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CaptinCrunch - The Unautorized Biography

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CaptinCrunch - The Unautorized Biography Empty CaptinCrunch - The Unautorized Biography

Post  Captincrunch Mon Jun 14, 2010 1:08 pm

Name: Captincrunch. Why that name? It was the first thing that popped into his head. Most prefer to just call him Cap.

Age: Not a clue .... looks like a young adult now .... was a preteen for decades, if not longer.

Birth Race: Human is what he has been called so he takes people at their word but then again, people have been wrong before.

Family: He was married for a almost 50 years.
Wife: Jinnhinn - lost during the Wraith assault on Erin.
Children: At least 6 if not more, of which 3 became adventurers.

Hobbies: Fishing, singing, cooking, fishing, guitar, fishing, handy crafts, fishing, camping, fishing.....

Weapon of Choice: Leather Longbow and Artemis specifically, that flirtatious Spirit. He will take up other arms as the need or when the whim takes him.

Hair Color: Silver white

Eye Color: Piercing Deep Blue

Height: 5' 8" but has varied back and forth over the years

Weight: ~147 lbs. but yet again this varies as well.

Favorite Food: His food preferences have expanded a bit since the early years but he still avoid poultry as the main ingredient in any dish he eats.

Theme Song: Nowhere man - Beatles, Fire-bird suite for when a real battle ensues.

Entry to Erinn: His memory of how and what happened is all rather fuzzy. It is even more of a puzzle for him more than those around him since his amnesia is not specific but sporadic and ever changing. One day he may remember the name of his dad and the next where he lived at one tome but forgetting what he knew the day before. To make things even more challenging for those around him, his day to day memory seems to fade in and out.

According to Treffor, who as a good friend has been paying attention, the following is the story of who and what Cap was/is.

Cap was actually James Keegan. A single man of middling years who worked as a physics(a type of magic?) researcher in a telecommunications (a type of magical owl system) company. When not at work he would spend as much time either fishing, camping and cycling (a mechanical horse?) in the summer or as the acting captain of the local hockey team (a game played on a frozen pond wearing knives on the bottoms of your boots). He had earned acclaim, infamy and his nickname from his ability and skill with a game move called a check. He was able to overcome much larger and stronger opposing players due to his nimbleness on the ice.

All well and good, any listener would say, but what happened to him that he ended up here?

Do you remember that job of his where he worked with the owls? Well, it so happens that he was recently assigned to work on some new systems to make them usable on a day to day basis. Stronger faster more intelligent owls. Now the rest is just too magically complex for interpretation so bear with me as I use the terms he used when he remembered.

I was performing some of the last calibrations on three of the less than cooperative quantum computing modules and the multi-axis phase array when someone started up another piece of experimental equipment in another part of the lab. They had set up a resonant photon ring and were tuning it up for an experiment to be conducted tho following day. Somehow the unrelated pieces of equipment began to interact harmonically on the subatomic level. There was a flash of light and an ovoid (I think that means egg shaped) volume of space right next too me shimmered and opened, but not like a door, but more as a space. On the other side of this door however, was not the other side of the laboratory. In fact, as he peered closer, there didn't seem to be anything there. Just then I lost my balance, and its pretty hard to steady yourself grasping at literally nothing. The next thin I knew was as if I were floating, drifting in a lazy stream. After a minute of panic, I bemusedly didn't even feel like complaining. It was as if the stresses simply melted away, leaving a consciousness that was calm, serene, empty...

"Cap" a goddess called out to him.
"Welcome to Erinn."

Character History with Player: I was originally going to play up the idea of the bone breaker hockey enforcer from the Marlies but after playing him for a bit in his amnesiac state I quickly decided to bring his hobbies to the fore as his reason for being. The skirt, kilt thing? He thinks he is Irish, so he must be Irish even though most know the kilt is a sottish form of garb. Like I said, the Cap is a might bit confused.
In the ensuing years it has been revealed that there are other underlying personalities within Cap. Are they different aspects or are they different being in possession of Cap?

Cap, as has been revealed over time, is one very mixed up dude.
Not only is he missing a few chunks of his personal past but even his present is, as he describes it, a bowl of cottage cheese.

Strengths, abilities and skills
Physical statistics - same as a normal human
Skills - as per a normal human
Movement - as per normal human
Combat - as per normal human
Extraordinary skill - Knowledge - He knows nearly anything and everything engineering or science based - unfortunately he doesn't remember any of it most times [Int 300+ and growing]
Extraordinary trait - No Fear - it is a part of his psyche that just isn't there. He knows the concept and can pull off faking it.
Extraordinary trait - Natural Charm - He is totally oblivious to this power but he is just likable - if he wasn't such a nice guy he would be competition for all the perverts and sociopaths.
Note: Cap does have access to some of his other persona's abilities to varying degrees at different times but he has no clue that they are not his abilities.

