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Dranis's Alt: Thyntos's Biography.

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Dranis's Alt: Thyntos's Biography. Empty Dranis's Alt: Thyntos's Biography.

Post  Dranis Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:25 am

Note: Bio is pretty long.. Ya sorry about that, I got a little carried away Hope that everyone reads the whole thing. who knows it might even be good.

Element: None.
Race: Elf of Lathura

Class: Ranger/Bowman. He does keep a shield equiped along with a sword usually, But he is more skilled with a bow.
Sex: Male
Equipment: He carries around two bows, a Shortbow and a Longbow. Both used for diffrent circumstances. He doesn't wear any type of armor as far as anyone can tell, only the light clothing of the elves. Must explain his ability to move faster then most.

Appearance: Medium Stature, Seems like he would be q quite person. his face expression even looks as if though he always has something depressing on his mind he doesn't even appear to be any type of threat to anything. More of just a normal misplaced person.
Age: unknown.
Weight: 140 pounds.
Height: 5'6"
Skin Color: aslmost white, seems to have a pale look.
Tattoos: some on his face, he claims them to be the some sorta of design the elves of his position get.

Mental Description: Doesn't seem to be smart at all.. But those who know him will say otherwise.
Physical Description: he looks very travel warn.

Background: Thyntos comes from a group of elves that call themselves the Lathura short for Lathuraletinthas which no one really even knows what this word in some acient langauge stands for other then they elves they are.

These elves consider themselves skilled and are ignorant to the word. None of them actually ever even leave they're home in their forest. They all stick together as one and feel that their strength alone can withstand any force. They refuse to make allies and also refuse to interact with any race, even other elves, other then their own.

The day Tyntos was born was during the exact moments a monster named Grathalis or commonly called by human, Giant Hellbeast. was felled by the elves of Lathura in the attempt to protect thier, at the time not so peaceful home from attack. This being a big achivement among the elves, cuased for a celebration. So indeed instead of the birth of a Lathura elf, which was normally celebrated amongst the people, as a new born ment the prolonging of their people, was not celebrated. Thyntos's brith went unnoticed every Lathura elf was celebrating thier victory over Grathalis instead of the birth of Thyntos. Even his own father was not seen. The only person who witnessed Thynto's birth was his mother. Due to the fact she as the one giving birth to him. Thyntos was born in his mother's house, But since there was no one around to treat her, Thyntos's mother died giving birth.

Thyntos grew up with his father. His father being a scout for the elves of Lathura was not around very often. So as Thyntos aged he begun to learn things on his own, takeing this experience and learning from it to further better his knowledge. there was never any schooling with the elves of Lathura. Every elf was put to the task of teaching thier young ones the ways of the Lathura elves, but since Thyntos had no mother, and his father was never around, he had to learn on his own by observing the other elves around him.

Thyntos father was never proud of him. After all Thyntos was the reason the one he loved was dead. So out of longing for attention and loveing from his father he sought of to become a scout and trained extremely hard to become the best of the best. He trained daily, even nightly he trained whenever he had the time. Runing around steathfully, target praticting and even some skill with a blade, which only the most skilled scouts even carried one, let only use one. The only time Thyntos was not training was during his observations of his people, or the little time he used to read up on the world around him.

Thyntos joined the scouts of Lathura when he was merely 12 the youngest scout known in the history of the Lathura elves, but yet he achived his goal of becoming a scout. It was all he wanted, Thyntos who had trained his whole life quickly passed through the ranks of the scouts and got his runic markings when he was only 16. Again the youngest elf to ever achive thier runic scout marking's at such a young age. At the age of 18 Thyntos was would become a elf Scout captain.

Though Thyntos was a great scout no other elf liked him, or even came near him.Due to the fact That Thyntos's mother died giving him birth, other elves kept their distance and considered him a curse. So Thyntos never had any friends. The closest friend he had was the one who was in command of his movement when he was out scouting. the name of this person was Felintus. He was the head scout you might say, and was incharge of all the Lathura elf scouts sqauds. He gave his commands to the captains of each squad which in turn gave his commands to their squads. Each squad consisted of 4 private ranking scouts and 2 recruits.

