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Erinn News Network

The Kerrins
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Erinn News Network Empty Erinn News Network

Post  The Kerrins Tue Apr 27, 2010 2:17 am

((I really need to pay more attention to my schedule))



One of the flying Wanderers(zeppelins) shot out of Filia desert at high speed, crossing Iria and the ocean before crashing somewhere in the mountains near Bangor

A group calling themselves FOE has appeared, and seems to be arrogantly opposed to the general peace of Erinn

Tir Chonal
The church has been burnt down. Efforts to rebuilt are currently underway
Effects:The church cannot be entered

Dugald Residential
Life is Normal

Dunbarton - Requiem
Dunbarton has been restored to its pre-war state. the locals are settling back in to their regular lives
A graveyard now stands outside Dunbarton, behind the church. It is currently unresponsive to necromancy

Bangor has more or less been restored to its status of a mining town, all the rubble of 'Fort Bangor' having been cleared away.
A graveyard is now part of Bangor, which is currently impossible to extract zombies/skeletons/ghosts from

Sen Mag Residential
Life is Normal

Emain Macha
A large obelisk known as the Monolith has been built, as a tribute to all who died in the Twilight War. A service has also been held for the dead. Lucius Entine, the man behind both acts, has become something of a hit among the people of Uladh

Abb Neagh Residential
Life is Normal

Life is Normal

Three guards have been killed. A man named Faunus is claiming responsibility via messages on the bulletin boards of all towns save for Emain Macha and Tara itself.

There is a mysterious Dome of Ice in Karu Forest. A ghost-like woman has occasionally been seen around it.
After first contact with a new race of denizens from the sea, sea travel from Qilla has tentatively been started again.

An armed force of elves staged a coup on Filia, only to find that Castanea had already fled. The town has gone in to lockdown, in the hopes that she has yet to leave.
Effects:Castanea cannot be contacted, Filia is in Lockdown

Life seems normal


All is calm

Small News
The EMA has been founded, a group of dedicated healers located in Tir Chonal


The Requiem(Fenrir's troops)
Once a force consisting of goblins, kobolds, gremlins and a band of warriors who used to be children of Dunbarton and Emain Macha. The commander was Fenrir Eir, a lage winged Incubus. the army has been broken aparts, and the remnants have either hidden, fled or entered a 're-education' proccess(in the case of the Children)

The Dunewyrm and his "motley crew of bandits"
A group known known as a collection of criminals and thugs

New Bloopton
A side effect of the Twilit Shards created this new race of anthropomorphic fish. They are generally friendly, and seem to be seeking to learn about their newfound sapience.

A travelling band of gypsies in the regions of Uladh. Led by a woman named Kya Light


Zach Dellinger: Erinn's most wanted, suspected of conspiring with Fenrir during the Twilight War
Lucius Entine: A war hero who personally organized a tribute to all who died during the Twilight War
Fenrir Eir: Commander of the Requiem, Incubus. Deceased.
Wolfe: The best known opposition to the Requiem's assault, current location unknown
Mayii: Known to the people of Dunbarton as a serial killer, also known to be dead by said people

Zachary Dellinger, Alive(Erinn's Most Wanted)
Conspiring with Fenrir Eir, heading a criminal organization.
Reward:100,000,000, full pardoning of crimes, rights to a title of nobility

Kurohi (Eir?), Dead
Highly dangerous Succubus, previously a high ranking member of the Requiem.
Additionally, she is likely to be accompanied by 3 goblins, 3 Ogres and a Requiem Alchemist. These are Wanted Dead or Alive, reward 50,000

Soma, Dead or Alive
A man who can supposedly destroy souls, for the Murder of one Mayii
Reward:Unstated. Reward also given for information

Croudo Mori, Alive
A man who has assaulted a Royal Alchemist, aided in a murder, and is skilled at evading pursuit
Reward:575,000. Reward also given for information

3 unknown criminals
Wanted for Murder. 75,000 each

A young succubus who is suspected of plotting against Aliech

Auramune Alive
One of two women who have burnt down a church

Last edited by The Kerrins on Thu Dec 02, 2010 5:00 pm; edited 11 times in total
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

Posts : 837
Join date : 2009-01-14

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Erinn News Network Empty Week 1

Post  The Kerrins Mon May 03, 2010 8:28 pm

((Before I start, I'd like to ask if people could message me with any public affiliations they have, <'public' meaning what could be learnt with no more effort than a bit of legwork> and ask that any actions that affect the Mabi world be sent to me. This automatically includes any fights, to handle collateral damage and rumors, but also includes troop movements and actions involved NPCs, as well as anything your own judgement suggests might be noticed.

I'd also like to state out the current format that I am using for this.
Locations:Each city automatically gets a place in the weekly posting, general areas or landmarks will be posted as is neccessary
Groups:General consensus is that the RPS does not exist from an In-Character perspective. Any groups that characters decide to affiliate themselves with, whether canonical(like the Paladins of Emain) or not(Like the Requiem), gets an entry here
People:Any RPS member whose solo actions or locations are worth noting go here. A character who single-handedly performs an impressive feat is noted, (Though will require others to be witnesses to the act) but it will also include such things as Character X being taken prisoner.

Final note: Posts are what can be found out through observation, not the full state of the world. If character X is a prisoner in Bangor, it shall be posted even if only Fenrir's troops should know. If he was captured and held in secret, the post would read that "Character X has gone missing." Details that have not changed in 4 weeks will be reposted, so as to prevent the need to search through the entire archive

Now, on to the main attraction. If there are any mistakes, let me know))


Tir Chonal

Unchanged over the week

Dugald Residential
No change from default

Unchanged over the week

Fort Bangor
The forces of the Requiem appear ready to march out

Sen Mag Residential
No major change from default

Emain Macha
Unchanged over the week

Abb Neagh Residential
Unchanged from default

Unchanged over the week

Unchanged over the week

Unchanged over the week

Unchanged over the week

Life is slowly returning to normal

The animals have been acting highly aggressive, especially the Wyvrens


The Requiem(Fenrir's troops)
A force consisting of goblins, kobolds, gremlins and a band of warriors who used to be children of Dunbarton and Emain Macha. The commander is Fenrir Eir, a lage winged Incubus. He was killed in Tailteann, but rumors say that he returned from the dead to lead his army onwards. Interestingly, these same rumors say that he now has bright pink hair, and must dye it daily to prevent it from showing. Currently stationed at Bangor, Seems like they are prepared to move out

Wolfe's army
A force built up of elves, giants, and humans from all over Uladh. Led by Wolfe, a man who as found himself in charge of Emain Macha. Has engaged in combat with Fenrir on many occasions, and has stood as his enemy at all times saved for a short lived truce, to deal with Wraiths. Currently stationed at Emain Macha. Actively recruiting.

