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Sain's Bios.

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Sain's Bios. Empty Sain's Bios.

Post  Lenaliere Thu Sep 06, 2012 1:28 am

Traditional RPG Bios

Len Kida
Mage Swordsman
An eighteen year old human boy named Len who was born and raised in Emain Macha by his father, who was a Paladin. Len was always reading or studying as a child, and knowledge was his number one priority. Upon reaching the age of five, he started being trained in the ways of the sword. He was trained by his father to be a swordsman. He loved it dearly, to be with his father, but what he wanted most was to be a magician.

Upon learning this, Len's father sent his then thirteen year old son to study in Dunbarton. While he did become a great spellcaster, Len continued to practice with his sword, and he now incorporates both the sword and the spell in his fighting type. When Len turned seventeen it came time to graduate. He was an average student, and so his graduation ceremony was nothing special. As he ran outside the school, he dreamt of all the adventures he'd have. With a smile, he exclaimed, "With this, I'll keep working to develop a fighting type of my own!"

Len has now been traveling for one year, and after a year of trying his best to train, he's decided to return to Dunbarton to see the town one more time.

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Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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Sain's Bios. Empty Re: Sain's Bios.

Post  Lenaliere Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:03 pm

I updated the Bio, tweaked it, and seperated the paragraphs a bit.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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Sain's Bios. Empty Re: Sain's Bios.

Post  Lenaliere Tue Sep 18, 2012 3:39 pm


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Len - Len Taro (potato) Kida is a magical boy in the 11th grade with the ability to transform into a Super Form. He used to be a singer, and has an amazing lung capacity. While in his normal form, Len acts innocent, oblivious, and is a generally good guy with a helpful nature. After transforming, Len turns into Swaggerpants McAwesome. While gaining an exponential boost to his meager strength, Len gains the swordsmanship of his ancestors, and the ego of a pretty boy. He even sparkles like one after the transformation! His transformation is known of because he uses it during the occasional acting he does (both video and 'real life'), but it is seen as "Smoke and Mirrors" by many ignorant people.

- Calm!Len Enjoys various games and being overall helpful.
-Calm!Len is smart, albeit oblivious.
-If Calm!Len ever gets into a fight, he is quick to try to run. If that is not an option, he attempts to silently fight back.
-Swaggerpants!Len is less intelligent, but cannot be classified as an idiot.
-Swaggerpants!Len does indeed shout out the names of his moves. It increases their power by 10%
-Swaggerpants!Len enjoys being friendly and helpful.
-Len (Both Calm!Len and Swaggerpants!Len) enjoy the Beastie Boys. Intergalactic is their favorite song. They love almost all music though.
-The transformation sequence can be viewed here
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Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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Sain's Bios. Empty Re: Sain's Bios.

Post  Lenaliere Fri Sep 28, 2012 3:59 pm

Arriving in Erinn AU

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Len: A 9 year old boy who arrived in Erinn. He has bright blonde hair and calm blue eyes. He loves reading and writing stories, but he also enjoys the occasional expedition for knowledge too. Despite being 9, he loathes hyperactivity, and cringes at the sight of idiocy. His greatest fear is having a hyperactive best friend.


-Len has a great fear of falling. Heights are alright though.
-Although he acts mature, Len still enjoys the taste of baked sweets.
-His favorite color is Orange
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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Sain's Bios. Empty Re: Sain's Bios.

Post  Lenaliere Mon Oct 01, 2012 5:46 pm

Mabinogi AU
Player Name: Ben Satrien.
Player's Bio: Ben Satrien is a twenty (20) year old college student who is studying to be a game designer in the United States. Ever since eighth (8th) grade, Ben has been interested in video games of all types. When he entered high school, he took as many engineering classes and computer animation classes as he could. He also participated in the Robotics team, which taught him a bit more about programs and programming. As a nineteen (19) year old college student, Ben was infatuated with a Nexon game called Mabinogi. It was truly a virtual reality, and he couldn't believe it. He created a human and had fun playing around with his college buddies. Then he saw it. A rare sword that he didn't have! Of course, he couldn't wait to get one, and it was rarer at the time than it is now. He did what any logical man would do in his position and hacked the account of the girl who owned the sword. He took all of her possessions that weren't equipped, plus the sword that was. However, after taking her things, he felt guilty about what he'd done. How old was that girl? How much did she love the game? Ben couldn't help but think of these things.