Thyntos's who his intire life only wanted to see his father's love by becoming a scout still never happened. Thyntos's father only hated him even more and only saw it as his son getting in the way of his duties. By surpassing even his fathers rank in the scouts of Lathura Thyntos only made his bond with his father grow even more seperate, which was the exact oposite of what he wanted. Thyntos now realising that he would never recive the gift of love from his father, stoped trying to make him happy and started trying harder in his duties.

On Thyntos's 19th birthday, during the celebration of the defeat of Grathalis.Felintus gave Thyntos scouting orders of the perimeter of the lands of Lathuraletinthas, which was unusal for these were rarely givin orders and even more rarely during the celebration of the defeat of Grathalis. But Thyntos trusting his commander Took the orders and did as he was told. He realized that the rest of his squad would want to take the day of due to the celebration so he didn't bother giving them any orders. He let them have their day. He went searching the borders on his own.

Unknown to Thyntos a special mission was being sent out to all scouts which only required 1 scout to complete. Thyntos's father gladly took the mission and told Felintus ith a smile that he would be glad to carry it out.

Thyntos was easily found by his father, hence the fact that Thyntos was givin a message by bird to wait for the arrival of his father. Thyntos did this without question, he was always glad to see his father. When his father arrived Thyntos had a small lunch set out for the both of them, So since they were out away from everyone they might actually be able to talk to one another. Thnyto's father gave the salute that was a must to give to those higher ranking then you. and sat down by a tree. Thyntos tried to bring his father over to eat with him, but his father plainly refused and chose to sit by himself. not allowing Thynots to interact with him. So Thyntos sat and ate the meal he prepared, eating what he could and leaving the rest out for the animals of the forest of Lathuraletinthas. By this time the sun was setting and his scouting mission was complete. Thyntos starting gathering his things and putting them away.

Thyntos remembered about his father. His father being so quiet he total forgot he was with him. Thyntos looked over to the tree he father was sitting at, but his father was no where in site. Thyntos shrugged this off thinknig that his father must of went back early, not even knowing why his father came out in the first place. The message he got only said to wait for his father to reach his position. So he begain to gather his things again. as he did this his eyed widened as his shoulder was grabed and his head suddenly pulled to the position of looking at the sky. Thyntos then looked down his eyes still wide and grabed the object that was sticking through his stomach, not belive what he felt. His hand griped steel, and was instantly soaked in red. Thyntos was so shocked that he was frozen, His vision started to blur and then everything went black.

The blade was yanked from Thyntos as his lifeless body was kicked to the ground.
smileing his father wiped his blade clean of Thyntos's blood on the his sons back and carried his body to the border and tossed it over. No one noticed Thyntos's disappearence and quite frankly no one cared.

Thyntos awoke as if he was haveing a bad dream when he opened his eyes his nightmare got even worse. He had no clue where he was. He was no longer on the soft soiled ground of Lathuraletinthas instead he was in some place he had never seen before. Everything was white and then he heard a voice calling his name. He looked around to find a beautiful woman Beckoning. him over. as he talked to this woman he found out that her name was Nao and that he had entered the spirit world of Erinn. He was givin a choice of starting a new life in the world of Erinn or to move on to the spirit world of his people.

Knowing that he would never find comfort in the place of spirits with his people, due to being murdered by his own people he took the choice of living a new life. and this is how his life began on Erinn.

Last edited by Dranis on Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:28 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Eh, GOing to be editing it alot " unnoticed spelling mistakes ")
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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Dranis's Alt: Thyntos's Biography. Empty Re: Dranis's Alt: Thyntos's Biography.

Post  Kenelm Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:00 am

"jestering"? I believe the root word you are looking for is "gesture"...

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Dranis's Alt: Thyntos's Biography. Empty Re: Dranis's Alt: Thyntos's Biography.

Post  Dranis Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:43 am

Ya there will probably be more then one mistake in there gramatical or spelling. kinda tired when I wrote it, not to mention the fact that I always have a few mistakes here and there.
Gummy Bear
Gummy Bear

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