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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Glaceon Sat Jul 07, 2012 2:49 pm

IC Skill Name: Final Explosion, Magic Napalm.

Power Class: Magical, Nature/World, Unique

OOC Representation: Bomb(Explosion sounds), Fireball(Charge time, two full charges), Roleplay(For the actual kaboom), AS NEEDED: Damage shown be Fireballs and Spear of God.

Description: Glacia learned how to use her life energy and mana to produce positive effects, that being healing. However, she recently looking into more negative effects, and came across a method, though untested for specific reasons, to use her energy and mana to produce a catastrophic explosion. However, the biggest downside is that it uses her own life energy to create the explosion, causing her to die using it. The explosion is powerful enough to take out an entire building, and possibly hit some of the surrounding area. Depending how strong she makes the explosion, she can limit it to specific areas, but the force would be much stronger. However, the explosion center is her body, and the explosion goes outwards until the specific area is reached.

Due to the high power, this skill can only be used one every four years, for her to recover to a good point.

Explain relation: Bomb is used for explosion, the Fireball skill will be used to show preparation time. As the skill is HUGE, the time to load is quite big itself. While loading, Glacia is putting all her magic into one spot to release it when she is ready. Due to it requiring her own life erg, the spot is near her body. The skill CAN be interrupted, and doing so will return some of the energy back to Glacia, but her body will be weakened due to erg exhaustion. Also...if I don't have the bomb..I can't use the bomb OOCly to show it. Mistakes happen and sometimes I hit B by mistake.

Notes: Maximum Radius is 2100. 1400 is the actual explosion, 700 outside of that is a shockwave. After the skill is used, Glacia dies and normal 3-day wait period applies. The Minimum Radius she can create is a normal fireball radius (I believe normal radius for the fireball explosion OOCly is 1000 meters, just short of bolt magic). The Magic rips through everything basically, like a napalm.
Requires Council/Mentor Permission to use, period.

Interruption Table:

Charges Cooldown
0 One ingame Day.
2One ingame Month
4 Three ingame months
6(one full fireball and first charge of the second) One ingame Year
8 11 ingame months(1 year 4 months)
10(ready to use) 3 Ingame Years

Level: Miniplot, borderline FEC, but not a one-time thing.

Looks Something like...this.


Not that big though.

Last edited by Glaceon on Sun Aug 12, 2012 11:30 am; edited 9 times in total
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Xeek Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:43 pm

Fireball is used for the damage? Also, for organization's sake, you should use glacia's name in the post title.

Another question, is there any chance of fail? Like the mana goes on the wrong tube, so she can't use it?
Is there a cool down if it does fail(since obviously if it works she dies)?

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Glaceon Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:30 pm

I'll post her name in the title.

Damage is an RP tool, since my fireball fails. The damage from THIS particular explosion would be something like 9999999 or some really high number. It's a high reward, fatal consequence skill. The Fireball, as stated, is to show charge time. I think I said that somewhere. I did.
Explain relation: Bomb is used for explosion, the Fireball skill will be used to show preparation time
It's an RP mechanic. Perhaps I should also put that in the OOC thing.

Due to the amount of concentration and load time, the skill doesn't "fail." The only way it would fail is if she got interrupted during the prep time. I will -not- be using a speed cast wand for prep time, just a regular (chaincast) wand, as that keeps the load time long. Alternatively, I could use Hailstorm duration to show the load time as well.

However, you make a point. If she is interrupted, the cooldown depends how far into preparation she was. Using fireball is good as it is a 5-charge skill, so each charge is further into prep, so for every charge is a different time. Actually...lemme put this in a chart form.

Charges Cooldown
0 One ingame Day.
1One ingame Month
2 Three ingame months
3 One ingame Year
4 11 ingame months(1 year 4 months)
5(ready to use) 3 Ingame Years

As such, the use of the skill requires the full charge, so she can't pull out another attempt if she is interrupted.

That I think wraps it up. I'll put this table into the main post.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Xeek Sat Jul 07, 2012 4:48 pm

Uhh, damage is not an RP tool... You must be able to represent the damage, this is implying that your attack can kill anyone or anything, and even if you charge it, is pretty over powered, specially if there is a plot monster, like let say Glas returns.

Also, what happens if a city leader does not allow you to carry out your actions?

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Glaceon Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:53 pm

Umm, The reason the damage is RP is because of the level of power it has. Hence why it is borderline 2/miniplot. The damage CAN'T be represented accurately OOCly, unless you want to sit and get hit by a Dragon Fireball. I think that is about the closest damage I can give. Altogether, perhaps the level would be miniplot. And the reason it seems that way is because an explosion of this skill's power WOULD kill anything, or put a Milletian into deadly for sure if it didn't kill.

And if the City Leader says no, then it's a no and I am not allowed to. ICly, a guard would likely stop her before she did anything. Same thing if the council disallowed it.

