14 am

((Sure xD

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Jordiya Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:29 pm

((Yayy Very Happy~~~
((Now to get prettier clothes for Errans... :l (Black robe and no shoes will NOT do >.>; )

Last edited by Taylene on Fri Jul 15, 2011 3:29 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Hate these emoticons :l....)
Cinnamon Hellhound
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty The beast awakens from its long slumber... and the pink guy, too.

Post  Mithos Sun Jul 17, 2011 11:59 pm

He had worked on those rocks for years. Not really rocks, but they looked like it. Round, polished rocks. They had a shade of blue under the sun, and could fit twice in his palm.

His master had found him, though. The old man was able to steal one of the rocks. He wasn't sure what he was going to do with it. Probably something heroic. Heh. Yeah... That would be his style.

Either way, he wouldn't worry about it. The old guy had only one shot at it. He had hundreds.

All of his research notes had been written down in books. Twenty two volumes. Not really something he'd publish, but it would be useful to anyone who would want to take his place should he fail. Or at least give the Tuathan a better shot at taking care of Milletians.

The Soul Stones were ready. Half of them were already encased in Glas Ghaibhleann's swords. Yes, swords. Huge ones. Something similar to the pictures. He wouldn't even have to go and kill people. The stones would do the trick. The ammount was limited, though... Swords were a better choice than sticks if the Soul Stones would end up all full.

Glas Ghaibhleann was eating. Gold, of course. That's the only thing he can digest. Mithos was beside him, working on encasing those Soul Stones in the orifices in the swords.

Next year would be the time he moved out. Dunbarton would be first. Taillteann could have been a better idea, but Dunbarton was closer and would offer less resistance. He didn't think Glas Ghaibhleann should take on a full army on his first day. Of course, beforehand, he would go around in every town and would simply expose his truth.

Milletians who take advantage of their immortality are a waste of space; they should not be allowed to live and will not be. They simply should be thankful of that gift... and now, they'll have to fear death...!

((DISCLAIMER : Taking part of this plot may end up in your Milletian character disappearing forever. Of course, its survivance is your choice at the end, but if your character's actions put them up against a wall, death could be "forced" IF and only IF the character would have no more alternatives (This will only happen in SUPER RARE cases). I can't stress this out enough : If you fear that your character disappears forver, REFRAIN FROM PARTICIPATING IN THIS PLOT. I really don't want to have to deal with having to "roll back" events or see someone ragequit because of it. I would have a sad. Also : The Soul Stones do not have to touch your character to absorb their soul, only to be at a certain distance of about one meter. They also have to be activated for them to work (Glas can activate the ones on his sword at will). Getting your character's soul absorbed in a Soul Stone doesn't equal permanent death. If someone manages to find the Soul Stone that contains your character's soul, they could TRY to break the Soul Stone to release the soul. Soul Stones are also resistant to epic heat. For example : They can be thrown into a volcano and they won't break.

Any questions? If so, please contact me as soon as possible.))

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Croudo Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:04 am

((Thats epically OP that he doesn't have to touch to be able to suck out a soul. If its instant, thats just waaaaay too much for me and kills the fun of the whole thing. If it was like life drain then I'd consider staying in.))
Gummy Bear
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Glaceon Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:20 am

((Considering 1 meter in this game is like touching one another, as some sources indicate that a melee weapon's range is 20 meters, and rank F windmill is 300 meters. Yea you pretty much have to be hit by the sword for the effect to take place. ))
Glas Ghoblehht
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Dellinger Thu Jul 21, 2011 7:38 pm

(( I have talked to Mithos about this, and you will be seeing me back in for some closure in regards to loose ends. ))

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Mithos Sun Jul 31, 2011 2:48 am

((I appologize if this is taking a long time, Xeek is slow to get a time and date to meet ._.))

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Xeek Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:50 am

Mithos wrote:((I appologize if this is taking a long time, Xeek is slow to get a time and date to meet ._.))

(( Sorry xD I get on everyday at 11pm. While my MSN may seem off, just contact me when ever you are unbusy xD))

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Kyaelas Sun Aug 07, 2011 6:33 pm

((I'd love to participate in this plot on Elve. I just got back from a three week stay somewhere without my beautiful computer.
Also, I feel it's high time Elve and Mithos met again.))

((Assuming Minecraft doesn't keep eating up my time.))

((Darn the Endermen! Darn them!! D:))

(((EDIT: I probably will make time to participate in this plot.))

Last edited by Kyaelas on Mon Aug 08, 2011 8:39 pm; edited 1 time in total
Gummy Bear
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Hyuponia Kana Sun Aug 07, 2011 10:20 pm

I've wasted so much time on this silly hunt and allowing the real problem at hand to get too large. Has he finally come out with his plot?

..And does that mean he's finished then?

