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-*Read This First*-

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-*Read This First*- Empty -*Read This First*-

Post  Nowaki Sat May 10, 2008 2:18 pm

First Step - Create an account here using your exact same characters name - saves on confusion latter

Second Step - The Application Form

  1. Create a new post on the Registration board.  
  2. Do not reply to a pre-existing topic unless it is your own topic.  
  3. The topic of your post should be 'New Member - Charactername', whereas Charactername obviously is the name of the character that you are trying to join the guild with.  

You will require 3 approvals of Mentors in your application to be accepted. Please answer any question a Mentor has to your Bio, as this is crucial to gain approvals.
Once you are accepted you will be in the mentorship program, as a trial member. Seek out a mentor ingame in order to get 3 different roleplay sessions done. Each session should have a different constellation of mentors than the previous one, so that you get three different people to evaluate your roleplaying. If you receive a pass on all three, then you will be granted full membership. If not, you will be informed that more mentoring is due, which is accompanied with the mentors guiding you to erase the flaws they've seen in your style of play.
You can look up a list of available mentors here *click*

Please copy and paste the following form section and fill it out completely:

[b]Character Name: [/b]
[b]How did you hear about the RP Society: [/b]
[b]How long have you been roleplaying: [/b]
[b]Is English your first language: [/b]
[b]A short biography of your character: [/b]
[b]What type of character do you play: [/b]
[b]What is your Mabinogi schedule: [/b]

Character Name:    This is your character name - same as your account name here
How did you hear about the RP Society:     .who you met or what you saw that got you interested
How long have you been roleplaying?     This is actual Role Play and not just console games called RPGs
Is English your first language?      This is to let us know if English is a second language. We are little more forgiving then.
A Short Biography Of Your Character:
This doesn't have to be a lot, just post enough to let us know you can write and that your character style is suitable for the guild.  
Between 50 and 400 words is ideal.
Things you should try and cover with your story is who your character is, where did they come from, what did they do, when is pretty much past or now, and lastly How did they get to Mabinogi. Not all questions need to be answered but they should at least be mentioned as unknown for some mysterious reason. Mysterious is good.
Remember punctuation, spelling and grammar are worth it for a good first impression.
What type of character do you play?
Just a short summary of the character style - A mighty warrior, a studious mage, a patient fisherman? Let us know what you enjoy doing.
What is your Mabinogi schedule?  When you are on and how long if you have a regular schedule OR if its random then just say Random.

Third Step -  Suggested Reading

  • The guild does have some 'required reading' for new folks.  Don't worry, it's not too much.  Rules and Guidelines mostly deals with the general rules that keep the guild running smoothly.  Writing Tips will help you polish up your writing skills and allow you to look more mature and classy when you chat and roleplay.  The Guidelines of Roleplay are designed to give you a solid groundwork to build your roleplaying character off of, and to make sure that all characters fit together on the most basic technical level.  Play Points to Guild Points is a handy guide to explaining GP, what it is, and how to donate it.  The RP Society doesn't collect any tax; donating Guild Points is all we ask of our members. The occasional Gold donation doesn't hurt either.
  • In case Rule 1 and the Writing Tips page didn't make it clear enough, I'll say it again... We expect literacy!  We're willing to cut a little bit of slack to those who speak English as a secondary language, but we expect some basic things like capitalization, punctuation, and spelling the whole word.  Things like 'lol' and 'brb' are fine for out-of-character chatter (when used in moderation), but we expect you to type whole words when you're being in-character.  Furthermore, shortcuts like 'u' instead of 'you', 'y?' instead of 'why?', and so on, are never acceptable.  We're the RP Society, not a cellphone text message service.
  • We work very hard to maintain a tight-knit group, so we expect our members to be active and friendly even if their characters may not be so.  If playing with others doesn't suit you, then this is not the guild for you.
  • To join, you must fill out a form on the forum before you can be accepted.  Please remember that this form will be used to decide if you're right for the guild, so try to put your best foot forward, use spell-check, and don't skimp!
  • While we are relatively lenient with character names, please remember this is a roleplaying environment.  If you have numbers in your name, we can work around it by simply chopping the numbers off, but names like 'imaroleplayer' are frowned upon. If its a marginal name you better have a darn good back story to explain it.    Look at your list of characters and figure out which one will work best in an in-character environment.

Last edited by Khunvyel on Thu Sep 19, 2013 6:00 pm; edited 8 times in total (Reason for editing : Updated the format and clarified the form layout)
Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

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-*Read This First*- Empty Re: -*Read This First*-

Post  Kalypstra Mon Jun 09, 2008 4:48 am

Posts New Members should look at before Applying

Ok, Love getting new members but...The following posts are Guidelines and rules that we -expect- to be followed or attempted to be followed.  No one is perfect, but please, it is important that you know and understand these guidelines.  There is a forum section with -most- of these, but here is a list of ALL that are needed to be read and UNDERSTOOD; No exceptions.

The following are links to posts that will help you get to know your fellow guild mates.  Please look in these and post as well!

  • Behind the Toon <= these are the Real Life (tm) people behind the characters
  • Character Bios <= here are original member Bios as well as secondary characters and updated Bios from everyone else

Last edited by Khunvyel on Sun Sep 08, 2013 4:27 am; edited 9 times in total (Reason for editing : added info and spell checked =P, added powers thread)
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Age : 37
Location : Texas (( Yeehaw! ))

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