Now if I could request a colored name to question/comment on this. Alternative insight would be appreciated.
Glas Ghoblehht
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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Xeek Sat Jul 07, 2012 7:43 pm

As you might have read, Mini-plot need an OOC representation, while you do have one, you need one to show the damage, as it is a LARGE amount of damage. This would be an FEC power. This skill is very, extremely, powerful.

What if Glacia is in a place guards can not go? Or in a place where no city leader has power?
Like, what if nobody is able to intercept Glacia(unlike scenario, but possible), how would it happen?

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Glaceon Sat Jul 07, 2012 8:12 pm

After discussing with a council member, I decided to add a few specifications. In addition to everything, there is a cooldown for this ability, being once every RL Month, or a couple of years ICly. Also, due to the high damage output, the skill must have permission requested no matter the location. The interruption chart will still apply. The skill will be Miniplot level.

Also, instead of One fireball cast, it will be two. I will edit the interruption table accordingly.

I shall also be posting some numbers for radiuses and stuff, for exacts, maybe with pictures.

Now for unbolded stuff.

Since it will now require permission to use period, It would belike an inbetween of Miniplot and FEC, since Glacia would be able to eventually use this skill again. With two fireball casts requiring to fully gather the energy requires to cause this, it has a huge prep time, which is more than enough to be noticed. It's most likely she would require protection to successfully do this, which that would have to be in the form of a councillor or mentor I imagine.

If no one is able to intercept Glacia, the skill would work. Depending on the situation of what she wants to blow up, the radius would be determined and, with a councillor, damage would be evaluated.

Being Miniplot skill level, it's important to remember a few things.
1. The skill is plot-specific. This isn't an everyday use whenever skill.
2. It is situation based, and as such, has the new cooldown time as well as NEEDING permission to use.

I do realize as it is, this is a HEAVILY powerful skill, hence why the limits are heavy and the permission being mandatory instead of city only. The video clip I have posted in the Original post is to show what it looks like. It isn't that big. Size limits have been posted, and I will post specific numbers with them.

Normally I'd use my fireball to show the OOC relation to damage, but since G16 I deranked it for other skills, so the damage output OOCly is no longer there. Also, another reason this isn't viable is because the explosion damage has no element, where-as you can reduce fireball damage to 1 with fire elementals.

Hope this clears up some stuff and hammers out more specifics.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Xeek Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:00 pm

I, personally, still believe it's too high damaging. This skill would require a LARGE (2000+? Depending on the size) amount of mana and control of magic. To the point of Mores or Jarla(SP? The guy who planned to nuke Erinn with the moon). I do not think Glacia is that powerful. I understand it has tons of restrictions, and my problem is not it being abused, is that the damage can not be shown. If this is done lets say, Claim, Glacia hides in a corner for 40 seconds, she SHOULD be able to kill him, but it won't because she does not have a skill to represent the damage.

This skill would HAVE to be an FEC, because, like I said, you can not represent the damage. What I suggest, (though it won't be able as powerful), you can rank your fireball, and use multiple fireballs and count it as one.

Ex. Glacia chages one fireball, it does 2000 damage, if she keeps charging another it'll do 4000, and continued. But it will be only one attack.

More about the mana, this being an elementless skill, means it use PURE mana, such as blaze. Blaze takes 66MP(Fully charged) for a small ball, this would have to take MUCH more.

Another issue, if NOBODY is able to stop Glacia for X factor, what would happen if councilors disapprove? In short, what I am saying, is that with the correct protection Glacia would able to cast the attack, and the councilors will have no bases to saying not.

In short, my opinion is,
-It needs representation.
-Would take more humanly(currently) possible mana.
-It requires LARGE amount of skill power, that few/no in-game legend has.
-It needs a fail safe, incase councilors want to put a stop.

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Auramune Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:32 pm

I think the first time that this would be done, the powers-that-be, in Erinn, would quickly try to capture and seal Glacia off. Who would let a person with such a criminal past roam free with a power like this? I know this post has nothing to do with the power itself.. but it's just a thought I had with it.

glacia wrote:Normally I'd use my fireball to show the OOC relation to damage, but since G16 I deranked it for other skills, so the damage output OOCly is no longer there. Also, another reason this isn't viable is because the explosion damage has no element, where-as you can reduce fireball damage to 1 with fire elementals.

As you said, you'd normally show the damage with fireball(and we all know how powerful fireball can be, especially when it crits) but you deranked it for something else. Wouldn't this follow under the guideline of "you can't be more powerful ic than ooc"? Unless I'm reading it wrong; your damage output is greater than the skill's damage output because you don't want to waste the ap?

Secondly, If that's the case, then you should explain that the damage isn't always the same. What about those immune to explosive damage from equipment? Even if it's not fire-related, there are other immunities in the game than elemental.

You don't have to listen, but what I would suggest is using fireball, rank it up so it's powerful and no one can say anything about it being powerful since you have the skill to back up the power. As far as the elemental part goes; they may be immune to the elemental part, but they may not be immune to the actual force of the blast. And if their IG shows that it does 1s on them, then you can put, in your power, that damage isn't always consistent because of the manipulation used. That was it covers all basis of damage.

