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Compendium Of Souls - Adir's Bios

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Compendium Of Souls - Adir's Bios Empty Compendium Of Souls - Adir's Bios

Post  Adir Fri Aug 31, 2012 10:19 pm

Steam Punk

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Adir Franklin Rogers
An immigrant to the Aliech Kingdom who speaks in a very thick and heavy elvish accent. Once you are able to understand what the elf is saying, it turns out he is a bright and intelligent scholar on golems as well as few other subjects under his belt. The young man also has a bum left leg thanks to a polio outbreak that affected him at a young age, so he depends on a wooden cane to help him move around.

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Crown Princess Elnora Hyacinthe Fernande Lanier of Ethul
Hailing from the tiny country of the Kingdom of Ethul, this heiress to the throne decided it was high time to visit other nations in order to prepare herself to be a fit queen for her country. Due to sheltered upbringing in the castle, the Princess may come off as a little ditzy and gullible; but she honestly means well and tries her hardest to understand life outside the castle.

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Morris Grey
Princess Elnora’s personal butler, who has been in service to her since she was a little girl. While he may be getting up in his years he’s still sharp as a tack, and tries to steer the princess in the right direction when he has his eyes on her.

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Luke Grey
Morris’ Grandson who is learning to be a royal butler to the Lanier family under the apprenticeship of his grandfather.

The Princess' Royal Guards
Each one was hand picked by the captain of the guards back at the castle for the trip. They mainly exist to make sure no one gets the bright idea of trying to do harm to the Princess.

Male uniform
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Rick - The world's most lazy guard but surprisingly enough a very good swordsman...when he feels like it.
Rodger - Rick's older brother. The only reason he joined was to keep his brother from slacking off.
Raul - He was a farm hand on his family's diary farm but soon left for the big city for a better education.
Steiner- Oldest member of the princess' royal guards. Tries his best to keep his armor from going rusty.
Roan- Youngest member of the princess' royal guards. Hangs out with Luke when they are both on break.

Female uniform
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Millenia - When the princess is not looking she often hits on Kris. So far her attempts of wooing him have crashed and burned.
Elena - A very sweet and gentle soul that makes people wonder why she joined the guards in the first place
Beatrix -The second oldest member of the guards. When she speaks all of the female guards will listen.
Agrias - Instead of using sword like the rest of the other members, she prefers a good and heavy two handed ax.
Hilda - The daughter of a wealthy merchant that grew bored of the high life.
Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

Posts : 121
Join date : 2009-09-02
Age : 37

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Compendium Of Souls - Adir's Bios Empty Re: Compendium Of Souls - Adir's Bios

Post  Adir Thu Sep 06, 2012 11:38 pm

Traditional Fantasy

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(Alternative costume is still wearing glasses)
Adir Minwu Quail
A fifteen year old starry eyed white mage hailing from a poor farming family. While life for him was rough in the fields he was happy enough to still endure loving teasing from his older brother Hawk and his father Ringo. During the off seasons of farming his mother Lilly gave her sons lessons in white magic. While Hawk did not do well with the lessons, preferring a bow over magic Adir took it like a duck to water. It wasn’t until the loss of his father due to an incurable illness that Adir left his home at the tender age of ten in order to gain a little extra money for his family as well as sharpen his white magic skills.

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NPC: Lilly Maria Quail
A sweet and gentle white mage who is still grieving for the loss of her husband. While she not good at tending to the fields she will take the produce down to the market to sell them.

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NPC: Hawk Josef Quail
An stoic archer who tends to the fields alone ever since his little brother left. He hopes that someday the gods will smile down on the family and shows them mercy.

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NPC: Dainn the Bard

Dainn is---

“ What ho my dear Puppet master!”

Stop playing in the fourth wall Dainn and let me write in peace.

“ Not this time I’m afraid. Your mere and sterilized words cannot properly express my glorious and notorious existence!”

Fine, just introduce yourself to public and get the heck out of the fourth wall before I get the cattle prod.

“ Many thanks my dear puppet master! I am known as Dainn, the finest bard in all the land! Much like my fellow bards I enjoy crossing the lands spreading joy and mirth to all. Of course not everyone enjoys my work, but they are just a bunch of naysayers. So if you see me in a bar with my darling black cat by my side, please come by and say hello! I may have a story or two to tell.”

God I hate that guy..

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(Not shown in the picture - a white cape)
NPC: Dustin
A wandering swordsman. Nothing too special about him beside the fact he’s a nice guy who likes to lend a hand whenever he sees someone in trouble. Still, he can be a tad mysterious since no one has seen his face under his helm.

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NPC: Elnora Marie-Noemie Paquet
Profile coming soon when I get off of my lazy duff and write something decent.

Last edited by Adir on Sun Oct 07, 2012 6:03 pm; edited 2 times in total
Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

Posts : 121
Join date : 2009-09-02
Age : 37

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Compendium Of Souls - Adir's Bios Empty Re: Compendium Of Souls - Adir's Bios

Post  Adir Fri Sep 28, 2012 5:08 pm

Arriving in Erinn

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Lilly Julia Nailo
A young elf Herbalist living in Tir, but traveled from place to place collecting herbs to make medicine to sell to adventurers. With the recent appearances of these strange people called “milletians” it has sparked her greater curiosity on trying to figure them out. Due to a recent incident with her husband not knowing how to properly handle a newborn, Lily carries the child everywhere in a cloth sling on her chest.

Adir Ennio Nailo
A healthy baby boy with a faint fuzz of white hair. Since he was recently born he doesn't do a whole heck of a lot but sleep and make cooing noises. Get it? He just arrived in Erinn? Hur drr.

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Elnora Rosalie Van Cortlandt
A posh girl 11 year old milletian girl. Elnora was recently adopted into a family of knights in the city of Tara after she grew tired of wandering around the world alone and wanted to be in a family. Shockingly enough under all of the lace and ribbons is a novice sword lady in training, just learning that you don’t hold the pointy end of the sword. She absolutely loves dogs.
Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

Posts : 121
Join date : 2009-09-02
Age : 37

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Post  Adir Fri Oct 12, 2012 5:51 pm

Guardian AU

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(Not pictured:Clear fairy wings)
(Duo: Spark Fairy) The Wonderful and Magical Fairy Witch Honey Bee, Bea
Originally just your average run of the mill fairy, she quickly grew tired of her cute fairy appearance. However thanks to finding Kino’s hidden stash of Magical Girl comic books and DVDs in his room the fairy decided she wanted to be a magical girl. After much asking (read sprinkling as much fairy dust she could get her hands on to make Kino sparkle every day until she got what the little honey comb wanted) she finally got a new fabulous outfit, along with a new “identity” to go with it.

In all honestly she’s not a very good witch. Her “potions” are made with questionable items that she finds laying around the house or whatever Kino or Elnora brings back for her, and she only knows one single spell which is affectionately called Rainbow Starry Sky Honey Love Spark. The spell is just one gigantic multi colored laser beam that may or may not give the anyone around the beam elliptic seizure before doing some real damage.

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(Duo: Rose and Blade) Elnora Stierwalt
To simply put it, Elnora is not altogether 95% on the time. The girl tends to stare off into space, follows “invisible bubbles” with her eyes, or wander off in deep thought completely unaware of her surroundings. Thankfully Kris tries his best to keep her from wandering too far from civilization or get hit by bus. Beside her strange quirk this soft spoken girl is a fairly nice person.
Kandy Korn Ogre
Kandy Korn Ogre

Posts : 121
Join date : 2009-09-02
Age : 37

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