Ominous and silent shadows dance and lunge with odd grace along the walls, silhouetting the almost grotesque hunched form of a man...Or something at the very least similar; the Incubus known as Hyuponia Kana. His own features were almost as grim as the flickering hulking mass of darkness just behind him, sallow and sunken. His eyes were hollow and staring, glowing dully in the gloom. Hyuponia was up early in the morning hours, simply sitting at his desk, and going over again in his mind the details of the wanted poster he read in town. He had not taken it down...The truth needed to be spread as quickly as possible, but the information alone was enough to plague his thoughts enough to rid him of any fatigue. It was familiar feelings that beset him: Guilt. And Fear. They had been the moment he saw it.

Fear for the lives of his family, his friends, and himself.
Guilt, that he had done nothing prior to bring about what may have been
a swifter end to Mithos' madness. He was too engaged in pleasing his wife's
odd fancies and hunting for a dead man's soul than addressing his very real threat.

Hyuponia was terrified of the prospect of an eternal death, drunk as he was on immortality and the joys longevity bestowed upon him. At the very same time however, at his core he was a fool who believed deeply in his morals, the twisted compass born of his regets and the personal horrors he committed. He would at least attempt to stop the Glas Ghaibhleann and by proxy Mithos when they appeared. He simply had to and was compelled to. His own cowardice gave rise to an uncanny determination over the years. That same fear was what caused him to go over the edge into the depths of madness himself; It was the same fear that drove people to hate one another, and he was not to submit to the desire to run away any longer and hide. It was an almost stubborn impulsive reaction to his fears. Make them go away.

In frustration, the solitary candle that permeated the room with it's own meager light burst into grand illumination as Hyuponia grit his teeth and snarled. His elbows shakily moved to plant themselves upon the desk, temples seeking to rest in respective palms as the Incubus simply shuddered quietly. The candle all but burnt out, wax pooling around it's ornate silver base before long, casting the room back into darkness.

I don't know what to do anymore.

((Count Hyu in for possible death/destruction if he can't avoid it. He's a sap and he WILL rush to defend people. That's just in his nature...>:O))
Hyuponia Kana
Hyuponia Kana
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Mysterious Disappearances.

Post  Mithos Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:01 am

So much time had passed, so little was done...

Or so it seemed.

The stones had been perfected, the beast wholly prepared. The inheritance had been set, and his final project was almost complete.

But that's besides the point...

Something odd was happening in the world... Something that was reguarded as a farce the first couple of times. Milletians were disappearing... One at a time. At first, people would think that the Milletian simply got sidetracked, or got himself stuck in a tight situation...

It wasn't until a party of Milletians from Bangor who were headed for the Math Dungeon never came back that people started thinking that something might have happened to them. A group of soldiers from Dunbarton were sent to investigate, but nothing was found. Other towns were contacted on the matter, and word came around that Milletians were disappearing. And never coming back...

((This was made in collaboration with Cyler, our new leader of Dunbarton =D
Dunbarton contacted every other town in Uladh about the issue. So... That means leader meeting... OR Post town reactions below. ))

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Dalvar Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:11 am

Mithos wrote:So... That means leader meeting...
(( HELL YES. ))

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Guest Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:53 am

Dalvar wrote:
Mithos wrote:So... That means leader meeting...
(( HELL YES. ))

[[ A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 2ez7kux Leader meeting ASAP! Woooo ]]


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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Auramune Mon Jan 09, 2012 11:58 am

<<Math dungeon is a pretty popular area. Did it only happen to those people, and every other person that goes by is ignored or what?>>

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Mari Eir Mon Jan 09, 2012 2:17 pm

Auramune wrote:<<Math dungeon is a pretty popular area. Did it only happen to those people, and every other person that goes by is ignored or what?>>
((^ That and...

Waiting on the actual contents of the letter before replying. Hopefully that question will be answered within.))
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Guest Mon Jan 09, 2012 3:58 pm

Iraselle Majaktobor wrote:
Auramune wrote:<<Math dungeon is a pretty popular area. Did it only happen to those people, and every other person that goes by is ignored or what?>>
((^ That and...

Waiting on the actual contents of the letter before replying. Hopefully that question will be answered within.))

[[He didn't say they got eaten AT Math dungeon, just that they were from Bangor and headed to Math dungeon. There's a lot of in-between space.]]


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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Mithos Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:10 pm

((Yar, they decided to cut through the forest between Garriech, Dunbarton and Cohb to save time. >_> GG, no re.))

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Glaceon Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:27 pm

((Someone needs to update the city leader under organizations, not the "Cities and Leaders" thing but the actual organization. Just saying))
Glas Ghoblehht
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Cyler Mon Jan 09, 2012 4:41 pm

((Sorry, was at school doing school stuff, I will send the letters out ASAP.))
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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Cyler Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:08 pm


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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

Post  Dalvar Mon Jan 09, 2012 5:31 pm

Cyler wrote:((DOUBLE POST!!!

(( ... Nuh-uh. :c ))

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A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity - Page 2 Empty Re: A Fearsome Cry Marks the End of Eternity

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