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Dellinger Sat Jul 07, 2012 9:38 pm

Glacia... My first question: You've mentioned this may be FEC level. You do realize that that eventually requires the permanent removal of the power, correct? Aura adequately gave an example of why that may happen.

You realize that requesting such a power, if we all decide it's FEC rather than mini-plot, will result in it's eventual removal, aye? Just want to make sure you're aware before the discussion continues, as it may influence how you work with the power in this process.

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Glaceon Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:09 pm

I did mention it is borderline, but that does require removal, which is not what the one a year cooldown implies. To me, getting to use this again is actually easy for someone of Glacia's magnitude.

The reason I can't rerank fireball atm is due to my AP being used for something else currently, being getting the sniper title. However, if it were to be shown, the power would be equal to TWO fireballs, and not just one. As I said before, the damage output is more equal to Dragon Fireball, which easy hits in the 10k range on players.

If the Council deems this two powerful and it gets placed into FEC status, I am aware it does results in eventual removal.

Also, for your last point. If she is was denied access to using it, then she wouldn't use it. There is no "I'mma charge and it's going to fail." It's NO YOU CAN'T USE IT. This should have been fairly obvious.

Now your first point Aura...would be situational. If she did it to protect against a threat...would they seal her off, or keep her as their last resort if something goes wrong? If power is managed and contained, it could save humanity.

However, in the future, if I do decide to rerank fireball (Which is a viable option), I could use it to show this skill's damage. As of right now, my OOC goals are not fireball. So this option is viable in the future, just not quite right now.

Sorry my points are all scattered, just try to find what fits where....I'm not really organized with this.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Mithos Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:12 pm

This should stay a mini-plot. And there are reasons why I think this should definitely not be a FEC... Two, in fact.

1) Glacia (the character) has had enough experience with develloping fancy spells and things to create something like this.
2) Glacia (the character) is also probably the only character suicidal and stupid (No offense intended =D) enough to use it.

That's why I don't understand why it should be one-time use.

Also, about the damage output... It's completely irrelevant. If you do get hit, you die... Unless you have some kind of Wings of Eclipse power. If you -really- want to see a damage output OOC, make it seventeen fully charged thunders and thirteen fireballs. I mean, if it can wipe off parts of the land, it shouldn't even leave a corpse behind. :I Can any character take 15000 points of damage (Example from a dragon's fireball... Crumena's at least x_x) and live? No. There's just no possibility to survive... On top of that, you have all the time in the world to stop it. Or run. If you start running at the start, you'd probably be out of range before the second fireball cast begins. And it even requires an approval from a councilor.

This power is devastating. Very devastating at that. But it's just as limited. It doesn't need more restrictions.

In my honest opinion, this power is super awesome and well thought out. :I I like it and would approve if we wouldn't be debating our faces off. =D

PS: If OOC representations are a problem with anyone, it does have range representations. Damage representations are simply pointless right here as it is supposed to murder our faces off.

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Auramune Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:19 pm

Actually, they would definitely quarantine her and probably with soul stones. It's too powerful for anyone to have to be able to just do. Especially for someone who has a horrible murderous record. Time served, or not.

Mithos wrote:

PS: If OOC representations are a problem with anyone, it does have range representations. Damage representations are simply pointless right here as it is supposed to murder our faces off.

And that's the problem right there. It needs something to base it's damage off of. Why does a rf fireball-represented power get to be more powerful than someone with r5? Damage needs to be represented somehow.

And not all my questions were answered.

What about those immune to explosive damage from equipment? Even if it's not fire-related, there are other immunities in the game than elemental.

THIS power is auto-kill, without damages being represented. Which is a nono, as far as I can tell?

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Glaceon Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:43 pm

Auramune wrote:Actually, they would definitely quarantine her and probably with soul stones. It's too powerful for anyone to have to be able to just do. Especially for someone who has a horrible murderous record. Time served, or not.

She has only ever killed THREE people. I don't see how this is horrible. She's killed less people than Soifa, who can walk freely.

Mithos wrote:

PS: If OOC representations are a problem with anyone, it does have range representations. Damage representations are simply pointless right here as it is supposed to murder our faces off.

And that's the problem right there. It needs something to base it's damage off of. Why does a rf fireball-represented power get to be more powerful than someone with r5? Damage needs to be represented somehow.
I NEVER said the damage was based off fireball. I kept saying, throughout ALL MY DAM POSTS, FIREBALL IS USED TO SHOW THE CHARGE TIME. I'm sorry, but people OBVIOUSLY CAN'T READ. Sorry to yell, but this seems to be a CONSTANT assumption, when except for my FINAL post, said that Fireball was NOT showing the actual skill.

And not all my questions were answered.

What about those immune to explosive damage from equipment? Even if it's not fire-related, there are other immunities in the game than elemental.
The damage from the skill would get negated, but still be enough to overpower the resistance. Explosion Resistance is "Takes 20% of the Original Damage from Explosions and will be stunned rather than knocked back". The skill would do a lot more.