The Dunewyrm and his "motley crew of bandits"
A somewhat mysterious force, that prefers to work discreetly. Rumored to be responcible for ending the Hobgoblin threat to Cor. Current location is unknown, save for a few old recruitment posters that inform potential members to wait in Longa desert. Said posters are starting to tear from age, and are slowly being covered by more recent news
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

Posts : 837
Join date : 2009-01-14

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Erinn News Network Empty Wanted:Week 1

Post  The Kerrins Wed May 05, 2010 6:55 pm

Unidentified man, for the murder of several paladins. Average height, athletic build, runs with a slight hunch. Face was obscured by a 'Pelican Protector' design helmet dressed in white and gold Tioz armor. 5000 gold for information. Do not approach, very dangerous
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

Posts : 837
Join date : 2009-01-14

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Erinn News Network Empty Week 2

Post  The Kerrins Mon May 10, 2010 6:19 pm

As always, message me if I make a mistake or forget a detail.
And remember that if you get into any fights that are more than just a sparring match in the wilderness, let me know


Tir Chonal


Dugald Residential
No change from default

Though the action is being orginized by the Requiem, the few people still living here are filled with hope at the news that the city is to be rebuilt. Stewart was seen entering the town from the north, and has inspected the library. It is in terribly shape, but has been through worse((HINT HINT))

Fort Bangor
A large force marched from Bangor to Emain Macha

Sen Mag Residential
No major change from default

Emain Macha
A fierce battle between Wolfe's forces and the Requiem has occured. Both sides are a shadow of their former selves, but the town is now held by Fenrir, and the Requiem is known for necromatic tendancies. The church, castle and bank have been demolished and/or burnt

Abb Neagh Residential
Unchanged from default

The remnants of Wolfe's forces are here for now







The Requiem(Fenrir's troops)
A force consisting of goblins, kobolds, gremlins and a band of warriors who used to be children of Dunbarton and Emain Macha. The commander is Fenrir Eir, a lage winged Incubus. Reduced to about 250 troops after having conquered Emain Macha. Owns Bangor and Emain

Wolfe's army
A force built up of elves, giants, and humans from all over Uladh. Led by Wolfe. Reduced to a fraction of its former size troops after the battle of Emain Macha. Of his second-in-commands, one is dead, one is missing, and one somewhat injured. Temporarily camped around Tailteann

The Dunewyrm and his "motley crew of bandits"
A somewhat mysterious force, that prefers to work discreetly. Rumored to be responcible for ending the Hobgoblin threat to Cor. Current location is unknown, save for a few old recruitment posters that inform potential members to wait in Longa desert. All but one of these posters(Which is in Filia) have been removed or covered over by new posters[/quote]

A wanted poster for someone who wore a similar outfit to him was posted, but has now been removed
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

Posts : 837
Join date : 2009-01-14

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Erinn News Network Empty Week 4, Recap week

Post  The Kerrins Mon May 17, 2010 7:24 pm

As always, message me if I make a mistake or forget a detail.


Tir Chonal

Has remained untouched by the Twilit War for a long while, but recent signs suggest this is coming to a close. Has refused an offer of alliance from the Requiem.

Dugald Residential
No change

Dunbarton, once abandoned, is in the process of being restored by the Requiem. Tensions between the Human and Fomor population came to a head after a riot broke out in the town square. The city is now under Martial law, with the same curfew and contraband list as Emain(see below). Additionally, All travel through the city gates is monitored and put through a Customs check, and magic is prohibited without authorisation. Current location of Fenrir Eir
A human was killed in a side alley. Credit for the action goes to an entity only known as "Mayii the Coyote Devil"
Fomor guards find themselves under wolf attack during the hours of Twilight, but have begun to learn how to keep the threat under control
NPCs:Most of the city's people were taken to Bangor when Dunbarton was evacuated, but have since been brought home. The two exceptions of note are Stewart and Kristell, who were initially taken prisoner by Fenrir, only to disappear during the evacuation. Stewart returned during the initial stages of Dunbarton's rebuild, only to leave again hours before Fenrir entered the city again. Kristell has not been seen at all.

Fort Bangor
Bangor is currently being run by a Requiem force, and has been converted into a Fortress after a suprise attack, Bangor has found itself cut off from access to Barri dungeon.
Effects:Barri cannot be entered IC
NPCs:The entire population of Bangor was successfuly evacuated to Emain Macha shortly before Fenrir could claim the town, and in turn were also successfuly evacuated to Tailteann along with a good portion of Emain's population.

Sen Mag Residential
Unknown((Since it lies between Emain, Dunbarton and Bangor, the Requiem must be having an effect on it. Gate, could you message me with what your actions to this site are?))

Emain Macha
Emain is living under a strict martial law imposed by the Requiem, who has destroyed several public builtings. Despite initial difficulties in keeping the city under control, reinforcements from Bangor now ensure that no-one opposes the Requiem's law.
Destroyed buildings: The cathedral, castle and bank.
Laws:6pm to 6am Curfew.
Paladin Training grounds, Moongate, Islands, the site of the Church and Castle, Bean Rua and Rundal Dungeon are all off limits.
Weapon and Religious item ban.
All are punished with death
NPCs:About half the city's population was evacuated to Tailteann, including all named NPCs

Abb Neagh Residential
Unchanged from default

Sent reinforcements to support Wolfe during the prime of his military career. Currently appears to be the most likely next target of the Requiem's assault

A mysterious sea monster has caused several shipwrecks in close proximity to Qilla base camp. As a result, all sea travel has ceased, save for the occasional boat of foolhardy adventurers seeking to slay the beast.
Effects:No travel between continents via traditional means.

Though they once sent reinforcements to assist Wolfe's defense, they have since been uninvolved in the Twilit War

Though they once sent reinforcements to assist Wolfe's defense, they have since been uninvolved in the Twilit War

At one time life was difficult in Cor due to a large crystal driving the Hobgoblins beserk. the crystal has since been shattered, and life has returned to a relatively peaceful state

The beasts of Zardine are in a completely beserk state, and none who travel to Raspa Volcano are seen again


The Requiem(Fenrir's troops)
A force consisting of goblins, kobolds, gremlins and a band of warriors who used to be children of Dunbarton and Emain Macha. The commander is Fenrir Eir, a lage winged Incubus. A high number of troops are stationed in Emain and Dunbarton, while a somewhat smaller force makes home in Bangor

Wolfe's army
Bards all over the land sing great ballads about the Army of the Wolfe, who suffered much in his struggles to hold back the tide of the Requiem. A tale of great sadness and loss, it nonetheless ends on a hopeful note, as there is no sign the Wolfe is dead((He's not, as far as I know))

The Dunewyrm and his "motley crew of bandits"
A somewhat mysterious force, that prefers to work discreetly. Rumored to be responsible for ending the Hobgoblin threat to Cor. Current location is unknown.[/quote]


A mysterious murderer whose name is burnt into the streets of Dunbarton

Another unknown face who has performed a pair of surprise attacks against Requiem forces in Bangor and Emain Macha
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

Posts : 837
Join date : 2009-01-14

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Erinn News Network Empty Re: Erinn News Network

Post  The Kerrins Mon May 24, 2010 8:20 pm

For public knowledge, I have accidentally posted over last week's news with this week's news.