Ben gave the game up for about a month, and then he came back with a resolve that would have made the most gallant of men bow with respect. Even though it was just a game, Ben was determined to find the girl whose things he stole. For a few months after that, he had no progress, and his nerves were getting to him. Over the course of a few months, Ben dyed all of the girl's things different colors, and found her new things. He planned to team up with the girl, and whenever they "split up", he would come back with a new item for her. He believed this would be easy... Until it came to the sword. The girl is back now, and Ben, who has her character's names memorized from when he hacked her, is ready to jump on this chance!
Favored Players: Len, Mero
Favored Class: Ranger (Not an archer, a ranger is an all around character in a few games), Mage Knight (Combination between mage and swordsman), and Martial Artist.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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Sain's Bios. Empty Re: Sain's Bios.

Post  Lenaliere Thu Oct 11, 2012 8:43 pm

TF AU Recap for the final battle(Len)
Len: Len was just leaving the town of Dunbarton when he recognized an old face. His classmate Mariella. Why she was travelling with a bunch of men, he did not know, but he was curious anyway. After finding out that Mari's sister, Vorelanon, was missing, Len decided that it was time to follow in his father's footsteps and go on an adventure with friends. Len followed this strange group of various characters as they traveled around Uladh until they reached Cobh (they took the scenic route around Uladh before going to Cobh, Dunbarton's Neighbor City). They found Lady Vorelanon there, and then proceeded to take her home to Belvast. After a wonderful welcome to the island nation, things quickly went south. First, it was revealed that hardly anyone in the group had manners, Len included. The group probably would have been killed if the queen, Vorelanon and Mari's 'mother' hadn't felt like using them for a quest.

To make sure that the group would not change their mind, the queen had a druid put a curse on them. Each one of the group lost what they valued most. Len had said trust and his friends. Immediately afterwards, he realized what would happen. His fear of being backstabbed and abandoned would increase. The queen then sent them off on their journey to re-place some artifacts around the world. The gang started in Iria, where Len started to get awfully angry, although he was smart enough to hide it for a while. At first, he became angry with Adir, who had run off past several destinations to go home. Len dealt with all of this though, and even maintained a calm demeanor as the group chased after him. In fact, Len tried to keep himself occupied with one question. How the deuce did Adir run off so fast!

After arriving in Filia, Len couldn't handle facing Adir, believing that he would flip out, so he stayed quiet the whole time. Later, they went to Longa Dungeon to place one of the artifacts down and have a bit of their seal removed. After having a bit of his seal removed, Len was eager to get to the next destination, and quickly left Longa, but soon began to have doubts. Why hadn't they all come out yet. Was there something that he had missed? Regardless, the group decided to head towards Karu forest, with Len feeling uneasy.

During their desert travels, Len got lost, and had a bit of a mental fight with himself alone.
"People expect of others what they see of themselves. Are you the same as them?"
"No! I'm not a backstabber."
"So why do you expect them to backstab you?"
"I... It's the curse!"
"As a man of logic, do you believe in that?"
"As a Mage Knight, I do!"

Len continued to argue with himself until he found the group huddled around the fish mark. Feeling more relieved, Len stayed quiet around the group, ignoring any questions.

Eventually, the group departed again and left to go towards Karu forest. Upon arriving there, they found the Lycan form of Adhamh. He had been hunting. After having a little respite, the gang dove into Karu Dungeon! Inside, they faced perils, puzzles, and a difficulty level that can only be described as the Celtic Water Temple. At one point, there was even an internal fight. Adhamh made Mari cry, and then Vorelanon got into a physical fight with Adhamh. Vayne, who wanted to stop Adhamh's rampage one might assume, and Len, who had developed a crush on Vorelanon, leapt into action. With a burning flame that could only be described as the man's single bond of justice, the two were able to injure and hold off Adhamh. When the fighting was complete, the group continued on, feeling more exhausted and tense than ever. After all of this, Len was expecting to have his seal removed a little more. Right?