THIS power is auto-kill, without damages being represented. Which is a nono, as far as I can tell?

If you want fairness for if it kills someone or not, I don't mind flipping a coin unless you know exacts on how it's calculated that a person will go into deadly. The wiki says it's a 50% chance, so coin flip!

I think that should cover it. Sorry for the yelling, but apparently the tons of times I said something wasn't heard.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Mithos Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:46 pm

First of all, Aura.. xD
Mithos wrote:If you -really- want to see a damage output OOC, make it seventeen fully charged thunders and thirteen fireballs.

You can add fifteen fully charged ice spears, eighteen smashes and twelve magnum shots to that if you want since it's supposed to be elementless and pass them passives.

Silly example, but still... Imaging Tri-Attack from pokemon. It's like everything and nothing all at once.

And, it might be auto-kill, but anyone has a chance to escape. Many chances, in fact. If your character is ignorant/silly enough to stick around and do nothing... Then the character deserves to die. Anyone would die being eaten by a dragon. I don't see the damage representation for its gastric acids. >_> It's basically the same thing. Things will kill you no matter what sometimes. But most of them are easier to avoid than others. Heck, a lot of actions would kill people. Put your head under a guillotine. Let the blade fall down. =D Would you calculate the damage or accept your death? =D The only way I'd know to surive the blast for silly characters who stay close and don't do anything is Wings of Eclipse.

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Xeek Sat Jul 07, 2012 10:51 pm

Glaceon wrote:

The reason I can't rerank fireball atm is due to my AP being used for something else currently, being getting the sniper title. However, if it were to be shown, the power would be equal to TWO fireballs, and not just one. As I said before, the damage output is more equal to Dragon Fireball, which easy hits in the 10k range on players.
I am sorry, if you don't have the skill, you can't use it. Like, if you rank fireball to show the skill damage, and then derank it, your skill will not be as strong. Fire two rank 1 fireballs(along with mastery) you can easily hit 10k. As Aura stated, it's not for those who actually rank their skill if you are going to get a none FEC power that can be done without skills.

If the Council deems this two powerful and it gets placed into FEC status, I am aware it does results in eventual removal.
I think you can work this power how it is now, while the power and mana taken can be an issue, my main concern is the damage. What I am suggesting, is when you rank fireball, glacia fires two OOC, but it just one explosion IC.

Now your first point Aura...would be situational. If she did it to protect against a threat...would they seal her off, or keep her as their last resort if something goes wrong? If power is managed and contained, it could save humanity.
I think, with Glacia's past and with such a powerful attack, they really wouldn't take chances, keep in mind, most of the leadership are Tuathans. Human nature= Don't know it? Fear it? Kill it.

However, in the future, if I do decide to rerank fireball (Which is a viable option), I could use it to show this skill's damage. As of right now, my OOC goals are not fireball. So this option is viable in the future, just not quite right now.
This , to me, would be better. And it wouldn't need this many restrictions.

This should stay a mini-plot. And there are reasons why I think this should definitely not be a FEC... Two, in fact.

1) Glacia (the character) has had enough experience with develloping fancy spells and things to create something like this.
2) Glacia (the character) is also probably the only character suicidal and stupid (No offense intended =D) enough to use it.

That's why I don't understand why it should be one-time use.
The skill itself is strong, but totally possible as a skill. But since the damage is not shown, there is practically no way to dodge it(except for running away). And as far as I can tell, the only player who would be able to tank it, would be Xaver with his reality jump thingy, which still counts as running away. Since Wing of Eclipse would shield a bit, you would take the remainder of the damage. So the fact you can do that much damage without showing it WOULD require FEC level.

Also, about the damage output... It's completely irrelevant. If you do get hit, you die... Unless you have some kind of Wings of Eclipse power. If you -really- want to see a damage output OOC, make it seventeen fully charged thunders and thirteen fireballs. I mean, if it can wipe off parts of the land, it shouldn't even leave a corpse behind. :I Can any character take 15000 points of damage (Example from a dragon's fireball... Crumena's at least x_x) and live? No. There's just no possibility to survive... On top of that, you have all the time in the world to stop it. Or run. If you start running at the start, you'd probably be out of range before the second fireball cast begins.
Mithos... 15000 damage is the damage of 3-5 strong none crit fireballs. Also, eclipse makes you take the difference, so short of running away, you will die. So, if Glacia just wanted to troll around, she would go in her house, lock the doors, and start casting, anybody within range will be hotcakes.

And it even requires an approval from a councilor.
This to me doesn't make sense, why should a councilor decide if your attack goes off or not? If Soifa disapprove of Glacia nuking Emain, how does she plan on stopping Glacia? Random guard check in Glacia's house? What if Glacia hides under ground? Digs a hole for the lolz and decides to level Emain's cathedral? I don't see how a councilor can restrict every situation. I would much rather have this power without a councilor approval, yes, the city leaders will be informed of this happening in their town, but if they can't do something to stop it, well, they just can't.

