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Better Bio: Allie Shri'vay (Body Alt for Glacia)

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Better Bio: Allie Shri'vay (Body Alt for Glacia) Empty Better Bio: Allie Shri'vay (Body Alt for Glacia)

Post  Glaceon Thu Feb 28, 2013 11:44 am

Name: Allie Shri'vay
Gender: Female
Race: Ice Cat-human (Mammalian Hybrid-Template)
Age: 18-20.
Eye Color: Blue/Hazel
Hair Color: Light blue, Dyed Red sometimes.
Personality/Bio: Allie has now gotten over her distaste of outdoors for a while now. Most of her time is spent cooking and then having people tastetest her food for honest opinions. Her looks make one not notice she is Glacia's daughter, and she tends to hide her cat features to appear more human, probably to be accepted by society. Her goal is still to be a Master Chef, and her current job position only helps her on the way. She works for "Auntie" Soifa, more specifically with her on the new Cafe, preparing foods, and will likely also work as a waitress. She's very proud of the food she makes, and can be seen setting a small table up to have people tastetest her foods every now and again. She has no intimate interests, but has found someone who likes tasting her food.
Unlike her mother, she doesn't mind the rain. However, like her mother, her history has seen her growing out of most of her weaknesses within being a cat-hybrid.
Combat: No actual combat experience, but is a Cleric and Bard.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

Posts : 2990
Join date : 2010-10-26
Age : 33
Location : Somewhere in Johto..

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