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Len's gut had been right! That teacher, Basil, hadn't gotten injured! He'd ditched them! Oh how angry he'd been... For a man who couldn't learn because of the curse, Basil sure whipped up a good plan. Len was so angry that he wanted to go chasing after the man he had called 'teacher'. However, he knew that he couldn't leave and go too far. He waited for the group.

After a while, the group exited. All except for Adir... Len would have stayed behind and waited for Adir, but the group had to start leaving. Len didn't want to stay behind, so he considered it them ditching him, not the other way around.

There was an uneventful runthrough of Maiz Prarie Dungeon. Too easy, one might say.

Before they could reach Courcle though, the group had been delayed. Adhamh and Mithos crossed over to Courcle, and the man in white, Whom Len refers to as a "Bandit" or "Steven" in his mind, had stopped them. Worst of all, Adhamh blew up the bridge! With Mithos and Adhamh gone, Len thought himself to be the leader, second to Sir Desmond Swift, the oldest member of the group. Len was able to help talk their way out of a fight however, and quickly went with the rest of the group across the bridge. Len believed Adhamh to be the one to have destroyed the bridge, seeing as how he was the alchemist. While he did still have some respect for Mithos, Adhamh was on the "Watch" List.

On the way to Courcle, Mariella and Zain got stuck with Len when they had to find the others. Len's curse started to get the best of him again, and he started putting thoughts of betrayal into their minds. Mariella got scared and began to run off, and both Zain and Len chased after her. Eventually, the three caught up to the main group and they continued to Cor.

The gang thought that Cor would be a great place to relax, since they'd been so overworked. Everyone ended up taking a mini-vacation, with Len going to the spa with a few others. There, they sat in a mud bath and talked about their romantic preferences, and everyone enjoyed the vacation a bit, even Adhamh, who had been in the sauna. In the Sauna, Len saw his father, who gave him some advice on how to find some parts for an alchemic project he had been working on. Len nodded, and went with the others to Physis.

In Physis, Len didn't really do much. His importance was really lacking. At the least, their

When Len reached Zardine with the others, he had finally pinpointed the direct location of what he was looking for. First, he asked if someone would help him. Mithos was the one to volunteer. Luckily, by this time, the Mana Tunnels were working again! The two men used a mana tunnel to get as close as they could, and trekked the rest of the way through the Arctic Tundra. After getting ambushed by a giant worm and finding an ice crystal, Len took Mithos back to Zardine. In Zardine, Len harvested some Sulfer gas, and acquired a Volcano Lizard Scale. With these ingrediants, he tinkered to create a Beam Sword. While it was only a prototype, it was truly an excellent thing!

After reuniting with the group, they learned a bit more about their situation. For one, The Queen was a -cluster censor- who didn't care much for her adopted children (Yes, they found out that Mari and Vorelanon, as well as their other brother whom Len hadn't really cared for [Marion] were adopted). Len, learning this, believed that things needed to be changed FAST. He believed that the group should start leading the world. With what they've gone through, he believed that they wouldn't be as treacherous towards each other as other leaders. Regardless, it didn't matter. What mattered at the time was that they get that curse over with!

With their Iria journey done with, Len and the gang hurried back to Port Qilla, where they saw the Prince of Belvast, Marion. Marion accompanied them to Port Cobh, where they were welcomed by destruction and the undead. Then, Len and Mari's dreaded ex-classmate, Auron, appeared. He had summoned the dead. He had destroyed the town. He had been stalking the team. With a portal, he sent the group to the hell on earth known as Metus Canyon, where they barely survived against several ghosts. During this time, they gained a new team mate, and possibly the strongest. His name was Hyuponia, and he was Mari's best friend.