Not Cap - Eyes of Red
Those who have seen him manifested see a very tall, very thin and pale man with white hair, red eyes and saffron robes.
Physical statistics - same as a human with extraordinary dexterity and intelligence but very low strength and stamina
Skills - as per a normal human
Movement - as per normal
Extraordinary movement - Teleportation Magics - good old wax wings, channel change and continental warp
Extraordinary ability - Converse with Spirits, Felines and Fae.
Extraordinary skill - Arch Magus - Has knowledge and access to powers outside the norm. Unfortunately for him the laws of magic in Erinn and Caps physical capacity to handle such power has cut him short to the normal advanced magics. [ number ranks in all of them - this is the one who actually did all the blowing up of stuff ] He can attempt to use more powerful magics but they require extraordinary materials or extended casting rituals and times. [plot device - if he spends a few minutes spouting gibberish either run, hide or try and interrupt him at your peril ]
Extraordinary trait - Child of Chaos - Is equally resistant to the forces of light and dark for both benefit or woe. [ Plot device since Cap is not resistant outside of the norm ]
Extraordinary Magical ability - Pact of the Elder Spirits - summon servants of the animal elders at will. [ pets ] He can also invoke the pact with elders directly if the need arises but this takes time and effort and can not be done on a whim [ Plot device - he is not going to bother unless bribed somehow] [ One of the reasons for MU sticking around ]

Not Cap - Eyes of Gold
Nobody has seen him manifest as yet.
Physical statistics - Extraordinary intelligence and stamina
Movement - Can Fly [ flying pets ]
Extraordinary ability - Converse with Dragons. Draconian senses.
Extraordinary skill - Ancient knowledge of far flung realities and realms. Philosopher and poet.
Extraordinary trait - Child of Dragons [ Plot device - Another reason MU hangs with Cap ]

Not Cap - Paladin form
Those who have seen him manifested see a very tall form in ornate ancient armor.
The only clue to his presence is the voice ringing hollow from within the armor completely devoid of emotion.
Physical statistics - extraordinary physical statistics
Skills - as per a normal human with emphasis on bow and sword.
Movement - as per normal
Extraordinary ability - Lay on of hands. Heal with but a touch and the visible transfer of spiritual energy. [ Healing / First Aid number ranks ]
Extraordinary ability - True sight - Is able to see the aura of things and the truth behind facades and illusions if looking for them. [ plot device and is a contest of will between the two if actively resisted/hidden ]
Extraordinary trait - Child of Light - Is attuned to the powers of light and is recognized as such by similar beings
Extraordinary Magical ability - Has access to a limited assortment of divine spells and abilities [ Plot device spells that all take time to cast and can be resisted or just have limited duration - a spell list will be posted before any are manifested ]

Not Cap - Eyes of Green
Nobody has seen him manifest as yet but his presence has been noted in the past.
Physical statistics - same as a human with extraordinary dexterity and cunning. Unfortunately stark raving mad.
Skills - as per a normal human plus stealth and a fondness of shooting things in the back, the front or just stabbing them a lot.
Movement - as per normal
Extraordinary movement - movement Magics - good old wax wings and continental warp plus RP effects like spider climbing or sky high jumping.
Extraordinary ability - Converse with inanimate objects. Sometimes they even answer him back.
Extraordinary skill - Tinkerer / Mad Scientist / Artificer [ Alchemy ]
Extraordinary trait - Child of Madness - Is totally immune to any mind affecting abilities but his mind is also near totally ineffective. [ who do you think keeps stirring the cottage cheese ]


I think that is enough for now even though there are others hidden within the maelstrom that is Cap.

Over the years I have added to the unpublished lore of who he really was before he fell through that hole in space-time.
A research scientist with a propensity for hockey, if some knew to ask the right questions, would not have the breadth of knowledge that is buried in that head of his.

The true story of where that hole took him and what happened there has as yet to be uncovered by anyone.
The only things revealed over the years to those who have spent time with him is that he jokingly mentioned that he had his own coffee mug in Nao's cottage, and that at odd times he seemed to just fade from view life a mirage. Due to the radical changes in the world, neither has been occurring as often.

Who and what the others are has developed over the same time period from just red eyes to the others that have appeared in that same time span.

MU, of course, was something that was dropped into my lap during an extended RP set and is a character all his own.
An ancient fairy drake refugee arriving via Tir-Na-Nog with all that implies, both with the extraordinary power balanced by a lazy lackadaisical nature with a good solid prankster streak, that does not take insults from "yung-uns" lightly.

I will be adding updates, if and when an RP somewhere cracks through the wall of innocent naivety and help this poor confused soul find himself and the truth of who and what he is.

Posts : 2470
Join date : 2008-04-16
Age : 114
Location : Armpit of '

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