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My first Story on here, so please read and review, cuz i will gives u cookies if u do :)

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My first Story on here, so please read and review, cuz i will gives u cookies if u do :) Empty My first Story on here, so please read and review, cuz i will gives u cookies if u do :)

Post  psychicpixie17 Sat Sep 11, 2010 5:16 pm

Chapter One: The Monthly Raid, Part 1:
My day started the way it always did. I got up, stretched, and dressed. I picked out one of my favorite outfits, a Sandra Sniper Suit, with the matching boots and gloves, then put on my lavender Vintage Turban. Grabbing my crossbow and bolts, I ran outside. Yesterday had been my 16th birthday, which meant that I was finally old enough to go with the women of my troop on the monthly raid. You see, after I married my husband, Trifoec03000, or "Trif," for short, he relocated to Filia in order to be with me, despite the fact that he was human. Some of the Town Elders felt it might be dangerous to have a human living among us, Castenea included. Some of the town residents agreed, but the rest, including myself, supported the idea of humans living in Filia, and wanted to let more of them make their homes in town. Soon, the people were split in half, my side wanting more humans in Filia, the other half wanting Trif gone and humans forbidden to live there. Eventually, Trif, the other rebels, and I left town, forming our own village as far away from Fila as possible, on the very southern edge of the Longa Desert. Over time, the village split into smaller groups, each group forming their own town, all of which were only a day's horse ride from each other. Each group was called a "troop," and the women ages 16 and up of each troop started going out once a month on the night of the full moon to raid nearby civilizations in order to provide their troop with enough supplies to last for another month. Now that I was 16, I could finally join them. Taking a bandanna from the table that Lupus had set up, I tied it around my nose and mouth as I looked at the women in standing about, waiting for the sun to set. See, we had to wear the bandannas around our faces like that so that we couldn't be recognized by anybody. Lupus put the table out on the evening of each raid and then covered it with bandannas of all different colors. I had chosen lavender to match my turban. As I wandered through the group, looking for somebody I recognized, I heard a voice call out, "AHSOKA, WAIT!!!" I turned and saw Trif running towards me. Pulling the bandanna down, I ran to meet him halfway. "Trif, what are you doing?" I asked him. "You know that only the women are allowed on these raids! And besides, even if you
were a girl, you still couldn't go! You aren't old enough, silly!" Trif and I were two years apart in age, me 16 and him 14. "I know," he said breathlessly. "I wanted to wish you luck. And be careful, too!" I smiled. "I will, I promise. Oh, they're getting ready to leave, I better go! See you when I get back!" I said, turning to leave. As I followed the group out of the village, I turned and waved to him. Once we entered the treeline, I pulled my bandanna back up. After that, I let fate do its job and lead me where it would.
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox
Frenetic Fuzzy Fox

Posts : 14
Join date : 2010-09-09

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