If anyone has been keeping copies, I would appreciate a repost
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

Posts : 837
Join date : 2009-01-14

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Erinn News Network Empty Re: Erinn News Network

Post  The Kerrins Mon May 31, 2010 9:01 pm

Very little to report this week

The lobby of Dunbarton Library caught fire, causing superficial damage.
The culprit was a young boy who spontaneously combusted, THEN ran off
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

Posts : 837
Join date : 2009-01-14

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Erinn News Network Empty Re: Erinn News Network

Post  Temo Mon May 31, 2010 9:02 pm

[[Dangit, Sulia. *has to respond to this now* D:<]]
Burrito Bison

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Erinn News Network Empty Re: Erinn News Network

Post  The Kerrins Mon May 31, 2010 9:57 pm

Updated information:
Dunbarton library has been sealed off as a result of the fire incident

An occasional Fomor raiding party has been spotted around Tailltean.

The entrance to Barri has almost been cleared

That is all
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

Posts : 837
Join date : 2009-01-14

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Erinn News Network Empty Week 6

Post  The Kerrins Tue Jun 08, 2010 7:15 pm

As always, message me if I make a mistake or forget a detail.


Tir Chonal

Stands in tense anticipation of a possible Requiem march against them

Dugald Residential
No change

Under martial Law. Current location of Fenrir Eir
A request for a tutor has been placed on a bulletin board
NPCs: All but Stewart and Kristell are in their default roles, if a little uncomfortable with Fomor rule

Fort Bangor
Still cut off from Barri, but the work should almost be done to unearth it again
Effects:Barri cannot be entered IC
NPCs:Located in Tailltean

Sen Mag Residential

Emain Macha
Under martial law, with several buildings left in ruins
Destroyed buildings: The cathedral, castle and bank.
Laws:6pm to 6am Curfew.
Paladin Training grounds, Moongate, Islands, the site of the Church and Castle, Bean Rua and Rundal Dungeon are all off limits.
Weapon and Religious item ban.
All are punished with death
NPCs:All named NPCs are in Tailltean, as is half of the generic population

Abb Neagh Residential
Unchanged from default

Stands ready for assault from Fenrir

Effects:No travel between continents via traditional means.






The Requiem(Fenrir's troops)
A force consisting of goblins, kobolds, gremlins and a band of warriors who used to be children of Dunbarton and Emain Macha. The commander is Fenrir Eir, a lage winged Incubus. A high number of troops are stationed in Emain and Dunbarton, while a somewhat smaller force makes home in Bangor

Wolfe's army
Though left a shadow of its former self, the few remaining troops have recently marched out of Tailltean with a hopeful spring in their step

The Dunewyrm and his "motley crew of bandits"
A somewhat mysterious force, that prefers to work discreetly. Current location is unknown.


Fenrir Eir: Commander of the Requiem
Xeek: Follower of Fenrir, appointed head of Dunbarton

Wolfe: The best known opposition to the Requiem's assault
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

Posts : 837
Join date : 2009-01-14

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Erinn News Network Empty Week 7

Post  The Kerrins Tue Jun 15, 2010 7:18 pm

As always, message me if I make a mistake or forget a detail.


Tir Chonal

Stands in tense anticipation of a possible Requiem march against them

Dugald Residential
No change

Under martial Law. Current location of Fenrir Eir
A request for a tutor has been placed on a bulletin board
A pack of 20 coyotes descended on Dunbarton city overnight. Though the guards responded quickly to the canine invaders, 3 were able to break through and leave messages at the bookstore, the Healer's house and the Requiem HQ, while similar messages were found on the bodies of those slain. 1 of the coyotes was able to exit.((See Twilit Tears or Rumors of Mayii for the details of the message))
A few days after this event, a kobold and a young woman were found dead in the style of Mayii
NPCs: All but Stewart and Kristell are in their default roles, if a little uncomfortable with Fomor rule

Fort Bangor
Only a small amount of rubble stands between Bangor and Barri
Effects:Barri cannot be entered IC
NPCs:Located in Tailltean

Sen Mag Residential

Emain Macha
Under martial law, with several buildings left in ruins
Destroyed buildings: The cathedral, castle and bank.
Laws:6pm to 6am Curfew.
Paladin Training grounds, Moongate, Islands, the site of the Church and Castle, Bean Rua and Rundal Dungeon are all off limits.
Weapon and Religious item ban.
All are punished with death
NPCs:All named NPCs are in Tailltean, as is half of the generic population

Abb Neagh Residential
Unchanged from default

Stands ready for assault from Fenrir

Effects:No travel between continents via traditional means.






The Requiem(Fenrir's troops)
A force consisting of goblins, kobolds, gremlins and a band of warriors who used to be children of Dunbarton and Emain Macha. The commander is Fenrir Eir, a lage winged Incubus. A high number of troops are stationed in Emain and Dunbarton, while a somewhat smaller force makes home in Bangor

Wolfe's army
Though left a shadow of its former self, the few remaining troops have recently marched out of Tailltean with a hopeful spring in their step

The Dunewyrm and his "motley crew of bandits"
A somewhat mysterious force, that prefers to work discreetly. Current location is unknown.


Fenrir Eir: Commander of the Requiem, Incubus
Xeek: Follower of Fenrir, appointed head of Dunbarton
Wolfe: The best known opposition to the Requiem's assault
Mayii: The self-given name of what appears to be a serial killer in Dunbarton. Seems opposed to Fenrir, seems capable of controlling coyotes
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

Posts : 837
Join date : 2009-01-14

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Erinn News Network Empty Week 8

Post  The Kerrins Mon Jun 21, 2010 7:15 pm

As always, message me if I make a mistake or forget a detail.


Tir Chonal

Stands in tense anticipation of a possible Requiem march against them.
There are occasional sightings of spectral wolves, but the people do not seem worried

Dugald Residential
No change

Under martial Law. Current location of Fenrir Eir
The mixture of human, goblin and Ogre guards has been replaced entirely with Metal skeletons, which have turned their eyes inward to search for Mayii
NPCs: All but Stewart and Kristell are in their default roles, if a little uncomfortable with Fomor rule

Fort Bangor
Just as the last rocks were being moved away from the entrance to Barri, a large strike force burst in, dealing massive damage and closing over the entrance again. One Dalvar was captured by the Requiem, and executed.
Effects:Barri cannot be entered IC
NPCs:Located in Tailltean

Sen Mag Residential

Emain Macha
Under martial law, with several buildings left in ruins.
Armed with siege weaponary
Destroyed buildings: The cathedral, castle and bank.
Laws:6pm to 6am Curfew.
Paladin Training grounds, Moongate, Islands, the site of the Church and Castle, Bean Rua and Rundal Dungeon are all off limits.
Weapon and Religious item ban.
All are punished with death
NPCs:All named NPCs are in Tailltean, as is half of the generic population

Abb Neagh Residential
Unchanged from default

Stands ready for assault from Fenrir. Has regular patrols sent out to deal with raiders

All work is being done as far inland as possible
Effects:No travel between continents via traditional means.

