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Vira (New Glacia)

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Vira (New Glacia) Empty Vira (New Glacia)

Post  Glaceon Fri Mar 01, 2013 7:57 pm

Name: Vira
Gender: Female
Race: Mammalian Hybrid (Fox/Cat. No animal features present.)
Hair Color: Varies, usually Red or Brown.
Eye Color: Red or Brown, but can vary.
Age: Late Teens
Favorite Weapon: Rapier.
Class: Edge Fencer
Personality: Her personality is more calm, but she sometimes tends to be naive and energetic, boasting playfulness and friendliness. She has memory issues, usually not being able to remember where she is from. However, she dislikes that topic and usually urges a different one be brought up. She stands up often for what she believes is right, and has quite the bit of Moxie, and will be strong to protect anyone who is close or in need of help.
Bio: The explosion left her soul scarred, and her memories gone. She had only become a fragment of what she once was, but this was a good thing. The girl left the soul stream, unsure of what she would do in this world. She emerged at a dungeon, and saw a man by the entrance, torn up and about to die. " family was slaughtered by the horrible beast within the depths of the must avenge is my last wish." The man offered a Rapier to her, his only weapon. The girl had no idea how to properly use one, but caught on quickly. The dungeon went fairly fast, when she arrived at the boss door. Inserting the key, she went into the room, and was greeted by two golems, both dark in color. Using the rapier and the magic she knew, she made quick work of the golems. However, the family she was sent to avenge was long dead. She exited, and saw the man had passed away while she was in the dungeon. He had left a note for her. The girl picked it up and read it. "If you are reading this, I thank you for avenging my family. Take the sword and use it. I am not long for this world, as I must go greet my family in the afterlife. I shall pray that you always find strength in your travels." The writing faded off from there. The girl took the rapier, and bought clothes she thought to fit her new weapon well. Giving a nod to herself in the mirror, the girl left, off to explore the rest of the world.

((Granted she is still DEAD, but this is the bio for when she is back up. When I think up a good name, I'll update the bio. For now, she has no memory of her name.
Glas Ghoblehht
Glas Ghoblehht

Posts : 2990
Join date : 2010-10-26
Age : 33
Location : Somewhere in Johto..

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