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Glaceon Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:03 pm

Xeek, you don't seem to understand the fact that if the council says no, it means no. If the council denies you the right to summon Glas again, are you going to disobey and still make a Glas? It's called Responsibity and Obeying the Higher Ups. If Soifa, Jabber, or even Dell says "No you can't use this power here" then I'm not going to have Glacia still attempt it. They say No, and that's final. The requesting permission is to be ALLOWED to do something, not if it would work or not. If she isn't allowed to by the council, then the power can't be used. ICly she just wouldn't be able to do it, lack of focus or some issue with her, not the power.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Xeek Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:06 pm

I NEVER said the damage was based off fireball. I kept saying, throughout ALL MY DAM POSTS, FIREBALL IS USED TO SHOW THE CHARGE TIME. I'm sorry, but people OBVIOUSLY CAN'T READ. Sorry to yell, but this seems to be a CONSTANT assumption, when except for my FINAL post, said that Fireball was NOT showing the actual skill.

Before you start yelling again, you should read her second sentence.

If you want fairness for if it kills someone or not, I don't mind flipping a coin unless you know exacts on how it's calculated that a person will go into deadly. The wiki says it's a 50% chance, so coin flip!

Where does it say that? As far as I can read will affects your rate. I don't see anywhere saying it's 50 percent chance.

And, it might be auto-kill,
You kind of just admitted it might be consider breaking the rules >_>....

but anyone has a chance to escape. Many chances, in fact. If your character is ignorant/silly enough to stick around and do nothing... Then the character deserves to die. Anyone would die being eaten by a dragon. I don't see the damage representation for its gastric acids. >_> It's basically the same thing. Things will kill you no matter what sometimes.
Some actions SHOULD, but is different shoving a blade on someone's throat, and having them be exploded. You can have armor on your throat, this no matter what you, no matter what you have, will kill you.
Also, you are thinking of this in a battle scene, what about an innocent people? Like I said before, Glacia decides to lose her memory again, and go down with a bang, so instead of the cliche taking pills and sliding into a bathtub, why not nuke a building?

But most of them are easier to avoid than others. Heck, a lot of actions would kill people. Put your head under a guillotine. Let the blade fall down. =D Would you calculate the damage or accept your death? =D The only way I'd know to surive the blast for silly characters who stay close and don't do anything is Wings of Eclipse.
Head in a guillotine is different, your character must have been grabbed, and stripped of possible defenses, even though, some may have stronger necks, Xeek probably can't survive it, but his scales will definitively lower the blow. He won't be able to survive this no matter what he does.
Wing of Eclipse lets you keep the change of the damage done.

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Auramune Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:10 pm

I was using the ranks in fireball as an example, but that didn't get understood. So chill and take a drink of water, change your socks, and then post stuff. Cause I'm not trying to pick a fight or anything, and you're getting worked up over nothing?

It's not fairness I'm after. It's something to represent damage. There is nothing at all. So you can't say it would do more damage, because there's nothing representing damage output. It's just imaginary damage. What happens if someone says they want to pvp you to see if it hurts them, and you have no way to show it? It just automatically kills them?

Mithos; dragons are used to represent dragons. If they get eaten, they're probably going to take the damage done by getting bitten. If you're fighting one of the big dragon bosses, then they have plenty of ways to show the damage that's being done to the body. You see them numbers flying on your head when you fight them? That's damage being taken. And no, it's not the same thing because this is a skill being requested without proper information that's required.

No damage representation= no damage done. Auto-Killing is not allowed. What makes this auto-killing is that there is nothing to represent the damage being done. It's just "YOU'RE ALL BLASTED AND KILLED NO MATTER HOW MUCH HP DEFENSE PROTECTION OR ANYTHING YOU HAS."

I can't stress this enough..
I'm not saying this is an auto-hit, or even godmoding. I'm saying there is nothing to represent damage taken. And "auto-Killing" is a NoNo.

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Xeek Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:16 pm

Glaceon wrote:Xeek, you don't seem to understand the fact that if the council says no, it means no. If the council denies you the right to summon Glas again, are you going to disobey and still make a Glas? It's called Responsibity and Obeying the Higher Ups. If Soifa, Jabber, or even Dell says "No you can't use this power here" then I'm not going to have Glacia still attempt it. They say No, and that's final. The requesting permission is to be ALLOWED to do something, not if it would work or not. If she isn't allowed to by the council, then the power can't be used. ICly she just wouldn't be able to do it, lack of focus or some issue with her, not the power.

You don't seem to understand though. The council can not just say 'no'. They have to provide a reasoning why, and the council can NOT stop you from attempting. Meaning, if I wanted Xeek to blow up Dunbarton with a fireball, I can STILL attempt it, even if the city leader refuses, sure Xeek will be taken down by guards, but they can NOT change my character.