It seems that the elves of Filia are unusually lacking in energy. A strange man with half his face bandaged, and an albino man who looks almost like a walking corpse have appeared in the elven town, but no-one seems to be commenting on this



After a recent eruption of Raspa Volcano, the wildlife has calmed down-at least to their initial state. Experts from scientific worlds theorize that the unnatural aggression was a reaction to the building underground pressure


The Requiem(Fenrir's troops)
A force consisting of goblins, kobolds, gremlins and a band of warriors who used to be children of Dunbarton and Emain Macha. The commander is Fenrir Eir, a lage winged Incubus. A high number of troops are stationed in Emain and Dunbarton, while a somewhat smaller force makes home in Bangor

Wolfe's army
A force that once stood firmly against the Requiem. They are out of the spotlight for now, current location is unknown

The Dunewyrm and his "motley crew of bandits"
A somewhat mysterious force, that prefers to work discreetly. Current location is unknown.


Fenrir Eir: Commander of the Requiem, Incubus
Xeek: Follower of Fenrir, appointed head of Dunbarton
Wolfe: The best known opposition to the Requiem's assault
Mayii: The self-given name of what appears to be a serial killer in Dunbarton. Seems opposed to Fenrir, seems capable of controlling coyotes
Victims: 4
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

Posts : 837
Join date : 2009-01-14

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Erinn News Network Empty Re: Erinn News Network

Post  The Kerrins Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:02 pm

((I did it again, stupid edit button....Check last week's news for updates))
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

Posts : 837
Join date : 2009-01-14

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Erinn News Network Empty Week 10

Post  The Kerrins Mon Jul 05, 2010 4:41 am

As always, message me if I make a mistake or forget a detail.


Tir Chonal

Stands in tense anticipation of a possible Requiem march against them.
There are occasional sightings of spectral wolves, but the people do not seem worried

Dugald Residential
No change

Under martial Law. Current location of Fenrir Eir
Metal skeletons stand watch, skewering any who step out after hours. They have so far proved ineffective against Mayii, who has killed the daughter of the guard who struck him, and tortured his wife into insanity
NPCs: All but Stewart and Kristell are in their default roles, if a little uncomfortable with Fomor rule

Fort Bangor
The unsettling quiet of this now ghost town is only rivaled by the stench of the many Fomor corpses remaining
Effects:Barri cannot be entered IC
NPCs:Located in Tailltean

Sen Mag Residential

Emain Macha
Under martial law, with several buildings left in ruins.
Armed with siege weaponary
Destroyed buildings: The cathedral, castle and bank.
Laws:6pm to 6am Curfew.
Paladin Training grounds, Moongate, Islands, the site of the Church and Castle, Bean Rua and Rundal Dungeon are all off limits.
Weapon and Religious item ban.
All are punished with death
NPCs:All named NPCs are in Tailltean, as is half of the generic population

Abb Neagh Residential
Unchanged from default

Stands ready for assault from Fenrir. Has regular patrols sent out to deal with raiders

All work is being done as far inland as possible
Effects:No travel between continents via traditional means.

Though still sluggish, the Elves are beggining to show life again. A bandaged man who had been performing church ceremonies has left for unknown reasons, while a previously emotionless albino is beginning to show a personality



Zardine is beginning to return to its natural state


The Requiem(Fenrir's troops)
A force consisting of goblins, kobolds, gremlins and a band of warriors who used to be children of Dunbarton and Emain Macha. The commander is Fenrir Eir, a lage winged Incubus. A high number of troops are stationed in Emain and Dunbarton, while a somewhat smaller force makes home in Bangor

Wolfe's army
A force that once stood firmly against the Requiem. They are out of the spotlight for now, current location is unknown

The Dunewyrm and his "motley crew of bandits"
A somewhat mysterious force, that prefers to work discreetly. Current location is unknown.


Fenrir Eir: Commander of the Requiem, Incubus
Xeek: Follower of Fenrir, appointed head of Dunbarton
Wolfe: The best known opposition to the Requiem's assault
Mayii: The self-given name of what appears to be a serial killer in Dunbarton. Seems opposed to Fenrir, seems capable of controlling coyotes
Victims: 6, 5 fatal
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

Posts : 837
Join date : 2009-01-14

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Erinn News Network Empty Re: Erinn News Network

Post  The Kerrins Mon Jul 12, 2010 6:48 pm

As always, message me if I make a mistake or forget a detail.


Tir Chonal

Stands in tense anticipation of a possible Requiem march against them.
There are occasional sightings of spectral wolves.
Someone has been killing the grey wolves of Tir Chonal via mundane means

Dugald Residential
No change

Under martial Law. Current location of Fenrir Eir
Metal skeletons stand watch, skewering any who step out after hours. They have so far proved ineffective against Mayii
NPCs: All but Stewart and Kristell are in their default roles, if a little uncomfortable with Fomor rule

Fort Bangor
With no one moving to reclaim it, Bangor is now a den of natural predators and scavengers, drawn in by the scent of dead meat
Effects:Barri cannot be entered IC
NPCs:Located in Tailltean

Sen Mag Residential

Emain Macha
Under martial law, with several buildings left in ruins.
Armed with siege weaponary
Destroyed buildings: The cathedral, castle and bank.
Laws:6pm to 6am Curfew.
Paladin Training grounds, Moongate, Islands, the site of the Church and Castle, Bean Rua and Rundal Dungeon are all off limits.
Weapon and Religious item ban.
All are punished with death
NPCs:All named NPCs are in Tailltean, as is half of the generic population

A large number of people moved in on the Dungeon of Peaca, risking their lives to avoid detection by Fenrir's troops. Once there, they then performed the impossible: wandering to the heart and striking down the Lich who lives(sort of) at the heart. Why, is unknown at this time

Abb Neagh Residential
Unchanged from default

Stands ready for assault from Fenrir. Has regular patrols sent out to deal with raiders

All work is being done as far inland as possible
Effects:No travel between continents via traditional means.

Though still sluggish, the Elves are beggining to show life again. A bandaged man who had been performing church ceremonies has left for unknown reasons, while a previously emotionless albino is beginning to show a personality



Zardine is beginning to return to its natural state


The Requiem(Fenrir's troops)
A force consisting of goblins, kobolds, gremlins and a band of warriors who used to be children of Dunbarton and Emain Macha. The commander is Fenrir Eir, a lage winged Incubus. A high number of troops are stationed in Emain and Dunbarton, while a somewhat smaller force makes home in Bangor

Wolfe's army
A force that once stood firmly against the Requiem. They are out of the spotlight for now, current location is unknown

The Dunewyrm and his "motley crew of bandits"
A somewhat mysterious force, that prefers to work discreetly. Current location is unknown.


Fenrir Eir: Commander of the Requiem, Incubus
Xeek: Follower of Fenrir, appointed head of Dunbarton
Wolfe: The best known opposition to the Requiem's assault
Mayii: The self-given name of what appears to be a serial killer in Dunbarton. Seems opposed to Fenrir, seems capable of controlling coyotes
Victims: 6, 5 fatal
The Kerrins
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Erinn News Network Empty Week 12, Recap Week

Post  The Kerrins Wed Jul 28, 2010 6:33 pm

I apologize for the delay in this post. In any case, it is high time we had a recap


Tir Chonal

As yet untouched by the Requiem, the townspeople have nonetheless let it be known that they will not side with Fenrir
Stands in tense anticipation of a possible Requiem march against them.
There are occasional sightings of spectral wolves.

