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Character Biography - Karious Nuance

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Character Biography - Karious Nuance Empty Character Biography - Karious Nuance

Post  Higura Sat May 25, 2013 7:34 pm

Player Name: Higura

Character Name: Karious Nuance

Age: He was 273 years old, a young adult, or older teen amongst his race, so roughly 19-21 years old.

Pre-Erinn Race: Karious was a member of the Tauon Te, affectionately known as 'space elves' among humans.

Erinn Race: Karious is an Elf.

Languages Spoken: Tauon, Elven, Common/English

Family: His family was composed of his mother, and two surviving brothers. Due to the subjugate nature of the Empire of Humanity (Space Humans), the Tauon Te were largely exterminated from the stars, the same that happened to most other races among the stars. Karious had one older brother, Driovori, and one younger brother, Halen. His mother was simply referred to as Mother, since he rarely saw her, if ever.

Hobbies: Reading, experimenting, playing with advanced technology, authoring, and piloting.

Weapon of Choice: Unable to have access to futuristic weapons, and finding bladed weapons too primitive, Karious uses a mix of Martial Arts, and Alchemy.

Eye Color: Mahogany (A type of brown.)

Hair Color: Red.

Theme Song: The Light and The Glass

Character Personality: Quirky. Irrational fears, talks too much, childlike whimsy at certain things, can be all over the place sometimes. Unexpected behaviors.

Character History Pre-Erinn: Karious Nuance was a Starship captain of a small 'scepter' class ship, who transported goods for the Empire of Man. Things were easy for him, until his younger brother, Halen, got accused of war crimes, along with a creature of war known as Higura. Doing the only rational thing that a space captain could do, was rally an army to rescue his brother, and by extension, Higura. Being all branded traitors, Karious helped organize a war effort against the Empire, piloting, shooting, and having a good time. After the eventual death of Higura, and the fall of the Empire of Man, Karious retired to a life of studying, and authoring books about his travels. Offered a job by the new leader of allied space, he traveled to orbit around an unexplored world. His ship being struck by an spatial anomaly, he is thrown from his ship, and plummets to the world below.

Character History, Erinn: Waking from what he considers 'bad dream', Karious typically wanders around, sure of the fact that he has crash landed on an 'underdeveloped world', and tends to blatantly ignores any attempts at people trying to tell him that he has died, and has come to Erinn via the soul stream.

Other Notes: Karious comes from the same universe that my previous characters are from, namely Higura, Icarus, and Zenkaris.


As a personal message from myself, if this character biography has anything wrong with it, we can discuss it. As far as I know, there haven't really been many characters that are from 'the future'.
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Age : 33
Location : Kansas City, Missouri

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Character Biography - Karious Nuance Empty Re: Character Biography - Karious Nuance

Post  Auramune Sat May 25, 2013 9:14 pm

Well, 'future' is really subjective, since milletians come from all times and galaxies. So it's not really a problem, as long as you didn't carry in any physical stuff. Any powers/soul bound items your character might have, do need to be requested and approved. But otherwise, the future thing isn't a problem.

Also, what's the character name you're joining the guild with so i know who to accept(unless Soifa already has xD)

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Character Biography - Karious Nuance Empty Re: Character Biography - Karious Nuance

Post  Higura Sat May 25, 2013 9:23 pm

Yeah, I know how subjective the future is. He didn't bring anything with him except knowledge from his past life.

The alt is "Karious", I haven't yet sent an application to the guild stone with him, because I was unsure if Soifa wanted approvals across the board, or what.
Kosher Dill Troll
Kosher Dill Troll

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Character Biography - Karious Nuance Empty Re: Character Biography - Karious Nuance

Post  Xeek Sun May 26, 2013 11:18 am

You can already submit the request xD Since you were not kicked or anything you don't have to reapply.

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