After barely surviving till morning, the group was teleported back to Cobh. Len was extremely disillusioned about his level of power as. The group kept travelling, and completed Math Dungeon, although they did not heal for it. The group then left for Emain. Len was happy to be going home, realizing that it had been quite some time since he'd seen the pristine environment that is Emain Macha. Upon arriving, Auron had been waiting for them, but he didn't account for Len's father, Sain, being just as good at stalking and hiding as he was. After Auron's departure, Sain crawled out of the Corn fields that he'd been in, and welcomed the gang to Emain Macha. The gang was then led by Len to Rundal Dungeon, and if the fighting weren't enough, Sain and Auron had been Echo fighting the entire time! Len was happy to eventually leave the town after ordering their food...

The gang realized that Kura, another travelling companion, had become a wanted criminal. Len, feeling the urge to be useful, decided to use some of that diplomatic sweetness to get Kura off the wanted list. While the rest of the gang went into Rabbie Dungeon, Len and Zain went to deal with the criminal issue. While doing so, Len fought pirates and even obtained a Pirate hat by beating the captain. By the time they were done, The larger group had finished with Rabbie Dungeon as well. The group finished with another healing session and went for Taillteann. Once arriving, they stayed at an inn.

At the inn, Mari was kidnapped in her sleep. Zain and Vorelanon, and Len were extremely infuriated, and Len, along with the remaining members of the gang, followed Zain and Vorelanon's charge into the Castle of Abb Neagh, where Mari was taken. At the castle, the whole gang was reunited (Including previous traitors Basil and Adir). Len was furious that Basil would show his face again, but kept his cool after assessing the situation. After having a blast in the castle (Literally. There were so many explosions, but I assume that you know my punny nature. \o/) Mari was rescued. Len's clothes were so destroyed by the outfit that he started wearing his short sleeved Alchemist outfit.

The gang then traveled towards Tara. once they arrived, they met with the princess. While Len was taken aback by her looks and kingdom, he still didn't trust outside royals enough. He was right as well. After learning that the man responsible for their healing, a Templar named Ardal, was a traitor, things started getting sketchy. The gang was only able to ask a few questions before getting into a sticky situation. If not for the intereference of Prince Marion giving them a distraction, they might not have escaped. However, due to the distraction, Mithos had Adhamh flung at him, and most of his bones were broken. Len was stuck carrying Mithos in their escape.

After their escape, the gang were taken by more Templars on an air ship. Here, they were all healed of their curses completely. Len felt powerful. He felt amazing!
"This is... Wow! The Power! Yes! We can win! We! Can! Do! This! YEAHHHHHHHH!"

He paced the floor while everyone else decided, and enjoyed the power that came with freedom. When they'd all decided yes, the group was introduced to Templar HQ where they were given a rude welcome. Later on, Len could understand how Zain felt. Having felt rejected before, Len knew that Zain felt rejected by Mari, whom he had been called best friend by,when Hyuponia came into the picture. At this point, Len promised to take him and Vorelanon on a journey around the world by boat. Len traveled around the base a bit with Zain, and looked for a book in the library. However, he felt watched and couldn't find the book anyway, so he just left the books alone. Here, it was revealed that Len was near-sighted and required glasses. (He'd never had to read before, but used his goggles for better sight anyway).

Afterwards, Len teased Zain by pinching his ears, giving him wet willies, y'know... Big brother stuff. Bonding time. They talked and played. Len then had to wish his new little brother good night, and went to bed, hoping that tomorrow would be a better day.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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Sain's Bios. Empty Re: Sain's Bios.

Post  Lenaliere Fri Oct 12, 2012 7:58 pm

A Guardian AU Bio

Len Kida: Len is a 21 year old boy who understands the Guardian Liberation Front's main idea, but believes that the guardians shouldn't fight others by force. However, it seems that he just enjoys to watch people compete against each other. The strategies, combinations, and matches always excite him. During the last tournament, he was too busy with paperwork to actually see the tournament in person all the time, but if another tournament occurs, he's got 85% of the paperwork done. Still, it seems that there's more than meets the eye to this one.
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem
Rock Kandy Mountain Golem

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