Dugald Residential
No change

The first location to be struck by the Requiem, Dunbarton was abandoned, then reclaimed again by Fenrir. The church has been replaced by a daycare centre.
Under martial Law. Current location of Fenrir Eir
Metal skeletons stand watch, skewering any who step out after hours. Furthermore, those who wander outside of the town area find themselves at risk of being mauled by spectral wolves, a garuntee for Fomorkind
Soon after Fenrir's return to Dunbarton, a serial killer named Mayii Coyote began to torture the townsfolk, promising to stop only when they rose against the opressor. The Reporter Remmiel has stated that Mayii is now dead, but has chosen to take on the name of Coyote and stand against the Requiem
NPCs: All but Stewart and Kristell are in their default roles, if a little uncomfortable with Fomor rule. Stewart and Kristell were initially held prisoner, but were broken out during the confusion of Dunbarton's temporary evacuation. Stewart returned for a short time, but Kristell has not been seen since.

Fort Bangor
The second location that the Requiem claimed, taken in a fierce battle. The locals were all evacuated successfully, however, leaving the town to only serve the purpose of a resource post and evacuation point during Dunbarton's abandonment. After Fenrir left, a series of attacks shattered the entrance to Barri and eliminated all Fomor who were left behind. The town-turned fortress is now deserted, scavenging animals having picked the corpses clean
Effects:Barri cannot be entered IC
NPCs:Located in Tailltean

Sen Mag Residential

Emain Macha
For a long time, Emain Macha was the home to TW Wolfe and his army, the strongest and loudest opposition against Fenrir. However, it now flies the flag of the Requiem after a truly vicious battle. Several public buildings were destroyed, and their wreckage left as is to remind the people of their conquerers. Fortunately, about half the population was successfuly evacuated to Tailltean, including all named NPCs
Under martial law, with several buildings left in ruins.
Armed with siege weaponary
Destroyed buildings: The cathedral, castle and bank.
Laws:6pm to 6am Curfew.
Paladin Training grounds, Moongate, Islands, the site of the Church and Castle, Bean Rua and Rundal Dungeon are all off limits.
Weapon and Religious item ban.
All are punished with death
Recently, the Fomor military has been showing signs of stress and exhaustion, with some goblins volunteering that they have been having nightmares
NPCs:All named NPCs are in Tailltean, as is half of the generic population

Abb Neagh Residential
Unchanged from default

Stands ready for assault from Fenrir. Has regular patrols sent out to deal with raiders

Due to a series of attacks by a sea monster, all travel and seaside work has been halted
All work is being done as far inland as possible
Effects:No travel between continents via traditional means.

the townspeople began to act sluggish after a pair of strangers appeared, but have regained their energy after one of the two left. No-one seems to be questioning the presence of the other



Zardine sufferred from increased aggression by the local wildlife, but this has calmed down after an eruption from Raspa


The Requiem(Fenrir's troops)
A force consisting of goblins, kobolds, gremlins and a band of warriors who used to be children of Dunbarton and Emain Macha. The commander is Fenrir Eir, a lage winged Incubus. A high number of troops are stationed in Emain and Dunbarton

Wolfe's army
A force that once stood firmly against the Requiem. After heavy losses at the battle for Emain, they took temporary refuges in Tailltean, before leaving for an unknown destination.
They are out of the spotlight for now, current location is unknown

The Dunewyrm and his "motley crew of bandits"
A somewhat mysterious force, that prefers to work discreetly. Current location is unknown.

A sign has appeared in the back room of Ably, informing those who view it of what seems to be a guild of mercenaries and assasins. As yet details of this group is unknown


Fenrir Eir: Commander of the Requiem, Incubus
Xeek: Follower of Fenrir, appointed head of Dunbarton
Wolfe: The best known opposition to the Requiem's assault
Mayii: The self-given name of what appeared to be a serial killer in Dunbarton. Seemed opposed to Fenrir, was killed in an unreported manner
Victims: 6, 5 fatal
Remmiel The reporter who delivered news of Mayii's actions, has chosen to take on the mantle of the Coyote after his death.
The Kerrins
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Erinn News Network Empty Re: Erinn News Network

Post  The Kerrins Mon Aug 16, 2010 3:58 am

Not much to report this week.

Fort Bangor
The stench of the dead is fading, and the many bodies that once lay strewn around are making their way to a neat graveyard located on the cliff above where Comgan once stood. If any necromancer were to sneak here, they would quickly find that the bodies cannot be reanimated.
A man who does nothing to hide his presence has taken residence in the ruins, and is the one responsible for the graveyard. He turns and notices anyone who remains within line-of-sight for 2 seconds, or 1 minute if he is asleep. In either case, he will run and hide if the approacher seems aggressive, and if killed will return in the manner of Soul-Streamer.

Any other communications should be performed on an agreed date or via forum RP.
((His constant presence in a deserted area warrents note, and my odd hours make it hard to do random RPs, let alone RPs on demand, so I thought I would try something experimental
If any other characters who might be in an important position want such a notice about them, let me know))
((And to cover any "How did he get up on the cliff questions...
Erinn News Network Mabinogi_2010_08_16_007
Erinn News Network Mabinogi_2010_08_16_006
Doesn't get too hard to get up there from here, especially if we use some leftover material from the fort to add a ramp in))
The Kerrins
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Erinn News Network Empty Re: Erinn News Network

Post  The Kerrins Mon Aug 23, 2010 5:44 pm



An annoyance has appeared at every bulletin board, regardless of the area's current ownership(exception is Bangor, which currently has no bulletin board). This takes the form of singing cowboys. Of note is Emain Macha, where the cowboys are killed and tossed into a pile whenever they start to sing.

Tir Chonal
As yet untouched by the Requiem, the townspeople have nonetheless let it be known that they will not side with Fenrir
Stands in tense anticipation of a possible Requiem march against them.
There are occasional sightings of spectral wolves.

Dugald Residential
No change

Dunbarton - Requiem
Under martial Law. Current location of Fenrir Eir
Metal skeletons stand watch, skewering any who step out after hours. Furthermore, those who wander outside of the town area find themselves at risk of being mauled by spectral wolves, a guarantee for Fomorkind
NPCs: All but Stewart and Kristell are in their default roles, if a little uncomfortable with Fomor rule. Stewart and Kristell were initially held prisoner, but were broken out during the confusion of Dunbarton's temporary evacuation. Stewart returned for a short time, but Kristell has not been seen since.

Fort Bangor
This Ghost Town consists of only one resident, a man who seems too preoccupied with the burial of the dead to bother with anything else. Barri remains blocked off
Effects:Barri cannot be entered IC
NPCs:Located in Tailltean

Sen Mag Residential

Emain Macha - Requiem
Under martial law, with several buildings left in ruins.
Armed with siege weaponary
Destroyed buildings: The cathedral, castle and bank.
Laws:6pm to 6am Curfew.
Paladin Training grounds, Moongate, Islands, the site of the Church and Castle, Bean Rua and Rundal Dungeon are all off limits.
Weapon and Religious item ban.
All are punished with death
Recently, the Fomor military has been showing signs of stress and exhaustion, with some goblins volunteering that they have been having nightmares
NPCs:All named NPCs are in Tailltean, as is half of the generic population

Abb Neagh Residential
Unchanged from default

Stands ready for assault from Fenrir. Has regular patrols sent out to deal with raiders

A number of bodies that seem drained of energy have been found in the Shadow Realm, of both Human and Fomor nature. Guards have been increased

As if the sea monsters weren't enough, rumors have begun to spread of a new threat forming at the Solea caverns
Effects:No travel between continents via traditional means.