If Glacia(char) wants to blow up something, and the council does not let her ATTEMPT (not success, ATTEMPT) they are not following the Role Player's Creed. If Glacia is clever enough to hide somewhere that guards will not go, the council, no matter how strongly they feel against it, can NOT stop you. You can stop your character, but it would be your choice by accepting their opinion. But, since the skill itself does not have a fail safe, if you do not wish to stop, there is no rule forcing you, or anyone who possesses/take control over your character.

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Dellinger Sat Jul 07, 2012 11:20 pm

Hi, guys. I'm Dellinger. Might I take the oppurtunity to put some input in?

I'd love you 5ever~

-response incoming-

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Everyone at least read the "To Everyone" Part at the Bottom if you TL;DR

Post  Dellinger Sun Jul 08, 2012 12:46 am

Point One:

If glacia wants advice on whether or not to use her power in a given situation, that is really glacia's call. If this is approved for mini-plot or FEC, as those imply wider implications for the guild, normally in the plots we have run city-leaders and other individuals did have some input. If glacia chooses to ask the advice of the council, that is glacia's choice. I don't really see a reason to tell 'em "No, you can't require yourself to ask a question." That seems kinda silly. Considering part of the role-players creed state:

  • 6 - If I, as a player, feel that my character has been treated unfairly or that another character has overstepped the bounds of their abilities, I will approach the other character's player privately and discuss the situation in a calm adult manner and try to come to a resolution or compromise. If not I will pass it into the hands of the GM.
  • 7 - I will accept the hand that is dealt me in the game, understanding that it is a game and it's not about winning or losing, but about playing.
  • 8 - I will not allow setbacks in the game to be blown out of proportion. If I am overly emotional about what is happening, I will step back and not play until I can compose myself.

Glacia is entirely within his right to bypass the possibility of overstepping his boundaries and possibly abusing other members by checking with a plot master, councilor, or even the other individuals in the RP so that some individuals do -not- feel glacia is abusing a power, as part 6 of the RPers creed implies. The fact glacia is willing to do this is entirely within the spirit of the 7th point of the creed, as glacia has already approved of the hand that is dealt to him, because it's not about char-grilling your guildies: It's about a good RP experience. This isn't a violation of knowledge of the character, or the character's attempted actions. If the player decides it's an auto-fail... isn't that his call if it's his power?

If glacia wants to avoid abusing other players, that seems alright with me, and entirely within the spirit of the creed.

Point Two:

Glacia, I have to be honest. At the moment, as the damage you are asking to do seems to be exorbitantly high and could cause drastic damage to city-areas, which could affect other RPs in the guild-proper, I'm reading this as a FEC ability. Soifa pointed out to me the AoE is about two Dunbarton street widths. If my estimations are correct, that's about half of the Dunbarton School, a decent bit of any stone structure, possibly a dungeon altar?

The fact that it seems like it has a high chance of gibbing a decent number of individuals unless they are well prepared for an explosion, which in most cases they won't be the first time and won't prep solely to interact with you, implies more FEC or very plot-specific scenes (ie, used in plots specifically, but not FEC). IE, you'd probably want to approve this for a specific plot with us, and then with the plot head. As I see it, while the limitations you have imposed on yourself are respectfully high, you'd need to make sure that firstly, the plot master is ok with you using that, and that we're willing to re-approve the power (so that way it can be adapted if need be). I bring up these last limitations as a follow-up to what you yourself have already offered in your limitations.

Point Three:

I have a couple of things that I'd like to begin asking about the charge mechanic you set up, in case it is decided that it will be a plot-specific power (if the power remains as is in range, power level, devastation, uses, etc). As we all know, magic charges tend to dissipate when one is being attacked relentlessly, in some cases will discharge when knocked down, and loses the charge when one dies. Will the charges for this spell work similarly to standard magic charge practices? If so, thank you for answering the question. If not, how exactly will the charges hold where other various charges would not?

Second, I do recognize concerns with the idea that the character may want to use it and glacia's permission limitation may conflict with character desire. I believe there was also a comment on the sheer amount of mana this would take. Now, I don't know about you, but maybe there's something you could do to combine these two things so that you have the choice of "Glacia doesn't want to use it" or "Glacia failed due to some X factor in Y process." The process then, would help expand the idea behind how this power works and why it may be powerful, and may give us as readers a better idea of what you're going for. I guess the question here is: Life Energy + Mana + Unmentioned Variables That Occur To Make Spell Work = Profit, the question being the sentence in the middle there. =P

Third, and possibly most importantly seeing as where the debate reigns strongest, might I suggest setting parameters for the following (I know you've mentioned some before, but this is for clarity's sake):
  • The approximate damage you expect to do;
  • A set deadly rating that is the minimum deadly chance someone has (you suggested 50/50)
  • An individual's choice to die, knocked unconscious, horridly burned, etc.
  • Solid, clear definitions of what various and sundry possible defenses may do to overall outcomes listed above
  • Anything else you feel is appropriate to put on the table to specify exactly what you want to tell us about effects

The list above will probably prevent some of these headaches between the various groups, and will give us a 100% clear idea of exactly what you intend with this power. I think some of your ideas are scattered throughout the post, but it wouldn't hurt to condense them.