A loud cheer was heard from the desert overnight. None have gone to investigate it

Though rumors state that the Solea Caverns have been blocked off, the Giants don't seem too worried


All is calm


The Requiem(Fenrir's troops)
A force consisting of goblins, kobolds, gremlins and a band of warriors who used to be children of Dunbarton and Emain Macha. The commander is Fenrir Eir, a lage winged Incubus. A high number of troops are stationed in Emain and Dunbarton

Wolfe's army
A force that once stood firmly against the Requiem. After heavy losses at the battle for Emain, they took temporary refuges in Tailltean, before leaving for an unknown destination.
They are out of the spotlight for now, current location is unknown

The Dunewyrm and his "motley crew of bandits"
A somewhat mysterious force, that prefers to work discreetly. Current location is unknown.


Fenrir Eir: Commander of the Requiem, Incubus
Xeek: Follower of Fenrir, appointed head of Dunbarton
Wolfe: The best known opposition to the Requiem's assault
Mayii: A now dead serial killer who once stalked the streets of Dunbarton. Victims: 6, 5 fatal
Remmiel The reporter who delivered news of Mayii's actions, has chosen to take on the mantle of the Coyote after his death.
The Kerrins
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Erinn News Network Empty Re: Erinn News Network

Post  The Kerrins Sun Sep 05, 2010 8:27 pm


Free Cities

The various lords, elders, and generally important people of each city have been holding local meetings to attempt to end the constant annoyance of the 'Bad Horse.' They have yet to come to any conclusions, but some measures have been taken

Tir Chonal
As yet untouched by the Requiem, the townspeople have nonetheless let it be known that they will not side with Fenrir
Stands in tense anticipation of a possible Requiem march against them.
There are occasional sightings of spectral wolves.
A wanted poster has been placed on the bulletin board by Duncan

Dugald Residential
No change

Dunbarton - Requiem
Under martial Law. Current location of Fenrir Eir
Metal skeletons stand watch, skewering any who step out after hours. Furthermore, those who wander outside of the town area find themselves at risk of being mauled by spectral wolves, a guarantee for Fomorkind
NPCs: All but Stewart and Kristell are in their default roles, if a little uncomfortable with Fomor rule. Stewart and Kristell were initially held prisoner, but were broken out during the confusion of Dunbarton's temporary evacuation. Stewart returned for a short time, but Kristell has not been seen since.

Fort Bangor
This Ghost Town consists of only one resident, a man who seems too preoccupied with the burial of the dead to bother with anything else. Barri remains blocked off
Effects:Barri cannot be entered IC
NPCs:Located in Tailltean

Sen Mag Residential

Emain Macha - Requiem
Under martial law, with several buildings left in ruins.
Armed with siege weaponary
Destroyed buildings: The cathedral, castle and bank.
Laws:6pm to 6am Curfew.
Paladin Training grounds, Moongate, Islands, the site of the Church and Castle, Bean Rua and Rundal Dungeon are all off limits.
Weapon and Religious item ban.
All are punished with death
NPCs:All named NPCs are in Tailltean, as is half of the generic population

Abb Neagh Residential
Unchanged from default

Stands ready for assault from Fenrir. Has regular patrols sent out to deal with raiders
A wanted poster has been placed on the bulletin board

The sounds of conflict were heard from the Hanging Gardens. By the time guards were able to make it to the area, it was abandoned, and left in ruin.
Effects:The Hanging Gardens are closed for repairs for 1 week. Guard recruitment has been increased

As if the sea monsters weren't enough, rumors have begun to spread of a new threat forming at the Solea caverns
Effects:No travel between continents via traditional means.


Though rumors state that the Solea Caverns have been blocked off, the Giants don't seem too worried


All is calm


The Requiem(Fenrir's troops)
A force consisting of goblins, kobolds, gremlins and a band of warriors who used to be children of Dunbarton and Emain Macha. The commander is Fenrir Eir, a lage winged Incubus. A high number of troops are stationed in Emain and Dunbarton

Wolfe's army
A force that once stood firmly against the Requiem. After heavy losses at the battle for Emain, they took temporary refuges in Tailltean, before leaving for an unknown destination.
They are out of the spotlight for now, current location is unknown

The Dunewyrm and his "motley crew of bandits"
A somewhat mysterious force, that prefers to work discreetly. Current location is unknown.

'Bad Horse'
Alive, for great public nuisance. Appearance is unknown, possibly sports a cowboy motiff.
Reward: 2500(Tir), 5000(Tailltean), 9000(Tara), 2000(Iria locations)


Fenrir Eir: Commander of the Requiem, Incubus
Xeek: Follower of Fenrir, appointed head of Dunbarton
Wolfe: The best known opposition to the Requiem's assault
Mayii: A now dead serial killer who once stalked the streets of Dunbarton. Victims: 6, 5 fatal
Remmiel: The reporter who delivered news of Mayii's actions, has chosen to take on the mantle of the Coyote after his death.
Bad Horse: None have seen the face of this man, but all have had to deal with the sleep-deprivation caused by his recruitment drive for the "Evil League of Evil." Wanted in all free cities
The Kerrins
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Erinn News Network Empty Re: Erinn News Network

Post  The Kerrins Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:59 pm



the Requiem is on the move, see below
A shooting star was seen in the sky

Tir Chonal
After the arrival of the distraught escapees from Dunbarton, Tir is in a constant state of business. Almost all the able-bodied fighters have set up camp on the inner side of the river, and the bridges have been rigged to collapse at a moment's notice, (Though the water is hardly an impenetrable wall, those fighting with their feet in the water will be at a disadvantage) while the rest have been assigned to protect those unable to fight. Those evacuating are dressing warmly and bringing plenty of supplies...They don't know how long they'll have to remain in Sidhe Sneachta
Notes: As the official origin point for Soul Streamers, Tir Chonal should have a large number of renewable troops at its disposal

Dugald Residential
No change

Dunbarton - Requiem
The Requiem has simultaneously declared all citizens free from their rule and declared war on all not answering directly to Fenrir. The resulting slaughter was horrific.
Effects: Almost all buildings are in ruins
NPCs: All but Stewart and Kristell have managed to escape with their lives, and have headed in the direction of the various free cities. Noticeably, there are no children among the refugees. Stewart and Kristell missing from the start, and this hasn't changed.

Fort Bangor
The wind has an eerie howl as it blows across this empty town. The new graveyard on the hillside behind the church has a rather rude note pinned where it can easily be seen, addressed "to all necromancers"
Effects:Barri cannot be entered IC
A graveyard is now part of Bangor, which is currently impossible to extract zombies/skeletons/ghosts from
NPCs:Located in Tailltean

Sen Mag Residential

Emain Macha - Requiem
As per Dunbarton
Effects:Almost all buildings are in ruins
NPCs:All named NPCs are in Tailltean, as is half of the generic population

Abb Neagh Residential
Unchanged from default

Stands ready for assault from Fenrir.

All forces are being mustered for war.
A small fire was started, but managed to be quenched before any real harm was caused

As if the sea monsters weren't enough, rumors have begun to spread of a new threat forming at the Solea caverns
Effects:No travel between continents via traditional means.


Though rumors state that the Solea Caverns have been blocked off, the Giants don't seem too worried


All is calm


The Requiem(Fenrir's troops)
A force consisting of goblins, kobolds, gremlins and a band of warriors who used to be children of Dunbarton and Emain Macha. The commander is Fenrir Eir, a lage winged Incubus. the army has razed Dunbarton and Emain Macha, and forces are marching in the direction of each other city. The largest is heading to Tara, but each seems to have a disproportionately large number of mages.

Wolfe's army
A force that once stood firmly against the Requiem. After heavy losses at the battle for Emain, they took temporary refuges in Tailltean, before leaving for an unknown destination.
They are out of the spotlight for now, current location is unknown

The Dunewyrm and his "motley crew of bandits"
A somewhat mysterious force, that prefers to work discreetly. Current location is unknown.


Fenrir Eir: Commander of the Requiem, Incubus.
Xeek: Once a follower of Fenrir, has sent a letter offering his assistance to any town that will take it
Wolfe: The best known opposition to the Requiem's assault, out of the spotlight
Mayii: A now dead serial killer who once stalked the streets of Dunbarton. Victims: 6, 5 fatal
Remmiel: The reporter who delivered news of Mayii's actions, has chosen to take on the mantle of the Coyote after his death.
Bad Horse: A major annoyance but currently being ignored in favor of bigger problems
The Kerrins
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Erinn News Network Empty Re: Erinn News Network

Post  The Kerrins Sun Sep 19, 2010 10:18 pm

No news updates this week(As events are either awaiting approval or frozen mid-progress
The Kerrins
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Erinn News Network Empty Re: Erinn News Network

Post  The Kerrins Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:14 pm

((Now this will be far from perfect, as I am attempting to retell what is perhaps our most confusing RP to date
Especially this time, feel free to correct me on any mistakes))


[b]Tir Chonal

The evacuees were halted just as they were about to enter Sidhe Sneatcha by a loud cheer from the front lines. Through their valiant efforts, the warriors of Tir Chonal were able to defeat the Requiem attack.

Dugald Residential
No change

Dunbarton - Requiem
Dunbarton is still in ruins, but already people are returning.
NPCs are scattered among the other towns of Uladh, but are slowly returning.
Stewart and Kristell have returned from who-knows-where, and are starting on the rebuilding projects

Fort Bangor
None stood in this empty town to witness the Balloons fly overhead. The town remains in ruins, but now nothing is stopping the old residents from returning
Effects:Barri cannot be entered IC
A graveyard is now part of Bangor, which is currently impossible to extract zombies/skeletons/ghosts from
NPCs:Located in Tailltean

Sen Mag Residential

Emain Macha - Requiem
Those who remained behind to repair the damage were left speechless by what was nothing less than a miraculous sight.
Over the course of a night, the Cathedral managed to rebuild itself faster than even the large number of golems that had appeared in town could manage. Wyllow has declared this to be a sign from Lylmark, one of hope for the future.
NPCs:All named NPCs are in Tailltean, though some are slowly returning

Abb Neagh Residential
Unchanged from default

They stood ready for assault, only to have the soldiers on their doorstep surrender. After a interrogation session with their leader, a flight of owls was sent to Emain Macha

With much effort, the Requiem forces that amassed on Tara were defeated

The seas were coated with blood, and have calmed. Sea travel is still being prevented, though, until scouts return to provide feedback on the state of the ecology and confirmation that the monster is truly dead.
Effects:No travel between continents via traditional means.


Though rumors state that the Solea Caverns have been blocked off, the Giants don't seem too worried


All is calm


The Requiem(Fenrir's troops)
Once a force consisting of goblins, kobolds, gremlins and a band of warriors who used to be children of Dunbarton and Emain Macha. The commander was Fenrir Eir, a lage winged Incubus. the army has been defeated on many fronts recently,and what is to happen to the remnants is unknown

The Dunewyrm and his "motley crew of bandits"
Previously all but invisible, they surprised the Requiem with an aerial bombardment


Fenrir Eir: Commander of the Requiem, Incubus. Officialy Deceased.
Xeek: Once a follower of Fenrir, has since declared opposition
Wolfe: The best known opposition to the Requiem's assault, out of the spotlight
Mayii: A now dead serial killer who once stalked the streets of Dunbarton. Victims: 6, 5 fatal
Remmiel: The reporter who delivered news of Mayii's actions, has chosen to take on the mantle of the Coyote after his death.

Kurohi (Eir?), Dead
Highly dangerous Succubus, previously a high ranking member of the Requiem.
Additionally, she is likely to be accompanied by 3 goblins, 3 Ogres and a Requiem Alchemist. These are Wanted Dead or Alive, reward 50,000
The Kerrins
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Erinn News Network Empty Week 0 repeated

Post  The Kerrins Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:38 am

((In order to ease the reading of the news, the first post shall now be edited on a weekly basis to contain the state of the world as it is now.
The original Week 0 post is being reposted here for the sake of archiving.))

First weekly posting of events, first attempt at a standardized format.
Message me if you think I missed anything, or got anything wrong


Tir Chonal

Remains mostly untouched by the events of the world at large

Was conquered by Fenrir and The Requiem, then evacuated in the face of a Wraith invasion.
NPCs are currently in Bangor, save for Kristel and Stewart, who disappeared from prison cells during the evacuation

Conquered by Fenrir and the Requiem. Original town was burnt to the ground, it has been rebuilt as a fortress town.
NPCs were successfully evacuated from the town in time, and are currently living in Emain Macha
The forces of the Requiem are currently taking a defensive stance around the base

Emain Macha
After much political turmoil, Wolfe stands as the de facto leader of the city. Has a solid standing guard

Not directly affected by RPS events yet, recieved a deployment of troops from Emain only to send 200 back
Fenrir was recently executed on the city fortress's grounds

Sea travel has ground to a halt due to the occupied nature of Bangor, and the rumors of sea monsters.

Has sent reinforcements to Emain Macha.
The elves are curious about the large disc that appeared overnight outside of the Eastern mana tunnel of Longa desert, but have yet to invesitgate it.
Robed figures have been seen wandering the desert, but has been dismissed as just another type of Warrior Ghost.

Has sent reinforcements to Emain Macha

The heightened aggressiveness of the Hobgoblins has put the locals on edge, but they seem to have calmed down since a force shattered the Twilight shard

The animals have been acting highly aggressive, especially the Wyvrens


The Requiem(Fenrir's troops)
A force consisting of goblins, kobolds, gremlins and a band of warriors who used to be children of Dunbarton and Emain Macha. The commander is Fenrir Eir, a lage winged Incubus. He was killed in Tailteann, but rumors say that he returned from the dead to lead his army onwards. Interestingly, these same rumors say that he now has bright pink hair, and must dye it daily to prevent it from showing. Currently stationed at Bangor, but could be ready to march on short notice

Wolfe's army
A force built up of elves, giants, and humans from all over Uladh. Led by Wolfe, a man who as found himself in charge of Emain Macha. Has engaged in combat with Fenrir on many occasions, and has stood as his enemy at all times saved for a short lived truce, to deal with Wraiths. Currently stationed at Emain Macha. Actively recruiting.