I think I may have some more questions, but I believe I've requested a lot out of you already. I apologize for the load, but I think clear answers to some of these questions will clarify things for all of us.

To everyone in this post:

Thank you for your input. I'd like to take the time to address this power and learn more specifically about what glacia wants out of it, how glacia wants it to work, to have a clear mechanic for it, and things relating to it. I have some questions based upon all the points brought up above, and I believe Soifa does as well. If I may kindly request that you allow us time to clarify without a doubt where this power will end up on the level spectrum, I would greatly appreciate it. After that, I feel the post will be more open to general response from the members. After all, this is possibly a FEC, and council rules and evaluates FECs. But I do sincerely appreciate all of the input this thread has received thus far. It's believe it sets the stage for narrowing down what this ability's final stage will be.

If I may also remind everyone; please refer to Point 6 of the RPers creed. If anyone oversteps powers or abilities to the point of abuse, or treats another unfairly, a councilor or GM may be asked to involve themselves by a normal guild member, or may involve themselves in preventing such abuse or drastic unfairness from happening. I saw part of the RPers creed getting flung about in this argument, but it seems that essential parts to the creed have been completely bypassed in other regards when examining other parts of the powers. The creed is a system as a whole, guys. Obey it, live by it, and realize it's there to enhance RP experience, not screw over guild members. We would, all of the guild, do well to reread the RPers creed and infuse ourselves with the wisdom of the ancients. =]


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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Glaceon Sun Jul 08, 2012 1:44 am

In response to Point 2:

As Soifa actually did link me, the radius for Dragon Fireball, which is the closest thing I can find to mirror the effect this has, has a radius of 3600, which as Soifa did tell you, is two dunbarton streets. Some of the things you pointed out before I'd like to actually put into another perspective.

"that's about half of the Dunbarton School, a decent bit of any stone structure, possibly a dungeon altar?"

It seems buildings are always bigger inside than outside. While in fact the school's width from the outside seems like it could infact fit on the road, you step inside and it seems the library alone could fit the entire explosion but have room to escape it. So it is likely that it would destroy this.
Any stone structure would be blown easily, as stone itself isn't the sturdiest of materials. However, I would like to say that even a normal fireball would be enough to demolish stone.
A dungeon altar is actually fairly small. I am going to assume here you mean the actual room, in which case she -would- be able to, given the current standards, blow the entire room up.

After looking over the distance, I feel 3600 -may- be stretching it a bit too far. I would be up for compromising a smaller radius, perhaps 1800, the width of one dunbarton street. if this would be a bit more reasonable.

Point 2 Part 2:Concerning the FEC/Miniplot

Now as I believe, given Glacia's actual aptitude with magic, she could easily recover after the given period of time (One RL Month) and use the skill again, that it wouldn't really be a one-trick deal. However, I do realize the power of the skill is VERY borderline FEC here. As I have stated, the skill would require permission of the councillor, who I imagine would also ask the plot master and/or owner of whatever is effected by the explosion, whether or not the skill is allowed. However, I would like to state that if the Councillor OK's it, I will also need to ask the plot master at the time, and/or the person who's property is being hit, be in member or City Leader. I have done my best to make this skill very unspammable, as there are specific cooldowns and consequences to using this and even just being interrupted. Every use of this skill would require permission from the above stated, before being used. I hope this explains what I'm trying to say.

Point 3 Response:

In concern to the first point, contrary to some skills, even the smallest interruption would cause all charges to vanish, and the cooldown period to begin, as stated in the table I have provided. As I have stated, and shall restate here, she is using her life erg/energy and mana to conjure the fuel for this explosion, and as such she requires total concentration and focus. If she loses her focus or gets interrupted, the charge would dissipate. While OOCly it's 10 separate charges, ICly it's just one big charge. I think the 10 charges OOCly is great for setting how far into the prep time she is, so therefore further in would be more energy spent, thus providing the longer cooldowns as she has to recover back more. I hope this answers that concern.

For the Second concern.

I realize desire and limitation will conflict. However, If they do, I can come up with IC reasons as to why Glacia would be unable to perform the skill at the said time. As stated, possible reasons would be "Unable to focus completely" or "Not able to draw her power fully." However, usually I will request approval before the RP happens, in which case Glacia could -want- to do something, but just lack the willpower to actually do it, or possibly be lazy and just not. Anyone who has RP'd with Glacia knows that she makes threats often, but never really goes through with them. Wanting and Doing are different things, and I understand this. Since this skill is plot-related, it's not something that would be requested in the middle of an RP.

As for the amount of mana it would take. Basically it would be using all the erg in her body, being Life and Mana. However, the other variables would likely come down to focus and concentration. If she lacks any of these, being Life Erg, Mana, or Focus/Concentration, the skill wouldn't be able to be pulled off. Usually the latter two would be a result of being denied the use of this ability, for a reason as to why she can't use it. However, if she is perhaps wounded, or lacking mana for whatever cause, perhaps recently using a spell, then she would be unable to use the skill as well.

Now for the Third point and the specifics requested.

The approximate damage you expect to do;
A set deadly rating that is the minimum deadly chance someone has (you suggested 50/50)
An individual's choice to die, knocked unconscious, horridly burned, etc.
Solid, clear definitions of what various and sundry possible defenses may do to overall outcomes listed above

Since I'm comparing this skill to Dragon Fireball, we'll use these parameters, with some minor adjustments.

For damage, the Wiki says Dragon fireball: Has a minimum (base damage) of 6700. Along with Critical Hit, the spell will likely hit over 10000 on most things. I imagine this skill would easily hit for 10k within the radius. However, due to the restrictions, I'd like to propose maybe a minimal damage from being on the edge and just singed, as it is an explosion that extends outward, I'd say it'd hit for the minimum base of 6700 if caught in the very end. A skimming hit would likely case immense burn.

For the deadly rating, Wiki says that as long as the person is at 50%+ health, they will go into deadly from an attack that depletes them of all the HP. This would defeat the purpose of the skill I think, which is meant to destroy and kill. If they don't die, the damage would put them easily into Maximum deadly, and likely cause severe burns. However, I would not condone saying someone is completely immune to this, as that's, bluntly put, stupid. Dragon fireball is uneffected by fire enchants and explosion resist(maybe), which will be covered in the next point. I would like to leave it into the individual's hands, but at the same time I think a 50/50 chance of if the person dies is fair, given the ample amount of time a person has to escape, or interrupt, the skill. However, if they stay around and get knocked into deadly, as I stated before, and shall restate now, they will be horridly burned. I would also like to state at least ONE Month recovery. I don't think getting blown up and walking the same RL day is very...viable.

Now as I stated, Dragon Fireball is not resisted by Fire Enchants. I also don't think it is resisted by Explosion resistance, but the wiki has nothing on that. However, in the case it is, I'd like to calculate things here. The skill easily hits for 10000. Explo Resist reduces damage to 20%. Even with all that resistance, the skill would still easily do 2000 damage, which unless a person is using mana shield in trans, or using Wings of Eclipse (whatever variant of this skill they have), the attack will easily kill all their HP. In Trans with mana shield, given you have a good amount of efficiency (Magic Defense and Rank play into this), you can live this. It may even be possible, with enough mp, to tank the hit altogether, however, this requires explosion resistance set, and unless you can show that you have it equipped right then and there, I don't think it's going to fly.

I think that covers all those points. I don't think I have any other concerns that aren't stated in the first post, or anything else to add. I am willing to change the current radius, as you brought up, and Soifa showed, that the radius of 3600 -is- in fact rather huge, so I would be willing to compromise that down, my suggestion was to half it to 1800. Otherwise, everything else should be better explained (I hope) and should answer a few specifics?
Glas Ghoblehht
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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Dellinger Sun Jul 08, 2012 2:55 am

Gonna let this stew so I can get the brain juices flowin'.
Soifa! Do you thang.

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Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final. Empty Re: Glacia's Final Explosion....though not so final.

Post  Xeek Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:23 am

I'd like to clear somethings up to;

Transformation has always been a way to dodge the dragon's attack(and me to dodge Aura's fireball in PvP), would someone transforming during this, null it's effects because of 'the great out burst of power', or some jazz like that?

I see in the Wiki, fire enchants do not lower the damage to one, however, I -think- (Will prove when I can), it does lower some damage. The same issue happened with Aura, apparently nexon made it to so either the damage from magic attack or magic mastery would be calculated after some protection settings. Meaning, while you will not takefull damage for her fireball, So the question(finally), is would wearing fire enchants or using fire shield, lower the damage?

Does the skill instantly destroy anything in range? Or, would hiding somewhere, and still saying in range, null/lessen the damage?

I am picky(for lack of a better word) about wording, when you say 'radius' you mean blast radius, yes?

I think you suggested 'one month injuries', you should keep in mind, Milliteans have all sort of healing magic, and they are known for their ability to withstand very powerful attack, while we may have added to an RP element, Milliteans may not even be able to getting burned. Dev plays on the role that Milliteans recover quickly, but don't you think one month is a bit too long? Specially if you are a victim.

If Glacia wrecks an irreplaceable location, EI: Dungeon Altar, how will the damage be fixed? As you may know, the goddess built those seals(Altars). Other places that can't be replaced, the dragon statue, Iria mountains/tunnels, Moongate/Manatunnel, ect. How will they be rebuilt?

Is it a 50/50 chance, or the person decides? If yes to the first, how will it be determined?

Is that distance IC or OOC? (OOC means, while the math leads that it destroys the healer's house, IC-wise it'd be proportionally bigger, as the IC town is much larger).

I am fairly sure you mentioned critical somewhere along the way, how will we know if your skill 'criticals'?

Edit: Just to tie a few loose ends, would glacia be able to cast this from her 'magical protection bubble'?

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