The Dunewyrm and his "motley crew of bandits"
A somewhat mysterious force, that prefers to work discreetly. Rumored to be responcible for ending the Hobgoblin threat to Cor. Current location is unknown, save for a few old recruitment posters that inform potential members to wait in Longa desert. Said posters are starting to tear from age, and are slowly being covered by more recent news
The Kerrins
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Erinn News Network Empty Re: Erinn News Network

Post  The Kerrins Mon Oct 18, 2010 6:28 am


[b]Tir Chonal

The last of the refugees from the Twilit War are being seen off

Dugald Residential
No change

Dunbarton - Requiem
Dunbarton is still in ruins, but already people are returning.
About half of the NPCs are back in town, assisting rebuilding efforts.
Stewart and Kristell have returned from who-knows-where, and are starting on the rebuilding projects
A graveyard is being formed outside. The main work is being done by a single man, but he accepts any assistance offered. Similarly to Bangor, it does not react to necromancy.

Fort Bangor
The town still stands in ruin, a desolate wind blowing through the rubble.
Effects:Barri cannot be entered IC
A graveyard is now part of Bangor, which is currently impossible to extract zombies/skeletons/ghosts from
NPCs:Located in Tailltean. Preparations but after almost a year displaced from their homes, ((TT archives record the fall of Bangor on 23rd December. This should also give time to deal with the restless spirits)) they need time to get their belongings together.

Sen Mag Residential

Emain Macha
Between the efforts of several Golems, returning refugees and even former members of the Requiem, Emain Macha is quickly returning to its former glory.
Buildings are state of half-repair. The Cathedral stands proud.
NPCs:About half of the named NPCs have returned

Abb Neagh Residential
Unchanged from default

Various farewell parties are being held for the refugees as they leave.

Various farewell parties are being held for the refugees as they leave.

After first contact with a new race of denizens from the sea, sea travel from Qilla has tentatively been started again.


The Giants do not seem too worried about the blocking off of Solea caverns


All is calm
Small News
An unsigned letter has been pinned on each bulletin board, consisting of a tune and the words, "Do you remember when we first met?"


The Requiem(Fenrir's troops)
Once a force consisting of goblins, kobolds, gremlins and a band of warriors who used to be children of Dunbarton and Emain Macha. The commander was Fenrir Eir, a lage winged Incubus. the army has been broken aparts, and the remnants have either hidden, fled or entered a 're-education' proccess(in the case of the Children)

The Dunewyrm and his "motley crew of bandits"
Previously all but invisible, they surprised the Requiem with an aerial bombardment

New Bloopton
A side effect of the Twilit Shards created this new race of anthropomorphic fish. They are generally friendly, and seem to be seeking to learn about their newfound sapience.



Fenrir Eir: Commander of the Requiem, Incubus. Officialy Deceased.
Xeek: Once a follower of Fenrir, has since declared opposition
Wolfe: The best known opposition to the Requiem's assault, current location unknown
Mayii: Known to the people of Dunbarton as a serial killer, also known to be dead by said people

Kurohi (Eir?), Dead

Highly dangerous Succubus, previously a high ranking member of the Requiem.
Additionally, she is likely to be accompanied by 3 goblins, 3 Ogres and a Requiem Alchemist. These are Wanted Dead or Alive, reward 50,000

Soma, Dead or Alive
A man who can supposedly destroy souls, for the Murder of one Mayii
Reward:Unstated. Reward also given for information
Additionally, she is likely to be accompanied by 3 goblins, 3 Ogres and a Requiem Alchemist. These are Wanted Dead or Alive, reward 50,000
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

Posts : 837
Join date : 2009-01-14

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Erinn News Network Empty Week...Let's say....15

Post  The Kerrins Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:49 pm


Tir Chonal

Life has returned to normal

Dugald Residential
No change

Dunbarton - Requiem
Dunbarton is about half-repaired, and all locals have returned
A graveyard now stands outside Dunbarton, behind the church. It is currently unresponsive to necromancy

Fort Bangor
The town still stands in ruin, a desolate wind blowing through the rubble. The man who built the graveyard has returned, to complete what he calls 'unfinished business'
Effects:Barri cannot be entered IC
A graveyard is now part of Bangor, which is currently impossible to extract zombies/skeletons/ghosts from
NPCs:On the road(See Tailltean)

Sen Mag Residential

Emain Macha
Emain Macha stands proud, returned to its former glory.
NPCs:All NPCs have returned, and are beginning to settle back in to everyday life.

Abb Neagh Residential
An odd note has been left around, challenging some mysterious man over his actions. It states that the writer will be waiting by the lake of Abb Neagh

A caravan has recently departed from Tailteann, containing all of the people of Bangor who were displaced from their homes for so long.
Shadow Tailteann seems to be occupied by a pumpkin-headed man.

Life is mostly back to normal

After first contact with a new race of denizens from the sea, sea travel from Qilla has tentatively been started again.

An extraordinary weather phenomenon has occurred in the form of a massive lightning storm. All creatures in the desert, even the Desert Ghosts, seem to have been spooked by this lightshow.

The Giants do not seem too worried about the blocking off of Solea caverns


All is calm

Small News


The Requiem(Fenrir's troops)
Once a force consisting of goblins, kobolds, gremlins and a band of warriors who used to be children of Dunbarton and Emain Macha. The commander was Fenrir Eir, a lage winged Incubus. the army has been broken aparts, and the remnants have either hidden, fled or entered a 're-education' proccess(in the case of the Children)

The Dunewyrm and his "motley crew of bandits"
Previously all but invisible, they surprised the Requiem with an aerial bombardment, before disappearing back in to the smoke.

New Bloopton
A side effect of the Twilit Shards created this new race of anthropomorphic fish. They are generally friendly, and seem to be seeking to learn about their newfound sapience.

A travelling band of gypsies in the regions of Uladh. Led by a woman named Kya Light


Fenrir Eir: Commander of the Requiem, Incubus. Officialy Deceased.
Xeek: Once a follower of Fenrir, has since declared opposition
Wolfe: The best known opposition to the Requiem's assault, current location unknown
Mayii: Known to the people of Dunbarton as a serial killer, also known to be dead by said people

Kurohi (Eir?), Dead

Highly dangerous Succubus, previously a high ranking member of the Requiem.
Additionally, she is likely to be accompanied by 3 goblins, 3 Ogres and a Requiem Alchemist. These are Wanted Dead or Alive, reward 50,000

Soma, Dead or Alive
A man who can supposedly destroy souls, for the Murder of one Mayii
Reward:Unstated. Reward also given for information
Additionally, she is likely to be accompanied by 3 goblins, 3 Ogres and a Requiem Alchemist. These are Wanted Dead or Alive, reward 50,000[/quote]
The Kerrins
The Kerrins
Sweet Tart Sucubus
Sweet Tart Sucubus

Posts : 837
Join date : 2009-01-14

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